General Description
History |
Chemistry Department was established in 1998 as a Department of Faculty of Arts and Sciences which turned out later the Faculty of Science in 2008. Chemistry Department consists of Analytical, Biochemistry, Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry as main scientific branches. Department of Chemistry offers one year English Preparatory School. Graduate study is also available in Chemistry both at Master s and PhD level by the coordination of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. |
Qualification Awarded |
Ph.D. in Chemistry |
Level of Qualification |
Third Cycle (Doctorate Degree) |
Specific Admission Requirements |
Second Cycle (Master's Degree) diploma; minimum 80/100 or 3/4 Cumulative Grade Point Average, minimum score of 60 from the National Central Graduate Education Entrance Examination (ALES) in the related field; a minimum score of 70 from the graduate school entrance exam; a minimum score of 60 from the nation-wide Foreign Language Exam ( YDS ) or equivalent score from an exam accredited by YÖK. |
Specific Arrangements for Recognition of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal) |
According to the Regulations of Dokuz Eylül University for Graduate Schools, students may be accepted for graduate transfer with the approval of the Department Directorate and decision of the Board of Directors of the Graduate School in case the student fulfills the graduate transfer regulations decided by the General Council of the Graduate School. Previously taken courses at another graduate programme with a successful grade may be recognized by the related programmes with the written request of the students including course contents and the transcript, and by the recommendation of the Department Directorates and by the decision of the Board of Directors. The courses taken by the outgoing Exchange students may have the recognition at the school either as compulsory or elective by the decision of the Board of Directors. |
Qualification Requirements and Regulations |
4 years, 2 semesters per year, 16 weeks per semester, 240 ECTS in total. |
Profile of the Programme |
The Department contains five subdivisions; analytical, bio-, inorganic, physical and organic chemistry. The Chemistry graduate program s includes one-year English language preparation period followed by 2 years for M.Sc. and four years for Ph. D. works. Chemistry graduate degrees programs are designed to provide the students the high academicals levels of chemistry. The first year courses mainly consist of general graduate level selective chemistry courses and one compulsory mathematic course. The elective courses include analytical, bio-, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry main areas. After these courses, M.Sc and Ph.D. thesis also include laboratory studies to provide technical skills necessary to enter their career as chemists. It was mainly aimed to give the students an analytical approach for solving any problem and handling complex information as well as the laboratory experience. The program consists of a total of twenty two academicians . |
Key Learning Outcomes |
Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples |
Our graduates are qualified to work in food analysis, water-waste water analysis and environmental analysis, biochemistry laboratories, research-development centers, hospitals and also in quality certification education and environmental advisory companies. It is also possible to work in the area of work safety experts. Alumni of the Chemistry Department also serve as researchers, practitioners and consultants in production quality control departments and in development of production methods (R & D) in various industry organizations. Job opportunities for them in the research units of public and private organizations are very high. |
Access to Further Studies |
May apply to post doctorate programmes. |
Course Structure Diagram with Credits |
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading |
Related items of Dokuz Eylül University Regulations of Graduate Education and Exams and related items of Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences Regulations of Education and Code of Practicing Exams are applied for the exams and course grades. |
Graduation Requirements |
Third Cycle (Doctor of Philosophy) Programme is comprised of courses (at least 67 ECTS),Ph.D.Seminar (5 ECTS), Ph. D. Research (18 ECTS) / Ph. D. Thesis (150 ECTS) courses, thesis proposal, doctoral qualifying examination and thesis examination with a total credit of 240 ECTS. Students must have minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.50 / 4.00 and completed all the courses with at least CB / S / TP grades. |
Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning ) |
Full-time |
Programme Director or Equivalent |
Chairman:Prof. Dr.Melek MERDİVAN |