: General Admission and Registration Procedures

General Admission Requirements

a) Admission and Registration of Students from Turkey

Associate Degree / Undergraduate (Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS))

Admission and placement procedures in higher education are carried out through centralized examinations, the principles of which are determined by the Council of Higher Education and conducted by the Assessment, Selection and Placement Center (OSYM). Detailed information about placement exams can be found at https://www.osym.gov.tr
Registration, examination and evaluation of the students are carried out in accordance with the Higher Education Law No. 2547, the relevant legislation and the decisions of the Council of Higher Education. These transactions are carried out by the Registrar's Office and the relevant regulations and directives can be reached at https://ogrenci.deu.edu.tr
Our University;

• Buca Faculty of Education, Art Education and Music Teaching programs,
• Other programs of the Faculty of Fine Arts, except Animation Film Design and Direction, Film Design and Writing, Film Design and Direction, Photography, Editing and Audio and Video Management programs,
• All programs of the State Conservatory,
• All programs of the Faculty of Sport Sciences
the students are accepted with the result of special ability exam.
Special Ability Exam schedule and application conditions https://ogrenci.deu.edu.tr is announced.
The candidates who have settled in our university records, e-government (is www.turkiye.gov.tr) via "electronic recording method" or "personally came to our university enrollment method" They do this in two ways.

Information about the registration process is announced on the web site of our university (www.deu.edu.tr).
Candidates who prefer the electronic registration method can do the course registrations if they submit the required documents on the dates announced by our units.
In addition, students enrolled in the secondary education programs by electronic registration method are required to pay the tuition fees before enrolling the course.
Candidates who come to our university personally prefer the registration method after completing the pre-registration process from the “DEBİS Entrance” step and submit their required documents for registration to our faculties / schools on the specified dates and places and complete their final registrations. Registration is not possible with post or missing documents.
In order to start or continue their education, students are required to fulfill their financial obligations determined by Article 46 of Law No. 2547 and other relevant legislation. Period / course registration, course taking / dropping and fulfillment of financial obligations are determined and announced on the board of directors of the related units two weeks before the beginning of the related semester courses and one week after the courses start.
A student who does not fulfill these conditions or does not register for a semester / course without an excuse accepted by the board of directors of the related unit cannot continue his education in that semester or year.

Application and Selection Exams for Graduate Studies:
Candidates receiving at least 55 points from the type of program applied by the Academic Personnel and Graduate Education Entrance Exam (ALES) conducted by the Assessment, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) can apply to graduate programs. However, it is not necessary to enter ALES for applications to the arts and conservatory departments.

Application for PhD and Proficiency in Art and Selection Exams:
Candidates who get at least 60 points from the Academic Personnel and Graduate Education Entrance Examination (ALES) conducted by the Assessment, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) and who get an equal score from the central foreign language exams accepted by YÖK or equivalent international foreign language exams  for the program they applied for can apply to PhD and proficiency in arts education programs. However, it is not necessary to enter ALES for applications to the fine arts and conservatory departments. In order to apply for doctoral programs in basic medical sciences, graduates of medical faculties must have a bachelor's degree and at least 50 basic medical points from TUS or 60 points from the numerical part of ALES or an equivalent score determined by the Senate from GRE or GMAT examinations; non-medical faculty graduates must have a master's degree (dental and veterinary faculty graduates) and an ALES score of 60, or an equivalent score determined by the Senate from GRE or GMAT examinations.

The conditions of student quotas and application dates to be accepted to the Institutes of Dokuz Eylül University in each academic year are announced on the web address of the Registrar's Office https://ogrenci.deu.edu.tr/index.php?lang=eng.

The registration process of the students who are entitled to study in the graduate programs of our university is carried out by the relevant Institutes on the announced dates.

b) Admission and Registration of Students from Abroad

Associate Degree / Undergraduate
Since the 2010-2011 academic year, a new license application has started for the admission of foreign students wishing to study in Turkey with their own means. Foreign Student Examination (YÖS) has been abolished and providing that the Council of Higher Education approve, universities have been given the right to make exams and / or to accept national and international examinations of other countries in acceptance of foreign students.

The placement procedures of the students who will be accepted from abroad and want to study at the associate degree and undergraduate level programs of our university are determined according to the results of the “Dokuz Eylül University International Student Admission Exam (DEYÖS)” and the international exams / diplomas accepted by the University Senate converted to DEYÖS exam score. Results starts from highest score within the quota. Quotas are determined by the University Senate every year together with the application dates by taking the opinion of the academic units and announced on https://deyos.deu.edu.tr/en/
For more information about "Dokuz Eylül University International Student Admission Exam (DEYÖS)" application requirements, exam content, preference procedures, registration explanations, etc. visit “Dokuz Eylül University International Student Admission Directive” via https://ogrenci.deu.edu.tr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=86&Itemid=208&lang=en
The registrations of the students are made by the Rectorate Student Affairs Department.
Foreign candidates and Republic of Turkey citizens graduating from foreign universities must hand in a petition, the information about the courses and grades they received during their education, and they may also hand in other personal information to relevant Institute Management.
Foreign applicants are required to take ALES or an international exam such as GRE and GMAT, which are considered equivalent to ALES in international standards. The University Senate will determine which exam (GRE OF GMAT) is accepted.
The equivalence of undergraduate diplomas obtained from abroad must be approved by YÖK. Foreign students must have Turkish Language Proficiency Certificate issued by the institutions and centers designated by the Senate in order to start graduate courses.  Students can bring in their Turkish Language Proficiency Certificate during the education period for the programs which teach in a foreign language. Candidates who do not have Turkish proficiency certificate are considered to be on leave for one year to improve their Turkish.
Admission of foreign students to graduate programs is decided by the board of directors of the Institute in line with the opinion of the department.
Turkey Scholarship Students
Student placement procedures within the scope of Turkey Scholarships are made by the Board of Higher Education. Registrations of these students who are placed in associate degree/undergraduate programs are made by the Rector's Office of Registrar's Office, and those who are enrolled in graduate programs are registered in the related Institutes.
Exchange Students

Exchange students who come with an Erasmus program from abroad or Farabi and Mevlana Exchange programs within the country are carried out by Coordination Office of foreign relations, besides other processes related with the students who come for an academic cooperation are performed by faculties/institutes.