General Description
History |
Agricultural Business was established within İzmir Vocational School in 2008 and is located in Buca Education Faculty Campus. It offers a period of two years of education after high school. Programme is structured as to provide both formal and evening education. It has quota of 140 students per year (70 for formal education and 70 for evening education). Students are selected among graduates of related vocational schools without any exam and also among the students who took the Transition to Higher Education Examination (YGS) conducted by the Student Selection and Placement Centre (ÖSYM) according to their scores. |
Qualification Awarded |
Level of Qualification |
Short Cycle (Associate's Degree) |
Specific Admission Requirements |
Vocational high school diploma or high school diploma, placement through a nation-wide Student Selection Examination. |
Specific Arrangements for Recognition of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal) |
Transfer Students:
Qualification Requirements and Regulations |
The students must complete 2 years of study acquiring 120 (ECTS) credits. This degree is awarded to students who have successfully completed all courses in the curriculum, compulsory 30 days of internship and have a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00/4.00 and no failing grades. |
Profile of the Programme |
The purpose of this program is to train vocational personnel to farms in public and private sector. Further, vocational personels can work in agricultural input firms and consultancy firms. For these aims, the program convey vocational knowledge to students. Students of the program the must take a course of training for 30 days furthermore theoretical knowledge. Graduateds of the program can make vertical passing to formal and distance learning programms and according to for prepared The Regulations for Graduateds of Programs of Vocational High School and Associate Degree of Open University. |
Key Learning Outcomes |
Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples |
Graduates of the program can work in every steps from production to market to small, medium and large farms in public and private sector. |
Access to Further Studies |
Graduates of the program havetheopportunityto transfer toundergraduateprograms of relatedfieldsandget a four-yearbachelor'sdegree. Vertical transfer is possibleuponsuccess in Vertical Transfer Examination (DGS) conductedbytheStudentSelectionandPlacement Center (ÖSYM). |
Course Structure Diagram with Credits |
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading |
Evaluation and assessmentmethodsfor each courseare described in the Course Syllabus Form which is prepared by the lecturers of the course. Issues related to exams and grades are governed by DEU Regulations and By law on Associates and Bachelors Degree Education and Examination and İzmir Vocational School Education and Examination Principles. |
Graduation Requirements |
The students must complete 2 years of study acquiring 120 (ECTS) credits. This degree is awarded to students who have successfully completed all courses in the curriculum, compulsory 30 days of internship and have a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00/4.00 and no failing grades. |
Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning ) |
Full-time |
Programme Director or Equivalent |
Programme Director: |