: General Admission and Registration Procedures

General Admission Requirements

a) Admission and Registration of Students from Turkey

Associate's Degree / Bachelor's Degree (Students who were placed as a result of the Higher Education Institutions Examination (YKS))

Higher education entrance and placement procedures are carried out through central exams, the principles of which are determined by the Council of Higher Education and carried out by the Student Selection And Placement Center (ÖSYM). Detailed information about the placement exams can be found at https://www.osym.gov.tr
Registration, examination and evaluation procedures of students are carried out in accordance with the Higher Education Law No. 2547, relevant legislation and the decisions of the Council of Higher Education. These procedures are carried out by the Student Affairs Department and the relevant regulations and directives can be found at https://ogrenci.deu.edu.tr
Students are accepted through special talent exams to the following programs of our university.


Music Teacher Education

Fine Arts Teacher Education



Composition and Conducting



Wind and Percussion Instruments

String Instruments


Accessory Design

Tile Design and Restoration

Cartoon Film and Animation

Dramatic Writing and Dramaturgy

Graphic Arts

Graphic Design

Carpet, Rug and Traditional Fabric Patterns

Art of Calligraphy


Music Technology


Performance Arts


Stage Design

Ceramic and Glass

Textile Design

Textile and Fashion Design

Art of Illumination


Coaching Education

Physical Education and Sports Teaching


Department of Sport Management

The Special Talent Examination calendar and application conditions are announced at https://ogrenci.deu.edu.tr
The Candidates who are placed in our university can register in two ways: "electronic registration method" via e-government www.turkiye.gov.tr or "registration method by coming to our university in person".

Information about the registration process is announced on our university web site (www.deu.edu.tr).
Candidates who prefer the electronic registration method, can register for courses if they submit the required documents on the dates announced by our units.
In addition, students who enroll in International Joint Undergraduate Programs (UOLP) and distance education programs via electronic registration method must pay their tuition fees before registering for courses.
Candidates who prefer the "registration method by coming to our university in person", complete their final registration by submitting the documents required for registration to our faculties / colleges on the specified dates and places in person, after completing the information entry process from the "DEBIS" step. Registration cannot be made by mail or with incomplete documents.
In order to start or continue their education, students must fulfill their financial obligations determined by Article 46 of Law No. 2547 and other relevant legislation. The dates of semester/course registration, taking/ dropping courses and fulfilling financial obligations are determined and announced by the administrative boards of the relevant units, two weeks before the start of the semester courses and at most two weeks after the courses start.
A student who does not fulfill these conditions or does not register for the semester/course without an excuse accepted by the board of directors of the relevant unit, cannot continue his/her education in that semester or year.


Application and Selection Exams for Master's Degree:

In order to apply for a master's program, candidates must have a bachelor's degree or be in the last year/semester of their undergraduate education, and must have an ALES score of 55 from the score type of the program they are applying for, or an equivalent score from the GRE or GMAT exams which is determined by the Senate. However, the condition of ALES score is not required for applications to the main science/major art branches in the institutes of the programs of the faculties of fine arts and conservatories that accept students only by special talent exam.

The quotas, application conditions and application dates of master's degree programs are announced on the website of the relevant Graduate School and registration procedures are carried out at the relevant Graduate Schools on the announced dates.

Application and Selection Exams Doctorate and Proficiency in Arts:

In order to apply for a doctoral program, candidates must have a master's degree with thesis, and must have an ALES score of 60 from the score type of the program they are applying for, or an equivalent score from the GRE or GMAT exams which is determined by the Senate. However, the condition of ALES score is not required for applications to doctorate / proficiency in art / specialization in medicine / specialization in dentistry / specialization in dentistry / specialization in veterinary medicine / specialization in pharmacy graduates.

In order to apply for doctoral programs in basic medical sciences; medical school graduates must have a bachelor's degree and at least 50 points from TUS (Examination for Specialty in Medicine) or must have an ALES score of 60 points from the numerical part of exam, or an equivalent score from the GRE or GMAT exams which is determined by the Senate. Non-medical school graduates must have a master's degree (or bachelor's degree for graduates of dentistry and veterinary faculties) and must have an ALES score of 60 points from the numerical part of exam, or an equivalent score from the GRE or GMAT exams which is determined by the Senate.

In order to apply for proficiency in art, candidates must have a master's degree with thesis and and must have an ALES score of 60 points from the verbal part of exam, or an equivalent score from the GRE or GMAT exams which is determined by the Senate; except for graduates of fine arts faculties, conservatories or equivalent programs of other faculties. Those students, who apply to the proficiency in art program with a bachelor's degree must have their bachelor's degree and graduation grade point with at least 80 out of 100 or 3 out of 4 or an equivalent score and also an ALES score determined by the decision of the board of directors of the institute, not less than 80 points from the verbal score type, or an equivalent score from the GRE or GMAT exams which is determined by the Senate.

In addition, in the admission of students to doctoral and proficiency in art programs, it is compulsory to get at least 55 points from the central foreign language exams accepted by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) or an equivalent score from international foreign language exams of which equivalence is accepted. In programs where education is provided partially or completely in a foreign language, the foreign language requirement is; either must be provided in the language of the program, or if the language of the program is the student's native language, than the requirement specified in the first sentence should be in another foreign language.

The quotas, application conditions and application dates of doctorate and proficiency in art programs are announced on the website of the relevant Graduate School and registration procedures are carried out at the relevant Graduate Schools on the announced dates.

b) International Student Admission and Registration Procedures

Associate Degree / Bachelor's Degree

The evaluation of the applications and placement procedures of the candidates who want to study at associate degree or bachelor's degree level within the quotas for admission of students from abroad / foreign nationals at our university are carried out by the relevant Commission according to the results of the Turkish Foreign Student Admission Exam (TR-YÖS) conducted by the Measurement, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) or the exam score / diploma grade accepted by the University Senate. Quotas and application dates are determined by the University Senate every year; after taking the opinion of the academic units, and are announced on https://deyos.deu.edu.tr

For information about international student admission, application and registration procedures, and other details; the "Dokuz Eylül University International Student Admission Directive" can be accessed at https://ogrenci.deu.edu.tr/yurt-disindan-oegrenci-kabul-yoenergesi/.

The registrations of those studnets who are placed within this scope are made at the Rectorate Student Affairs Department.


The admission of foreign national candidates and Turkish citizens who have completed their entire undergraduate education abroad to graduate programs is decided by the board of directors of the institute in line with the opinion of the department/major art branch. The equivalence of undergraduate diplomas obtained abroad must be approved by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK). In order for foreign national candidates to start postgraduate courses in programs which the teaching language is Turkish or partially a foreign language; they must have a C1 level Turkish Language Proficiency Certificate issued by the institutions and centers determined by the Senate. Turkish Language Proficiency Certificate is not required for programs that provide education entirely in a foreign language.

The quotas, application conditions and application dates of graduate programs, for foreign national candidates and Turkish citizens who have completed their entire undergraduate education abroad, are announced on the website of the relevant Graduate School and registration procedures are carried out at the relevant Graduate Schools on the announced dates.

Türkiye Scholarship Students

Student placement procedures within the scope of Türkiye Scholarships are carried out by the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK). The registrations of the aforementioned students who are placed in associate’s / bachelor’s programs are made at the Rectorate Student Affairs Department, and the registrations of those who are placed in graduate programs are made at the relevant Institutes.
Exchange Students

The procedures regarding the exchange students coming to our University within the scope of Erasmus (from abroad), Farabi (within Türkiye) and Mevlana exchange programs are carried out by the DEU International Relations Office, while the procedures regarding the students coming within the scope of academic collaborations are carried out by the relevant faculties / schools /institutes.