Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By

Art Theories

Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to

Carpet - Rugs and Old Fabric Patterns
Sound Editing and Cinematography
Play Writing - Dramaturgy
Performance Arts
Accessory Design
Carpet, Rug and Traditional Fabric Designs
Cinema and Television
Carpet-Rugs and Old Fabric Patterns
Stage Design
Ancient Turkish Calligraphy
Animation Film Design and Directing
Ceramic and Glass Design
Music Sciences
Film Design and Directing
Art of Illumination
Film Design and Directing
Illustration and Printmaking
Tile Design and Restoration
Cartoon Film and Animation
Textile Design
Ancient Turkish Calligraphy
Restorations of Ancient Tile
Art Theories
Textile and Fashion Design Department
Film Design and Screenwriting
Restorations of Ancient Tile
Graphic Design
Fashion Clothing Design
Film Design and Screenwriting
Ceramic and Glass
Dramatic Writing and Dramaturgy
Music Technology
Graphic Arts

Course Objective

To be able to develop the practices towards the comprehension/association of art within its course of history along with its outstanding movements and formations.

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   Be able to learn contemporary art movements within historical development/relation and contrasts
2   Be able to associate art movements with the related period s essential developments
3   Be able to analyze the work of art with various interpretation techniques
4   Be able to comprehend art within the scope of a social, cultural perspective
5   Be able to master the analysis methods related to contemporary art works
6   Be able to gain expression and criticism practices through artwork interpretation techniques

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 Impressionism an art movement, enabling the impression to appear as a stain on the canvas as if noting the impression on it, that dominated between the end of 1860 s and mid1880 s. This movement originated in France and alongside with visual arts had also broad repercussion in the fields of literature and music, developed as a life style and mentality and widely influenced the art theories and movements of the 20. Century. One developed the Seurat Divisionism within this movement and created the Neo-Impressionism.
2 Expressionism, with its effect between 1905 and 1939 s, is one of the movements which rose as a reaction against Impressionism. One paints the objects with sensual and emotional impressions they leave on the artist, rather than their real appearance . By this art movement, where sensations and inner world become more of an issue, the artists appeal to deformation in order to increase the articulation in their paintings. They rearrange the nature according to their aesthetical perceptions and rather than the real appearance of the colors, their utmost intensity is painted, as one senses, and reflected colorful in the canvas.
3 Fauvism, dominated between the beginning of 1900 s and 1909 s. Fauvists set against the tendency of the impressionists to reflect merely visual perceptions in the canvas and suggested that the `observed one effects all the sensations of the individual as well as her/his visional emotion. Therefore these are the emotions that should be reflected in the canvas indeed. The fauvists -using shiny, lively and contrast colors by rough brush strokes- created wide color fields in their works
4 Die Brücke: they produced works in a parallel tradition with Expressionism between 1905 and 1913. Art Nouveau: 1880-1910, also known as New Art in the 19. Century or in brief Jugendstil 1900 , arose in reaction to 19. Centuries Eclecticism and the monotonousness of industry that is killing the art.
5 Cubism: Developed by Braque and Picasso between 1908 and 1939. Futurism: 1909-1939; This movement, arising at the beginning of 20. Century argues that everything changes constantly and as a consequence the action is the most important fact of life. One takes action until an action is perceived. Action is the source of life. They aimed to give a new, dynamic soul to the painting art. In order to reflect the motion they separated object into fractions and superimpose the lines. Everything served to the expression of the motion. (Boccioni,Severini) As subject one painted moving objects. The futurists want to dominate the future and are against everything traditional.
6 Suprematism: 1915-1920 s / One deals with Dada, movements ruling between 1916 and1923, artists, artwork examples and the condition of the social issues.
7 Metaphysical Painting: 1917-1921. Artists like De Chirico, Morandi, Carra and Filippo de Pisis imply in their paintings a new/alternative world -full of metaphysical associations which have no relation with the real world- through perspective, long shadows and geometrical compositions.
8 Bauhaus: 1919-1933. One discusses this movement s principles related to the society, art and design, its periodical characteristics, theorists and instructing artists.
9 Neo-Plasticism: 1921-1924. Constructivism: 1920 s and after.One discusses these movements within their epochal effects and visual data.
10 Art Deco: 1920-1930 s/De stijl 1920-1932 s. One argues their periodical characteristics along with artists producing artworks and examines the works through various analytical methods.
12 De Stijl: 1920-1932. One approach the periodical characteristics associated with its art work producing artists and analyses the works by means of different analytical methods.
13 Surrealism: 1922-1950 s. It affected by any means whole abstract art movements shaped especially after the World War II. One argues the effects of this movement within its period, accompanied by visual data.
14 Socialist Realism: 1930-1950 s. One argues the effects of this movement within its period, accompanied by visual data.

Recomended or Required Reading

Text Book(s)/Required Readings:
BOZKURT, Nejat, Sanat ve Estetik Kuramları, Sarmal Yayınları, Istanbul, 1995,
BOZKURT, Nejat, 20. Yüzyıl Düşünce Akımları, Yorumlar ve Eleştiriler, SarmalYayınevi, Istanbul, 1998
CHRIS,Muray, 20.Yüzyılda Sanatı Okuyanlar, Sel Yayıncılık,Istanbul,2009
ANTMEN,Ahu,20.Yüzyıl Batı Sanatında Akımlar, Sel Yayıncılık,Istanbul ,2008
GOMBRICH, E. H.,Sanatın Öyküsü, Remzi Kitapevi, Istanbul, 1992
LYNTON,Norbert,Modern Sanatın Öyküsü, Remzi Kitapevi, Istanbul, 1991
Additional Sources:
ALTAR, Cevat Memduh, Sanat Felsefesi Üzerine, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, Istanbul,1996
BATUR, Enis; Modernizmin Serüveni,Hermann Bahr, Dışavurumculuk, YKY,Istanbul, 2000
CEVIZCI, Ahmet; Felsefe Sözlüğü, Paradigma Yayınları, Istanbul, 1999
Eczacıbaşı Sanat Ansiklopedisi, C.1, C.2,C.3,Yapı Endüstri Merkezi Yay., Istanbul, 1997
ERGÜVEN, Mehmet, Yoruma Doğru, YKY, Istanbul, 1992
ERGÜVEN, Mehmet, Görmece, Metis Yayınları, Istanbul, 1998

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Introduction of art movements, which left their mark on the second half of 20. Century, accompanied by visual data; history of the movements; statement of their basic features and leading representatives and consequently correlate their relations with parallel (science, philosophy, literature etc.) developments which shaped that period. Analysis of contemporary works of art through different interpretation techniques. Instruction will be provided through verbal and visual lecture (power point presentation) and supported with the student s active participation to the lecture by a presentation.

Assessment Methods

4 FCG FINAL COURSE GRADE MTE * 0.30 + ASG * 0.20 + FIN * 0.50
6 FCGR FINAL COURSE GRADE (RESIT) MTE * 0.30 + ASG * 0.20 + RST * 0.50

*** Resit Exam is Not Administered in Institutions Where Resit is not Applicable.

Further Notes About Assessment Methods

PRESENTATION: One will prepare only one presentation during the semester and in case the student is successful, will score 20 points.

MID-TERM: It is a written mid-term exam consisting of the subjects discussed during the semester and will reflect as 30% on the students total success rate.

FINAL: It is a written exam, will be realized at the end of the semester and reflect as 50% on the students total success rate.

Assessment Criteria

PRESENTATION: Aims to evaluate the extent of the competences, described in the learning outcomes, reached by the students by means of a presentation prepared by the student during the semester.

MID-TERM: Aims to monitor the learning outcomes related to the subjects discussed during the semester.

FINAL: Aims to evaluate the student s competence at the end of the semester by reaching the qualifications.

CLASS PARTICIPATION: It is essential for the student s success and the instructor s final grade.

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

All the students taking the course have to;

Obtain the main course book.
Follow all the rules expressed by the instructor during the theoretical courses and applications.
Be ready for the presentations in time.
Submit an exemplary print out of the presentation.
Read all the texts submitted during the course.
Participate at least to 80% of the classes.

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

Instructor : Yıldız ERSAĞDIÇ ARAŞLIK
Office phone : 4129227

Office Hours

Every Wednesday 14.00 - 15.00

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 14 2 28
Preparations before/after weekly lectures 14 1 14
Preparation for midterm exam 1 1 1
Preparation for final exam 1 2 2
Preparing assignments 1 1 1
Midterm 1 2 2
Final 1 2 2

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
