Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By


Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to


Course Objective

This course aims to allow the student to understand women's health issues; plan and provide evidence-based nursing care to solve these issues and evaluate the results

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   The student can discuss the problems in reproductive health in Turkey and in the world.
2   The student knows the concepts and theories of women s health.
3   The student can discuss the ethical and legal issues related to women's health.
4   The student provides evidence-based nursing care to avoid, improve and rehabilitate productive health problems.
5   The student provides evidence-based care for the family in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period.
6   The student provides evidence-based nursing care to avoid, early diagnose, treat and rehabilitate gynecological problems.

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites

HEF 2036 - Internal Medicine Nursing
HEF 2038 - Surgical Nursing

Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 -Opening and Meeting -Course Introduction -Introduction to Women's Health and History Assoc.Prof. Merlinda ALUŞ TOKAT Assoc.Prof. Dilek BILGIÇ Assistant Prof. Hande YAĞCAN Research Assistant Dr. Hülya ÖZBERK Lecture, question and answer, discussion Power point presentation, Taboo game, Crossword Kahoot
2 -Reproductive Organs Anatomy and Physiology -Preconceptional Care Assoc.Prof. Merlinda ALUŞ TOKAT Assoc.Prof. Dilek BILGIÇ Assistant Prof. Hande YAĞCAN Research Assistant Dr. Hülya ÖZBERK Lecture, question and answer, discussion Power point presentation, video
3 -Pregnancy Physiology Assoc.Prof. Merlinda ALUŞ TOKAT Assoc.Prof. Dilek BILGIÇ Assistant Prof. Hande YAĞCAN Research Assistant Dr. Buse GÜLER -Video display -Scenario -Team work -Discussion -Brainstorming - Debate + video screening + reminder questions -Crossword
4 -Maternal changes during pregnancy and nursing care -Diagnosis and tests used to evaluate maternal and fetal health Assoc.Prof. Merlinda ALUŞ TOKAT Assoc.Prof. Dilek BILGIÇ Assistant Prof. Hande YAĞCAN Research Assistant Dr. Buse GÜLER Lecture, question and answer, - Case example
5 -Antenatal training -Risky Pregnancies (1st Trimester) (0-12 weeks) - -27 weeks) Assoc.Prof. Merlinda ALUŞ TOKAT Assoc.Prof. Dilek BILGIÇ Assistant Prof. Hande YAĞCAN Research Assistant Dr. Hülya ÖZBERK Lecture, question and answer, discussion Case presentation
6 Risky Pregnancies (2nd Trimester) (13Risky Pregnancies (3rd Trimester) (28-40 weeks)-Labor process Assoc.Prof. Merlinda ALUŞ TOKAT Assoc.Prof. Dilek BILGIÇ Assistant Prof. Hande YAĞCAN Research Assistant Dr. Buse GÜLER -Discussion -Video display -Brainstorming -Application Welcoming the pregnant woman in the delivery room -EFM -Trase samples evaluation
7 -Labor I and Nursing care (fear, anxiety, fatigue, etc.) -Part of Labor II and Nursing care (fear, anxiety, fatigue, etc.) -Non-pharmacological methods used in labor pain management Assoc.Prof. Merlinda ALUŞ TOKAT Assoc.Prof. Dilek BILGIÇ Assistant Prof. Hande YAĞCAN Research Assistant Dr. Buse GÜLER -Vocational skill laboratory practice (4 hours) -Lecture, Question answer, Video display, Role play, Video shooting at the skill lab
8 Midterm examination -Risky labor process Assoc.Prof. Merlinda ALUŞ TOKAT Assoc.Prof. Dilek BILGIÇ Assistant Prof. Hande YAĞCAN Research Assistant Dr. Hülya ÖZBERK Lecture, Question and answer, Discussion, Power point presentation, Case example, Video demonstration
9 Extrauterine Life of the Newborn Adaptation and Maintenance -Physiological change -Evaluation and care of the newborn -Postpartum and Risky Postpartum Period and Nursing Care -Lactation Physiology and Breastfeeding Assoc.Prof. Merlinda ALUŞ TOKAT Assoc.Prof. Dilek BILGIÇ Research Assistant Dr. Hülya ÖZBERK Research Assistant Dr. Buse GÜLER -Video display -Case -Brainstorming
10 -Lactation Physiology and Breastfeeding -Contraceptive Methods Assoc.Prof. Dilek BILGIÇ Assistant Prof. Hande YAĞCAN Research Assistant Dr. Hülya ÖZBERK Research Assistant Dr. Buse GÜLER Lecture, Case discussion via video -Question and answer
11 -Infertility and Nursing Approach -Menopause period Assoc.Prof. Merlinda ALUŞ TOKAT Assoc.Prof. Dilek BILGIÇ Research Assistant Dr. Hülya ÖZBERK Research Assistant Dr. Buse GÜLER Lecture, Case -Question and answer -Holistic approach scheme -Educational video -Group Homework-Case -Discussion -Video display -Brainstorming -Crossword
12 -Gynecological Diagnostic Methods -Women's health problems-Abnormal uterine bleeding -Women's health problems-Reproductive system infections and sexually transmitted diseases Assoc.Prof. Merlinda ALUŞ TOKAT Assoc.Prof. Dilek BILGIÇ Assistant Prof. Hande YAĞCAN Research Assistant Dr. Hülya ÖZBERK Lecture, Reminder questions and answers Case - Nursing Care Questions -Study Questions uestion and answer, discussion
13 -Women's health problems-Reproductive system Infections and STIs -Women's health problems-Structural disorders of reproductive organs Assoc.Prof. Merlinda ALUŞ TOKAT Assistant Prof. Hande YAĞCAN Research Assistant Dr. Hülya ÖZBERK Research Assistant Dr. Buse GÜLER Lecture, Case -Question and answer Case study - Word hunt puzzle
14 -Gynecological benign problems (PCOS etc.) -Reproductive organ tumors and Nursing Care Assoc.Prof. Merlinda ALUŞ TOKAT Assoc.Prof. Dilek BILGIÇ Assistant Prof. Hande YAĞCAN Research Assistant Dr. Hülya ÖZBERK Lecture, -Case -Discussion -Brainstorming

Recomended or Required Reading

Suggested Sources for the course:
Main sources:
1. Taşkın L. Doğum ve Kadın Hastalıkları Hemşireliği, VI.Baskı, Ankara, 2003.
2. Bourgeoıs J.F., Mullin P.A., Veljovich D.S. Obstetrik ve Jinekolojik Hatırlatmalar. Çevieri: Gürkan Kazancı. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, Istanbul, 2002.
3.Gökmen O., Çiçek N. Günümüzde Kontrasepsiyon. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, Istanbul, 2001.
4.Gilbert, Harmon. Çeviri Ed: Taşkın L., Yüksek Riskli Gebelik ve Doğum, Palme Yayıncılık, 2002.
5.Şirin, A & Kavlak O Kadın Sağlığı, Bedray Yayıncılık, , Istanbul, 2008.
6. Okumuş H., Mete S., Yenal K., Aluş Tokat M., Şerçekuş P. Doğuma Hazırlık, Deomed, Istanbul, 2009.
7. Kaptan G. Gebelikte Iç Hastalıkları Hemşireliği, Istanbul Tıp Kitapevi, 2012
8. James D.K., Steer P.J., Weiner C.P., Bernard G. Yüksek Riskli Gebelikler Yönetim Seçenekleri Çeviri Editörü: Haldun Güner, Güneş Tıp Kitapevi, 2008
9. Frıtz M.A., Speroff L. Klinik Jinekolojik Endokrinoloji ve Infertilite Çeviri Editörü: Günalp S, Güneş Tıp Kitapevi, 2014
10. Posner G.D., Dy J., Black A.y., Jones. G. D. Eylem & Doğum Çeviri Editörleri: Demir S. C., Güleç Ü. K. Akademisyen Tıp Kitabevi, 2014
11. Çiçek N., Mungan T. Klinikte Obstetrik ve Jinekoloji, Güneş Tıp Kitapevi, 2007.
12. Olgu Dosyaları Obstetrik & Jinekoloji Çeviri Editörleri: Uludağ S. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, 2007
13. Akış Şemaları ile Doğum ve Kadın Hastalıkları Hemşireliği Çeviri Editörleri: Kömürcü N. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, 2012
14. Kömürcü N. Doğum Ağrısı ve Yönetimi, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, 2013
Helpful resources:
1.Youngkin E.Y., Davis M.S., Women s Health a Primery Care Clinical Guide. Third Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2004.
2.Brown K. M., Management Guideliness for Women s Health Nurse Practitioners. Davis Company. Philadelphia, 2000.
3. Lothian J. DeVries, C., The Official Lamaze Guide. Meadwbrook Pres. Newyork, 2005.
4.Littleton Y.L. Maternity Nursing Care. Thompson Delmar Learning, Newyork, 2005
5.Wieland Ladewing P.A., London M.L., Davidson M.R., Contemporary Maternal Newborn Nursing Care, 6. ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2006.
6.Olds S.B., London M.L., Wieland Ladewing P.A., Maternal Newborn Nursing, 6. ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2000.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Question answer
Game (crossword etc.)

Assessment Methods

1 AS Arasinav
2 UYG Uygulama
3 YYIN YyiçiNotu AS*0.50+UYG*0.50
4 FN Final
5 FINBN Final BaşarıNotu YYIN*0.50+FN*0.50
6 BUT Bütünleme
7 BUTBN BütünlemeBaşarıNotu YYIN*0.50+BUT*0.50

*** Resit Exam is Not Administered in Institutions Where Resit is not Applicable.

Further Notes About Assessment Methods

Midterm exam: Written exam
Application note: ---
Midterm: 50% of midterm exam + 50% of the application grade
Final exam: Written exam
Minimum Final grade: 50 out of 100 full marks
Final Grade: 50% of the final grade or 50% of the final grade = 100 must be at least 60 over the full grade
Written exam: Written exam
Minimum Completion note: at least 50 over 100 full grades

Completion Final Achievement grade: 50% of the semester grade + 50% of the supplementary grade = 100 must be at least 60 on the full grade

Assessment Criteria

Midterm exam: Written exam
Application note: ---
Midterm: 50% of midterm exam + 50% of the application grade
Final exam: Written exam
Minimum Final grade: 50 out of 100 full marks
Final Grade: 50% of the final grade or 50% of the final grade = 100 must be at least 60 over the full grade
Written exam: Written exam
Minimum Completion note: at least 50 over 100 full grades

Completion Final Achievement grade: 50% of the semester grade + 50% of the supplementary grade = 100 must be at least 60 on the full grade

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

To be announced.

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

Associate Prof. Merlinda Aluş Tokat
tel: 0-232-412 47 70
Associate Prof. Dilek Bilgiç
tel: 02324126968
Assistant Prof. Hande Yağcan
tel: 02324124776
Research Assistant Doctor Hülya Özberk
tel: 02324124765
Research Assistant Doctor Buse Güler
tel: 0232 4124773

Office Hours

To be announced.

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 15 5 75
Practice (Care Plan) 14 6 84
Weekly lessons before / after preparation (of course materials, read the articles and so on.) 15 6 90
preparation for the midterm exam 1 36 36
Individual homework preperation (CBIKO Talent Gate) 0 0 0
Preparation for final exam 1 36 36
final exam 1 2 2
midterm exam 1 2 2
Quiz etc. 0 0 0
TOTAL WORKLOAD (hours) 325

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
