General Description
History |
This program is approved in Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences Department of Management Information Systems at 2016. It will first accept students at 2016 Spring Semester. Enterprises take a special interest in potential projects which make a difference for themselves in today s highly competitive and global markets. Their sources are oriented to these activities. Correspondingly, necessities of people who manage information, technology and human together have increased. Management Information Systems (MIS) Master Program is designed for providing students intense information about programming languages, computer and network technologies, database, distributed process calculations, trends of technology, limits, economy, standardization, e-commerce and software management project. Lessons present additional information about marketing, statistics, decision-making techniques and economic modular design.MIS Master Program will provide significant benefits to people who make solutions with using advanced technologies wish to work as a manager. |
Qualification Awarded |
Master's Degree in Management Information Systems Non-Thesis (Distance Learning) |
Level of Qualification |
Second Cycle (Master's Degree) (M.Sc) |
Specific Admission Requirements |
First Cycle (Bachelor's Degree) diploma, Transcript. |
Specific Arrangements for Recognition of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal) |
Transfer Students:
Qualification Requirements and Regulations |
1,5 years, 2 semesters per year, 16 weeks per semester, 90 ECTS in total. |
Profile of the Programme |
Management Information Systems (MIS) is a discipline which uses both technical and behavioural science for providing any information that needed to person who works on different levels of a company. Making right decision is a management approach that expected to workers in every company. The main criteria is obtaining various raw data about an issue and putting on understandable, interpretable information. MIS is a discipline which minimizes errors of making decision support with using belonging software and hardware capabilities behind recent IT infrastructures. In our country, personnel who set-up, operate, maintenance-repair and update information systems that meet needed information, is required for managers who works at any levels of a company. Certainly, a system operated by an IT based personnel who have knowledge about administration, decision making and company is a good system. In Turkey, 10 undergraduate degree MIS department is depending on a faculty and 6 associate degree MIS department is depending on a high school. Specialization about MIS of these students is possible with continuing their education at the graduate degree. Both thesis and project based studies are intended to solving IT problems by these students. Bachelors of Management Information Systems, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Maritime, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Architecture and Military Academy can apply Department of MIS Department of MIS which established within the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in Dokuz Eylul University, have communication infrastructures (fiber-based), technological machinery (servers and client up to date computers) and software (Mac, Windows, Unix and Linux based) at educational laboratories. Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Management Information Systems Management Information Systems program have 5 faculty members and 2 research assistants. The number of PC (laboratory) is 36 and laboratory is open at 9.00 to 17.00 on weekdays. To provide students studies on the project and the thesis library and the network connection is available. The official language is Turkish. |
Key Learning Outcomes |
Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples |
The related master's degree enables the holder to exercise the profession. |
Access to Further Studies |
Graduates may apply to the related employment positions in their area of specialization. |
Course Structure Diagram with Credits |
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading |
Evaluation and assessment methods for each course is defined in the the Course Description Form which is prepared by related faculty member / s and included in the information package. Exams and course success notes is subject to the relevant articles of the DEU Regulation on Graduate Education. |
Graduation Requirements |
Second Cycle (Master's Degree) Non-Thesis Program is comprised of courses (at least 85 ECTS), Term Project (5 ECTS), in total 90 ECTS credits. Students must have minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.50/4.00 and completed all the courses with at least CB/ S / TP grades. |
Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning ) |
E-Learning |
Programme Director or Equivalent |
Head of Department : Prof.Dr. Vahap TECİM |