General Description
History |
The Master of Science in Chemistry Program includes faculty members from Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry. This program is 30% English and one year English Preparatory class is applied in the program. Upon successful completion of English Preparatory class and the two-year program with thesis, students receive a Master of Science (M. Sc.) degree in chemistry. After the M.Sc. program, a four-year Ph.D. program with thesis will also be offered. The mission of the Department of Chemistry is to educate well-educated, creative, researcher, analytical thinkers and practitioners who put science at the forefront for the development and advancement of chemistry and industry. In addition, to train chemists who have the ability to solve the problems of national and regional industrial formations and who can work in the plastics, pharmaceutical, paint, petrochemical, metal, textile, ceramics, cement, detergent-soap, food, cosmetics, glass and packaging-paper industries. The vision of the Department of Chemistry is to be a department that provides research and teaching at the same level among the world and European universities with an innovative, creative and competitive quality with the connections it will create in the field of chemical science and chemical technology at national and international level. |
Qualification Awarded |
M.Sc. in Chemistry |
Level of Qualification |
Second Cycle (Master's Degree) |
Specific Admission Requirements |
First Cycle Degree in the same or in related disciplines, Transcript, Acceptable score on ALES (Academic Personnel and Graduate Education Entrance Exam) or Equivalent GRE, GMAT score. Acceptable score on Language Proficiency Tests. Acceptable weighted score based on the first cycle cumulative grade point average (GPA) and ALES score. The exceptions to the requirements of ALES and Foreign Language Proficiency scores is announced by the Graduate School. However, ALES requirement is waived for the admissions to the second cycle graduate programs offered by the Conservatory and the departments of Fine Arts Faculty, where students are admitted only by the Artistic Aptitude Test as well as for the graduates of doctorate /arts proficiency/medical residency/ dental residency/ veterinary residency/ pharmaceutical residency programs. Final admission is based on the evaluation of the related academic unit committee. International student admission requirements are decided by the Graduate School Executive Committee. |
Specific Arrangements for Recognition of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal) |
According to the Regulations of Dokuz Eylül University for Graduate Schools, students may be accepted for graduate transfer with the approval of the Department Directorate and decision of the Board of Directors of the Graduate School in case the student fulfills the graduate transfer regulations decided by the General Council of the Graduate School. Previously taken courses at another graduate programme with a successful grade may be recognized by the related programmes with the written request of the students including course contents and the transcript, and by the recommendation of the Department Directorates and by the decision of the Board of Directors. The courses taken by the outgoing Exchange students may have the recognition at the school either as compulsory or elective by the decision of the Board of Directors. |
Qualification Requirements and Regulations |
One year English preparatory class (if not exempted), 2 years of graduate education (2 semesters in 1 year, 16 weeks in each semester, 120 ECTS). |
Profile of the Programme |
The Department contains five subdivisions; analytical, bio-, inorganic, physical and organic chemistry. The Chemistry graduate program s includes one-year English language preparation period followed by 2 years for M.Sc. and four years for Ph. D. works. Chemistry graduate degrees programs are designed to provide the students the high academicals levels of chemistry. The first year courses mainly consist of general graduate level selective chemistry courses and one compulsory mathematic course. The elective courses include analytical, bio-, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry main areas. After these courses, M.Sc and Ph.D. thesis also include laboratory studies to provide technical skills necessary to enter their career as chemists. It was mainly aimed to give the students an analytical approach for solving any problem and handling complex information as well as the laboratory experience. |
Key Learning Outcomes |
Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples |
Our graduates who receive a Master's degree in Chemistry can work in many different industrial fields in wide sectors of the industry (such as Chemistry, Pharmaceuticals, plastics, textiles, paint, cosmetics, etc.) and are often employed in laboratory-based R&D jobs. Chemists can also participate in research groups at universities and research institutes. They can work as chemistry teachers in private teaching institutions, private schools and schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education. |
Access to Further Studies |
May apply to third cycle programmes. |
Course Structure Diagram with Credits |
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading |
Related items of Dokuz Eylul University Regulations of Graduate Education and Exams and related items of Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences Regulations of Education and Code of Practicing Exams are applied for the exams and course grades. |
Graduation Requirements |
Second Cycle (Master's Degree) Programme with thesis is comprised of courses (at least 54 ECTS), a seminar (3 ECTS), M. Sc. Research (3 ECTS) and M. Sc. Thesis (60 ECTS), in total 120 ECTS credits. Students must have minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.50 / 4.00 and completed all the courses with at least CB / S / TP grades. |
Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning ) |
Full-time |
Programme Director or Equivalent |
Chairman:Prof. Dr. Özlem ÖTER |