: Work Placement Possibilities

Work Placement Possibilities

The purpose of the internship is to provide students with the opportunity to gain experience and get to know the functioning of the institutions by applying the knowledge they have learned at school. Other university students and secondary education students also benefit from these opportunities.

Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Business, Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Letters, Maritime Faculty, Faculty of Tourism, Izmir Vocational School, Vocational School of Health Services, Vocational School of Justice, Torbalı Vocational School, School of Applied Sciences, Bergama Vocational School, Efes Vocational School, Faculty of Veterinary are subject to compulsory internship.

In addition to the internship and job postings offered by companies participating in Career Fairs and Promotion Meetings, the National Internship Program (USP) was initiated by the Presidential Human Resources Office to ensure that our young people benefit from internship opportunities offered by public and private sector organizations within the framework of equal opportunity and in accordance with the principles of merit. Internship and job postings and event announcements are available for our students who are members of the "Career Gate" platform which is created by the Presidential Human Resources Office. Students and graduates of our university can access the announcements through the platform coordinated by Career Planning and Alumni Relations Coordination Office (KPMI).