: ECTS / DS Labels

ECTS / DS Labels

Diploma Supplement enriches the Bologna Process and it is an important part of the Bologna Process which aims to establish and maintain the European Higher Education Area. When the international mobility increases the evaluation of the qualifications which the people gain after the education finishes and the achievement of the international recognition have become a global requirement. The diploma supplement is a response for this requirement. While the usage of the Diploma Supplement is increasing the transparency in Higher Education the qualifications have been evaluated fairly and consciously. Therefore, the Diploma Supplement is a tool which facilitates the international mobility and the lifelong learning facilities. At Dokuz Eylul University, the Diploma Supplement has been given to all of the graduate students in English and in one of the languages, which is mostly used in Europe automatically and they do not have to pay any money. The Diploma Supplement, which is given by Dokuz Eylul University, has been prepared according to the Diploma Supplement which has been developed by the European Commission, The Council Of Europe and The UNESCO-CEPES.

European Credit Transfer System is a student centred system which has been prepared according to the studies which the students have to achieve to reach the targets which have been conducted by an education programme.European Credit Transfer System is an academic equivalence system to save up credits and to transfer credits and it is qualified as a valid common language in Europe in Higher Education Area. In 2013, Dokuz Eylul University was entitled to take the ECTS/DS Labels by the European Commision after organizing the necessary regulations.