Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By

Tourism Management

Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to

Tourism Management

Course Objective

The aim of the course is to introduce students how strategic management differs by tourism industry and to develop a working familiarity with the discipline of strategic management, including its core concepts, the tools used for strategic analysis & formulation, and the process of strategic management.

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   Define basic concepts of strategic management and list the differences between similar terms such as objective, strategy, tactic, policy, plan, method etc. to be aware of the tools used through the strategic process (knowledge)
2   Recognize the steps of strategic management process to classify these steps according to their main features & attributes (knowledge & comprehension)
3   Recognize the different characteristics of tourism industry s environment to identify its reflection on decisions made by the organizations in a competitive environment (knowledge & comprehension)
4   Identify an organization s strengths and weaknesses relative to its environment to be able to notice the overall capability & performance of the organization (knowledge & comprehension)
5   Predict the effects of opportunities and threats within the external environment of an organization to make a SWOT analysis of the organization (comprehension)
6   Demonstrate an awareness of how to match strategic options with the demands of the environment & the capabilities of the organization in order to increase the market share & profit of the organization among other rivals in the industry (comprehension)
7   Apply knowledge of strategic management to study organizational problems within the context of real-world business case studies (Application-Intellectual Skills)
8   Evaluate the results of strategic decisions with a critical strategic thinking to be able to analyze the possible effects on the overall performance of the organization (Evaluation-Intellectual Skills)

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 Introduction to Strategic Management
2 The Hospitality and Tourism Industry Context: Strategic Management in Hospitality and Tourism
3 The Organizational Context
4 Business-Level Strategies
5 Corporate-Level Strategies
6 Network-Level Strategies
7 Strategy Formation: Strategy Formulation and Implementation
8 Strategy Implementation and Change
9 Synthesis & Conclusions: Relating Content, Context, and Process
10 Discussions based on Each Group's Projects
11 Discussions based on Each Group's Projects
12 Discussions based on Each Group's Projects
13 Discussions based on Each Group's Projects
14 Feedback on Projects

Recomended or Required Reading

1. Fred R. David (2007). Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, 11th Edition, Prentice Hall, NJ.
2. Fevzi Okumus, L. Altınay, and P. Chathoth (2010). Strategic Management for Hospitality and Tourism, Butterworth-Heinemann, US.
3. Thomas L. Wheelen and J. David Hunger (2005). Strategic Management and Business Policy, 10th Edition, Prentice Hall, NJ.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Mini lectures, class discussions, case studies, mid term and project

Assessment Methods

1 MT Midterm
2 TP TermProject
3 PRS Presentation
4 FCG FINAL COURSE GRADE MT * 0.40 + TP * 0.40 + PRS * 0.20

*** Resit Exam is Not Administered in Institutions Where Resit is not Applicable.

Further Notes About Assessment Methods

All students are responsible for preparing a term project. All term papers will be presented according to a predetermined calendar. The presentation schedule will be prepared soon. No more than tree (3) people are allowed to prepare term project together. Each team should prepare a 20-minute presentation (using PPT) to be delivered in class during one of three presentation days. At the start of class, the team should also provide the instructor with a handout showing all slides in the presentation (with space for notes).
Following the presentation, each team then prepares a written report detailing the elements of the project and responding to feedback on the presentation from the class and instructor. The project will be clearly written and structured and will demonstrate critical strategic thinking. The students will be able to explain each step of the project and how it reflects the adaptation of theoretical knowledge to practical assessment The written report should have 20-40 pages of text (double-spaced, in 11 pt Arial font, with 3 centimeter margins on all sides). The written reports should include a contents part, an introduction part which reflects the main ideas of the paper, and a conclusion which contains the students views. A reference page at the end of the paper should list these sources in full as well as any other sources of information used in the paper. Tables and figures should have a line below them showing the source(s) of the displayed data.
A single mark for the project will be provided on the written report but it will give equal weight to the presentation. The term project ideas of each group should be related to the lecture s content. Term Project reports must be prepared in an academically accepted format. No changes will be allowed on presentation calendar.

Assessment Criteria

Definition of the problem: Define the process of setting goals, procedures, and objectives in order to make the company more competitive/ Evaluate how effectively the company deploys staff and resources to achieve these goals / What are the strengths, weaknesses of the company through strategy evaluation, internal organization analysis, strategy execution and opportunities and threats through strategy formulation and strategic planning (30 points)
Methodology: After identifying the company and deciding that it could be the subject of the project, provide information on the procedures followed to conduct an interview with the manager of the company concerned, the questions asked during the interview and how the data was collected (10 points)
Integrating Knowledge and Creative Problem Solving: Create the strategic plan in the theoretical framework of the course, using the data obtained from the interview. After identifying the company's vision, mission, values, stakeholders, resources and organizational structure, carry out a situation analysis of the company. Always use at least one other portfolio analysis along with the SWOT analysis. Set short-, medium- and long-term objectives for the company (30 points)
Prepare Academic Report in English & Use of Information References: Make sure your report includes title Page, table of contents, summary, introduction of the company, definition of the problem, methodology, findings, main body, conclusion, recommendations, appendices, and bibliography (20 points)
Conduct Presentation: The presentation should cover an introduction detailing the purpose and structure of the project; a body covering the main points; and a conclusion summarising and highlighting the significance of the project. The Content, Design, Structure and Delivery of the presentation is of value (10 points)

Prepare Academic Report in English & Use of Information References: Make sure your report includes title Page, table of contents, summary, introduction of the company, definition of the problem, methodology, findings, main body, conclusion, recommendations, appendices, and bibliography (20 points)
This particular element is absent or falls short of expectations, and /or it is completely out of place within the given context. Poor (0%)
This particular element is somewhat absent and does not entirely fit the context. Fair (40%)
This particular element is developed satisfactorily and fits the context at an acceptable standard. Good (60%)
This particular element is developed in a good and professional way and fits into the context. Very good (80%)
The way this particular element is developed is noteworthy and fits perfectly into the context. Excellent (100%)

Integrating Knowledge and Creative Problem Solving: Create the strategic plan in the theoretical framework of the course, using the data obtained from the interview. After identifying the company's vision, mission, values, stakeholders, resources and organizational structure, carry out a situation analysis of the company. Always use at least one other portfolio analysis along with the SWOT analysis. Set short-, medium- and long-term objectives for the company (30 points)
This particular element is absent or falls short of expectations, and /or it is completely out of place within the given context. Poor (0%)
This particular element is somewhat absent and does not entirely fit the context. Fair (40%)
This particular element is developed satisfactorily and fits the context at an acceptable standard. Good (60%)
This particular element is developed in a good and professional way and fits into the context. Very good (80%)
The way this particular element is developed is noteworthy and fits perfectly into the context. Excellent (100%)

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

1. Attending at least 70 percent of lectures is mandatory.
2. Plagiarism of any type will result in disciplinary action.
3. Participation of the students in class and group work is required
4. Late arrivals to the class should be avoided.
5. All electronic devices should be kept close during the lectures.

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)


Office Hours

To be announced.

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 14 3 42
Case study 0 0 0
Preparation for midterm exam 1 15 15
Preparing term project 1 50 50
Preparations before/after weekly lectures 14 1 14
Preparing presentations 1 10 10
Midterm 1 1 1
TOTAL WORKLOAD (hours) 132

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
