Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By


Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to

International Business and Trade
International Trade and Business (English)

Course Objective

This course aims to understand trends that may shape the future of digital marketing. This course will provide an opportunity to develop knowledge as to how to apply digital media such as the web, email, mobile and interactive TV in order to effectively market a firm's products and services and explore the realities and implications of e-business from a marketer's perspective.

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge about internet, information technology and usage of them in marketing by considering the ethical issues to explain how they offer benefits and challenges to consumers and marketers.
2   Students will be able to demonstrate and show appreciation of successful and unsuccessful web-sites from a marketer perspective
3   Students will be able to understand online consumer behavior to outline the characteristics and differences of consumers in online exchange
4   Work effectively as part of a team participating and interacting in the group in a productive manner for him/herself and for the group as a whole
5   Demonstrate high communication skills through presenting a written report

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 Chapter 1: Introducing Digital Marketing
2 Chapter 2: Online Marketplace Analysis: Micro-Environment Chapter 3: The Internet Macroenvironment Students will form groups and select a company for upcoming assignments
3 Assignment 1: Digital Micro and Macro Environment Analysis of Selected Companies
4 Chapter 4: Digital Marketing Strategy
5 Assignment 2: Evaluation of Selected Companies' Digital Marketing Strategies
6 Chapter 5: The Internet and the Marketing Mix
7 Assignment 3: Examination of Digital Marketing Mix Implications of the Selected Companies
8 Chapter 6: Relationship Marketing Using Digital Platforms
9 Assignment 4: Analysis of E-CRM Applications of Selected Companies
10 Chapter 8: Campaign Planning for Digital Media
11 Assignment 5: Preparation of Digital Marketing Campaign for Selected Companies
12 Chapter 9: Marketing Communications Using Digital Media Channels
13 Assignment 6
14 Chapter 10: Evaluations and Improvement of Digital Channel Performance

Recomended or Required Reading

Chaffey, D. & Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2019), Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, Prentice Hall: Italy, 7th Edition.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Group Study

Assessment Methods

1 MT Midterm
2 ASS Assignment
3 FN Final
4 FCG FINAL COURSE GRADE MT * 0.20 + ASS * 0.40 + FN * 0.40
6 FCGR FINAL COURSE GRADE (RESIT) MT * 0.20 + ASS * 0.40 + RST * 0.40

*** Resit Exam is Not Administered in Institutions Where Resit is not Applicable.

Further Notes About Assessment Methods

1.Midterm Exam (20%): Students will be assessed on their knowledge of concepts and theories through essay-type questions.
2.Assignment (40%): Groups will choose a company which operates also through digital platforms and throughout the semester they will prepare projects related to the concepts discussed in the class considering the company they have chosen. They will prepare a written report and make a presentation. First four assignments are worth 5 % each, fifth assignment is worth 20%. The assignments that are not presented will not be graded.
3.Final Exam (40 %): Students will be assessed on their knowledge of concepts and theories through essay-type questions.

Assessment Criteria

In this course there will be five assignments throughout the semester. The first four assignments are worth 5% each, the final assignment is worth 15%. Students will select a company and analyze digital marketing strategies of the same company in all assignments. The assignments that are not presented will not be graded. The topics of the assignments will be provided to the students by the instructor one week prior the deadline of each assignment. The assignments will be a group work and the number of students in each group will be determined each semester according to the number of students enrolled in the course. Groups will prepare a written report and a presentation which will be submitted to the instructor at the presentation dates. The reports are to be Times New Roman font, 12 sized, 1,5 spaced. The assignments that are not presented will not be graded.

The following scale will be used for the assessment of all criteria. The criteria are also presented below the scale with point values.
This particular element is absent or falls short of expectations, and /or it is completely out of place within the given context. -Poor (0%)
This particular element is somewhat absent and does not entirely fit the context. - Fair (40%)
This particular element is developed satisfactorily and fits the context at an acceptable standard. - Good (60%)
This particular element is developed in a good and professional way and fits into the context. - Very good (80%)
The way this particular element is developed is noteworthy and fits perfectly into the context. - Excellent (100%)
Understanding the context: Appropriate understanding of the questions/topics determined by the instructor for assignment. (20 points)
Discussion abilities based on given questions/objectives: Discuss the given questions/topics in accordance with the concepts/theories discussed in-class. (20 points)
Academic writing skills: Correct APA format of citations in paper; correct APA format for bibliography, complete source information; format of the text: single spaced text, proper headings and margins, justified text and professional outlook. (10 points)
Presentation skills: Presentations will be evaluated according to the following criteria (50 points):
a. Having a good command of topic (30 points)
b. Presentation appearance and structure (10 points)
c. Being able to attract the attention of audience (10 points)

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

1. Students will attend 70% of the course.
2. Students are expected to participate actively in class discussions.
3. Students are expected to attend to classes on time.
4. Students must obey the time limits of their presentation.

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

Assoc. Prof. Sumeyra Duman
Room: 131/B, e-mail:

Office Hours

To be announced later

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 14 3 42
Preparation for final exam 1 10 10
Preparing assignments 6 7 42
Preparing presentations 5 5 25
Preparation for midterm exam 1 10 10
Final 1 1,5 2
Midterm 1 1,5 2
TOTAL WORKLOAD (hours) 133

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
