Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By

Medical Parasitology

Level of Course Unit

Second Cycle Programmes (Master's Degree)

Course Coordinator

Offered to

Medical Parasitology

Course Objective

General properties in helminthes, morphological structure, helminthosis and their clinical properties, diagnosis, differential diagnosis , treatment and prevention methods, major helminthic disease in Türkiye

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   Discuss major properties of helminths, classify and identify them
2   Explain and compare morphological properties of nematodes
3   Discuss nematodes living in different body parts, analyse cases and recommend clinical approaches
4   Explain and compare morphological properties of cestodes
5   Discuss cestodes living in different body parts, analyse cases and recommend clinical approaches
6   Explain and compare morphological properties of trematodes
7   Discuss trematodes living in different body parts, analyse cases and recommend clinical approaches
8   Design a research project about helminths

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 General properties of helminthes, classification and diagnosis
2 Basic properties of nematodes,life cycle and fine structure
3 Intestinal nematodes 1 (A. lumbricoides, E. vermicularis ve T. trichiura)
4 Intestinal nematodes 2 (hookworm parasites , Strongyloides and Tricostrongiloides)
5 Visceral and cutaneous larva migrans and Trichinella
6 Blood and tissue nematodes 1 ( W. bancrofti, B. malayi, O. volvulus, L. loa)
7 Blood and tissue nematodes 2 (Diroflaria conjunctivae, Dracunculus medinensis, Capillaria hepatica, Mansonella perstans, M. ozzardi)
8 Basic properties of trematodes, life cycle and fine structure
9 Lung (P. westermani) and intestinal trematodes ( W. watsoni, G. hominis, F. buski, H. heterophyes, M. yokogawai, E. ilocanum)
10 Liver trematodes (Fasciola hepatica, F. gigantica, D. dendriticum, O. felineus, C. sinensis)
11 Blood trematodes ( Schistosoma species)
12 Basic properties of cestodes, life cycle and fine structures
13 Intestinal cestodes 1 ( Taenia species)
14 Intestinal cestodes 2 (H. nana, H. diminuta, D. caninum, D. latum)
15 Liver cestodes (Echinococcus species and cyct hydatid)

Recomended or Required Reading

Textbook(s): Ozcel s Medical Parasite Disease Ed. M. Ali Özcel, 2007

1. Medical Parasitology of Unat, Ekrem Kadri Unat, Cerrahpaşa, 1995
2. Treatment of Medical Parasitology, Eds. Ç Akısü, M. Korkmaz, 2005
3. Diagnostic Medical Parasitology, Ed. Lynne Shore Garcia, 2007
4. Markell And Voge's Medical Parasitology, Ed. William A. Petri, David T. John, 2006
5. Atlas of Human Parasitology, Ed. Lawrence R., 2007

Materials: Microscopic and macroscopic helminths are used in practice

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Learning theoretical lesson and tasks, discussion lectures, preparation presentation

Assessment Methods

To be announced!

Further Notes About Assessment Methods

Semester exam will be in classical format and evaluated to 100 points.

Assessment Criteria

Semester exam will be in classical format and evaluated to 100 points.

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

To be announced.

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

90 00 232 412 45 40

Office Hours

Friday, 13.30-14.30

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 15 1 15
Tutorials 15 1 15
Preparations before/after weekly lectures 15 3 45
Preparation for midterm exam 1 20 20
Preparation for final exam 1 20 20
Preparing assignments 2 10 20
Preparing presentations 1 10 10
Reading 3 10 30
Preparation for tutorial exam 15 1 15
Final 1 3 3
Midterm 1 3 3
Quiz etc. 2 2 4
TOTAL WORKLOAD (hours) 200

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
