Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By

Accessory Design

Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to

Accessory Design
Textile and Fashion Design Department

Course Objective

The aims of this course are students abilities to perform draft, sketch, design, material selection and production in the process of ornament and jewelleries transition from sketch into the product, create original and creative designs as a result of design principles and analysis, perform material and method analysis while converting the designs into products and prepare ornament and jewellery collections.

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   Find creative and original ideas in ornament and jewellery design
2   Convert creative and jewellery ideas into designs and find original ideas
3   Design ornament and jewellery within the scope of design principles
4   Perform the material selection and production method of their products, designed as ornament or jewellery
5   Take part in the evaluations during the lesson, have a critical perspective upon other students designs and make comments and keep up with the innovations to the universal extent
6   6. Determine the target group and the presentation techniques while designing an ornament or a jewellery
7   7. Prepare the line drawing or the technical and presentation sheets in computer environment of performed designs
8   8. Defend the prepared designs, technical and presentation studies in front of the evaluation jury within the Ornament and Jewellery Design III course.

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 Informing the students about the process of required research, sketch and design, presentation within the project
2 Assigning the project and explaining the methodological system about the students preliminary research. Analysing assigned project topics.
3 The evaluation of researches and the sketches
4 The control of the project designs and preliminary jury
5 Controls and the corrections of presentation sheets, suggestions and evaluations
6 Assigning daily projects and the evaluation
7 Assigning the project and informing on the required research, sketch and the process within the project.
8 Evaluation of project researches and sketches and making the corrections
9 The control of project designs and the preliminary jury
10 Controls and the corrections of presentation sheets, suggestions and evaluations
11 Completion of all projects. Design discussions and transition to production
12 Production of the designs
13 Production of the designs
14 Evaluation and preparation for end of term jury evaluation

Recomended or Required Reading

Text Book(s)/Required Readings:
Inspired Jewellery, Ursula Ilse- Neuman, Antique Collectors Club Dist, 2009
Endüstri Ürünlerinde ve Mimarlıkta Tasarlama Metodlarına Giriş, Prof. Nigan Beyazıt,Istanbul 1994
Jewellery&Metalwork in TheArts&crafts Tradition, Elyse Zorn Karlin, USA, 1993
20th Century Jewelry: The Complete Sourcebook Peacock, John Thames & Hudson2002
A Fashıonable Hıstory Of Jewelry & Accessorıes , Reynolds Helen, Raıntree Publıshers, 2003
Materıals And Desıgn: The Art And Scıence Of Materıal Selectıon In Product Desıgn , Ashby, Mıke;, 2005
Design Methods .C.Jones Seeds Of Human Futures, London, 1970
Clothıng And Jewelry , Macdonald Fıona, Crabtree Publıshıng Company, 2001
The Couture Accessory , Mılbank, Carolıne Rennolds, Harry N. Abrams Inc., Publıshers, 2002
Complementary Materials:
Magazines (Schmuck Magazine, Jewellery Magazine, Goldnews ), Catalogues of Shoe, Footwear Companies, TrendBook, Catalogues of Jewellery and Ornament Companies, TrendBook

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

1- Research :
The lecturer of this course explains the process of the project by analysing the assigned project (expected performance) within the course. The lecturer makes solution suggestions on the problems that can be encountered during the transition from sketch to design, guides students about generating solutions. She / he wants students to do visual and literary research on the subject they choose.
2- Sketch and design process:
The suitability for the chosen project, originality and the criteria about the convertibility into a design of the students sketches are discussed by all of the students and an atmosphere is created for students to make active comments, brainstorming on their sketches as well as the lecturer. The selected sketches are converted into design within the design standards and student s creative power.
(third one cannot be written)

Assessment Methods

5 FCG FINAL COURSE GRADE PRS * 0.20 + RPR * 0.20 + PRJ * 0.50 + ATT * 0.10

Further Notes About Assessment Methods

In course evaluation process;
1- Student s research in accordance with the chosen project, the performance she / he displayed in the process from sketch to the design (generating an idea, producing creative and original design, intellectual and oral attendance to the design analysis and evaluation processes within the course), suitability of designs to the project, success she / he showed in material selection of design and in determination of production techniques, the reproducibility and usability (ergonomics) of designs in accordance with the project, suitability of the technical and presentation to the design presentation criteria,
2- Students performance in jury evaluation (students advocacy of their design, technical and presentation, products)
will be taken in the consideration.

Assessment Criteria

Course evaluation phase;
1- The student's research on the given project, the performance of the student from the sketch process to the finalization of the design (producing ideas, creating creative and original designs, intellectual and verbal participation in the design analysis and evaluation processes made in the course), the suitability of the designs to the project, the success in determining the material selection and production techniques of the designs, the manufacturability and usability (ergonomics) of the designs in line with the project, the suitability of the technical and presentation sheets of the designs to the design presentation criteria,
2- Evaluation will be made by taking into account the student's performance in the evaluation jury (defending their designs, technical and presentation sheets, and products).

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

1.There is an 80 % obligation in attendance to lesson.
2. All plagiarism attempts and actions would end up in disciplinary punishment
3. If one doesn t hand over the required sketch- design studies on time, the evaluation would be carried out by taking this into consideration. But the student is supposed to hand over required things.
4. For late project deliveries, decreasing a letter grade for each day will be applied.

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

Office Hours

Friday 13:00-14:00

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 14 2 28
Tutorials 14 2 28
Preparations for research/ presentation 12 1 12
Preparations for project presentation 12 1 12
Atelier/ Lab Work 14 2 28
Evaluation and preparation for end of term jury evaluation 1 1 1
TOTAL WORKLOAD (hours) 109

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
