Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By

Accessory Design

Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to

Accessory Design
Fashion Apparel Design
Textile Design
Textile and Fashion Design Department

Course Objective

The aims of this course are to develop drawing figures which will help the transition of measures and details of designed fashion, accessorie and textile products into sheet; inform about the usage of visuals that will emphasize the concept in sheet and presentation techniques; indication of designer and logo, motto, product id and adaptation of these on sheet by students.

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   Define the angles of the designed fashion accessories products in order to use in presentation
2   Draw the figures suitable to the features of fashion accessories products
3   Give characters to the created figures and develop these for the demonstration of designed fashion accessories products in order o use in presentations
4   Design motto, logo and name that reflect the design and the designer in the design standards
5   Make the visuals and other data reflecting design concept suitable on sheet
6   Present the information of design accessories products such as colour, material, method and standards on tag
7   Place them on sheet and prepare them for the presentation after forming the above-mentioned fashion graphic data

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 Analyzing the sample studies on the demo and the presentation of fashion accessories products, defining the criteria
2 Analyzing the sample studies on the demo and the presentation of fashion accessories products, defining the criteria
3 Searching and arranging visual and other data which will emphasize design concept; forming the storyboards
4 Searching and arranging visual and other data which will emphasize design concept; forming the storyboards
5 Figure sketch studies for the presentation of prepared fashion accessories products
6 Figure sketch studies for the presentation of prepared fashion accessories products
7 Creating characters for figure studies and associating this with stand and concept
8 Creating characters for figure studies and associating this with stand and concept
9 Creating characters for figure studies and associating this with stand and concept
10 Being able to define name, motto and logo designs reflecting the designs under the design standards
11 Being able to define name, motto and logo designs reflecting the designs under the design standards
12 Being able to present the credentials such as the colour, material, method and standard of the designed fashion accessories products under the sheet tag
13 Being able to present the credentials such as the colour, material, method and standard of the designed fashion accessories products under the sheet tag
14 Placing the fashion accessories products on the sheet and preparation for the presentation

Recomended or Required Reading

Text Book(s)/Required Readings:
Colours For Modern Fashion; Nancy Riegelman; Nine Heads Media;
Los Angeles, USA; 2006
The Big Book of Fashion Illustration; Martin Dawber; Batsford; London, United
9 Heads; Nancy Riegelman; 9 Heads Media; Los Angeles, USA; 2006
Additional Sources:
Figure Drawing For Fashion Design; Elisabetta Drudi, Tiziana Paci; The Pepin
Press; Milano, Italy, 2001
Fashion Images; Roberta Hochberger Gruber; Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River;
New Jersey, USA; 2000
Complementary Materials:
Current fashion and graphic magazines about the subject, catalogues and internet

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

1. Courses:
The lecturer of the course directs students about studying the features such as concept, size, measure and material of the designed fashion accessories products and preparation of these for presentation, study of figure illustrations for introduction of products that will be presented and giving character and stand to these figures. Via the defined designs; discussion and generating solution sessions are held on motto, logo and id design, preparation of product tag information and presenting these on sheet.
2. Revision sessions and class discussions
Revision sessions are held by the course lecturer in the first and the last lesson of each week about drawing sketch on product study and sheet, visual, method, colour and material selection that will be used in sheet arrangement. Students are supported about attending class discussions, presenting their ideas about their designs and generating solutions.
3. Applications
Studying of fashion accessories products, performing suitable figure illustrations, defining the concept visuals, sample studies showing how to present technical information of the product are presented to the students by using current

Assessment Methods

4 FCG FINAL COURSE GRADE ASG * 0.40 + ASG * 0.30 + LAB * 0.30

Further Notes About Assessment Methods

1- Student s success in required research and preparation within the scope of the course
2- His / her performance in the course
3- His / her performance in presentation
Will be taken into consideration.

Assessment Criteria

1. Considering the student's performance in sketching and application processes,
2. Success in research and development and level of creativity,
3. The evaluation will be based on the student's performance in the final presentation (defending their designs, technical and artistic presentation sheets, and products).

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

1.There is an 80 % obligation in attendance to lesson.
2. All plagiarism attempts and actions would end up in disciplinary punishment
3. If one doesn t hand over the required sketch- design studies on time, the evaluation would be carried out by taking this into consideration. But the student is supposed to hand over required things.
4. Nonattendance to the lesson, not performing the required responsibilities will not be accepted.

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

Office Hours

Wednesday 09:00-10:00

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 14 2 28
Tutorials 14 2 28
Preparations before/after weekly lectures 14 1 14
Preparations for assignment/ presentation 14 1 14
Preparations for project 12 1 12
Lab/ Atelier practice 12 1 12
Jury Evaluation 1 1 1
TOTAL WORKLOAD (hours) 109

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
