Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By

Environmental Engineering

Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to

Environmental Engineering

Course Objective

Students taking the course will be able to identify solid wastes from urban (domestic, industrial, medical, hazardous, etc.) and private (mining activities, agricultural and livestock activities, etc.) sources with their physical, chemical and biological properties, to determine the sampling and analyses necessary to determine the properties of these wastes, to plan the necessary research for technology selection. To be able to define the physical, chemical and biological properties of solid wastes from urban (domestic, industrial, medical, hazardous, etc.) and private (mining activities, agricultural and livestock activities, etc.) sources, to determine the necessary sampling and analyses to determine the properties of these wastes, to plan the necessary researches for technology selection, to reduce and reuse wastes according to the data obtained, The aim of this course is to train engineers who are able to know and identify appropriate technologies for recovery and/or conversion or control by physical or chemical/biochemical (including thermal technologies) means, to carry out the necessary feasibility study and preliminary design of the selected method and to supervise the design during the manufacturing phase and to operate this system.

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 Introduction, solid waste sources, domestic waste components, waste characteristics (quantity, physical chemical / biological essence), change and affecting factors Project work - Identification of project groups - Assignment of project fields - introduction to the project
2 Waste parameters, waste chemistry, pH, Eh, heavy metals, TOC, DTOC, KOI, BOI, eluate, etc. Which affects the choice of basic solid waste technologies Introduction to conventional technologies Laboratory work - Analysis of general solid waste parameters, Model installation
3 Laws and regulations, limit values, quota Collection and transport of wastes, economic and geographical constraints related to them, transfer stations, recovery Project Work-Project 1 Control- Consultation Assignment- Legislation 1
4 Composting technology, biochemistry, legal legislation, feasibility Laboratory work-Quality and stability parameters
5 Landfill areas, anaerobic biochemical transformation, VFA-COD-CH4 conversion-energy element, feasibility, Related legislation Project Work - Determination criteria Assignment- Legislation 2, Application case study
6 Design principles in composting and landfilling technologies Project work - design parameters
7 Problem Solution, Questions and Answers
8 Leachate formation, flow rate, collection, treatment, recirculation, Carbon loss, time-dependent changes in properties, Laboratory - Characteristic parameters in leachate
9 Anaerobic digestion, feasibility, agricultural and animal wastes, energy balance Laboratory work - Product and intermediate product analysis in model systems (VFA-COD-CH4)
10 Combustion and pyrolysis technologies, gasification, mass and energy balance, emissions and products, Legal Legislation; Project Work - Project 2. Control Consultation
11 Problem Solution, Questions and Answers
12 Mine wastes, properties, classification, legislation Assignment- Legislation 3, Application case study Lab study - AP and NP tests, standard and dynamic leaching tests, introduction of kinetic test models
13 Agricultural and animal wastes, food industry wastes, types, characteristics, processing and disposal technologies Project work- Consultation
14 Project presentations

Recomended or Required Reading

Katı Atık Yönetimi ve Teknolojileri, Thomas H. Christiensen, 2017, Nobel Yayınevi
Integrated Solid Waste Managementi Tchobanoglous et al., 1993, McGraw-Hill Int. Editions.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

After the students are told about the factors affecting the sources, basic characteristics and the variability of the solid wastes, they are asked to identify the characteristics of the municipal / domestic wastes belonging to a residental area / region / country and the elements that determine these changes. Following this stage, waste amount calculation, collection-transportation organization, solid waste recycling, evaluation and disposal technologies and related basic legislation are introduced. Students are expected to produce appropriate data for the project site by using other necessary information gathering, data acquisition, or other regional data on similar conditions. It is desirable for students to compare this data processing and the possible technologies for the site in question, taking advantage of scientific and economic realities. The design principles of the described technologies and other important decision-making mechanisms are conveyed. It is expected that the technology that the students decide will make the site selection and preliminary design.

Assessment Methods

5 FCG FINAL COURSE GRADE MTE * 0.30 + LAB * 0.15 + PRJ * 0.15 + FIN * 0.40
7 FCGR FINAL COURSE GRADE (RESIT) MTE * 0.30 + LAB * 0.15 + PRJ * 0.15 + RST * 0.40

Further Notes About Assessment Methods


Assessment Criteria

LO 1- Knowledge of the properties and composition of wastes will be learned in laboratory studies and they will learn what analyzes need to be done to examine possible technologies.

LO 2- The project will evaluate the data obtained in the laboratory during the project work and will enable the technologies to make choices by taking economic criteria, amount of waste and limit values into consideration.

LO 3- learn how to use the information obtained during the project and laboratory work in comparison with the possible technologies. The information obtained about legislation and current practices through the workshops will also help in the evaluation of the technologies.

LO 4- It is aimed to decide the final components of the system and to make preliminary design by reviewing the possible technologies determined during the project works, taking into account the future changes in the amount of waste and its composition.
LO 5-can plan and pre-design the system for the management of a settled solid waste through the achievements obtained during lab, homework and project works
LO 6- Experience in project presentation, laboratory model studies and monitoring projects of other groups to defend and discuss projects
1st midterm, 2nd midterm and final exams and homework, project and laboratory work output will be used as a scale to fulfill the LO. Lab work will be prompted for reporting.

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

Continuous attendance in the course, laboratory, project is expected

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

Doç. Dr. Görkem AKINCI,DEÜ Çevre MühendisliğiBölümü, Tınaztepe Kampüs, 35390 Buca, Izmir,

Office Hours

will be determined according to work load

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 13 3 39
Tutorials 13 2 26
Preparations before/after weekly lectures 12 0,5 12
Preparation for midterm exam 1 3 3
Preparation for final exam 1 4 4
Preparing presentations 1 2 2
Lab Preparation 5 2 10
Preparation for tutorial exam 5 0,5 5
Final 1 2 2
Midterm 1 2 2
Practical exam 5 0,5 5
TOTAL WORKLOAD (hours) 110

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes