Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By

Tourism Management

Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to

Tourism Management

Course Objective

The aim of this course is to analyze current trends and developments in the tourism sector and evaluate possible outcomes. In this context, current factors and trends affecting tourism are discussed throughout the period.

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   Examine the current trends and developments shaping the tourism sector world-wide in order to predict their impacts on local and national scales.
2   Discuss the factors influencing the current visitor markets to predict solutions for problems faced by tourism and recreation establishments

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 General Overview of the Course-Information about term paper preparation and presentation
2 Tourism at a Glance
3 Current Issues in Tourism: Socio-demographic trends
4 Current Issues in Tourism: Technological trends
5 Current Issues in Tourism: Environmental trends
6 Current Issues in Tourism: Economic trends
7 Current Issues in Tourism: Political trends
8 Crisis Management in Tourism Industry
9 General Overview of the Course
10 Term Paper Presentations
11 Term Paper Presentations
12 Term Paper Presentations
13 Term Paper Presentations
14 Term Paper Presentations

Recomended or Required Reading

There is no one specific text book to be followed. Students should use a mixture of academic books and journals, statistics, industry reports, newspaper articles, online sources and all other related material to be prepared for lectures, assignments and exams.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures: Throughout the semester, current trends affecting the tourism industry will be discussed. Course topics may vary in light of current developments affecting the relevant sector in that academic year.

Assessment Methods

1 MT Midterm
2 TP TermProject
3 FCG FINAL COURSE GRADE MT * 0.40 + TP * 0.60

Further Notes About Assessment Methods


Assessment Criteria

Term Project Evaluation Criteria

Student submits a term project report conforming to the term project template determined by the course instructor (10 points)
This element is not provided 1 (0%)
This element does not entirely fit the template / has major mistakes 2 (40%)
This element fits the template at an acceptable standard / has minor mistakes 3 (60%)
This element complies with the template and meets the expectation 4 (80%)
This element is prepared professionally without mistakes 5 (100%)

Student analyzes and evaluates the importance of the subject in the news for tourism, which areas it has affected or may affect and the current or probable future results (40 points)
This element is not provided 1 (0%)
This element does not entirely discuss the subject with reasons 2 (40%)
This element fits the context at an acceptable standard 3 (60%)
This element is developed in a good way and fits into the context 4 (80%)
This element is noteworthy and fits perfectly into the context 5 (100%)

Student criticizes the subject and/or offers solutions for the problem(s) in the news (10 points)
This element is not provided 1 (0%)
This element does not entirely discuss the subject with reasons 2 (40%)
This element fits the context at an acceptable standard 3 (60%)
This element is developed in a good way and fits into the context 4 (80%)
This element is noteworthy and fits perfectly into the context 5 (100%)

Student uses relevant and varied references for the term project (10 points)
This element is not provided 1 (0%)
This element lacks relevance and variety 2 (40%)
This element meets the average expectation 3 (60%)
This element meets the overall expectation 4 (80%)
This element is handled professionally 5 (100%)

Student manages presentation time effectively (10 points)
This element is not provided 1 (0%)
This element is not planned well enough 2 (40%)
This element meets the average expectation 3 (60%)
This element meets the overall expectation 4 (80%)
This element is handled professionally 5 (100%)

Student prepares an elaborate visual presentation in accordance with the specified rules (10 points)
This element is not provided 1 (0%)
This element falls short of expectations and does not comply with some rules 2 (40%)
This element complies with most rules and meets the average expectation 3 (60%)
This element complies with most rules and meets the overall expectation 4 (80%)
This element complies with all rules and is handled professionally 5 (100%)

Student uses effective presentation techniques and skills (10 points)
This element is not provided 1 (0%)
This element falls short of expectations 2 (40%)
This element meets the average expectation 3 (60%)
This element meets the overall expectation 4 (80%)
This element is handled professionally 5 (100%)

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

1. Attending at least 70% of lectures is mandatory.

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

Office Hours

To be announced in the class.

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 14 3 42
Preparation for midterm exam 1 7 7
Preparing assignments 1 16 16
Preparations before/after weekly lectures 12 2 24
Preparing presentations 1 13 13
Midterm 1 1,5 2
Final 1 1,5 2
TOTAL WORKLOAD (hours) 106

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
