Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By

Turkish Language and Literature Teacher Education

Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to

Turkish Language and Literature Teacher Education

Course Objective

To analyse and examine the messages shared in various media such as TV, radio, press, internet etc. and to teach a critical approach to these various documents. The students get knowledge about the positive and the negative sides of the different media types.

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   By identifying the communication types and realise their components
2   Get information about the social communication known as media
3   Evaluate the effects of media on individual and the society
4   Get sophisticated about whether the information given by the media organs are partisanist or not. Can detect the ideological status among the media tools
5   Questionise the function of media in linguistic teaching, language analysis and/or teaching a second/foreign language, and learn to use the media in education

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 The concepts and the types of communication
2 Mass coummunication and the historical development of the mass communication tools
3 The concept of media and its function
4 Language of the media
5 What are the media communication tools
6 European Union and the media literacy
7 midterm exam
8 Overview of the subjects and review
9 TV and visual literacy
10 Internet and information literacy
11 Technologies which are used in media
12 Reconstruction of informatin via media and representation
13 Language, language teaching, language analysis and media literacy
14 final exam

Recomended or Required Reading

AGNÈS, Jean; SAVINO, Josiane (1999) Apprendre Avec la Presse, Paris: RETZ/CLEMI.
BINARK, Mutlu; GENCEL BERK, Mine (2010) Eleştirel Medya Okuryazarlığı, 2. Baskı,
Istanbul: Kalkedon Yayınları.
EN COLLABORATION (1992), L'éducation aux médias dans le monde: nouvelles orientations,
Unesco, Clemi, , Paris: British Film Institute.
GONNET, Jacques (1997) Éducation et Medias, Paris: PUF, coll. « Que sais-je », No:
GUICHON, N. (2006). Langues et TICE: Méthodologie de Conception Multimédia. Paris:
GUIRAUD, Pierre (1994) Göstergebilim, Çeviren: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yalçın, 2. Baskı,
Ankara: Imge Kitapevi
GÜNAY, V. Doğan (2004) Dil ve Iletişim, Istanbul: Multilingual Yayınları.
HERR, Nicole (1988) J'Apprends à Lire Avec le Journal (de 2 à 8 ans), Paris:
HIRSCHSPRUNG, N. (2005). Apprendre et enseigner avec le multimédia. Paris: Hachette.
INAL, Kemal (2009) Medya Okuryazarlığı El Kitabı Ankara: Ütopya yayınevi
JEAN, Georges (2006) Yazı: Insanlığın Belleği, Çeviren: Nami Başer, 4. Baskı, Istanbul:
Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
MANGENOT, F. & LOUVEAU, E. (2006). Internet et la classe de langue. Paris: CLE
MASTERMAN, Len; MARIET, François (1994) L éducation aux média dans l Europe des années
90: Conseil de l Europe.
Mc QUAIL Denis, Sven WINDAHL (1994) Kitle Iletişim Çalışmaları için Iletişim Modelleri,
Yayına Hazırlayanlar: Banu Dağtaş, Uğur Demiray, Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi
McQUAIL, Denis (1994) Kitle Iletişim Kuramı, Çev. Ahmet Haluk Yüksel, Eskişehir:
Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları
MUTLU, Erol (1994) Iletişim Sözlüğü, Ankara: Ark Yayınevi.
RÉZEAU, Joseph (2007) Analyse de Internet et la classe de langue Apprentissage des
langues et systèmes d'information et de communication (ALSIC), vol. 10, n° 2. pp.87-94., mis en ligne le 15/06/2007
RICHARDSON, Janice (editör) (2012) Internet Okur Yazarlığı El Kitabı, Çeviren: Nuran
Yardımcı, Pınar Ülkülü ve Mehmet Bora Sönmez, Brüksel: Avrupa Konseyi, Bilgi Toplumu
Projesinde Iyi Yönetişim Siyasi Işler Müdürlüğü. II No lu Genel Müdürlük Insan Hakları.
Medya Bölümü. URL:
ROOSEN, Tanguy (editeur-) (2010) L Éducation aux Médias en 12 Question, Bruxelles:
Ministère de la Communauté Française, Conseil Supérieur de l Education aux Médias
ions/2010-02-26-12_questions_-corrections.pdf (son ulaşım: 20 şubat 2012)
SOLAK, Adem (Ed), Medya ve Şiddet Ankara2007. Hegem Yayınları
TÜRKOĞLU,Nurçay (Ed) Medya Okuryazarlığı , Istanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi Iletişim
Fakültesi Yayınları, S. 2

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

1. Presentations about the subject
2. Narration/debate with the help of examples
3. Question & Answer

Assessment Methods

1 VZ Midterm
2 FN Semester final exam
3 BNS BNS Student examVZ * 0.40 + Student examFN * 0.60
4 BUT Make-up note
5 BBN End of make-up grade Student examVZ * 0.40 + Student examBUT * 0.60

Further Notes About Assessment Methods


Assessment Criteria

LO 1-5: Will be evaluated with the help of the articles which are going to be prepared for midterm and final exams.

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

1. Attendance to the 80% of the courses is compulsory.
2. Attendance to the midterm, assignments and final exams will be taken into consideration in evaluation
3. Cheating and Plagiarism attempts in midterm, assignments and final exams will be graded as "0" (zero).

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

To be announced.

Office Hours

To be announced.

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 13 2 26
Preparations before/after weekly lectures 13 2 26
Preparation for midterm exam 1 25 25
Preparation for final exam 1 25 25
Final 1 2 2
Midterm 1 2 2
TOTAL WORKLOAD (hours) 106

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
