Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By

Art of Illumination

Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to

Art of Illumination
Ancient Turkish Calligraphy

Course Objective

The aim of this course is to teach the students the illuminated parts of handwritten books, their features and historical improvements, and classical illumination features; And also, to teach how to apply them on a project.

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   learn classical illumination style and its features in Turkish Decoration Art,
2   define the illuminated areas of handwritten artefacts in Turkish Illumination Art, analyze their features, make use of the computer-aided programs in the creation of designs,
3   analyze the illumination features such as headings, zahriye sure heading, and make original designs related to these fields,
4   use the classical illumination styles in Illumination Art, design classical illumination and original patterns, use the information of similar and different disciplines in the designs,
5   become skilful at using brushes and shades in the drawings of ornaments used in different parts of Turkish Illumination Art, apply the colours in accordance with the periods.

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 The illuminated parts of handwritten books, their features, historical improvements and classical illumination features
2 Illumination features in handwritten books, the Kur an decorations samples; the ornamentation features of Kur an decoration; illustrated areas
3 Zahriye page illustrations in handwritten artefacts and their features
4 Heading (Title) page illustrations in handwritten artefacts and their features
5 Margin (annotation) illustration features in handwritten artefacts
6 Illustrations between line spaces in handwritten artefacts ( illustrations of beyhe-sütur, durak, keşide (drawing)
7 Ketebe page illustrations in handwritten artefacts and their features
8 Hatime page illustrations in handwritten artefacts and their features
9 Stages to make original designs using illustration techniques and kinds in handwritten artefacts
10 The form-style features of illustrated areas in handwritten artefacts
11 Preparing an handwritten page illustration by using techniques such as classically coloured style, halkar, double composition in handwritten artefacts
12 Considering the project and representing it
13 Considering the project and representing it
14 Examination

Recomended or Required Reading

Ayla Ersoy ; Türk Tezhip Sanatı, Istanbul 1988
Gülnur Duran ; Ali Üsküdari Istanbul 2008 190s
A.Maktal;Tezyinat-ı Kur aniye, Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Kültür K. C: 4 Izmir 2006 1461-1471s.
Zeren Tanındı; Kitap ve Tezhibi Ankara 2004 865-891s.
Ilhan Özkeçeci;Türk Sanatı nda Kompozisyon Istanbul 2008
Colın F.Baker : Qur an Manuscripts, The British Library ,london 2007
Diğer ders materyalleri:
M.Uğur Derman : Doksan Dokuz Istanbul Mushaf-ı , Mas matbaacılık, Istanbul 2010
Türk Hat Sanatının Şaheserleri,(Hz. M. Uğur Derman), Ankara 1990 67s.
Hat Sanatı, (Edit: E. Ihsanoğlu ) Istanbul 1992, 244s.
Basılı ve görüntülü yazma eser tezhip örnekleri.
2002 Ilkbahar Müzayedesi, Portakal Sanat ve Kültür evi, Istanbul 2002 256s.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

In this course, the students are going to gradually learn how to draw and analyze the functions of the figurative and anatomical constitution of the ornaments in a composition by being told the connection in illustration, its terminology, its features and its historical improvement. The kinds, styles and techniques of pattern drawing will be taught by analyzing method. Students will perform applications by using pencils in areas of free, fractional, additional, compositional drawing patterns, symmetric, asymmetric and the other free forms.

Assessment Methods

4 FCG FINAL COURSE GRADE PRJ * 0.60 + ATT * 0.20 + COM * 0.20

Further Notes About Assessment Methods

This course involves 2 theoretical course credits; and 2 practical course credits. In the educational year, both a mid-term exam and a final exam are given to the students so as to make them comprehend the course content during the lessons. By means of the exams, how much information given by the books and notes has been grasped, and at what degree the practices related to the designs have been turned into skills will be evaluated. The students will be supposed to prepare an assignment and present it in the course systematics they have grasped.
It is important for the students to attend classes because they can improve their drawing skills and because this applied course is the main course of the discipline the students related to. So, the attendance will be taken into consideration.
At the end of the term, by considering ethical, systematic, organizational and esthetical principles, each student will represent his project with a file including project stages.

Assessment Criteria

Exams will be evaluated out of 100. This grade will be determined according to the number of the questions to be asked in the exams. And also, the project, the assignment presentation and the attendance will be evaluated out of 100.

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

The students coming to class late will be accepted into the class but are considered to attend half class period. All attendance will be scored as mentioned above. At the end of each course, the next lesson s subject is given to the students as study and research subject. Each lesson starts after discussing the study and research subject before teaching it.

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

Office Hours

There isn't any time

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 14 2 28
Tutorials 14 4 56
Preparation for midterm exam 1 8 8
Preparing assignments 1 6 6
Preparing presentations 1 4 4
Preparations for tutorials (project, lab work, etc.) 14 4 56
Preparations before/after weekly lectures 14 3 42
TOTAL WORKLOAD (hours) 200

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
