: Principles of Atatürk and Turkish Revolution History

General Description


Dokuz Eylül University the Institute of Principles of Ataturk and Turkish Revolution History, affiliated to rectorate of the mentioned university, was founded in 1983 by the date of 03.24.1983 and 2809 numbered law. When the Institute was founded, its old building was at Ikinci Kordon in Alsancak where is today the administration building of the university. A single-storey building added to the administration building was determined as the institute building. The institute firstly undertook the education of the Atatürks Principles and Revolution History lessons for the faculties and high schools of the university. One year later after its foundation, it also started the education of master of sciences and philosophy of doctorate.

Qualification Awarded

Principles of Ataturk and Turkish Revolution History, Doctorate Degree (Ph.D.)

Level of Qualification

Third Cycle (Doctorate Degree)

Specific Admission Requirements

Second Cycle Degree in the same or in related disciplines. Acceptable score on ALES (Academic Personnel and Graduate Education Entrance Exam) or Equivalent GRE, GMAT score. Acceptable score on Language Proficiency Tests. Acceptable weighted score based on the first or second cycle (with thesis) cumulative grade point average (GPA) and ALES score. However, ALES requirement is waived for the graduates of doctorate /arts proficiency/medical residency/ dental residency/ veterinary residency/ pharmaceutical residency programs as well as for the admissions to the graduate programs offered by the Conservatory and the departments of Fine Arts Faculty, where students are admitted only by the Artistic Aptitude Test. Final admission is based on the evaluation of the related academic unit committee. International student admission requirements are decided by the Graduate School Executive Committee.

Specific Arrangements for Recognition of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)

Transfer Students:
The transfer student candidates from Turkish or foreign universities are subject to the YOK Legislation "The transfer, double degree, minor degree and inter-institutional credit transfer" and to the evaluation conditions determined by Dokuz Eylul University Senate.
The transfer quotas are determined and announced by Turkish Higher Education Council (YOK). The evaluation of the candidates are done by the school evaluation commmisin and approved by the management
The Graduate Transfers:
The short cycle graduates are given the right to be admitted to the first cycle programs if they comply with the conditions set by the "The transfer of Short Cycle Program Graduates to First Cycle Programs" Legilation of Turkish Higher Education Council (YOK)
The universities inform YOK regarding the quotas and YOK announces the quotas and conditions in "Graduate Transfer Guide" and the placements are managed by YOK due to the results of nationwide graduate transfer exam.
According to the Regulations of Dokuz Eylül University for Graduate Schools, students are not connected to the right for internal transfer, previously taken courses at another graduate programme by another university with a successful grade may be
recognized by the related programmes after the letter of the students includes course contents and the transcript, and by the recommendation of the head of the departments and by the decision of the Board of Directors. The courses taken by the outgoing
Exchange students have the recognition at the school either as compulsory or elective.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

4 years, 2 semesters per year, 16 weeks per semester, 240 ECTS in total.

Profile of the Programme

Main objectives of this program are to enable students to gain fundamental values of Republic of Türkiye that designed as a civilization project by Ataturk and to represent a substantial change in the Turkish modernization process; to teach the form of the objective, universal and analytical thinking by means of the Philosophy of History and the methodology; to interpret to Turkish Revolution from the perspective of general theories of the revolution; by depending on documentary and by using modern historical methods to investigate, research and teach the history of The Modern Türkiye; to produce knowledge in relation to Türkiye's current social problems by means of knowledge coming from past.

Key Learning Outcomes

1   Being able to interpret Turkish Revolution in terms of theories of modernization and revolution.
2   Being able to compare Western modernization with Turkish modernization.
3   Being able to educate academicians and researchers who developed ability to solve problems by using critical mind.
4   Being able to give information about Republic of Turkey's domestic and foreign policy and developments in the world.
5   Being able to research History of Republic of Turkey with modern history methods grounded on documents.
6   Being able to produce information in order to solve today's Turkey's social problems as possessing basic logic related with social sciences.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

This degree enables the holder to exercise the profession in the public or private sector.

Access to Further Studies

Graduates may apply to post doctorate studies.

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

The Department Educational Plan consists of compulsory and elective courses. In addition to these, the area of expertise consists of a seminar and a thesis study course.
T: Theoretical P: Practice L: Laboratory
B: Spring Semester G: Fall Semester H: Full Year
1 .Semester:
Semester No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Unit Type T P L ECTS
TOTAL:   30
2 .Semester:
Semester No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Unit Type T P L ECTS
TOTAL:   30
3 .Semester:
Semester No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Unit Type T P L ECTS
TOTAL:   30
4 .Semester:
Semester No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Unit Type T P L ECTS
TOTAL:   30
5 .Semester:
Semester No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Unit Type T P L ECTS
TOTAL:   30
6 .Semester:
Semester No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Unit Type T P L ECTS
TOTAL:   30
7 .Semester:
Semester No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Unit Type T P L ECTS
TOTAL:   30
8 .Semester:
Semester No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Unit Type T P L ECTS
TOTAL:   30

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

In our education program, which is given as two semesters annually, a midterm and a final exam are held each semester, students are given various homework and success measurement and evaluation are made accordingly. 40% of the visa and 60% of the final must be at least 75 points in the evaluation.

Graduation Requirements

Third Cycle (Doctorate Degree) Program is comprised of at least 14 courses, not being less than 42 national credits, pasing a qualifiying examination, preparing and defending a doctoral dissertation, in total 240 ECTS credits.

Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning )


Programme Director or Equivalent

Director of Institute: Prof. Dr. Kemal ARI
(Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarih Enstitüsü /Buca- İzmir.) Tel:0 232 301 79 20
Coordinator of AKTS/DS: Assoc. Prof. Fevzi ÇAKMAK
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarih Enstitüsü /Buca- İzmir Tel:0 232 301 79 36