Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By

Gastronomy and Culinary Arts

Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to

Gastronomy and Culinary Arts

Course Objective

Have knowledge about the use of raw materials and related processing technology with cake

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   Acquire the necessary theoretical and practical skills related to confectionery
2   Techniques used, materials and equipment to identify and apply
3   Ability to prepare cake

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 Definition of patisserie The definition of pastry and comprehensive information in the field of pastry will be provided.
2 Basic tools and equipment used in the patisserie department Comprehensive information will be provided about the basic equipment and production techniques used in pastry.
3 Yeast doughs and leavening techniques Comprehensive information will be provided about the production techniques of basic yeast doughs used in pastry and basic practices will be made.
4 Pastry products prepared by leavening Comprehensive information will be provided about the production techniques of basic yeast doughs used in pastry and basic practices will be made.
5 Preparing pate a choux dough Comprehensive information will be provided about the production techniques of doughs prepared by pate a choux used in pastry and basic practices will be made.
6 Assimilated dough preparation technique Comprehensive information will be provided about the production techniques of doughs prepared by simulating used in pastry and basic practices will be made.
7 Basic pastry products preparation technique Comprehensive information will be provided about the production techniques of basic pastry products used in pastry and basic practices will be made.
8 Tart, Galette, Pie, Quiche, Cobbler and Crisp Comprehensive information will be provided about the production techniques of basic tarts, tartlets, pies and other products used in pastry and basic practices will be made.
9 Cheesecake making Comprehensive information will be provided about the basic cheesecake production techniques used in pastry and basic practices will be made.
10 A technique for preparing dough by whisking Comprehensive information will be provided about the production techniques of doughs prepared by whipping used in pastry and basic practices will be made.
11 Cake making Comprehensive information will be given about the making techniques of pastries and their types used in pastry, and basic practices will be carried out.
12 Preparation cake I Comprehensive information will be given about the making techniques of pastries and their types used in pastry, and basic practices will be performed.
13 Preparation cake II Comprehensive information will be given about the making techniques of pastries and their types used in pastry, and basic practices will be performed.
14 Preparation cake III Comprehensive information will be given about the making techniques of boutique cakes and their varieties used in pastry and basic practices will be performed.

Recomended or Required Reading

Türkan C. (2009) Yemek Repertuarı, Ankara: Sistem Ofset
Cake Craft and Decoration, Leicestershire: Cake & Craft co. Issue 93 -125
Greweling P. P. ( 2013) Chocolates and Confections, New Jersey: JohnWiley Sons
Stamm M. ( 2011) The Pastry Chef Apprantice, Massacushesetts : Quayside Pub

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

1. Lecture presentation for explaining basic concepts.
2. Application studies.

Assessment Methods

1 VZ Vize
2 FN Final
3 BNS BNS VZ*0.40+FN * 0.60
4 BUT Bütünleme Notu
5 BBN Bütünleme Sonu Başarı Notu VZ*0.40+BUT * 0.60

Further Notes About Assessment Methods

1. Midterm Exam: Midterm exam includes subjects and assignments in the course content (40%).
2. Final Exam: The exam will cover all subjects in the course content. Students are also responsible for the discussion, practice and case studies (60%).
3. Resit: The exam will cover all the topics in the course content. Students are also responsible for the discussion, practice and case studies (60%).

Assessment Criteria

At the end of this course the students are expected to be able to;
1. Have the necessary theoretical and practical skills related to pastry.
2. Explain the techniques, materials and equipments used

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

1. Attending at least 70 percent of lectures is mandatory.
2. Participation in class is compulsory.

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

Office Hours

Monday 11:00-12:00

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 14 2 28
Tutorials 14 2 28
Preparations before/after weekly lectures 14 5 70
Preparation for midterm exam 1 1 1
Preparation for final exam 1 1 1
Final 1 1 1
Midterm 1 1 1
TOTAL WORKLOAD (hours) 130

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
