Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By

Biology (UOLP-Gence State University)

Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to

Biology (UOLP-Gence State University)

Course Objective

The purpose of teaching the discipline is to provide students with information about the subject of psychology: the essence, development of psychology, methodology and methods of psychological research, psyche and consciousness, the formation of consciousness about the categories of psychology, mental processes, mental states and mental properties, the self-identity of mental development at different age stages in the section of age psychology, and in the Department of pedagogical psychology, using the knowledge gained, in the process of training, education, pedagogical activity, students who acquire the future teaching profession by linking this theoretical knowledge with practical activities
-identification of the personality itself and others and close awareness of character,behavior,thoughts
- to apply psychological knowledge in school practice;
- psychological analysis of specific conditions in the pedagogical process;
- personalization of the educational process;
- to analyze and improve student`s pedagogical activity;
- to develop and stimulate the cognitive interests of students. it is to form.

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   To be able to study the definition of General Psychology (psychology) and the branches of science of psycholgia
2   The general essence of Psychological Science,the essence of mental processes, phenomena and properties the main stages of the history of psychology, the development of Psychological Science in Azerbaijan,principles and methods of research, psyche and consciousness, formation of consciousness, interpretation of information about personality,activity, Communication,Group and collective.
3   Mental processes: sensory cognition-emotions, perception,rossional cognition-attention,memory, thinking,imagination, volitional-emotional processes-feelings and will, psychic properties: temperament, character, explaining abilities.
4   The history of the emergence of age psychology as an important branch of Psychology, its main sections,relationship with other sciences, features of ontogenetic development and an extensive analysis of specific research methods.
5   To extensively analyze such problems as theories about the age periods of mental development, the essence of the concept of leading activity in mental development, the concept of a newborn child, new derivatives, features of mental development at different age stages
6   The reasons for the emergence of pedagogical psychology as a science, the history of its development, the unity with age psychology, the main sections of which describe the importance of upbringing and self-education, the psychology of training and the psychology of Peda-goji activity.
7   The main figure of the teacher in the process of pedagogical activity,the pedagogical mastery of the teacher, the use of pedagogical abilities and skills in the educational process as an indicator of the role of the knowledge received in it.

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 1.The subject, tasks and methods of modern psychology. 2.The development of the psyche in Phylogenesis and the formation of consciousness.
2 3.Psychology of personality.
3 4.Psychology of activity. 5.Communicate.Psychology of interpersonal relationships in groups and groups.
4 6.Psychology of emotions and perception.
5 7.Psychology of attention and memory. 8.Psychology of thinking.
6 9.Psychology of imagination.
7 10.Psychology of feelings and willpower. 11.Psychology of temperament.
8 Overview
9 12.Psychology of character and abilities. 13.The subject, tasks and methods of age psychology. 14. Features of the development of the child until entering school.
10 15. Features of the development of a younger schoolchild.
11 16. Features of development in adolescence age. 17. Personality development in adolescence age.
12 18.Personality formation in the period of early youth age.
13 19. Subject, tasks and methods of pedagogical psychology. 20.Psychology of upbringing and self-education.
14 21.Psychology of training activities. 22.Optimized training activities. 23.Psychology of pedagogical activity and the personality of the teacher.

Recomended or Required Reading

1. .S.Bayramov, . lizad Psixologiya , Bakı, Çinar çap n şriyyatı, 2006, (620 s h)
2. S.I.Seyidov,M. .H mz yev Psixologiya , Bakı, Nurlan n şriyyatı, 2007,(700 s h.)
3. Ümumi psixologiya, A.V.Petrovskinin redaktorluğu il , Bakı, Maarif n şriyyatı,1982, (494s.)_
4. R.I. liyev Psixologiya , Bakı, Nurlan n şriyyatı, 2008,(352 s.).
5. I.Sultanova Psixologiyanın sasları f nnind n interaktiv elektron mühazir m tnl ri.Bakı- Elm v t hsil -2011
6. N.Ç l biyev Uşaq psixologiyası , Bakı, 2005 https/www.kitabyurdu.ora
7. M.H mz yev Pedaqoji psixologiya , Bakı, 1991
8. . . lizad , H. . lizad Pedaqoji psixologiya , I-II hiss , Bakı, 2010
9. . . : . : , 2019.
10. . / . . . . : , 2021.
11. . . : . : , 2021
Additional literature list:
1. Şükran D d yev, Psixika , Bakı, qanun n şriyyatı, 2007, 447 s., 2.
2.R.I. liyev, G. liyeva Ş xsiyy t psixologiyası , Bakı, 2010,
3. R.I. liyev Etnopsixologiya, qloballaşma v millilik , Bakı, Nurlan n şriyyatı, 2007,(180 s.)
4.Ş.Babayeva,C.Aliyev, . liyev,M.M mm dov,S. mirova,H.Zeynalova,K.Babayeva,L.Sadıxova,S.F rhatlı,N. hm dova,C.D mirova, .Qubadova Etnopsixologiya bakı -2020
5.A.M mm dov Idrak prosesl ri (müh. m tn.), Bakı, 2005(216s.),
6.Z.M.Aslanova, I.I.M mm dov Kiçik m kt blil rin t lim f aliy tinin optimallaşdırılması ,(d rs v s.) Bakı, 2

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Presentation, lecture, question and answer technique.

Assessment Methods

1 VZ Vize
2 FN Final
3 BNS BNS VZ * 0.40 + FN * 0.60
4 BUT Bütünleme Notu
5 BBN Bütünleme Sonu Başarı Notu VZ * 0.40 + BUT * 0.60

Further Notes About Assessment Methods


Assessment Criteria

The questions to be asked in the intermediate and final exams will be evaluated

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

Course Policies and Rules: Student responsibilities:
70% of attendance during the semester belongs to the student. The time indicated for the presentation of the lesson time and homework must be observed. Measures will be taken within the framework of the relevant rules regarding unethical behavior that may occur in classes and exams. Subjects regulation on the principles of teaching and examination application of the faculty

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

Office Hours

will be announced

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 14 4 56
Preparations before/after weekly lectures 14 2 28
Preparation for midterm exam 1 8 8
Preparation for final exam 1 10 10
Final 1 2 2
Midterm 1 2 2
TOTAL WORKLOAD (hours) 106

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
