Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By

Art of Illumination

Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to

Art of Illumination
Ancient Turkish Calligraphy

Course Objective

The aim of this course is to teach the writing samples in the history of calligraphy, their features, their definition in categories, explanation of their features, calligraphy styles, decorative writing designs, different writing techniques, the application techniques and kinds of zerendüd, celi, marbling.

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   learn the kinds and features of aklam-I sitte, herf kalem in calligraphy art,
2   define the styles and their features in calligraphy art,
3   define the kinds and their features by classifying them,
4   make up decorative writing designs together with different disciplines in calligraphy art, and perform them by samples,
5   apply the techniques, such as zerendüd, marbling writing and painting writing on calligraphy art, and explain the steps,
6   make up original writing designs by using related techniques and kinds of calligraphy, and present them together with the steps.

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 Aklam-ı sitte in Calligraphy Art, teaching its historical development with examples in accordance with the kinds of pencils
2 Teaching the historical development and the styles of the writings except aklam-I sitte. Meşk works.
3 Project I: Fixing the text for decorative writing design. Meşk and project works
4 Explaining decorative writing with examples. Meşk and project works
5 The usage areas of decorative writings and their places in Calligraphy Art. Meşk and project works
6 The symmetry in decorative writing will be taught by addition composition methods and techniques. Meşk and project works
7 Identifying the techniques, materials and presentation techniques used in decorative writing. Meşk and prpject works
8 Project II: Identifying the sample plate for reproduction celi writing application. Meşk and project works
9 Exam / meşk and project works
10 Introducing zerendüd writings which are frequently used in Calligraphy Art and especially plate designing, and their application techniques. Meşk and project works
11 Introducing celi writings which are frequently used in Calligraphy Art and especially plate designing, and their application techniques. Meşk and project works
12 Introducing marbling writings which are frequently used in Calligraphy Art and especially plate designing, and their application techniques. Meşk and project works
13 Introducing painting writings which are frequently used in Calligraphy Art and especially plate designing, and their application techniques. Meşk and project works
14 Aesthetic values and magnificence, symmetry, balance standards in celi writings in Calligraphy. Meşk and project works

Recomended or Required Reading

Süleyman Berk ; Celi Sülüs Estetiği Ist. 2000; H. Aksu; I. Yapılarındaki Bazı Dekoratif Hatlar; Istanbul 2001; M Akar ; H. Ahmed Yesevi Türbesinin Makıli Güzelleri, Ank 2004 ;
Murat Sülün ; Sanat Eserlerine Vurulan Kuran Mührü , Ist. 2006
Halil Ethem; Kitabeler Nasıl Kayıt ve Zabt Olunmalıdır, Osm. Tar. E. Mecmuası, Ist. 1911
Abdülhamit Tüfekçioğlu; Türk Mimarisinde Yazı; Ankara 2007
Ali Alparslan; Mimari Yapıların Yazı Sanatı Bakımından Önemi, Istanbul 1978;
Süleyman Berk ; Celi Sülüs Estetiği Ist. 2000;
H. Aksu; I. Yapılarındaki Bazı Dekoratif Hatlar; Istanbul 2001;
M Akar ; H. Ahmed Yesevi Türbesinin Makıli Güzelleri, Ank 2004
Murat Sülün ; Sanat Eserlerine Vurulan Kuran Mührü , Ist. 2006
Abdülhamit Tüfekçioğlu; Yazı Sanatı Bakımından Önemi, Istanbul 1978;
Nurullah Berk; Islam Yazısında Plastik ve Ifade , Ankara 2009 (1955);
Nihat Boydaş; Talik Yazıya Plastik Değer Açısından Bir Yaklaşım;Ist. 1994
Ismail Hakkı Baltacıoğlu; Sanat, Istanbul 1934

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

In this course, the kinds of writing and their features will be instructed in the course of calligraphy history. The historical development and styles of the writings except aklam-I sitte will be taught. Free designs will be assigned as a project by teaching different techniques and materials of decorative writing styles ( küfi-Makıli ). Some samples made with different techniques such as zerendüd, celi marbling writing style and painting writing style will be introduced. Their application techniques will be taught and a chosen sample will be applied.

Assessment Methods


Further Notes About Assessment Methods

This course involves 2 theoretical course credits and 2 application credits. In the term, the students are given both a mid-term exam and a final exam on the purpose of having them comprehend the content of the course in the lesson. Through the mid-term exam, we will evaluate how much the students have comprehended the knowledge in the course books and notes and to what extent they have achieved the reading skills. By the 15 % of the mid-term and 20 % of the final exam the students will be evaluated in terms of knowledge and skill.
The students are expected to prepare an assignment and a presentation on the lesson systematic they have learnt. The result will be evaluated out of 15 %.
As it is a practice based and a disciplined based course, the attendance is very important. For this reason, the attendance will be evaluated out of 20 %.
In the first term, the project evaluation will be as file and project evaluation.

Assessment Criteria

The exams will be evaluated out of 100 and depending on the number of the questions, which will be announced before the exams. The total grade will be identified and evaluated by the answers.
The content of the assignment and presentation criteria will be evaluated out of 100. In the evaluation of the project the student s correct, orderly and diligent study will be evaluated out of 100.

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

The lesson starts with the theoretical introduction of the related subject and visual letter anatomies. The students coming to class late will be accepted into the class but are considered to attend half class period. All attendance will be scored as mentioned above. At the end of each course, the next lesson s subject is given to the students as study and research subject. Each lesson starts after discussing the study and research subject before teaching it.

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

Office Hours

Wednesdays 11:15-12:00.

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 14 1 14
Tutorials 14 2 28
Preparation for midterm exam 1 2 2
Preparation for midterm exam 1 2 2
Design Project 2 3 6
Preparing the laboratory notebook 6 2 12
Preparations before/after weekly lectures 14 2 28
Final 1 1 1
Midterm 1 1 1

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
