Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By

International Relations (English) ((UOLP-New York State University (Suny Albany))

Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to

International Relations (English) ((UOLP-New York State University (Suny Albany))
Political Science and International Relations (English) ((UOLP-New York State University (Suny Albany))

Course Objective

This course aims to study the enlargement processes of the European integration from its early years until today.

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   Recognise the enlargement waves of the EU in order to identify the Union's role in member and candidate states.
2   Demonstrate understanding of the EU enlargement policy in order to assess how it impacts its periphery.
3   Develop skill to make reasoned and critical arguments.
4   Improve skill to make presentations in the classroom.
5   Develop skill to engage in discussions with the rest of co-learners as well as the lecturer.
6   Develop skill to find, use and evaluate the relevant sources, including academic and media material.

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 Introduction: The Concept of the EU Enlargement Policy
2 Organizational elements of the EU Enlargement policy
3 EU membership Criteria
4 The EU enlargement waves
5 Widening vs. deepening
6 Waves of the EU enlargement
7 From economic assistance, through association toward membership
8 Kinds of association to the EU
9 Instruments and procedure for establishment of association
10 The Stabilization and Association process
11 From association toward membership
12 Future of the EU enlargement policy
13 Sunumlar
14 Sunumlar

Recomended or Required Reading

Various books, book chapters and articles TBA.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

1. Lecture
2. Term Paper and Presentation

Assessment Methods

1 MT Midterm
2 TRP TermPaper
3 PRS Presentation
4 FN Final
5 FCG FINAL COURSE GRADE MT * 0.30 + TRP * 0.30 +PRS * 0.10 + FN * 0.30
7 FCGR FINAL COURSE GRADE (RESIT) MT * 0.30 +vTRP * 0.30 + PRS * 0.10 +RST * 0.30

Further Notes About Assessment Methods


Assessment Criteria

1. Will describe and explain the EU enlargement waves.
2. Will comprehend the enlargement policy of the EU.
3. Will develop skill to make reasoned and critical arguments.
4. Will be able to express views in a clear, precise and self-confident manner.
5. Will find, use and analyse data relevant to the course.

The Rubric used for the Evaluation of the Term Paper and its Presentations.
a) Poor (0%) b) Fair (40%) c) Good (60%) d) Very good (80%) e) Excellent (100%)
Term Paper Evaluation Criteria (Total Points 100):
1) Introduction Justification of the subject choice- 10 Points a) An introduction is not provided b) An introduction is insufficiently provided c) An introduction is offered although the order is unclear d) An introduction is sufficiently provided e) The subject under examination is thoroughly presented, and the sequence in which it will be examined throughout the paper is well described.
2) Theoretical Framework - 10 Points a) Theoretical framework is not explained b) Theoretical framework is explained weakly and inadequately c) Theoretical framework is offered, but its relevance to the issue is not properly proved d) Theoretical framework is superficially examined and its relevance to the issue is properly explained e) Theoretical framework is thoroughly analyzed, and its relevance to the topic under examination is clarified.
3) Historical Background - 10 Points a) Historical background is not examined b) Historical background is examined insufficiently c) Historical background is examined either briefly or in too much details d) Historical background is examined sufficiently e) Historical background is adequately and accurately examined.
4) Case Study - 25 points a) Case study is analyzed superficially b) Case study is not sufficiently examined c) Analysis of the case study has some weaknesses d) Case study is analyzed sufficiently e) Case study is properly and adequately analyzed with the help of the theoretical framework.
5) Conclusion -15 points a) No conclusion provided b) Conclusion provided is insufficient and inconsistent c) Conclusion is adequate but composed in a disorganized way d) An explanatory and systematic conclusion is written e) Conclusion is developed coherently and analytically, within the scheme of theoretical framework.
6) Citation in the text and references (APA style) -15 points a) No citation in the text and no bibliography provided b) APA citation and reference style is not used c) APA style is written with major mistakes d) APA style is written with minor mistakes e) Both citations in the text and in the references are written correctly according to APA style.
7) Types of references 15 points a) Only internet sources are shown as references b) Internet sources and translation of Turkish books are shown as references c) Journal articles and books from the internet are shown as references d) Journal articles and books from less known publishers are shown as references e) Journal articles from electronic data bases and books published in prestigious publishers are shown as references.

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

1. Attending at least 70% of lectures is mandatory.
2. Plagiarism of any type will result in disciplinary action.
3. Learners should complete course readings before the class for which they are assigned.
4. Participation in class discussions and group work is required.

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

Office Hours

To be announced.

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 14 3 42
Preparations before/after weekly lectures 12 3 36
Preparation for midterm exam 1 8 8
Preparation for final exam 1 8 8
Preparing assignments 1 20 20
Preparing presentations 1 5 5
Preparations before/after weekly lectures 0 0 0
Midterm 1 1,5 2
Final 1 1,5 2
TOTAL WORKLOAD (hours) 123

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
