Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By


Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to

History (Evening)

Course Objective

In this course, it is aimed to provide students with a general understanding of the origins, development and present reflections of Turkish culture through the rich heritage and diversity of Turkish cultural history. While examining various aspects of Turkish culture such as art, literature, music, traditions and customs, it is aimed to understand the cultural interactions in the historical process and the effects of these interactions on culture. At the end of the course, it is aimed that students will be able to evaluate the evolution of Turkish culture and its relations with other cultures from a critical perspective, to understand its contribution to cultural diversity on a global scale and to evaluate the place of Turkish culture in the world cultural heritage.

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   Comprehend the evolution of Turkish culture from prehistoric times to the present day and understand the cornerstones of Turkish culture, important milestones and processes of change.
2   Learn the dynamics of cultural exchange by examining the interactions of Turkish culture with other cultures and the effects of these interactions on Turkish culture.
3   Discover the unique aspects of Turkish art, literature and music and to evaluate the role of these elements in the development of Turkish culture.
4   Understanding the socio-cultural structure of Turkish society by learning cultural characteristics including Turkish traditions and customs, family structure, social relations and daily life practices.
5   Türk kültürünün dünya kültür mirası içindeki yerini eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla değerlendirebilme.

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 Introduction to the course, sources Golden, 2006, ss. 1-17; Ateş & Ateş, 2015
2 Turkish Culture and Culture of Türkiye Sümer, 2017, ss. 213-245; Turan, 2014, ss. 15-56; Kafesoğlu, 1998, ss. 15-49; Gökalp, 1991, ss. 3-18
3 Writing in Turks Turan, 2014, ss. 57-108; Tekin, 2015, ss. 25-50
4 Language and Literature in Turks Kafesoğlu, 1998, ss. 330-345; M. Ergin, 2017, ss. 3-22; Inan, 1992
5 Religion in Turks (Pre-Islamic) Gökalp, 1991, ss. 21-90; Inan, 1995, ss. 1-12; Kafesoğlu, 1998, ss. 296-317; Turan, 2014, ss. 109-134
6 Religion in Turks (After Islam) Turan, 2014, ss. 135-175; Kafesoğlu, 1998, ss. 376-384
7 Science and Philosophy in Turks Gökalp, 1991, ss. 93-124; Kafesoğlu, 1998, ss. 346-354, 384-393; Turan, 2014, ss. 177-130
8 Midterm Documentary
9 Folklore and Clothing in Turks Turan, 2014, ss. 231-260; Ayhan, 2021; Koçu, 2015
10 Modern Turkish Customs and Traditions Documentary
11 Architecture in Turks Turan, 2014, ss. 109-135, 341-354; Kafesoğlu, 1998, ss. 376-384; O. Ergin, 1939; Sümer, 2014
12 Urbanisation in Turks Ergin, 1939; Sümer, 2014
13 Painting in Turks and Sculpture Turan, 2014, ss. 261-287; Güzel vd., 2002, cilt 4, ss. 10- 180
14 Music in Turks Turan, 2014, ss. 319-340
15 Performing Arts in Turks Güzel vd., 2002, cilt 4; ss. 181- 408
16 Final

Recomended or Required Reading

Derste Takip Edilecek Temel Kaynaklar

Gökalp, Ziya. Türk Uygarlığı Tarihi. Istanbul: Inkılâp Kitabevi, 1991.
Kafesoğlu, Ibrahim. Türk Milli Kültürü. 17. bs. Istanbul: Ötüken Neşriyat, 1998.
Turan, Şerafettin. Türk Kültür Tarihi. 7. bs. Ankara: Bilgi Yayınevi, 2014.

Yardımcı Kaynaklar
Baykara, Tuncer. Türk Kültür Tarihine Bakışlar. Ankara: Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Yayınları, 2001.
Beksaç, Şule Nurengin. Islamiyet ten Önce Türk Kültür Tarihi. Istanbul: Bellek Yayınları, 2011.
Cahen, Claude. Osmanlılardan Önce Anadoluda Türkler. Çeviren Yıldız Moran. 3. bs. Istanbul: E Yayınları, 1994.
Çağatay, Neşet. Bir Türk Kurumu Olan Ahilik. 2. bs. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, 1997.
Ergin, Muharrem. Dede Korkut Kitabı. 55. bs. Istanbul: Boğaziçi Yayınları, 2017.
Ergin, Muharrem. Orhun Abideleri. Istanbul: Boğaziçi Yayınları, Istanbul.
Ergin, Osman. Türk Şehirlerinde Imaret Sistemi. Istanbul: Cumhuriyet Matbaası, 1939.
Gökalp, Ziya. Türk Medeniyeti Tarihi. 2. bs. Istanbul: Toker Yayınları, 1995.
Güvenç, Bozkurt. Türk Kimliği Kültür Tarihinin Kaynakları. Editör Uğur Bülke. 3. bs. Istanbul: Boyut Yayın Grubu, 2016.
Güzel, Hasan Celal, Kemal Çiçek, ve Salim Koca, ed. Türkler. 21 c. Ankara: Yeni Türkiye Yayınları, 2002.
Inan, Abdülkadir. Tarihte ve Bugün Şamanizm: Materyaller ve Araştırmalar. Anakara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, 1995.
Koçu, Reşad Ekrem. Türk Giyim Kuşam Ve Süslenme Sözlüğü. Istanbul: Doğan Kitap, 2015.
Ögel, Bahaeddin. Dünden Bugüne Türk Kültürünün Gelişme Çağları. 4. bs. Ankara: Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Vakfı, 2001.
Özer, Ilbeyi. Osmanlı dan Cumhuriyet e Yaşam ve Moda. 5. bs. Istanbul: Truva Yayınları, 2014. Sümer, Faruk. Eski Türklerde Şehircilik. 3. bs. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, 2014.
Sümer, Faruk. Türkiye Kültür Tarihine Umumi Bir Bakış . Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi 20, sy 3-4 (2017): 213-44.
Tekin, Şinasi. Eski Türklerde Yazı, Kağıt, Kitap ve Kağıt Damgaları. Istanbul: Dergah Yayınları, 2015. Turan, Şerafettin. Türk Kültür Tarihi. 7. bs. Ankara: Bilgi Yayınevi, 2014.
Ülken, Hilmi Ziya. Türkiye de Çağdaş Düşünce Tarihi. 16. bs. Istanbul: Türkiye Iş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2019. Yıldız, Hakkı Dursun. Islamiyet ve Türkler. 6. bs. Istanbul: Ilgi Kültür Sanat Yayınları, 2019.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Case study
Use of multimedia
Field trips and participation in cultural activities

Assessment Methods

To be announced!

Further Notes About Assessment Methods


Assessment Criteria

LO 1-3: It will be evaluated with the questions to be asked in the midterm and final exams.
LO 1-5: It will be evaluated with the questions to be asked in the final exam.

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

Attendance to 70% of the lectures is compulsory.

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

Office Hours

Monday 10.00-12.00

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 13 3 39
Preparations before/after weekly lectures 13 1 13
Preparation for midterm exam 1 5 5
Preparation for final exam 1 5 5
Midterm 1 1 1
Final 1 1 1

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
