Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By


Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to


Course Objective

In this course;
Student understands the role of the decision maker in reflecting the theoretical knowledge in the context of nursing practices in the context of professional roles and responsibilities and in meeting patient needs.

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   The student can explain the nursing care organization.
2   The student knows the nursing care requirements of the patient.
3   The student knows the importance of team work in patient care.
4   The student can make plans in which he or she can use leadership skills in patient care.

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 Introduction to the Nursing Care Behavior Development course and The Concept of Nursing Care Asst. Prof. Gizem Göktuna Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming. Face to face
2 The Nursing Care Behaviors Asst. Prof. Gizem Göktuna Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming. Face to face
3 Ethics of Care, Moral sensitivity and Personal Data Protection Asst. Prof. Cahide Ayik Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming Face to face
4 Planning and Implementing the Patient's Treatment Process Lecturer.Dr.F.Yelkin Alp Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming Face to face
5 Being Able to Decide on the Patient's Care in Maintaining the Bowel Evacuation Habit Asst. Prof. Cahide Ayik Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming. Face to face
6 Making Clinical Decisions in Determining the Patient's Care Needs Asst. Prof. Cahide Ayik Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming Face to face
7 Midterm Exam (Homework) Lecturer.F.Yelkin Alp Face to face
8 Preparing a Care Plan and Example: Being Able to Decide on the Care of a Patient Who Cannot Take Oral Intake Lecturer.F.Yelkin Alp Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming Face to face
9 Being Able to Decide on the Patient's Care in Maintaining Respiratory Support HOLIDAY The lesson is scheduled for a weekday. ASsist. ProfIlkin Yılmaz Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming Face to face
10 Being Able to Decide on the Patient's Care in Maintaining Skin Integrity ASsist. Prof Cahide Ayik Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming Face to face
11 Being Able to Decide on the Patient's Care in Urinary System Evacuation ASsist. ProfGizem Göktuna Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming Face to face
12 Being Able to Decide on the Care of a Patient with Peripheral and Central Intravenous Catheters Lecturer F. Yelkin Alp Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming Face to face
13 Being Able to Decide on the Cultural Values in the Care of the Patient ASsist. ProfIlkin Yılmaz Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming Face to face
14 Being Able to Decide on the Management of Parenteral Drug Applications ASsist. ProfIlkin Yılmaz Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming Face to face
15 Patient Safety in Care Lecturer F. Yelkin Alp Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming Face to face

Recomended or Required Reading

1. Alpar Ş.E., Bahçecik N., Karabacak Ü. Çağdaş Hemşirelikte Etik. Istanbul Tıp
Kitabevi. 3. Baskı, Istanbul, 2013.
2. Deliveli Ö. (Danışman: Aktel M.) Yönetimde Yeni Yönelimler Bağlamında Lider Yöneticilik. S.D.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Kamu Yönetimi AD Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Isparta, 2010.
3. Aştı T.A., Karadağ A. Hemşirelik Esasları: Hemşirelik Bilimi ve Sanatı. Akademi Basın ve Yayıncılık. Istanbul, 2012.
4. Ay F.A. Sağlık Uygulamalarında Temel Kavramlar ve Beceriler. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. 3. Baskı, Istanbul, 2011.
5. Bakan I., Büyükbeşe T. (2010) Liderlik Türleri Ve Güç Kaynakları na Ilişkin Mevcut-Gelecek Durum Karşılaştırması: Eğitim Kurumu Yöneticilerinin Algılarına Dayalı Bir Alan Araştırması. KMÜ Sosyal ve Ekonomi k Araştırmalar Dergi si, 12(19): 73-84.
6. Birol L. Hemşirelik Süreci. Etki Matbaacılık Yayıncılık Ltd.Şti., 10. Baskı, Izmir, 2011.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming

Assessment Methods

1 VZ Ara Sınav
2 FN Final
3 FSB Final Sonu Başarı Değerlendirmesi VZ *0.50 +FN * 0.50
4 BUT Bütünleme
5 BSB Bütünleme Sonu Başarı Değerlendirmesi VZ *0.50 +BUT * 0.50

Further Notes About Assessment Methods

In the assessment of the course, 50% of the midterm grade and 50% of the final grade shall determine the semester grade.
Midterm and final exam will be given as homework.
50% of the midterm grade and 50% of the final grade determine the semester grade. Semestre grade must be at least 60 over 100 full grades
Minimal Final grade: Must be at least 50 over 100 full grades
Minimal make-up grade: Must be at least 50 over 100 full grades
Make-up exam Grade: 50% intra-semester grade + 50% of the make-up grade= Must be at least 60 over 100 full grades

Assessment Criteria

Interpretation, recollection, decision making, description, classification, information combination skills shall be assessed in the exams.
Evaluation of the homework prepared by the students will be accepted as mid-term and final exam.

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

To be announced.

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

Assist.Prof.Cahide Ayik

Office Hours

To be announced.

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 14 2 28
Preparation for midterm exam 1 2 2
Preparation for final exam 1 2 2
Independant Study 0 0 0
Preparations before/after weekly lectures 14 1 14
Final 1 2 2
Midterm 1 2 2

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
