Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By


Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to


Course Objective

The purpose of this course is to call the student s attention to forensic cases and address the basic knowledge, understanding and approaches that will contribute to evaluation of forensic case.Moreover, this course aims to enable the student to analyze the problems experienced by victims and solution options within the framework of a multidisciplinary understanding.

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   1. The student learns about the forensic nursing and its study fields.
2   2. The student can explain what should be the approach of the nurse to forensic cases.
3   3. The student gains awareness concerning physiological and psychological evidence in forensic cases.
4   4. The student can explain the importance of protection, preservation and recording of evidence in forensic cases.
5   5. The student understands the ethical, professional and legal responsibilities of the nurse in forensic cases.

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 Forensic Nursing Forensic Nursing Historical Development-world and in Türkiye Prof. Dilek Özden, Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming.
2 Definition of Forensic Nursing, Study Area and Nurses' Judicial Responsibility Part 1: Forensic Nursing in Emergency Services Prof. Dilek Özden Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming.
3 Definition of Forensic Nursing, Study Area and Nurses' Judicial Responsibility Part 2: Forensic Nursing in Emergency Services The Role of the Nurse in Receiving and Dispatching Biological Materials (blood, body fluid, etc.) from the Forensic Case Prof. Dilek Özden Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming.
4 Forensic Aspect and Nurse's Responsibilities in Injuries Prof. Dilek Özden Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, brainstorming.
5 Gender inequality Assist.Prof. Ilkin Yılmaz Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, group work, case studies, brainstorming.
6 Intımate partner violence, violence against women Assist. Prof. Ilkin Yılmaz Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, group work, case studies, brainstorming.
7 Midterm Exam Prof. Dilek Özden
8 The Forensic Aspect of Elder Abuse and Nurses' Responsibilities Prof. Dilek Özden Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, group work, case studies, brainstorming. Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, group work, case studies, brainstorming.
9 The Forensic Aspect of Child Abuse and Nurses' Responsibilities Prof. Dilek Özden Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, group work, case studies, brainstorming.
10 Crimes Committed Against Body Immunity (Sexual Abuse) Forensic Aspect and Responsibilities of the Nurse Prof. Dilek Özden Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, group work, case studies, brainstorming.
11 Violence against health workers, Forensic Aspect Prof. Dilek Özden Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, group work, case studies, brainstorming.
12 Legal Responsibility of the Nurse, malpractice Prof. Dilek Özden Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, group work, case studies, brainstorming.
13 Discussion of Nurses' Ethical Approach in Forensic Cases with case examples Prof. Dilek Özden Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, group work, case studies, brainstorming.
14 Forensic Toxicology / Substance Abuse and Nurse Responsibilities Assist. Prof. Nurten Alan Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, group work, case studies, brainstorming.
15 Assessment of the course Prof. Dilek Özden questions and answers, discussion, group work, case studies, brainstorming.

Recomended or Required Reading

1. Polat O, Inanıcı MA, Aksoy ME. Adli tıp ders kitabı. Istanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 1997.
2. Lynch VA. Forensic nursing. St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby; 2006.
3. Zeyfeoğlu Y, Özdemir Ç, Hancı H. Adli hemşirelik. In: Hancı H. ed. Adli Tıp ve adli bilimler. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık; 2002.
4. Polat O. Klinik adli Tıp. Seçkin kitabevi, Ankara, 2006.
5. Stevens S. Cracking the case: your role in forensic nursing. Nursing 2004; 34(11):54-56.
6. Gökdoğan MR, Altunçul H. Adli hemşirelik: kapsam ve görevi. Hemşirelik Forumu Dergisi, Eylül-Ekim 2002; 5(5):16-21.
7. McGillivray B. The role of Victorian emergency nurses in the collection and preservation of forensic evidence: a review of the literature. Accident and Emergency Nursing 2005; 13:95-100.
8. Gökdoğan MR. Cinsel saldırı konusunda çalışan adli hemşireye (SANE) duyulan gereksinim. Adli Tıp Bülteni 2008 13(2):69-77.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, questions and answers, discussion, group work, case studies, brainstorming.

Assessment Methods

1 VZ Ara Sınav
2 FN Final
3 FSB Final Sonu Başarı Değerlendirmesi VZ *0.50 +FN * 0.50
4 BUT Bütünleme
5 BSB Bütünleme Sonu Başarı Değerlendirmesi VZ *0.50 +BUT * 0.50

Further Notes About Assessment Methods

50% of the midterm grade and 50% of the final grade determine the semester grade. Semestre grade must be at least 60 over 100 full grades
Minimal Final grade: Must be at least 50 over 100 full grades
Minimal make-up grade: Must be at least 50 over 100 full grades
Make-up exam Grade: 50% intra-semester grade + 50% of the make-up grade= Must be at least 60 over 100 full grades

Assessment Criteria

Interpretation, recollection, decision making, description, classification, information combination skills shall be assessed in the exams.

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

To be announced.

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

Associate Prof. Dilek Özden

Office Hours

To be announced.

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 14 2 28
Preparations before/after weekly lectures 1 1 1
Preparation for midterm exam 1 1 1
Preparation for final exam 1 2 2
Independant Study 14 1 14
Final 1 2 2
Midterm 1 2 2

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
