Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By


Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to


Course Objective

In this course, it is aimed to enable the student to obtain current information about the acute and critical patient care management by considering the ethical principles and patient safety principles and recognizing the professional duties, authorities and responsibilities of the emergency room nurse.

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   The student can explain the duties, authorities and responsibilities of the emergency room nurse
2   The student can array the secure care interventions for acute and critical patients in the emergency room
3   The student can have information about assessing the patients and determining the priorities in the emergency room
4   The student can explain the importance of legal and ethical subjects in the emergecy room nursing
5   The student can explain the emergency room organization and triage

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 Introduction of emergency nursing course and objectives Duties, powers and responsibilities of the emergency nurse The introduction of the Association of Emergency Nurses Emergency organization and triage Legal and ethical responsibilities in emergency nursing Associate Professor Özlem Bilik Powerpoint presentation, Expression Question answer
2 Emergency care management and follow-up of the patient diagnosed with shock types and shock Associate Professor Aylin Durmaz Edeer Powerpoint presentation, Brainstorming, Question answer Case discussion Expression
3 Pain control, analgesia and sedation in the emergency room Assistant Professor Buket Çelik Powerpoint presentation, Expression Question answer Case discussion
4 Emergency care management and monitoring of trauma patient Metabolic endocrine response to trauma Emergency care management and follow-up of the patient with head trauma, spinal / spinal trauma, thoracic trauma, limb injury and bleeding Associate Professor Özlem Bilik Powerpoint presentation, Expression Brainstorming, Question answer
5 Emergency care management and monitoring of trauma patient-Abdominal trauma, urinary system injuries, cutting and penetrating device injuries, burns, otolaryngology and facial injuries, emergency care management and monitoring Associate Professor Özlem Bilik Powerpoint presentation, Brainstorming, Question answer Expression
6 Neurological emergencies and nursing care Neurological diagnostics Intracranial Pressure Increase Syndrome (KIBAS) management Emergency care management and follow-up of the patient diagnosed with acute cerebrovascular accident Assistant Professor Dilek Sezgin Powerpoint presentation, Expression Question answer Brainstorming, Video demonstration
7 Midterm exam Assistant Professor Buket Çelik
8 Cardiovascular emergencies and nursing care (Emergency care management and follow-up of the patient diagnosed with hypertension, arrhythmia, heart failure (pulmonary edema), acute coronary syndrome) Professor Hatice Mert Powerpoint presentation, Expression Brainstorming, Question answer
9 Respiratory system emergencies and nursing care (Acute respiratory failure, COPD exacerbation, Asthma Crisis, Pneumonia) * Management of patients at risk of Covid-19 in the emergency department Associate Professor Aylin Durmaz Edeer Powerpoint presentation, Brainstorming, Question answer Structured case discussion Pre-lesson guide sharing Summary presentation Expression
10 Emergency care management and monitoring of the patient diagnosed with poisoning Animal bites, drug toxicity etc. Assistant Professor Buket Çelik Powerpoint presentation, Expression Brainstorming, Question answer
11 Endocrine emergencies and nursing care Diabetic patient management Renal emergencies and nursing care Emergency care management and follow-up of the patient with renal colic and acute renal failure Assistant Professor Dilek Sezgin Powerpoint presentation, Expression Question answer
12 GIS emergencies and nursing care Acute abdomen, nausea, vomiting Gastrointestinal bleeding and nursing care Associate Professor Aylin Durmaz Edeer Powerpoint presentation, Brainstorming, Expression Question answer
13 Emergency care management of oncological patient Symptom management, emergency care of terminal cancer patient Emergency care in drowning, freezing and electric shocks Assistant Professor Dilek Sezgin Powerpoint presentation, Expression Question answer
14 Emergency care management and monitoring of the psychiatric patient Management of suicide, conversion, schizophrenic patient etc Associate Professor Aylin Durmaz Edeer Powerpoint presentation, Brainstorming, Expression Question answer
15 Basic life support Assistant Professor Dilek Sezgin Powerpoint presentation, Expression Question answer Show on mockup

Recomended or Required Reading

1. Duran ve arkadaşları.2018, Sheehy nin Acil Hemşireliği ilkeleri ve uygulaması, Altıncı baskıdan çeviri, Palme Yayınevi, Samsun
2. Türker E.,Hançerlioğlu S.,Çekiç Y (çeviri editörleri). 2021, Acil Hemşireliği-Anlatımı inanılmaz kolay, Dünya Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara
3. Tokem, Y., Sucu Dağ, G. Dölek, M. 2017, Bir bakışta acil hemşireliği, Çukurova Nobel Tıp Kitabevi,Adana
4. Crouch R, Chartes A, Dawood, Bennett P. 2017. Oxford Handbook of Emergency Nursing, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, USA
5. Emergency Nurses Association, Sheehy s emergency nursing, Elsevier, 2019,USA

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Powerpoint presentation,
Question answer
Show on mockup
Case discussion
Video demonstration

Assessment Methods

1 VZ Ara Sınav
2 FN Final
3 FSB Final Sonu Başarı Değerlendirmesi VZ *0.50 +FN * 0.50
4 BUT Bütünleme
5 BSB Bütünleme Sonu Başarı Değerlendirmesi VZ *0.50 +BUT * 0.50

Further Notes About Assessment Methods

Explanations on Assessment Methods:
Midterm grade: 1 midterm exam grade
Course Success grade: 50% of the semester grade + 50% of the final or make-up exam grade

Minimum course grade: 60 out of 100 full grades
Minimum final and make-up exam grade: 50 out of 100 full grades

Assessment Criteria

The exams assess the skills of; interpretation, recall, decision-making, explanation, classification and combination of knowledge

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

To be announced.

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

Assoc. Prof. Ö. Bilik Telephone: 0 232 4126962
Prof. Dr. Hatice Mert Telephone: 0 232 4124752
Assoc. Prof. Aylin Durmaz Edeer Telephone: 0 232 4124765
Asst. Prof. Dr. Dilek Sezgin Telephone: 0 232 4126977
Asst. Prof. Dr. Buket Çelik Telephone:02324126975

Office Hours

To be announced.

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 13 2 26
Preparation for final exam 1 4 4
Preparation for midterm exam 1 3 3
Independant Study 13 1 13
Final 1 2 2
Midterm 1 2 2

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
