Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By

Economics (English)

Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to

Economics (English)

Course Objective

The aim of the course is to introduce learners with both the institutional and theoretical aspects of labor markets.

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   Describe the theoretical operations of labor markets so that he/she will be able to analyze the real world operations of labor markets.
2   Identify the methods of government intervention on the labor markets by clarifying different types of approaches to labor market policies.
3   Show understanding of the labor relations system in Türkiye by studying the history and role of organized labor in Türkiye.

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 1. introduction
2 2. lectures
3 3. lectures
4 4. lecture+presentations
5 5. lecture+presentations
6 6. lecture+presentations
7 7. lecture+presentations
8 8. lecture+presentations
9 9. lecture+presentations
10 10. lecture+presentations
11 11. lecture+presentations
12 12. lecture+presentations
13 13. lecture+presentations
14 14. lecture+presentations

Recomended or Required Reading

To be announced.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

1. Lecture
2. In-class discussions
3. Presentations, quizzes, other assignments

Assessment Methods

1 AS1 1.Assignment
2 AS2 2.Assignment
3 AS3 3.Assignment
4 AS4 4.Assignment
5 PRS Presentation
6 BNS BNS AS1 * 0.20 + AS2 * 0.20 + AS3 * 0.20 + AS4 * 0.20 + PRS * 0.20

Further Notes About Assessment Methods


Assessment Criteria

Assignment 1 (Weight in total grade is 20%):
Article selection (30 points)
This particular element is absent or falls short of expectations, and /or it is completely out of place within the given context.-Poor (0%)
This particular element is somewhat absent and does not entirely fit the context.- Fair (40%)
This particular element is developed satisfactorily and fits the context at an acceptable standard.-Good (60%)
This particular element is developed in a good and professional way and fits into the context.-Very good (80%)
The way this particular element is developed is noteworthy and fits perfectly into the context.- Excellent (100%)
Summarizing skills and use of terminology (40 points)
This particular element is absent or falls short of expectations, and /or it is completely out of place within the given context.-Poor (0%)
This particular element is somewhat absent and does not entirely fit the context.-Fair (40%)
This particular element is developed satisfactorily and fits the context at an acceptable standard.-Good (60%)
This particular element is developed in a good and professional way and fits into the context.-Very good (80%)
The way this particular element is developed is noteworthy and fits perfectly into the context.-Excellent (100%)
Mechanics: minimum length requirement, grammar (30 points)
This particular element is absent or falls short of expectations, and /or it is completely out of place within the given context.-Poor (0%)
This particular element is somewhat absent and does not entirely fit the context.-Fair (40%)
This particular element is developed satisfactorily and fits the context at an acceptable standard.- Good (60%)
This particular element is developed in a good and professional way and fits into the context.- Very good (80%)
The way this particular element is developed is noteworthy and fits perfectly into the context.- Excellent (100%)

Assignment 2 (Weight in total grade is 20%):Quiz

Assignment 3 (Weight in total grade is 20%): Quiz

Assignment 4 (Weight in total grade is 20%): Quiz

Presentation (Weight in total grade is 20%):
Fluency (10 points)
Poor (0%) - Fair (40%) - Good (60%) - Very good (80%)- Excellent (100%)
Subject Knowledge (50 points)
Poor (0%) -Fair (40%)-Good (60%)-Very good (80%) Excellent (100%)
Organization (30 points)
Poor (0%)-Fair (40%)-Good (60%)-Very good (80%)-Excellent (100%)
Eye contact (10 points)
Poor (0%)-Fair (40%)-Good (60%)-Very good (80%)- Excellent (100%)

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

1. Attending at least 70 percent of lectures is mandatory.
2. Plagiarism of any type will result in disciplinary action.

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

Gonca Konyalı
Room: 233/A

Office Hours

Monday: 13.30-15.30

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 14 3 42
Preparation for midterm exam 1 15 15
Preparation for final exam 1 15 15
Preparing assignments 1 25 25
Preparations before/after weekly lectures 12 3 36
Preparing presentations 1 10 10
Midterm 1 2 2
Final 1 2 2
TOTAL WORKLOAD (hours) 147

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
