Description of Individual Course Units

Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type Of Course D U L ECTS

Offered By


Level of Course Unit

First Cycle Programmes (Bachelor's Degree)

Course Coordinator


Offered to


Course Objective

To learn general avian systematics, To learn general characteristics: Body parts and their anatomy, skins, extremities, comparison of bird beaks, feather change moulting, feeding, nests, eggs, sense organs, distributions, migrations, and systematics. To learn the most common birds and their systematics in the world and Turkey

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1   To be able to learn the main characteristic, biological features of bird Orders
2   To be able to learn the similarities and or differences of waterbirds, birds of prey, and song birds.
3   To be able to learn the interactions between birds and humans
4   To be able to learn birds as indicators of change in Nature and and environment
5   To be able to learn how to search ornithological literature and present or report the data collected.

Mode of Delivery

Face -to- Face

Prerequisites and Co-requisites


Recomended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Week Subject Description
1 Introduction to the Ornithology General characteristics of Birds II : Body parts and their anatomy, and skins
2 General characteristics of Birds II: extremities, comparison of bird beaks, feeding, and feather change moulting
3 General characteristics of Birds III: Birds nests, eggs, sense organs, distributions, and migrations
4 Evolution of Birds and Avian Systematics: Introduction to the taxonomical groups, Subclassis 1: Archaeornithes
5 Subclassis 2: Neornithes -Superorder 1: Odontognathae -Superorder 2: Ratitae
6 Superorder 3: Carinatae (Podicipediformes, Gaviiformes, Sphenisciformes, Procellariiformes, and Pelecaniformes Orders)
7 Phoenicopteriformes ve Ciconiiformes Orders
8 overview
9 Anseriformes ve Falconiformes Orders
10 Galliformes, Gruiformes, and Charadriiformes Orders
11 Columbiformes, Psittaciformes, Cuculiformes, Strigiformes, Caprimulgiformes, Apodiformes, Coraciiformes, and Piciformes Orders
12 Order: Passeriformes (Alaudidae, Hirundinidae, Motacillidae, Laniidae, and Prunellidae Families)
13 Order: Passeriformes (Sylvidae, Muscicapidae, Turdidae, Paradoxornithidae, Remizidae, Paridae, and Sittidae Families)
14 Order: Passeriformes (Emberizidae, Fringillidae, Passeridae, Sturnidae, Oriolidae, and Corvidae Families

Recomended or Required Reading

Yiğit, N., Saygılı F., Çolak, E., Sözen, M. ve Karataş, A. Ornitoloji (Kuş Bilimi) Ders Notları, Ankara, 2008.
Baran, I., Yılmaz, I., Ornitoloji Dersleri , Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Kitaplar Serisi, No:87, E.Ü. Basımevi, Bornova-Izmir, (1984).
Gill, B., F., Ornithology , Freeman, W. H. & Company, 720 s., USA
Demirsoy, A., (1992), Yaşamın Temel Kuralları, Omurgalılar/Amniota (Sürüngenler, Kuşlar ve Memeliler), Meteksan A.Ş., Ankara.
Kiziroğlu, I., (1989), Türkiye Kuşları , Orman Genel Müdürlüğü, Basım Tesisleri, Ankara. Ergene, S., (1945) Türkiye Kuşları , Istanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Monografileri, Kenan Matbaası, Istanbul.
Turan, N., Türkiye nin Av ve Yaban Hayvanları: Kuşlar , Orman Genel Müdürlüğü, Basım Tesisleri, Ankara, (1990).

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Presentation, lecture, question and answer technique, homework.

Assessment Methods

1 VZ Vize
2 FN Final
3 BNS BNS VZ * 0.40 + FN * 0.60
4 BUT Bütünleme Notu
5 BBN Bütünleme Sonu Başarı Notu VZ * 0.40 + BUT * 0.60

Further Notes About Assessment Methods


Assessment Criteria

Student will be evaluated with midterm exam and final exam.

Language of Instruction


Course Policies and Rules

Attendance to at least 70% for the lectures is an essential requirement of this course and is the responsibility of the student. It is necessary that attendance to the lecture and homework delivery must be on time. Any unethical behavior that occurs either in presentations or in exams will be dealt with as outlined in school policy. You can find the undergraduate policy at

Contact Details for the Lecturer(s)

Office Hours

will be announced

Work Placement(s)


Workload Calculation

Activities Number Time (hours) Total Work Load (hours)
Lectures 14 3 42
Preparations before/after weekly lectures 14 2 28
Preparation for midterm exam 1 10 10
Preparation for final exam 1 10 10
Final 1 14 14
Midterm 1 14 14
TOTAL WORKLOAD (hours) 118

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
