Akademik Personel - Kişisel Sayfa


  • Eğitim / Akademik Bilgisi
    Lisans  Pamukkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi  2002
    Tıpta Uzmanlık  Pamukkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Anatomi Anabilim Dalı  2009
    Yardımcı Doçent  Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi  2011
    Doçent  Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Anatomi  2017
    1  Development of the Anatomy  Theaters in Netherlands During the 1600s and Contributions of Some Impo...  2023
    2  The Emergence and Effects of the First Anatomy Theatres in Western Europe...  2023
    3  Posterior Wall Defect of Sacrum: An Anatomical Study of Sacral Spina Bifida...  2021
    4  Cerebellar volumes in early-onset bipolar disorder: a pilot study of a stereological measurement tec...  2019
    5  Asterion yerleşiminin posterolateral intrakraniyal girişimler açısından morfometrik değerlendirilmes...  2019
    6  Radiological and Surgical Anatomy of Ventral C1-C2 Complex...  2019
    7  Cerebellar volume in early-onset schizophrenia and its association with severity of symptoms...  2019
    8  Evaluation of human pineal gland acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase immunoreactivity in suicide: A ...  2018
    9  Aksesuar foramen transversarium...  2018
    10  Morphometric analysis of coracoid process and glenoid cavity in terms of surgical approaches: an ana...  2018
    11  Absence of costal element of the foramen transversarium of atlas vertebrae: a case report...  2018
    12  Volumetric evaluation of temporal bone structures in the cases with bilateral tinnitus: Clinical and...  2018
    13  Anatomical and Radiological Investigation of Dry Bone Adult Mandibles Having Impacted Third Molar Te...  2018
    14  Surgical anatomy of neurovascular structures related to ventral C1-2 complex: an anatomical study...  2018
    15  A Variation of Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle: A Case Report...  2018
    16  Comparison of three methods used for estimating area of foramen magnum....  2018
    17  Assesment of the orbit morphometry on West Anatolian dry skulls...  2018
    18  The morphological grading and comparison of sutural patency among cranial sutures in dry human skull...  2017
    19  Foramen arcuale: A rare morphological variation located in atlas vertebrae...  2017
    20  Morhpometrical and clinical analysis of cervical nucleoplasty cases using coblation technique...  2016
    21  Morphological and Morphometric Analysis of Foramen Magnum: An Anatomical Aspect...  2016
    22  Double-sling procedure for the surgical management of stress urinary incontinence with concomitant a...  2015
    23  Anatomy of the anteromedıal thıgh flap based on the oblıque branch of the descendıng branch of the l...  2015
    24  The effects of grape seed on apoptosis-related gene expression and oxidative stress in streptozotoci...  2015
    25  Estimation of stature and sex from sternal lengths:an autopsy study...  2015
    26  Vascular Anatomical Features of the Medial Thigh Flap in Human Cadavers of Caucasian Origin...  2015
    27  Grape seed extract has superior beneficial effects than vitamin E on oxidative stress and apoptosis ...  2015
    28  Comparison of ultrasonography and skinfold measurements of subcutaneous fat thickness in the evaluat...  2014
    29  Memory function and total pyramidal neuron number of hippocampus in streptozotocin-induced diabetic ...  2014
    30  Giant kidney tumor: Radiological case report....  2014
    31  Effect of nifedipine on hippocampal neuron number in penicillin-induced epileptic rats....  2014
    32  Penile fracture with bilateral corporeal rupture without urethral involvement....  2014
    33  Audiogenic seizures potentiate hippocampal neuronal loss in ethanol-dependent rats....  2014
    34  Investigation of microRNA expression changes in HepG2 cell line in presence of URG4/URGCP and in abs...  2013
    35  Expressions of URG4/URGCP, cyclin D1, Bcl-2 , and Bax genes in retinoic acid treated SH-SY5Y human n...  2013
    36  Ossa suturalia'nın bulunma sıklığı ve morfometrisi...  2013
    37  Effect of testosterone propionate on hippocampal pyramidal neuron number in female rats....  2013
    38  An ancient anatomic variation: bilateral elongated styloid process of cranium....  2013
    39  Anatomopathological findings in hangings: a retrospective autopsy study....  2013
    40  Caspase 1, Caspase 3, TNF-alpha, p53, and Hif1-alpha gene expression status of the brain tissues and...  2012
    41  Effect of short-term exposure to dichlorvos on rat hepatocyte: molecular and histopathological appro...  2012
    42  An unusual anatomic variation of dorsal sensory branches of the ulnar nerve: A case report....  2011
    43  Hippocampal neuron number loss in rats exposed to ingested sulfite....  2011
    44  Effect of penicillin G-induced epileptic seizures on hemorheological parameters in rats....  2006
    45  Three dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the rat ventricles....  2005
    1  Morphometric and morphological evaluation of the proximal tibia... 07/03/2024 - 09/03/2024
    2  A rare variation on the dorsum of the hand: musculus extensor medii brevis... 07/03/2024 - 09/03/2024
    3  Morphometric and morphological evaluation of the superior articular facet of the atlas... 07/03/2024 - 09/03/2024
    5  Choana Morfolojisinin Stereolojik Yönetemle İncelenmesi... 20/04/2018 - 24/04/2018
    6  Condylus occipitalis morfometrisinin stereolojik metodla değerlendirilmesi... 20/04/2018 - 24/04/2018
    7  İntiharda İnsan Pineal Bez Acetylserotonin o-metiltransferase İmmunreaktivitesinin Değerlendiril... 12/04/2018 - 15/04/2018
    8  Morphometrical evaluation of C2 vertebra in terms of posterior cervical spinal surgery : a cadaveric... 19/04/2017 - 22/04/2017
    9  Radiological and surgical anatomy of ventral C1-2 complex... 19/04/2017 - 22/04/2017
    10  Optimal entry point for C1 posterior screw fixation: an anatomical study... 19/04/2017 - 22/04/2017
    11  Evaluation of C1 vertebra and V3 segment of vertebral artery for posterior surgical approaches: a ca... 19/04/2017 - 22/04/2017
    12  Morphometric evaluation of dry bone C2 vertebrae in terms of posterior cervical spinal surgery: an a... 19/04/2017 - 22/04/2017
    13  Lumbosakral Transizyonel Vertebra: Lumbalizasyon Anatomik Çalışma... 05/09/2016 - 09/09/2016
    14  Anatomical and radiological investigation of buried 3rd molar teeth in maxillary bones of dry cranii... 19/05/2016 - 21/05/2016
    15  Anatomical and radiological investigation of dry mandibular bones containing buried 3rd molar theet ... 19/05/2016 - 21/05/2016
    16  Kaudal Epidural Anestezi ve Epiduroskopik Spinal Cerrahi Açısından Sakral Hiatus ve Sakral Kornul... 08/04/2016 - 12/04/2016
    17  Ventral C1-C2 kompleksinin cerrahi anatomisi: kadavra çalışması... 08/04/2016 - 12/04/2016
    18  Lumbosakral Transisyonel Vertebra: Sakralizasyon Anatomik Çalışma... 08/04/2016 - 12/04/2016
    19  Sakrum posterior duvar defekti: sakral spina bifida'nın anatomik çalışması... 08/04/2016 - 12/04/2016
    20  Effects of streotozotocin induced diabetes mellitus on hippocampal volume in rats.... 02/09/2015 - 06/09/2015
    21  Physiological impact of brain volume differences on temporal lobe epilepsy in human... 04/07/2015 - 09/07/2015
    22  Effects of grape seed extract and vitamin E on oxidative stress and apoptosis in the ippocampus of r... 18/10/2014 - 20/10/2014
    23  Normal ve sülfit oksidaz yetersizlikli sıçanlarda homosistein ve sülfit molekülünün nörotoks... 02/09/2014 - 06/09/2014
    24  Alkol bagımlı sıçanlarda, odyojenik nöbetler hipokampal nöron kaybını arttırır.... 04/11/2013 - 07/11/2013
    25  Neuron loss in the dentate gyrus due to electric injury: An experimental rat study.... 05/08/2012 - 08/08/2012
    26  Effect of short-term exposure to dichlorvos on rat hepatocyte: molecular and histopathological appro... 05/07/2012 - 08/07/2012
    27  Effect of short-term exposure to dichlorvos on rat brain: Molecular and stereological approach... 28/06/2012 - 01/07/2012
    28  Assimilation of the atlas: case report.... 28/06/2012 - 01/07/2012
    29  An ancient anatomic variation: bilateral elongated styloid process of cranium.... 21/06/2012 - 01/07/2012
    30  Sevofluran ve propofol fentanil anestezisinin streptozotosin ile diyabetik otonom nöropati olusturu... 26/10/2011 - 30/10/2011
    31  The effects of grape seed extract on learning and memory in neonatal hypoxic ischemic rats.... 29/06/2011 - 01/07/2011
    32  Effects of calcium-channel blocker nifedipine on penicillin-epilepsy-induced hippocampal neuronal lo... 26/06/2011 - 29/06/2011
    33  Deformity of the spine anatomy (scoliosis): a difficult case for urologists.... 19/06/2011 - 21/06/2011
    34  Acheiropodia: a new case from Turkey... 19/05/2011 - 21/05/2011
    35  A giant tumor of the kidney: radiological case report.... 19/05/2011 - 21/05/2011
    36  Effects of grape seed extract on brain weight CA3-2 pyramidal neuron number of hippocampus in the hy... 19/05/2011 - 21/05/2011
    37  New drawings for graduate education functions of related anatomical structures in the human voice fo... 19/05/2011 - 21/05/2011
    38  Effects of nilvadipine on the epileptic seizures and hippocampal neuronal loss. Joint Meeting of Ana... 19/05/2011 - 21/05/2011
    39  A variation of sciatic nerve that its branches comman fibular nerve and tibial nerve passed above an... 28/10/2010 - 01/11/2011
    40  Ductus deferens located out of the spermatic cord: case report.... 28/10/2010 - 01/11/2011
    41  Ectopic sella turcica and long infundibulum with empty sella syndrome-case report.... 28/10/2010 - 01/11/2011
    42  Morphological features and number of posterior rootlets in spinal cord cervical segments.... 28/10/2010 - 01/11/2011
    43  Effects of streptozotocin induced diabetes on hippocampal neuron number and spatial learning in rats... 02/09/2009 - 05/09/2009
    44  The effect of chronic mild stress on hippocampal neuron number in postnatal period in rats.... 29/10/2008 - 01/11/2008
    45  Foramen interventriculare ve aquaductus cerebri'nin MR görüntülerinde morfometrik analizi.... 21/02/2008 - 23/02/2018
    46  Miad yenidogan sıçanlarda olusturulan hipoksik ıskemik ensefalopati modelinde intraperitoneal ola... 21/02/2008 - 23/02/2008
    47  Effect of Penicillin G-induced epileptic seizures on hemorheological parameters in rats.... 21/02/2008 - 23/02/2008
    48  Three dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the rat dentate gyrus.... 07/09/2005 - 10/09/2005
    49  Correlation between direct (anthropometric) and indirect (cephalometric) measurements in 65 healthy ... 07/09/2005 - 10/09/2005
    1  Sağlık Bilimlerine Yönelik Anatomi...  2019
    2  Anatomia...  2016
    3  ANATOMIA...  2015
    1  Bölüm 12: Sinir Sistemi-I Santral Sinir Sistemi Sağlık Bilimlerine Yönelik Anatomi...  2019
    2  Hipokampus Fonksiyonun Cerrahi Anatomisi...  2019
    3  Anterior olfaktör nukleus Fonksiyonun Cerrahi Anatomisi...  2019
    4  Anatomical, Biological, and Surgical Features of Basal Ganglia Human Anatomy - Reviews and Medical Advances...  2017
    5  Toraks Gray's Anatomy...  2017
    6  Experimental Epilepsy Models and Morphologic Alterations of Experimental Epilepsy Models in Brain and Hippocampus Underlying Mechanisms of Epilepsy...  2011
    1  Üç Boyutlu Anatomik İç Kulak Modelinin Bilgisayar Destekli Oluşturulması ve Tıp Eğitiminde Katkısının Araştırılması...  3/2024 - 3/2025
    2  İntihar kurbanlarında pineal gland'daki morfometrik değişiklikler...  6/2012 - /
    3  Diyabetik Ratlarda Kardiyak Otonom Nöropatinin Bupivakainin kardiyotoksik Dozuna Etkisi...  3/2012 - /
    4  Streptozotosin İle deneysel diyebet oluşturulan sıçanlarda E vitamini ve üzüm çekirdeğinin öğrenme-bellek ve apoptozis üzerine etkisi...  8/2011 - /
    5  Leodikya kazılarında arkeogenetik yaklaşımlar; kurumsal alt yapı araştırma projesi...  8/2010 - /
    6  Hipoksik-iskemik beyin hasarı modeli uygulanan yeni doğan sıçanlarda üzüm çekirdeği özütünün öğrenme-bellek ve hipokampusun pyramidal hücreleri üzerine etkisi...  6/2008 - /
    1  Yayın Ödülü...  2013
    2  Yayın Ödülü...  2012
  • NO Görev
    1 Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Enstitü Kurulu Üyesi, Haziran 2018- Ağustos 2020
    2 Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Enstitü Müdür Yardımcısı, Haziran 2018- Ağustos 2020
    3 Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Enstitü Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi, Haziran 2018- Ağustos 2020