Academic Staff - Personal Page


  • Education/Academic Info
    Undergraduate Degree  Azerbaycan Devlet Üniversitesi Azerbaycan Devlet Üniversitesi Uygulamalı Matematik  1983
    Associate Professor  Turkish Inter-Universities Board Uygulamalı Matematik  1993
    PhD (Doctorate)  Azerbaycan Bilimler Akademisi Azerbaycan Bilimler Akademisi Yöneylem Araştırması  2004
    Full Professor  Dokuz Eylül University Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi  2007
    1  Comparative analysis of the optimal route recommendation models based on city public transportation ...  2024
    2  The Comparison of Fuzzy Regression Approaches with and without Clustering Method in Predicting Manuf...  2024
    3  Konuma dayalı konut değerleme endeksi önerisi: İzmir örneği...  2024
    4  WABL Method as a Universal Defuzzifier in the Fuzzy Gradient Boosting Regression Model...  2023
    5  FyzzyGBR'a gradient boosting regression software with fuzzy target values...  2022
    6  FyzzyGBR ? a gradient boosting regression software with fuzzy target values (Codeocean capsule)...  2022
    7  WABL Method as a Universal Defuzzifier in the Fuzzy Gradient Boosting Regression Model (Codeocean ca...  2022
    8  Efficient Implementation and Parallelization Of Fuzzy Density Based Clustering...  2021
    10  Cyberbullying Detection: Utilizing Social Media Features...  2021
    11  Beklenen Aralığa Dayanan Aralık Tip II Üssel Bulanık Sayının Aralık Tip II Parametrik Yamuk ...  2021
    13  Fuzzy domain and meta-heuristic algorithm-based collision avoidance control for ships: Experimental ...  2021
    14  Comparison Of Fuzzy Numbers Using Left/Right Sides Of Level Sets...  2020
    15  A knowledge-based framework for two-dimensional (2D) asymmetrical polygonal ship domain...  2020
    16  Deterministic-Based Ship Anti-Collision Route Optimization with Web-Based Application...  2019
    17  Aralık Tip II Genelleştirilmiş Çan Şekilli Bulanık Sayının Aralık Yakınsaması...  2019
    18  A Space Efficient Minimum Spanning Tree Approach to the Fuzzy Joint Points Clustering Algorithm...  2019
    19  On parameter adjustment of the fuzzy neighborhood-based clustering algorithms...  2019
    20  A fuzzy logic apparel size decision methodology for online marketing...  2019
    21  Learning the stress function pattern of ordered weighted average aggregation using DBSCAN clustering...  2019
    22  Tip II Genelleştirilmiş Çan Şekilli Bulanık Sayısının Tip II Parametrik Yamuk Bulanık Sayı...  2019
    24  Determination of The Financial Support Required By The Families With Disabilities To Achieve Standar...  2018
    25  Applyıng The Fuzzy Inference Usıng WABL Defuzzıfıcatıon Method To Fuzzy Controls...  2018
    26  A Research on Techniques, Models and Methods Proposed for Ship Collısion Avoidance Path Planning Pr...  2018
    27  A fuzzy ID3 induction for linguistic data sets...  2018
    28  A Fuzzy Model of the Problem of Optimal Placement and Integration of Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms...  2016
    29  A Multi-Criteria Route Planning Model Based on Fuzzy Preference Degrees of Stops...  2016
    30  An efficient algoritm for classification of EEG eye state data...  2016
    31  A Note on Fuzzy Joint Points Clustering Methods for Large Data Sets,...  2016
    32  A survey on geographic classification of virgin olive oil with using T-operators in Fuzzy Decision T...  2016
    33  C × K-Nearest Neighbor Classification with Ordered Weighted Averaging Distance...  2016
    34  Toplu Taşımada En Az Aktarma Kriterine Göre Seyahat Planlama İçin Matematiksel Model...  2015
    35  Fuzzy joint points based clustering algorithms for large data sets...  2015
    36  Performance analysis of industrial enterprises via fuzzy inference system approach: a case study...  2015
    37  Deadhead Trip Minimization in City Bus Transportation: A Real Life Application...  2013
    38  On fuzzy neighborhood based clustering algorithm with low complexity...  2013
    39  Deadhead Trip Minimization in City Bus Transportation: A Real Life Application...  2013
    40  Fuzzy and crisp clustering methods based on the neighborhood concept: A comprehensive review...  2012
    41  Classification of apoptosis proteins by discriminant analysis...  2012
    42  Time series labeling algorithms based on the k-nearest neighbors? frequencies...  2011
    43  OWA-based linkage method in hierarchical clustering: Application on phylogenetic trees...  2011
    44  Exponential membership function evaluation based on frequency...  2011
    45  Fuzzy logic in statistical data analysis...  2011
    46  Classification of Splice-Junction Sequences via Weighted Position Specific Scoring Approach...  2010
    47  On the analysis of BIS stage epochs via fuzzy clustering...  2010
    48  Linear aggregation with weighted ranking...  2010
    49  O lineinosti agregatsii s vzveshannoi ranjirovkoi...  2010
    50  Linear aggregation with weighted ranking...  2010
    51  O lineinosti agregatsii s vzveshannoi ranjirovkoi...  2010
    52  Comparative clustering analysis of bispectral index series of brain activity...  2010
    53  Influence of transitive closure complexity in FJP-based clustering algorithms...  2010
    54  Using OWA aggregation technique in QFD: a case study in education in a textile engineering departmen...  2009
    55  Efficiency analysis of KNN and minimum distance-based classifiers in enzyme family prediction...  2009
    56  Bulanık Kümeleme Yaklaşımı ile BIS Safha Seviyelerinin Belirlenmesi...  2009
    57  Robustness of density-based clustering methods with various neighborhood relations...  2009
    58  An iterative approach for estimation of student performances based on linguistic evaluations...  2009
    59  Protein subcellular location prediction using optimally weighted fuzzy k-NN algorithm...  2008
    60  On the nearest parametric approximation of a fuzzy number...  2008
    61  A Robust Algorithm for Solution of the Fuzzy Clustering Problem on the Basis of the Fuzzy Joint Poin...  2008
    62  A Robust Algorithm for Fuzzy Clustering Problem on the Base of Fuzzy Joint Points Method...  2008
    63  On Methods of Defuzzification of Parametrically Represented Fuzzy Numbers...  2007
    64  On Defuzzification Methods of Parametrical Represented Fuzzy Numbers...  2007
    65  A new unsupervised approach for fuzzy clustering...  2007
    66  A task assignment problem in fuzzy information and its two-stage solution algorithm...  2007
    67  A Problem of Task Allocation with Fuzzy Information and Two-Stage Solution Algorithm...  2007
    68  Kaliteli İş Paylaşımı Problemi için Bulanık Mantık Yaklaşımı...  2007
    69  Fuzzy Least Squares Regression Model Based of Weighted Distance between Fuzzy Numbers...  2007
    70  A fuzzy least squares regression model based on the weighted distance between fuzzy numbers...  2007
    71  O metode nechetkix svyazannix tochek dlya nechetkoi klasterizatsii...  2006
    72  On the fuzzy joint points method for fuzzy clustering problem...  2006
    73  A new approach to the problem of clustering using the fuzzy joint points method...  2005
    74  A New Approach To Clustering Problem Using The Fuzzy Joint Points Method...  2005
    75  A learning algorithm for level sets weights in weighted level-based averaging method...  2005
    76  Information agregation for resolving the fuzzy bin packing problem...  2005
    77  On Aggregation of Fuzzy Information in Fuzzy Bin Packing Problem...  2005
    78  Problem of information aggregation in the fuzzy bin packing problem...  2005
    79  Problem of information aggregation in the fuzzy packing problem...  2005
    80  On Aggregation of Fuzzy Information Based on the Decompositional Representation...  2005
    81  Aggregation of fuzzy information on the basis of decompositional representation...  2005
    82  On Aggregation Of Fuzzy Information on the Basis of The Decompositional Representation...  2005
    83  An Optimal Task-Assignment Problem With A Fuzzy Competence Matrix...  2004
    84  Zadacha optimalnogo raspredeleniya zadanii c nechetkoi matritsey ogranichenii...  2004
    85  Problem of optimal task allocation with fuzzy competence matrix...  2004
    86  Problem of optimal task allocation with fuzzy competence matrix...  2004
    87  An algorithm for constructing an admissible solution to the problem of packing into containers with ...  2004
    88  An algorithm for constructing an admissible solution to the bin packing problem with fuzzy constrain...  2004
    89  Set-up of the parameters of WABL-aggregation for locating the center of gravity of a polynomial-type...  2003
    90  Adjustment of the parameters of WABL-aggregation for locating the center of gravity of a polynomial...  2003
    91  Aggregation of Fuzzy Values in Linear Programming Problems...  2003
    92  OWA and MIN Aggregation methods in fuzzy bin-packing problem...  2003
    93  Some integral indices of fuzzy numbers, and a visual interactive method for determining a strategy f...  2002
    94  Nekotorie integralnie charakteristiki nechetkix chisel i vizualno interaktivnii metod ee vichislenia...  2002
    95  Certain Integral Characteristics of Fuzzy Numbers and a Visual Interactive Method for Choosing the S...  2002
    96  A problem of identification of states of a systems from fuzzy values of informational features...  2002
    97  Identification of states of a system from fuzzy values of informational features...  2002
    98  İdentifikatsiya sostoyanii slojnix sistem s dopustimoy pogreshnotyu izmerenii pri nechetkoi informa...  2002
    99  Identification of states of complex systems with estimation of admissible measurement errors on the ...  2002
    100  On the estimation of allowable mistakes of measurements at identification of conditions of complex s...  2001
    101  Decomposition-adequate formulations of fuzzy decision making problems and their solution methods...  2001
    102  Fuzzy multicriteria problem for determination of efficiency of use auto transport facilities in tran...  2000
    103  An effective economical method for students selection in private education...  2000
    104  On a multicriteria problem for identification of object's conditions with fuzzy information...  2000
    105  Sharing of works among the workers with fuzzy information in management and planning of production...  2000
    106  Some numerical characteristics of fuzzy sets...  1999
    107  On a bin packing problem with fuzzy information...  1998
    108  An optimal location of marine oil-gas platforms in fuzzy information...  1998
    109  Zadacha optimalnogo razmesheniya morskix neftegazovix platform pri nechetkoi informatsii...  1998
    110  Some decision making problems with fuzzy arguments...  1991
    111  On two averaged characteristics of fuzzy numbers...  1991
    112  On linear transformations with fuzzy arguments...  1989
    113  A class of comparison relations of fuzzy numbers with application to the solution of fuzzy Boolean p...  1989
    114  On solution of linear programming problems with fuzzy parameters...  1987
    115  A Dialogue approach to Fuzzy integer linear programming problems...  1987
    1  A WABL-Based Two-Dimensional Representative of Fuzzy Numbers... 23/04/2024 - 25/04/2024
    2  A Generating System for Creating a Training Set to Convert Table Images into HTML Files... 28/08/2023 - 30/08/2023
    3  Determination of the Location Valuation Index based on Public Transportation in Big Cities... 28/08/2023 - 30/08/2023
    4  ON REGRESSION MODELS WITH FUZZINESS... 08/12/2022 - 09/12/2022
    9  Analysis of time series for Malaysian currency exchange rate to the United States currency... 01/12/2020 - 02/12/2020
    10  A Fuzzy Rule-Based Approach to Determine an Asymmetrical Polygonal Ship Domain... 31/10/2019 - 02/11/2019
    11  Yapay Sinir Ağı Modelleri Kullanarak Sanal Zorbalığın Tespit Edilmesi... 11/09/2019 - 15/09/2019
    12  Parallel Implementation of Fuzzy Joint Points Clustering Algorithm on GPU... 11/09/2019 - 15/09/2019
    13  A Fuzzy Ship Domain-Based Method for Collision Avoidance at Sea... 11/09/2019 - 15/09/2019
    14  Cyberbullying Detection by Using Artificial Neural Network Models... 11/09/2019 - 15/09/2019
    15  Towards Developing Fuzzy Neighborhood Based Clustering Algorithms for High Performance Distributed M... 20/09/2018 - 23/09/2018
    16  Sanal Zorbalık İçeren Sosyal Medya Mesajlarının Tespiti... 20/09/2018 - 23/09/2018
    17  Public Transport Route Recommender regarding Multiple Factors... 20/09/2018 - 23/09/2018
    18  Simulation of Anti-Collision Manoeuvre Optimization at Sea with Web-Based Application... 20/09/2018 - 23/09/2018
    19  Collaborative Filtering based Course Recommender using OWA operators... 19/09/2018 - 21/09/2018
    20  Denizde Çatışmadan Kaçınma Manevrası Optimizasyonu için Deterministik Bir Yaklaşım ve Web T... 26/06/2018 - 29/06/2018
    21  EEG El Durumu Verilerini C x k En Yakın Komşuluk Algoritması ile Sınıf andırma... 26/06/2018 - 29/06/2018
    22  Denizde Çatışmadan Kaçınma Manevrası Planlama ve Optimizasyonu için Akıllı Karar Destek Sis... 19/04/2018 - 21/04/2018
    23  Approximate Algorithms for Crew Scheduling and a Web Application... 19/04/2018 - 21/04/2018
    24  A Fast Route Planning Algorithm Regarding The Least Transfer... 02/11/2017 - 04/11/2017
    25  Using Fuzzy c-Regression Approach to Obtain Stress Functions for OWA Operators... 05/10/2017 - 08/10/2017
    26  On reducing space complexity of fuzzy neighborhood based clustering algorithms... 05/10/2017 - 08/10/2017
    27  Public transport route planning: Modified dijkstra's algorithm... 05/09/2017 - 08/09/2017
    28  Application of Fuzzy Logic Based Apparel Size Finder in Online Marketing... 26/05/2017 - 27/05/2017
    29  An Efficient Algoritm for Classification of EEG Eye State Data... 20/04/2017 - 22/04/2017
    30  A Review on Models Proposed for Maritime Collision Avoidance Route Optimization Problem... 24/10/2016 - 25/10/2016
    31  C x K - En Yakın Komşuluk Algoritması Kullanarak EEG Göz Durumu Sinyallerinin Sınıflandırılm... 20/10/2016 - 23/10/2016
    32  Bulanık Mantık Yaklaşımı ile Uygun Giysi Bedeni Belirleme Üzerine Bir Uygulama... 20/10/2016 - 23/10/2016
    33  A Memory Efficient Distributed Fuzzy Joint Points Clustering Algorithm... 12/10/2016 - 14/10/2016
    34  A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Predict the Best Fitted Apparel Size in Online Marketing... 12/10/2016 - 14/10/2016
    35  Predictive Clustering of Public Transport Boarding Data for Planning and Smart Passenger Information... 30/08/2016 - 02/09/2016
    36  Toplu Ulaşımda Akıllı Kart Verilerinin Analizi ile Yolcu Yoğunluğunun Tahmin Edilmesi... 25/02/2016 - 25/02/2016
    37  Parameter selection in fuzzy joint points clustering algorithms... 14/10/2015 - 16/10/2015
    38  Analysis and Evaluation Methodology for Route Planning Applications in Public Transportation... 14/10/2015 - 16/10/2015
    39  Analysis and Evaluation Methodology for Route Planning Applications in Public Transportation,... 14/10/2015 - 16/10/2015
    40  A Monitoring System to Prepare Machine Learning Data Sets for Earthquake Prediction Based on Seismic... 14/10/2015 - 16/10/2015
    42  Finding routes with minimal number of transfers for public transportation... 27/08/2015 - 29/08/2015
    43  Influence of T-norm and T-conorm Operators in Fuzzy ID3 Algorithm... 02/08/2015 - 05/08/2015
    44  A Fuzzy Route Planning Model for Public Transportation Network... 02/07/2015 - 05/07/2015
    45  Toplu Ulaşımda Optimal Rota Planlama Uygulamalarının Karşılaştırmalı Analizi ve Metodolojis... 07/05/2015 - 12/05/2015
    46  Comparative Analysis and Methodology for Route Planning Applications in Public Transportation,... 07/05/2015 - 12/05/2015
    47  Inference of different T-Operators in Fuzzy Decision Trees... 07/05/2015 - 12/05/2015
    48  İniş Duraklarının Akıllı Kart Verileri Kullanılarak Tahmin Edilmesi İçin Hat Bazlı Yaklaş... 19/12/2014 - 20/12/2014
    49  A Mathematical Model And Solution Algorithm of the Bin Packing Problem with Group Constraints... 24/11/2014 - 28/11/2014
    50  A Mathematical Model of the Multicriteria Limited Bin Packing Problem with Fuzzy Qualities... 05/09/2014 - 06/09/2014
    51  Akıllı Kart Verileri ile OD Matrisi Oluşturmada Kullanılan Bölge Bazlı ve Hat Bazlı Yaklaşı... 25/06/2014 - 27/06/2014
    52  Toplu Taşıma ile Seyahat Planlamada Çok Kriterli Bir Matematiksel Model... 25/06/2014 - 27/06/2014
    53  Geographic Classification of Turkish Natural Olive Oil via Devision Tree Algorithms: A Comparative A... 24/10/2013 - 25/10/2013
    54  A Software (OliveDeSoft) System for Geographic Characterization of Turkish Virgin Olive Oil via Fuzz... 24/10/2013 - 25/10/2013
    55  An Efficient Algorithm for Exact Solution of Maximum Independent Set Problem in Dense Graphs... 24/10/2013 - 25/10/2013
    56  Optimal Journey Planning Depending on Distance and Passenger Density Parameters... 23/10/2013 - 25/10/2013
    57  Classification of Virgin Olive Oil By Using Fuzzy ID3 Algorithm... 02/09/2013 - 03/09/2013
    58  Geographic Classification of Turkish Natural Olive Oil via CART Decision Tree Algorithm Achieved Fro... 24/05/2013 - 28/05/2013
    59  A Sequential Rectangular Packing Problem in Wireless Telecommunications... 11/10/2012 - 13/10/2012
    60  Fuzzy Traffic Modeling By Using Floating Car Data... 11/10/2012 - 13/10/2012
    61  Visualization of Instantaneous Traffic Congestion Levels via Fuzzy Road Segmentation... 11/10/2012 - 13/10/2012
    62  A New CxK-Nearest Neighbor Linkage Approach to The Classification Problem... 26/09/2012 - 29/09/2012
    63  Origin-Destination Matrix Generation Using Smart Card Data: Case Study for Izmir... 12/09/2012 - 14/09/2012
    64  Origin-Destination Matrix Generation Using Smart Card Data: Case Study for Izmir... 12/09/2012 - 14/09/2012
    65  Minimization of fuel consumption in city bus transportation: A case study for Izmir... 10/09/2012 - 13/09/2012
    66  Minimization of fuel consumption in city bus transportation: A case study for Izmir... 10/09/2012 - 13/09/2012
    67  OWA Aggregation Based CxK-Nearest Neighbor Classification Algorithm... 06/09/2012 - 08/09/2012
    68  Şehiriçi Toplu Taşımada Yakıt Tüketimi Minimizasyonuna Bulanık Parametrik Yaklaşım... 20/06/2012 - 22/06/2012
    69  Baz İstasyonu Kaynak Atama Problemi İçin Yeni Bir Paketleme Modeli... 20/06/2012 - 22/06/2012
    70  Şehiriçi Toplu Taşımada Yakıt Tüketimi Minimizasyonuna Bulanık Parametrik Yaklaşım... 20/06/2012 - 22/06/2012
    71  Two Heuristic Solution Algorithms for An Assignment Problem According to The Average Difficulty Degr... 17/11/2011 - 18/11/2011
    72  Modification of Continuous and Binary ICU Data in FCRM Models... 01/11/2011 - 03/11/2011
    73  Çevrimiçi Haber Metinlerinin Otomatik Olarak Sınıflandırılması... 30/10/2011 - 02/11/2011
    74  Prediction of comfort properties of fabrics using neural network approach... 20/10/2011 - 22/10/2011
    75  Kablosuz İletişimde Kaynak Atama Problemi İçin Ardışık Paketleme Modeli... 30/09/2011 - 02/10/2011
    76  Şehiriçi Toplu Taşımada Ölü Kilometre Minimizasyonu için Bir Uygulama... 30/09/2011 - 02/10/2011
    77  A Sequential Rectangular Packing Approach for a Resource Allocation Problem... 30/08/2011 - 02/09/2011
    78  Foreign Ownership and Financial Performance Relationship: Evidence from Turkey... 15/06/2011 - 17/06/2011
    79  Performance Analysis of Industrial Enterprises via Data Mining Approach... 01/06/2011 - 04/06/2011
    80  A Fuzzy Triangular Weighted PSS Method for Splice Sites? Identification... 01/06/2011 - 04/06/2011
    81  Realistic Modeling of 500 Major Industrial Organizations in Turkey... 26/05/2011 - 29/05/2011
    82  Hareketli Araç Verileri İle Anlık Trafik Yoğunluğu Modelinin Oluşturulması... 10/05/2011 - 12/05/2011
    83  An alternative fuzzy approach to evaluate the credit risks of companies: case study... 06/09/2010 - 09/09/2010
    84  The efficiency of multi-time domain clustering in time series labeling... 26/08/2010 - 27/08/2010
    85  Kablosuz iletişimde iki boyutlu paketleme problemleri... 30/06/2010 - 02/07/2010
    86  Kablosuz İletişimde İki Boyutlu Paketleme Problemleri... 30/06/2010 - 02/07/2010
    87  A fuzzy perspective for two-dimensional packing of variable-sized items... 23/06/2010 - 26/06/2010
    88  A Fuzzy Perspective for Two-dimensional Packing of Variable-sized Items... 23/06/2010 - 26/06/2010
    89  A Novel Weighted Position-Specific Scoring Method for Splice Site Recognition in DNA Sequences... 03/06/2010 - 05/06/2010
    90  A Fuzzy Inference System for Thyroid Disease Diagnosis... 03/06/2010 - 05/06/2010
    91  Çok Tanecikli Bulanık Sözel Bilgiye Dayalı Karar Verme Modeli ve Zeytinyağının Duyusal Analiz... 28/05/2010 - 30/05/2010
    92  Packing of multiple frames in wireless telecommunications... 27/05/2010 - 29/05/2010
    93  Packing of Multiple Frames in Wireless Telecommunications... 27/05/2010 - 29/05/2010
    94  Prediction of Ligases Subclasses by using fuzzy k-NN method... 25/05/2010 - 26/05/2010
    95  MFJP: A New Modified FJP Algorithm with Low Complexity... 01/10/2009 - 02/10/2009
    96  Sıralı Ağırlıklı Ortalama (OWA) Operatöründe Doğrusal Dönüşümler Üzerine,... 22/06/2009 - 24/06/2009
    97  Sıralı Ağırliklı Ortalama (OWA) Operatöründe Doğrusal Dönüşümler Üzerine... 22/06/2009 - 24/06/2009
    98  Bulanık Kümeleme Yaklaşımı ile BIS Safha Seviyelerinin Belirlenmesi... 20/05/2009 - 24/05/2009
    99  Filogenetik ağaçların oluşturulmasında alternatif hiyerarşik kümeleme yaklaşımı... 20/05/2009 - 24/05/2009
    100  The Analysis of fuzzy neighborhood relations in density-based clustering... 19/10/2008 - 21/10/2008
    101  Group Constitution Problem with Different Strategies in Problem Based Learning System... 01/09/2008 - 03/09/2008
    102  A Fuzzy-Optimization Approach for The Evaluation of Student Performances... 02/06/2008 - 04/06/2008
    103  A new clustering analysis for Bispectral Index Measurements... 02/06/2008 - 04/06/2008
    104  K-en yakın komşuluk ve bulanık K-en yakın komşuluk algoritmaları ile EEG verilerinin sınıfla... 21/02/2008 - 23/02/2008
    105  Density-Based Clustering Methods with EEG Data... 21/02/2008 - 23/02/2008
    106  BIS Monitoring Analysis of Sleep Data via Clustering... 21/02/2008 - 23/02/2008
    107  On cluster analysis based on fuzzy relations between spatial data... 11/09/2007 - 14/09/2007
    108  An Iterative Method For Student Performances Assessment in Fuzzy Evaluations... 27/08/2007 - 28/08/2007
    109  A fuzzy least squares regression model given a flexible parametric estimation... 27/08/2007 - 28/08/2007
    110  DBSCAN and FJP based neighborhood relations in clustering: a comparative analysis... 27/08/2007 - 28/08/2007
    111  On defuzzification operators of Gaussian fuzzy numbers... 27/08/2007 - 28/08/2007
    112  Uzaysal Veri Analizinde Bulanık Mantık Yaklaşımı... 02/07/2007 - 04/07/2007
    113  Bulanık Bilgili Bir Atama Problemi Üzerine... 02/07/2007 - 04/07/2007
    114  Öğrenci Performanslarının Değerlendirilmesinde Optimal Katsayıların Belirlenmesi İçin İter... 02/07/2007 - 04/07/2007
    115  Bulanik Bilgili Bir Atama Problemi Üzerine... 01/07/2007 - 04/07/2007
    116  Bulanık bilgili performans değerlendirme bazında atama problemi üzerine... 24/05/2007 - 27/05/2007
    117  Uzaysal Verilere Dayalı Kümeleme Analizinde Bulanık Birleşik Noktalar Yaklaşımı... 20/05/2007 - 24/05/2007
    118  Veriler arası bulanık ilişkilere dayalı kümeleme analizi... 20/05/2007 - 24/05/2007
    119  İstatistiksel veri analizinde bulanık kümeler teorisi ve yöntemlerinin kullanımı üzerine... 20/05/2007 - 24/05/2007
    120  Bulanık bilgili performans değerlendirme bazında atama problemi üzerine... 20/05/2007 - 24/05/2007
    121  Aktif Eğitimde Öğrenci Performans Değerlendirme Stratejisinin Bulanık Regresyon Yaklaşımıyla... 20/05/2007 - 24/05/2007
    122  Optimal Adjustment of The Parameters of Noise-Resistant Fuzzy Joint Points Clustering Method... 13/09/2006 - 14/09/2006
    123  A Different Aggregation and Defuzzification Duo For Fuzzy Controllers... 13/09/2006 - 14/09/2006
    124  An Alternative Fuzzy-Hierarchial Approach to Cluster Analysis, ICAFS'06, - pp. 113-123... 13/09/2006 - 15/09/2006
    125  A New Fuzzy Joint Points Criteria for Cluster Validity... 28/08/2006 - 30/08/2006
    126  Obtaining Level Sets Weights Of Wabl Method With Maximal Entropy... 28/08/2006 - 30/08/2006
    127  Kümeleme Analizinde Sapanlara Dayanıklı Yeni Bir Bulanık Birleşik Noktalar Algoritması... 03/07/2006 - 05/07/2006
    128  Büyük Hacimli Veri Analizinde Bulanık Mantık Kullanımı... 03/07/2006 - 05/07/2006
    129  Kaliteli İş Paylaşımı Problemi İçin Bulanık Mantık Yaklaşımı, YAEM'06 - pp. 360-363... 03/07/2006 - 05/07/2006
    130  Program Tools for Fuzzy Clustering Analysis. pp.195-197... 09/05/2006 - 15/05/2007
    131  On WABL and COA defuzzifications for polynomial shape triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, pp.1... 01/09/2005 - 02/09/2005
    132  Determining the WABL parameters for simulating certain support-based defuzzıfication methods, pp.15... 01/09/2005 - 02/09/2005
    133  Evaluation of Fuzzy Joint Points algorithm for unsupervised clustering, pp.203-211... 01/09/2005 - 02/09/2005
    134  FJP: a new hierarchical method for fuzzy clustering... 01/09/2005 - 02/09/2005
    135  Çeşitli Bulanık Kümeleme teknolojileriyle yeni bir Visual İşlem Sistemi... 08/05/2005 - 12/05/2005
    136  Seviye kümeleri kullanan ağırlıklı aralığa dayanan bulanık regresyon modeli üzerine... 08/05/2005 - 12/05/2005
    137  New Approaches To Determıne The Wabl Parameters In Fuzzy Aggregatıon, (2004) Vol.1, No.2, 173-178... 28/09/2004 - 30/09/2004
    138  A Visual Processing System For Fuzzy Clustering, (2004) Vol.1, No.2, 123-128... 28/09/2004 - 30/09/2004
    139  A Visual-Interactive Program Determining Decision Making Parameters In WABL Method, pp.779-783... 25/09/2003 - 27/09/2003
    140  On the Fuzzy Bin-Packing Problem Using Min-Aggregation... 15/09/2003 - 17/09/2003
    141  On fuzzy bin-packing problem using min-aggregation... 25/05/2003 - 28/05/2003
    142  On Aggregation Algorithm For Fuzzy Numbers Based On The Levels, pp.236-242... 28/09/2002 - 30/09/2002
    143  A visual-interactive algorithm that implements the mean value identification strategy of the decisio... 11/09/2002 - 14/09/2002
    144  On aggregation operators for fuzzy numbers based on the decision making strategy, pp223-229... 24/05/2002 - 27/05/2002
    145  Bulanık koşullar halinde kaliteli stoklama problemi üzere... 12/02/2002 - 14/02/2002
    146  On the identification of conditions of objects in fuzzy information... 15/06/2001 - 19/06/2001
    147  On the visual-interactive algorithm for definition of importance of degrees of a fuzzy number... 15/12/2000 - 16/12/2000
    148  The solution algorithm for fuzzy Boolean programming problem with constraints... 16/04/2000 - 18/04/2000
    149  On a program system for calculation of weights of levels of fuzzy information... 16/04/2000 - 18/04/2000
    150  Reshenie zadachi nechetkogo Bulevogo programmirovaniya s ogranicheniyami... 17/02/2000 - 19/02/2000
    151  On the fuzzy bin packing problem... 15/05/1999 - 17/05/1999
    152  On an application of fuzzy sets theory to the bin packing problem... 12/02/1994 - 14/02/1994
    153  On some numerical properties of fuzzy numbers... 18/10/1991 - 20/10/1991
    154  On supply and demand agreement in a closed economic system model... 12/10/1991 - 14/10/1991
    155  Structure and processing of parametrically represented fuzzy numbers... 11/05/1991 - 13/05/1991
    156  Optimal distribution of tasks in computer networks with fuzzy data... 25/11/1986 - 30/11/1986
    157  A dialogue approach to fuzzy integer linear programming problems... 10/10/1986 - 12/10/1986
    158  Knapsack problem with fuzzy parameters and its solution method... 11/09/1986 - 12/09/1986
    159  An optimization problem in fuzzy input information... 10/04/1986 - 15/04/1986
    160  On a class of output planning tasks under incomplete information,... 18/10/1985 - 22/10/1985
    1  Olive Oil Sensory Evaluation: Multi Expert Decision Making With 2- Tuple Fuzzy Linguistic Representa...  2017
    2  Route Planning Model through Analysis of Public Transportation Data...  2016
    3  Analysis of Genetic Data via Data Mining: An Application on Intron-Exon Boundary Recognition...  2012
    4  Fuzzy Neighborhood-Based Clustering: with Recent Theory and Applications...  2011
    5  Clustering and Classification Methods Used in Biosequence Analysis: New Approaches...  2011
    6  Nasibov E.N. Metody Obrabotki Nechetkoi Informatsii V Zadachakh Priniatiia Reshenii/ Monograph/...  2000
    7  Nasibov E.N., Abdullaeva R.A. Basics of system programming...  1999
    8  Nasibov E.N. Basics of working in personal computers IBM PC/XT/AT...  1996
    9  Nasibov E.N., Khalilov M.S. Introduction to programming in Turbo Pascal...  1994
    10  Nasibov E.N. Use rules for personal computers IBM PC/XT/AT...  1993
    11  Nasibov E.N., Khalilov M.S. Methodical instructions to solve of functional analysis problems...  1993
    12  Guseinov G.B., Nasibov E.N. Organization of pedagogical activities in specific faculty for invalids...  1991
    1  Interval Type II Fuzzy Number Generation From Data Set Applied to Sedation Stage Classification Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing Applications in Healthcare Management Science...  2020
    2  A Fuzzy Rule Based Approach to Geographic Classification of Virgin Olive Oil Using T-OperatorsPotential of Essential Oils...  2018
    3  Natürel Zeytinyaginin Duyusal Degerlendirilmesinde Granüler Bulanik Bilgiye Dayali Bir Model Uygulamalı Ekonometrik Arastırmalar...  2018
    4  Ulaşım, Enerji Kullanımı İzmir Kent Sağlık Gelişim Planı...  2011
    5  Fuzzy logic in statistical data analysis International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science...  2010
    6  BIS verilerinin analizinde FCM ve FN-DBSCAN kümeleme yöntemlerinin karşılaştırılması The Applied Brain Biophysics...  2009
    7  3D FCRM Modeling in Miles Per Gallon of Car Advances in fundamental and social sciences...  2008
    1  Fen Bilimleri Öğretiminde Dijital Dönüşüm Teknolojilerinin Entegrasyonu...  5/2024 - 5/2025
    2  Yüksek Başarımlı Dağıtık Bellekli Hesaplama Ortamları için Bulanık Komşuluk Tabanlı Kümeleme Algoritmalarının Geliştirilmesi...  9/2018 - 9/2019
    3  Sıralı Ağırlıklı Ortalama (OWA) Temelli Karar Stratejilerinin Hesaplanması için Öz Öğrenimli Algoritmaların Geliştirilmesi ve Uygulamaları...  6/2017 - 12/2017
    4  Collision Avoidance Route Planning and Optimization at Sea...  5/2017 - 5/2018
    5  Buca Tınaztepe Kampüsünde sabit GPS/GNSS istasyonu kurulumu...  11/2015 - 2/2018
    6  Giysilerin Internet Üzerinden Pazarlamasındaki Beden Sorununa Esnek Hesaplama Teknikleri ile Yaklasım...  10/2015 - 10/2016
    7  Toplu Ulaşımda Hat/Durak Yoğunluğuna Dayalı Rota Arama Motorunun Geliştirilmesi...  3/2014 - 3/2016
    8  Ülkemizde Farklı Bölgelerde Üretilen Natürel Sızma Zeytinyağlarının Yağ Asidi Etil ve Metil Esterleri ile Minör Bileşenlerinin Belirlenerek Veri Tabanının Oluşturulması...  1/2014 - 12/2016
    9  Bulanık bidon paketleme problemleri ve uygulamaları...  1/2014 - 1/2015
    10  Toplu Ulaşımda Hat/Durak Yoğunluğuna Dayalı Rota Arama Motorunun Geliştirilmesi...  3/2014 - 3/2016
    11  Dokuzgen Bilişim Platformu: Şehrim Kampüsüm...  12/2014 - 12/2015
    12  Bulanık Karar Ağaçları ile Türk Natürel Sızma Zeytinyağı Coğrafi Karakterizasyonu...  9/2011 - 8/2013
    13  İzmir Kent Sağlık Gelişim Planı 2009-2013...  5/2011 - 8/2011
    14  Büyük hacimli veri tabanlarında komşuluğu dayalı kümeleme algoritmalarının oluşturulması ve performans analizi...  9/2011 - 9/2014
    15  Noktalar arası bulanık ilişkilere dayalı kümeleme algoritmalarının oluşturulması ve analizi...  1/2007 - 1/2009
    16  Seviyelere dayalı ağırlıklı ortalama yönteminin araştırılması ve uygulamaları...  9/2005 - 12/2006
    17  Bulanık karar problemlerinde kararverme stratejisinin belirlenmesi...  9/2001 - 6/2002
    1  Karayolu Mühendisliği ve Ulaştırma konusunda yılın ödülü...  2017
    1  TÜBİTAK  2001
  • NO Responsibility
    1 Faculty of Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, December 2019- October 2020
    2 Faculty of Sciences Department of Computer Science , Director of Department, December 2019- September 2020
    3 Faculty of Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, December 2019- September 2020
    4 Faculty of Sciences Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science , Director of Science Branch, January 2019- September 2020
    5 DEÜ Rectorate Endüstri 4.0 Koordinatörlüğü Kurulu Member, February 2018-Continues
    6 Faculty of Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, December 2016- December 2019
    7 Faculty of Sciences Department of Computer Science , Director of Department, December 2016- December 2019
    8 Faculty of Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, December 2016- December 2019
    9 Faculty of Sciences Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science , Director of Science Branch, January 2016- January 2019
    10 Faculty of Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, December 2013- December 2016
    11 Faculty of Sciences Department of Computer Science , Director of Department, December 2013- December 2016
    12 Faculty of Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, December 2013- December 2016
    13 Faculty of Sciences Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science , Director of Science Branch, January 2013- January 2016
    14 Faculty of Sciences Department of Computer Science , Director of Department, December 2010- December 2013
    15 Faculty of Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, December 2010- December 2013
    16 Faculty of Sciences Department of Computer Science , Deputy Director of Department, September 2010- December 2010
    17 Faculty of Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, September 2010- December 2010
    18 Faculty of Sciences Department of Computer Science , Deputy Director of Department, June 2010- September 2010
    19 Faculty of Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, June 2010- September 2010
    20 Faculty of Sciences Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science , Director of Science Branch, June 2010- January 2013
    21 D.E.Ü. İstatistik,Risk Ve Aktüerya Araştirma Uygulama Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, March 2010- March 2013
    22 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Computer Science , Deputy Director of Department, March 2010- June 2010
    23 Faculty of Arts and Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, March 2010- June 2010
    24 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Computer Science , Director of Department, January 2010- March 2010
    25 Faculty of Arts and Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, January 2010- March 2010
    26 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science , Director of Science Branch, January 2010- June 2010
    27 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Computer Science , Deputy Director of Department, December 2009- January 2010
    28 Faculty of Arts and Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, December 2009- January 2010
    29 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Statistics Statistics Theories , Director of Science Branch, August 2007- February 2010