Academic Staff - Personal Page


  • Education/Academic Info
    Undergraduate Degree  Ankara University İlahiyat Fakültesi Kelam ve İslam Felsefesi Bölümü  1985
    Master's Degree  The Catholic University of America The Catholic University of America Felsefe Bölümü  1994
    PhD (Doctorate)  The Catholic University of America The Catholic University of America Felsefe Bölümü  1995
    Associate Professor  Dokuz Eylül University İlahiyat Fakültesi İlahiyat (Din Felsefesi) Bilim Dalı  2002
    Full Professor  Dokuz Eylül University İlahiyat Fakültesi  2008
    1  On the Ottoman Interest in Modern Philosophy: Felsefe Mecmuası, The Philosophy Journal...  2021
    2  Fetö: 15 Temmuz Darbe Girişiminin Faili ve Yeniçağ Dini Spiritüalizminin Temsilcisi Vesayetçi ...  2020
    3  Religion as A Form of Life: Some Remarks on Wittgenstein's Concept of 'Religion'...  2019
    4  Beauty Torn by a Prick of Thorn: Rumi's Philosophy of Human Love...  2018
    5  Alfarabi's Hermeneutics of Religion:Contemporary Relevance of His Perspectives on Freedom of Religio...  2018
    6  İslam Yorum Gelenekleri ve Çağdaş Hermeneutik...  2017
    7  İbn Haldun: Geçmiş İle gelecek Rasında Bir İbret Köprüsü...  2017
    8  Ebu Bişr Matta ile Ebu Said es-Sirafi Arasında Mantık ve Gramer Üzerine Bir Tartışma...  2004
    9  Mantık Gramer İlişkisi Üzerine İki Görüş...  2002
    10  M. İkbal'de Çağdaş Bilim ve Yöntem Anlayışı...  2002
    11  Mitolojik Bilinç Ürünü Olarak Nevruz...  1998
    1  Justice Still Holds Some Juice... 13/06/2019 - 14/06/2019
    2  Küreselleşme ve Kültür... 13/05/2017 - 13/05/2017
    3  Yunus Şiirine Uygun Bir Nazariyat Arayışı... 14/10/2016 - 16/10/2016
    4  Knowledge and Virtue: Recognition and Tolerance as Moral Virtues... 04/06/2016 - 06/06/2016
    5  Necessity of Cultural Dialogue From a Moral Point of View... 01/06/2016 - 02/06/2016
    6  Kültür Güvenliği... 19/03/2016 - 20/03/2016
    7  Saving Face or Giving Spirit to the Letters: Reconciliation by Inspiring New Meaning and Value Into ... 17/08/2015 - 23/08/2015
    8  Alfarabi's Hermeneutics of Religion: Contemporary Relevance of Some Muslim Philosophers Perspectives... 14/06/2015 - 14/06/2015
    9  Avicenna's Pyschology of Knowledge Compared to Aquinas' Division of Science"... 22/05/2008 - 25/05/2008
    10  Mevlana ve Ahlaki Kişilik... 08/06/2007 - 09/06/2007
    11  Ethics of Religious Tolerance: A Muslim Perspectivee... 11/09/1998 - 13/09/1998
    1  Sovremennaya Germenevtika...  2020
    2  İslam Felsefesi (e-kitap)...  2018
    3  Sovremennaya germenevtika...  2017
    4  Çağdaş Yorumbilim Kuramları: Felsefi ve Eleştirel Hermeneutik...  2016
    5  Çağdaş Yorumbilim Kuramları: Romantik, Felsefi, Eleştirel Hermeneutik...  2002
    1  Zahiri-Literalist Anlayışın İslam Düşüncesindeki ve Çağdaş Selefilikteki İzdüşümleri: Müzakere Zahiri Ve Selefi Din Yorumu...  2019
    2  Görsel ve İşitsel Kültür Çatışması Arasında Gençlik Günümüz Gençliğinin Zihin Sorunları...  2019
    3  Ünite 1: Sosyal Bilimler ve İslam Bilimleri İslam Bilimlerinde Yöntem...  2011
    4  Environmental Ethics and Its Relation to Truth Truth and Morality: The Role of Truth in Public Life...  2008
    1  Milli ve Manevi Değerler ile Çevre Etiği Kazanımı...  1/2023 - /
  • NO Responsibility
    1 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences , Deputy Director of Department, January 2024- January 2024
    2 Faculty of Theology , Member of The Faculty Council, January 2024- January 2024
    3 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Islamic Jurisprudence , Deputy Director of Science Branch, January 2024- January 2024
    4 Faculty of Theology Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences Mantik Anabilim Dali , Deputy Director of Science Branch, December 2023- January 2024
    5 Mevlana Uygulama Ve Araştirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, October 2023-Continues
    6 DEÜ Rectorate 15 Temmuz Demokrasi ve Milli Birlik Günü Anma Etkinlikleri Komisyonu Member, June 2023- January 2024
    7 Faculty of Theology , Deputy Dean, March 2023- January 2024
    8 Faculty of Theology , Head of The Faculty Council, March 2023- January 2024
    9 Faculty of Theology , Head of The Faculty Council, March 2023- January 2024
    10 DEÜ Rectorate Aşık Veysel Yılı Etkinlikleri Düzenleme ve Yürütme Komisyonu Member, January 2023- December 2023
    11 Veteriner Fakültesi , Member of The Faculty Council, December 2022- April 2023
    12 Veteriner Fakültesi , Member of The Faculty Council, December 2022- February 2024
    13 Faculty of Theology Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences , Deputy Director of Department, November 2022- December 2022
    14 Faculty of Theology , Member of The Faculty Council, November 2022- December 2022
    15 DEÜ Rectorate Kurum Arabuluculuk Komisyonu Member, July 2022-Continues
    16 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Tradition of The Prophet , Deputy Director of Science Branch, January 2022- January 2024
    17 D.E.Ü. Sürekli Eğitim Merkezi (Desem) , Member of The Central Board, September 2021- November 2022
    18 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Kelam Anabilim Dali , Deputy Director of Science Branch, August 2021- January 2024
    19 Faculty of Theology Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences Islamic Philosophy , Director of Science Branch, June 2021- June 2024
    20 DEÜ Rectorate Lisansüstü Eğitimde Girişimciliği ve Yenilikçiliği Geliştirme Komisyonu Member, May 2021-Continues
    21 Institute For Theological Research , Deputy Director of The Institute, May 2021- January 2023
    22 Institute For Theological Research , Head of The Institute Council, May 2021- January 2023
    23 Institute For Theological Research , Head of The Institute Council, May 2021- January 2023
    24 Ege Bölgesi Kültür Varliklari Araştirma Ve Uygulama Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, March 2021- October 2023
    25 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences , Deputy Director of Department, January 2021- January 2024
    26 Faculty of Theology , Member of The Faculty Council, January 2021- January 2024
    27 Faculty of Theology Department of Islamic History and Arts İslam Tarihi Anabilim Dali , Deputy Director of Science Branch, June 2020- January 2021
    28 Faculty of Theology , Dean, March 2020- March 2023
    29 Faculty of Theology , Head of The Faculty Council, March 2020- March 2023
    30 Faculty of Theology , Head of The Faculty Council, March 2020- March 2023
    31 Veteriner Fakültesi , Member of The Faculty Council, December 2019- December 2022
    32 Veteriner Fakültesi , Member of The Faculty Council, December 2019- December 2022
    33 Faculty of Theology Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences Sociology of Religion , Deputy Director of Science Branch, November 2019- March 2020
    34 Faculty of Theology Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences , Director of Department, November 2019- November 2022
    35 Faculty of Theology , Member of The Faculty Council, November 2019- November 2022
    36 Faculty of Theology Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences , Deputy Director of Department, October 2019- November 2019
    37 Faculty of Theology , Member of The Faculty Council, October 2019- November 2019
    38 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Islamic Jurisprudence , Deputy Director of Science Branch, July 2019- January 2024
    39 DEÜ Rectorate Strateji Geliştirme Kurulu Member, April 2019- December 2021
    40 DEÜ Rectorate Prof.Dr. Fuat Sezgin Yılı Etkinlikleri Yürütme Kurulu Chairman/President, February 2019- December 2019
    41 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences İslam Mezhepleri Tarihi Anabilim Dali , Deputy Director of Science Branch, February 2019- November 2019
    42 Uzaktan Eğitim Uygulama Ve Araştirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, January 2019- May 2019
    43 Faculty of Theology , Deputy Dean, December 2018- March 2020
    44 Faculty of Theology , Head of The Faculty Council, December 2018- March 2020
    45 Faculty of Theology , Head of The Faculty Council, December 2018- March 2020
    46 Uzaktan Eğitim Uygulama Ve Araştirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, November 2018- January 2019
    47 Uzaktan Eğitim Uygulama Ve Araştirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, November 2018- January 2019
    48 D.E.Ü. Sürekli Eğitim Merkezi (Desem) , Member of The Central Board, September 2018- September 2021
    49 Faculty of Theology Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences Islamic Philosophy , Director of Science Branch, June 2018- June 2021
    50 Dokuz Eylül University , Member of University Senate, November 2017- August 2019
    51 Faculty of Theology Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences , Director of Department, October 2016- October 2019
    52 Faculty of Theology , Member of The Faculty Council, October 2016- October 2019
    53 Faculty of Theology Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences Islamic Philosophy , Director of Science Branch, June 2015- June 2018
    54 Faculty of Theology Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences Islamic Philosophy , Director of Science Branch, June 2012- June 2015
    55 Institute For Theological Research , Member of The Institute Council, October 2011- July 2014
    56 Institute For Theological Research , Member of The Institute Council, October 2011- July 2014
    57 Institute For Theological Research , Vice Director of The Institute, October 2011- July 2014
    58 Faculty of Theology , Member of The Faculty Council, May 2011- May 2014
    59 Institute For Theological Research , Vice Director of The Institute, August 2010- October 2011
    60 Faculty of Theology , Member of The Faculty Council, March 2007- March 2008
    61 Faculty of Theology Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences Islamic Philosophy , Director of Science Branch, June 2006- June 2009
    62 Faculty of Theology Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences Islamic Philosophy History of Islamic Philosophy , Director of Science Branch, June 2006- June 2009
    63 Faculty of Theology Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences , Vice Director of Department, September 2004- September 2007
    64 Faculty of Theology , Member of The Faculty Council, March 2004- March 2007
    65 Faculty of Theology Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences Islamic Philosophy , Director of Science Branch, June 2003- June 2006
    66 Faculty of Theology Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences Islamic Philosophy History of Islamic Philosophy , Director of Science Branch, June 2003- June 2006
    67 Faculty of Theology , Member of The Faculty Council, August 1998- August 2001