Education/Academic Info | ||
Undergraduate Degree | Başkent University Tıp Fakültesi | 2012 |
Specialization in Medicine | Dokuz Eylül University Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı | 2017 |
Assistant Professor | Dokuz Eylül University Tıp Fakültesi | 2024 |
1 | The Evaluation of Uterine Sarcomas: Tertiary Center Experience... | 2024 |
2 | Prediction of adenomyozis according to revised definitions of morphological uterus sonographic asses... | 2024 |
3 | Effect of Surgical Intervention Timing on Ovarian Viability in Adnexal Torsion: A Cross-Sectional St... | 2024 |
4 | Extrauterine leiomyomas in uncommon locations: two case reports and literature review... | 2024 |
5 | Effect Of Low Uterine Segment Involvement On Prognosis Of Early Stage Endometrial Cancer... | 2024 |
6 | The impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on the clinical presentation of tubal ectopic pr... | 2024 |
7 | The effect of gonadotropin combined intrauterine insemination cycles with dual trigger on clinical p... | 2024 |
8 | Prediction of intraperitoneal adhesions in repeated cesarean deliveries with stria gravidarum scorin... | 2024 |
9 | Gonadotropin ile kombine intrauterin inseminasyon sikluslarında dual tetiklemenin klinik gebelik so... | 2024 |
10 | Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri Kullanılarak Gebelik Elde Edilen Hastalarda Serum Kisspeptin Düzeyini... | 2024 |
11 | Effectiveness of Blood Urea Nitrogen to Albumin Ratio and C-Reactive Protein to Albumin Ratio in Pre... | 2023 |
12 | The Human Papillomavirus and Its Relationship to Infertility and Endometriosis... | 2023 |
13 | Transabdominal Ultrason Eşliğinde Oosit Toplanması: Olgu Serisi... | 2023 |
14 | The Rare Coexistence of Isolated Unilateral Adnexal Agenesis and Microperforated Hymen: A Case Repor... | 2023 |
15 | Management of a pregnancy with Crigler-Najjar syndrome type 2: a case report... | 2023 |
16 | Predictivity of Platelet to Lymphocyte and Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratios in The First Trimester Mi... | 2023 |
17 | Management of Spontaneously Occured Isolated Hematocervix Case- A Rare Pathology... | 2022 |
18 | Preterm Eylem... | 2022 |
19 | Adenomyozis; Tanı, Klinik Bulgular ve Tedavinin Güncel Yaklaşımları... | 2022 |
20 | The effect of oral contraceptive use on sympatic nerve activity in patients with polycystic ovary sy... | 2022 |
21 | Prematür Ovaryen Yetmezlik Tanımı, Etiyolojisi ve Hastaya Yaklaşım... | 2021 |
22 | Prematür Ovaryen Yetmezlikli Hastalarda Karyotip Değerlendirmesi... | 2020 |
23 | İzole Konjenital Kalp Hastalıklarında Obstetrik ve Neonatal Sonuçlar - Tek Merkez Deneyimi... | 2020 |
24 | İn Vitro Fertilizasyon (IVF) ve Spontan Dikoryonik Diamniotik (DDA) İkiz Gebeliklerinde Obstetrik ... | 2020 |
25 | Bir Üniversite Hastanesinin Primer Sezaryen Endikasyon Dağılımı: On Yıla Ait Tecrübe ve Sezar... | 2018 |
26 | Uterin Arter Embolizasyonu Sonrası Myoma Uterinin Ekspulsiyonu: Olgu Sunumu... | 2016 |
1 | Virgin Hastada Operatif Histeroskopi ile Submukozal Myom Rezeksiyonu-Olgu Sunumu... | 30/10/2024 - 03/11/2024 |
2 | Isolated Tubal Torsion Mimicking An Ovarian Cyst: A Case Report... | 17/04/2024 - 21/04/2024 |
3 | Preconceptional Laparoscopic Cervicoisthmic Cerclage: A Case Report... | 17/04/2024 - 21/04/2024 |
4 | Strategies for Prevention of Hemorrhage in Fertility Sparing Laparoscopic Surgery of Cornual Pregnan... | 16/11/2023 - 19/11/2023 |
5 | The clinical characteristics and surgical approach of scar endometriosis: A case series of 12 women... | 01/11/2023 - 05/11/2023 |
6 | The Evaluation of the Relationship Between Adnexal Torsion Angle and Necrosis: A Cross-Sectional Stu... | 05/10/2023 - 08/10/2023 |
7 | Accuracy of Hysterosalpingography in the Diagnosis of T-Shape Uterus Compared to Three-Dimensional U... | 01/10/2023 - 04/10/2023 |
8 | Hysteroscopic Metroplasty in an Asymmetric Septate Uterus With a Non-communicating Blind Cavity (Rob... | 01/10/2023 - 04/10/2023 |
9 | Laparoscopic Surgery For A Unicornuate Uterus with Noncommunicating and Functional Uterine Horn... | 10/11/2022 - 13/11/2022 |
11 | Huge Atypıc Sarcomatous Pelvıc Mass; A Rare Case Report... | 03/11/2022 - 06/11/2022 |
12 | Transabdominal Oosit Pick-up Uygulaması-Olgu Serisi Sunumu... | 02/11/2022 - 06/11/2022 |
13 | A Complicated Case of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia in the First Trimester of IVF Pregnancy Treated W... | 02/11/2022 - 06/11/2022 |
14 | Postpartum Kanamanın Bir Nedeni: Plasenta Retansiyonu... | 01/11/2022 - 05/11/2022 |
15 | Ardışık IVF gebeliklerde saptanan kore gravidarum... | 12/10/2022 - 16/10/2022 |
16 | Leiomyoma On The Septum Of A Septate Uterus: Case Report... | 28/05/2022 - 01/06/2022 |
17 | Uterus preserving approach in cesarean scar pregnancy in the spectrum of placenta accreta: case repo... | 28/05/2022 - 01/06/2022 |
18 | Retroperitoneal schwannoma mimicking uterine myoma: case report... | 28/05/2022 - 01/06/2022 |
19 | Impact of the covid 19 pandemic on clinical presentation of ectopic pregnancies... | 28/05/2022 - 01/06/2022 |
20 | Impact of the covid 19 pandemic on clinical evaluation of tuboovarian abscesses... | 28/05/2022 - 01/06/2022 |
21 | Does HPV positivity affect endometriosis clinic?... | 28/05/2022 - 01/06/2022 |
22 | Evaluation of Management Pregnancies From Conception To Delivery To Puerperium As Risks Facing Newbo... | 28/05/2022 - 01/06/2022 |
23 | Aspiration and Shirodkar Cerclage For Cervical Heterotopic Pregnancy Following ICSI/FET Cycle: Manag... | 28/05/2022 - 01/06/2022 |
24 | Management of spontaneously occurred isolated hematocervix case... | 28/05/2022 - 01/06/2022 |
25 | Widespread ascites and genital organ involvement in a case of breast ductal carcinoma in situ: a cas... | 18/11/2021 - 21/11/2021 |
26 | Giant abdominal mass-case report... | 18/11/2021 - 21/11/2021 |
27 | Platelet/lenfosit ve nötrofil/lenfosit oranlarinin birinci trimester missed abortus olgularinda pre... | 11/11/2021 - 14/11/2021 |
28 | Dondurulmuş Embriyo Transfer Sikluslarında Estrojen Seviyesinin Klinik Gebelik Sonuçlarına Olan ... | 11/11/2021 - 14/11/2021 |
29 | B Lynch sütür ile birlikte bilateral uterin arter ligasyonu sonrası fertilite, Olgu Sunumu... | 28/10/2021 - 31/10/2021 |
30 | Acil ve Elektif Transvajinal Servikal Serklajlarin Obstetrik ve Perinatal Sonuclarinin Degerlendiril... | 28/10/2021 - 31/10/2021 |
31 | DERMOİD KİSTE BAĞLI OVER TORSİYONU: OLGU SUNUMU... | 26/10/2021 - 30/10/2021 |
32 | Caryotype evaluation in patients with premature ovarian failure... | 04/10/2017 - 08/10/2017 |
1 | İleri Kadın Yaşı İnfertilitesinde Preimplantasyon Genetik Taramanın Yeri İleri Yaş İnfertilitesi... | 2024 |
2 | Gonadotropinler, Fizyoloji ve Farmakoloji, Klasik Protokoller Güncel Üreme Endokrinolojisi ve İnfertilite Kitabı 3... | 2022 |
3 | Prenatal Tarama ve Tanı Sağlık Biyoteknolojisi... | 2022 |
4 | Adnexal Torsion Gynecologic Emergencies... | 2022 |
5 | Reproductive Physiology fertility sparing approaches in gynecologic cancers... | 2021 |
6 | Gebelik ve Obezite Maternal Hastalıklarda Gebelik Yönetimi... | 2021 |
7 | Endometriozisin Medikal Tedavisi ii. Oral Kontraseptifler A'dan Z'ye Endometriozis ve Adenomyozis... | 2021 |
8 | Endometriozis: Epidemiyoloji ve Risk Faktörleri A'dan Z'ye Endometriozis ve Adenomyozis... | 2021 |