Academic Staff - Personal Page


  • Education/Academic Info
    Undergraduate Degree  Ege University Yer Bilimleri Fakültesi JEOLOJİ MÜHENDİSLİĞİ  1978
    Master's Degree  Ege University Yer Bilimleri Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği  1982
    PhD (Doctorate)  Dokuz Eylül University Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Jeoloji Mühendisliği(Mineroloji-Petrografi)  1989
    Assistant Professor  Dokuz Eylül University Mühendislik Fakültesi  1997
    1  Efficiency of singularity and PCA mapping of mineralization-related geochemical anomalies: a compar...  2022
    2  Comparison between the geochemical response of BLEG and fine fraction stream sediments to mineraliza...  2020
    3  Age and source of the Küre/Ödemiş arsenopyrite-gold mineralization (Menderes Massif, Turkey) dete...  2020
    4  Singularity mapping of bulk leach extractable gold and ?80# stream sediment geochemical data in reco...  2019
    5  Comparison between the effectiveness of regional BLEG and ?80# stream sediment geochemistry in detec...  2017
    6  Discovery of Au'ag mineralization by stream sediment and soil geochemical exploration in metamorphic...  2015
    7  Low-sulfidation epithermal Au-Ag mineralization in the Sındırgı district, Balıkesir province, Tu...  2013
    8  Intermediate sulfidation epithermal gold-base metal deposits in Tertiary subaerial volcanic rocks, S...  2010
    9  Epithermal antimony, mercury and gold deposits in the continenral rift zone of the Küçük Menderes...  1997
    10  Miocen-pliocen potassic ultrapotassic volcanism of the Afyon-Isparta Region (Central-Western-Anatoli...  1995
    11  Kırka-Afyor-Isparta trend and alkaline rock associations(Anatolia)...  1994
    12  The mineralogy and geochemistry of Central Sakarya region (Eskişehir-Bilecik) pegmatites...  1994
    13  Sivrihisar-Günyüzü (Eskişehir) granitic pegmatites...  1994
    14  Gördes (North of Menderes Massif) pegmatoids...  1993
    15  Gördes Berils...  1986
    16  Fluid inclusions study on the quartzes from the young volcanics and the Menderes Massif, Western Ana...  1984
    1  Efficiency of Singularity and PCA Mapping of Mineralization-Related Geochemical Anomalies: A Compara... 08/09/2021 - 10/09/2021
    2  Geological Characteristics of the Tavşanlı Zone (Northwest Anatolia) Eocene Igneous Plutons... 01/09/2021 - 02/09/2021
    3  Cevherleşmeyle İlişkili Onemli Jeokimyasal Aykırılıkların Parametrik (Q-Q) ve Parametrik Olma... 24/05/2021 - 28/05/2021
    4  Menderes Masifi'ndeki Küre/Ödemiş Orojenik Arsenopirit-Altın Cevherleşmesinin Re-Os-He İzotop... 28/01/2019 - 01/02/2019
    5  Batı Anadolu altın ve baz metal yatakların keşfinde bölgesel bleg ve -80 mesh dere tortulu jeok... 10/04/2017 - 14/04/2017
    6  Batı Anadolu genleşme tektoniği rejiminden etkilenen metamorfik sahada jeokimyasal aramayla Au-Ag... 06/04/2015 - 10/04/2015
    7  Sonmez, F. N. Yilmaz, H. and Gungor, T. 2014. A study on mineralogy, fluid ınclusion and mineraliza... 14/04/2014 - 18/04/2014
    8  Low-sulfidation epithermal Au-Ag mineralization in the Sındırgı district, Balıkesir province, Tu... 01/09/2012 - 05/09/2012
    9  Epithermal Antimony,mercury and gold deposits in the rift zone of the küçük Menderes, western Ana... 11/08/1997 - 13/08/1997
    10  Carbonic fluid inclusions as expressed by the H2O-CO2-CH4-NACLsystem ant two sample overviews... 30/04/1997 - 03/05/1997
    11  Comparison origin of sone granitoids found in the Tavşanlı Zone (Western Central Anatolia)... 30/04/1997 - 03/05/1997
    12  Geochemical properties and genetical interpratation of granitoid belt in the Central Sakarya Region... 09/11/1995 - 14/11/1995
    13  Relation of alkaline volcanism and activ tectonism within the evolution of Isparta Bend, SW-Turkey... 09/10/1995 - 14/10/1995
    14  The mineralogy and geochemistry of Central Sakarya region (Eskişehir-Bilecik) pegmatites... 21/11/1994 - 25/11/1994
    15  Some Xenoliths and Metasomatic Relations of Young Alkaline Rocks, Western Anatolia... 17/09/1994 - 23/09/1994
    16  Miniralogical properties and geochemistry of the Günyüzü-Sivrihisar (Eskişehir) granitic pegmati... 21/02/1994 - 25/02/1994
    17  Geochemical properties and genetic interpretation of the Sivrihisar(Eskişehir)-Günyüzü Granitoid... 21/02/1994 - 25/02/1994
    18  Passible mafic alkaline-carbonatite complex in Hamid/Kırşehir... 15/11/1993 - 17/11/1993
    19  Evolution of basic-intermadiate alkaline volcanism along Ns direction by Kırka-Afyon-Isparta... 15/11/1993 - 17/11/1993
    20  Metamorphism of Gördes Submassif (Menderes Massif)... 01/01/1992 - 03/01/1992
    21  Mineralogical and chemical investigation of Gördes Pegmatoids... 12/12/1990 - 13/12/1990
    22  Beryl-bearing Gördes (Menderes Massif) pegmatoids... 16/10/1989 - 18/10/1989
    23  Fluid inclusions study on the quartzes from the young volcanics and the Menderes Massif, Western Ana... 22/02/1982 - 26/02/1982
    24  Fluid inclusions study on the quartzes from the younu volcanics and the Menderes Massif, Western Ana... 11/11/1981 - 13/11/1981
    25  Optical, crystallgraphical and chemical investigationof urinary calculi from children,... 25/09/1980 - 27/09/1980
    1  küre 'ademiş/izmir (menderes masifi) altin içeren arsenopirit kuvars damarlarinin mineralojisi, sıvı kapanımlari, yaşi (187Re/188Os) hakkında bir çalışma...  10/2014 - 10/2015
    2  Menderes Masifi (Batı Anadolu) altın içeren arsenopiritli kuvars damarlarının yapısal özellikleri, izotop jeokimyası ve sıvı kapanımlarının incelenmesi...  8/2009 - 8/2011
    3  Geç Oliğosen ve Erken Miyosen Kuzey Ege Bölgeleri Tektonik Bloğunun magmatik, yapısa ve Biyostratigrafik Tanımı...  1/1998 - 1/2000
    4  Fluid inclusions studies on Ovacık gold mineralization, Bergama-Western Turkey,1994-1995...  1/1994 - 1/1995
    5  Properties and geochemistry of the Günyüz-Sivrihisar (Eskişehir) granitic pegmatites,Turkey...  1/1994 - 1/1996
    6  Mineralogical and chemical investiğation of Gördes Pegmatoids (Menderes Massif), Turkey...  1/1986 - 1/1989
    1  DAAD-Alman bilimsel araştırma bursu  1995