Academic Staff - Personal Page

  • Education/Academic Info
    Undergraduate Degree  Erzurum Yüksek İslam Enstitüsü Fıkıh-Kelam Bölümü  1979
    Master's Degree  Dokuz Eylül University Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Kelam ve İslam Felsefesi ABD.  1985
    PhD (Doctorate)  Dokuz Eylül University Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Tefsir-Hadis ABD.  1990
    Assistant Professor  Dokuz Eylül University İlahiyat Fakültesi  1991
    Associate Professor  Dokuz Eylül University İlahiyat Fakültesi Tefsir  1994
    Full Professor  Dokuz Eylül University İlahiyat Fakültesi  2000
    1  Kuran Fihristi...  2019
    2  Tefsir Usulü...  2019
    3  Tefsire Giriş...  2018
    4  kuran-ı kerim'i okuma kaideleri tecvid...  2012
    5  Kuran'da Salah Meselesi...  2012
    6  Kuran Atlası...  2007
    7  Ana Konularıyla Kuran...  2007
    8  Kuran-ı Kerim'de İyi İnsan ve Yararlı İş...  2000
    9  Kuran'ı Kerim'de Maruf ve Mümker...  1999
    10  Kuran'da Bazı Kavramlara Bakış...  1999
    11  Kuran'ı Kerim'de Maruf ve Mümker...  1999
    12  Kuran'ı Kerim'de Maruf ve Mümker...  1999
    13  İbn Teymiyye ve Konulu Tefsir...  1999
    14  Kur'anTefsirinde Yöntem...  1998
    2  Kuran'da İman ve Salih Amel Tefsir...  2016
    3  Kuran'da Maruf ve Münker Tefsir...  2016
    4  Ezberlenecek ve Yüzünden Okunacak Ayet ve Sureler Kuran-ı Kerim 4...  2015
    5  Kuran-ı Kerim'de Allah Ana Konularıyla Kuran...  2012
    6  Kur'an-ı Kerim'de Alem Ana Konularıyla Kuran...  2012
    7  Kur'an-ı Kerim'de Kur'an Ana Konularıyla Kuran...  2012
    8  Yüzünde Okunacak ve Ezberlenecek ayet ve Sureler Kur'an-ı Kerim 3...  2012
    9  Tenvin ve Sakin Nun'un Halleri Kur'an-ı Kerim 2...  2012
    10  Kur'an-ı Kerim'de İnsan Ana Konularıyla Kuran...  2012
    11  Konulu Tefsir Tefsir ve Tefsir Metinler...  2011
    12  Tefsirin Başlangıcı Tefsir ve Tefsir Metinler...  2011
    13  Kur'an-ı Kerim'e Geleneksel, Çağdaş ve Bilimsel Yaklaşımlar İslam Bilimlerinde Yöntem...  2011
    14  Tefsir Problemleri Tefsir ve Tefsir Metinler...  2011
    1  "Kur'an'ın Metinleşme Sürecinde Ortaya Çıkan Problemler"...  5/2003 - 5/2006
    2  Kur'an'ın Mtinleşme Sürecinde Ortaya Çıkan Problemler...  5/2003 - 5/2006
    3  Elmalılı ile Mevdudi'nin Tefsirlerinde Günümüz Problemlerine Yaklaşımları -Karşılaştırmalı Bir İnceleme...  5/1996 - 4/1999
  • NO Responsibility
    1 Ege University Birgivi İslami İlimler Fakültesi , Dean, September 2019- December 2020
    2 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Hermeneutics (Interpretation of The Quran) , Director of Science Branch, August 2016- August 2019
    3 Institute For Theological Research , Deputy Director of The Institute, August 2016- September 2016
    4 Institute For Theological Research , Head of The Institute Council, August 2016- September 2016
    5 Institute For Theological Research , Head of The Institute Council, August 2016- September 2016
    6 Uzaktan Eğitim Uygulama Ve Araştirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, November 2015- November 2018
    7 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Kur'An-I Kerim Okuma Ve Kiraat İlmi Anabilim Dali , Director of Science Branch, October 2015- July 2016
    8 Faculty of Theology , Deputy Dean, February 2015- March 2015
    9 Faculty of Theology , Head of The Faculty Council, February 2015- March 2015
    10 Faculty of Theology , Head of The Faculty Council, February 2015- March 2015
    11 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences , Deputy Director of Department, July 2013- September 2013
    12 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Tradition of The Prophet , Deputy Director of Science Branch, April 2013- June 2013
    13 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Tradition of The Prophet , Deputy Director of Science Branch, January 2013- April 2013
    14 Uzaktan Eğitim Uygulama Ve Araştirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, November 2012- November 2015
    15 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Hermeneutics (Interpretation of The Quran) , Director of Science Branch, September 2012- September 2015
    16 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences , Deputy Director of Department, September 2012- October 2012
    17 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences , Deputy Director of Department, June 2012- September 2012
    18 Faculty of Theology Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences Department of History of Religions , Deputy Director of Science Branch, June 2012- July 2012
    19 Vocational School of Religious Services , Deputy College Director, March 2012- February 2013
    20 Vocational School of Religious Services , Head of College Board, March 2012- February 2013
    21 Vocational School of Religious Services , Head of College Council, March 2012- February 2013
    22 Faculty of Theology , Dean, February 2012- February 2015
    23 Faculty of Theology , Head of The Faculty Council, February 2012- February 2015
    24 Faculty of Theology , Head of The Faculty Council, February 2012- February 2015
    25 Graduate School of Social Sciences , Member of The Institute Council, January 2012- January 2015
    26 Faculty of Theology , Deputy Dean, November 2011- February 2012
    27 Faculty of Theology , Head of The Faculty Council, November 2011- February 2012
    28 Faculty of Theology , Head of The Faculty Council, November 2011- February 2012
    29 Vocational School of Religious Services , Deputy College Director, May 2010- November 2010
    30 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Hermeneutics (Interpretation of The Quran) Hermeneutics , Director of Science Branch, November 2009- November 2012
    31 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Hermeneutics (Interpretation of The Quran) , Director of Science Branch, September 2009- September 2012
    32 Vocational School of Religious Services , Member of College Council, November 2008- May 2010
    33 Faculty of Theology , Dean, November 2008- November 2011
    34 Faculty of Theology , Head of The Faculty Council, November 2008- November 2011
    35 Faculty of Theology , Head of The Faculty Council, November 2008- November 2011
    36 Faculty of Theology , Deputy Dean, November 2008- November 2008
    37 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Hermeneutics (Interpretation of The Quran) Hermeneutics , Director of Science Branch, November 2006- November 2009
    38 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Hermeneutics (Interpretation of The Quran) Kiraat Bilim Dali , Director of Science Branch, November 2006- November 2009
    39 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Hermeneutics (Interpretation of The Quran) , Director of Science Branch, September 2006- September 2009
    40 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Hermeneutics (Interpretation of The Quran) Tefsir Usülu Ve Tarihi Bilim Dali , Director of Science Branch, September 2006- September 2009
    41 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Hermeneutics (Interpretation of The Quran) Hermeneutics , Director of Science Branch, November 2003- November 2006
    42 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Hermeneutics (Interpretation of The Quran) Hermeneutics (Interpretation of The Quran) , Director of Science Branch, November 2003- November 2006
    43 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Hermeneutics (Interpretation of The Quran) Kiraat Bilim Dali , Director of Science Branch, November 2003- November 2006
    44 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Hermeneutics (Interpretation of The Quran) , Director of Science Branch, September 2003- September 2006
    45 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Hermeneutics (Interpretation of The Quran) , Director of Science Branch, September 2000- September 2003
    46 Faculty of Theology Department of Basic Islamic Sciences Hermeneutics (Interpretation of The Quran) Tefsir Usülu Ve Tarihi Bilim Dali , Director of Science Branch, September 2000- September 2003