Education/Academic Info | ||
Undergraduate Degree | Atatürk University Tıp Fakültesi | 1980 |
Specialization in Medicine | Atatürk University Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı | 1985 |
Specialization in Medicine | Sağlık Bak-Koşuyolu Kalp ve Araştırma Hastanesi Kardiyoloji Anabilim Dalı | 1992 |
Associate Professor | Turkish Inter-Universities Board Kardiyoloji | 1993 |
Full Professor | Dokuz Eylül University Tıp Fakültesi | 2013 |
1 | Heart Failure Awareness Survey in a Turkish Population: HFAS-TR... | 2024 |
2 | Awareness and Knowledge of Pneumococcal Vaccination in Cardiology Outpatient Clinics and the Impact ... | 2023 |
3 | Prevalence of Fabry Disease in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy in Turkey: Multicenter stu... | 2023 |
4 | Evaluation of demographic, clinical, and aetiological data of patients admitted to cardiology clinic... | 2022 |
5 | The Role of Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants (NOACs) in Atrial Fibrillation: Treatment M... | 2022 |
6 | Decrease in ST segment elevation myocardial infarction rates in the first and second peak periods of... | 2021 |
7 | Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi COVID-19 Hasta Yönetimi Uzlaşı Raporu... | 2021 |
8 | COVID-19 salgını sürecinde Dokuz Eylül Ãœniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi mezuniyet öncesi tıp eÄ... | 2021 |
9 | Hidroksiklorokin tedavisi alacak COVID-19 hastalarında elektrokardiyografi takibini erken sonlandı... | 2021 |
10 | Echocardiographic reference ranges for normal cardiac Doppler data in healthy Turkish population: EC... | 2020 |
11 | Bleeding risk in patients with acute coronary syndrome in a Turkish population: Results from the Tur... | 2020 |
12 | Prevalence and clinical profile of patients with myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary... | 2020 |
13 | Prevalence and clinical profile of patients with myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary... | 2020 |
14 | Assessment of the compatibility of the real-world nonvalvular atrial fibrillation patients in Turkey... | 2020 |
15 | Rationale and design of the Myocardial Infarction with Non-obstructive Coronary After is in Turkish ... | 2019 |
16 | The effect of perindopril on echocardiographic parameters, NYHA functional class and serum NT-proBNP... | 2019 |
17 | Normal echocardiographic measurements in a Turkish population: The Healthy Heart ECHO-TR Trial... | 2019 |
18 | Management of dyslipidaemia in patients with coronary heart disease: Results from the ESC-EORP EUROA... | 2019 |
19 | Is there a gender gap in secondary prevention of coronary artery disease in Turkey?... | 2018 |
20 | [EUROASPIRE-IV: European Society of Cardiology study of lifestyle, risk factors, and treatment appro... | 2017 |
21 | Early Reverse Cardiac Remodeling Effect of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy... | 2017 |
22 | Physical inactivity and low quality of life of Turkish women after hospitalization for coronary hear... | 2016 |
23 | Predictors of Future Atrial Fibrillation Development in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: A... | 2016 |
24 | Hypoglycemia detected during cardiac arrest of a non-diabetic patient with heart failure... | 2015 |
25 | Treatment of an unusual complication of transfemoral TAVI with a new technique: successful occlusion... | 2015 |
26 | Frequency of angina and quality of life in outpatients with stable coronary artery disease in Turkey... | 2014 |
27 | Analysis of resting heart rate and clinical characteristics in outpatients with stable coronary arte... | 2014 |
28 | Turkey's response to cardiopulse survery Profs Oktay Ergene and Cetin Erol discuss the benefits and ... | 2012 |
29 | Towards the 50th anniversary:Dedication to continuous progress in cardiovascular health through,educ... | 2012 |
30 | The efficiency of cutting balloon angioplasty in the treatment of in-stent restenosis.]... | 2011 |
31 | A Case of the Giant Thrombus on Atrial Lead of a Patient Who Has a DDD Permanent Pacemaker... | 2011 |
32 | Silent embolization of an Amplatzer atrial septal closure device into the main pulmonary artery: Piv... | 2011 |
33 | ST yükselmesiz Miyokard Enfarktüsü Hastasında Export Aspirasyon Kateteri ile Tombüs Aspirasyonu... | 2011 |
34 | Preserving the cardiovascular health of the Turkish population by supporting professional and public... | 2011 |
35 | Yapısal Kalp hastalıkları : Atriyal septal defekt, patent fonamen avale... | 2011 |
36 | Spotlight:President of turkish society of cardiology Oktay Ergene MD,FESC,FACC,FSCAI... | 2011 |
37 | A case of mobile giant left atrial thrombus which vascularized with coronary arteries in severe mitr... | 2010 |
38 | Preferences regarding invasive diagnostic procedures in patients aged 70 years or over presenting wi... | 2010 |
39 | Case images: Two sisters with Jervell-Lange- Nielsen syndrome... | 2010 |
40 | EUROASPIRE III: a comparison between Turkey and Europe... | 2010 |
41 | Percutaneous successful closure of dual atrial septal defect with two Amplatzer septal occluder devi... | 2010 |
42 | A case of bioabsorbable atrial septal closure device fracture diagnosed by transesophageal echocardi... | 2010 |
43 | Anomalous left main coronary artery arising from the right sinus of Valsalva in a hypertensive woman... | 2010 |
44 | Yaşlılarda Atriyal Fibrilasyon ve Antikoagülasyon... | 2010 |
45 | Transcatheter closure of congenital coronary arteriovenous fistula using detachable balloon techniqu... | 2010 |
46 | Thrombus Formation on the Delivery Sheath during Transcatheter Atrial Septal Defect Closure... | 2009 |
47 | Gemini-AALA Investigators Single-pill amlodipine/atorvastatin helps patients of diverse ethnicity a... | 2009 |
48 | EARLY ACS Investigators. Early versus delayed, provisional eptifibatide in acute coronary syndromes... | 2009 |
49 | Effect of clopidogrel added to aspirin in patients with atrial fibrillation... | 2009 |
50 | Percutaneous closure of ventricular septal defects in adult patients: our initial experience... | 2009 |
51 | Ilac Salinimli Stentlerin Yerlestirilmesinde Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler... | 2009 |
52 | Percutaneous closure of perimembranous ventricular septal defect with an Amplatzer Duct Occluder in ... | 2009 |
53 | EUROASPIRE Study Group EUROASPIRE III:a survey on the lifestyle, risk factors and use of cardioprote... | 2009 |
54 | Additive prognostic value of NT-proBNP over TIMI risk score in intermediate-risk patients with acute... | 2009 |
55 | Efficacy of gabapentin versus diclofenac in the treatment of chest pain and paresthesia in patients ... | 2009 |
56 | Isolated pericardial hydatidosis as a cause of chest pain... | 2009 |
57 | Diyabetik Hastalarda Perkütan Koroner Girişim... | 2009 |
58 | The efficiency and safety of balloon valvuloplasty in patients with mitral stenosis and a high echo ... | 2009 |
59 | Oral anticoagulant use in patients with atrial fibrillation... | 2009 |
60 | Atypically localized giant left atrial myxoma causing severe pulmonary hypertension... | 2009 |
61 | Diabetes Mellitus'u Olmayan Hastalarda,Anjiografi Sonuclarina Gore Damar Tikaniklik Derecesi ile CRP... | 2009 |
62 | Diabetes Mellitus'u Olmayan Koroner Arter Hastalarında, Damar Tıkanıklık Derecesi ile C-Reaktif ... | 2009 |
63 | Effects of levosimendan on left atrial functions in patients with ischemic heart failure... | 2008 |
64 | Echocardiographic predictors of symptomatic atrial fibrillation in patients with Rheumatic Mitral st... | 2008 |
65 | Witnessing a rare event-thrombus seeking its route in the right atrium:?thrombus-in-transit?... | 2008 |
66 | Ivabradine for patients with stable coronary artery disease and left ventricular systolic dysfunctio... | 2008 |
67 | Blunt Chest Trauma and Right Atrial Rupture.... | 2008 |
68 | The effect of conversion type on P wave dispersion in patients with atrial fibrillation... | 2008 |
69 | A late presentation of tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia and coronary-pulmonary artery coll... | 2008 |
70 | A unique case of anomalous coronary origin detected by 64-row multislice computed tomography coronar... | 2008 |
71 | Acute myocardial infarction triggered by acute intense stres in a patient with panic disorder... | 2008 |
72 | The BEAUTIFUL study: randomized trial of ivabradine in patients with stable coronary artery disease ... | 2008 |
73 | High-sensitivity C-reactive protein may be an indicator of the development of atherosclerosis in myo... | 2008 |
74 | Effect of levosimendan on right ventricular systolic and diastolic functions in patients with ischae... | 2008 |
75 | Embolization of the contralateral renal artery by stent during renal angioplasty... | 2008 |
76 | Angina pektoris tedavisinde temel prensipler... | 2008 |
77 | Effect of levosimendan on E/E' ratio in patients with ischemic heart failure... | 2008 |
78 | Diyabetes Mellitus ve Perkutan Koroner Girisimler... | 2007 |
79 | Primary cardiac amyloidosis mimicking interstitial lung disease and bleeding diathesis: a case repor... | 2007 |
80 | Late ventricular arrhythmias in patients with mechanical heart valves and their relation to associat... | 2007 |
81 | Seasonal variability of acute myocardial infarction in a Western Anatolian city and its relations to... | 2007 |
82 | The time interval from the initiation of the P-wave to the start of left atrial appendage ejection f... | 2007 |
83 | Managing Severe Mitral Insufficiency due to Complicated Percutaneous Balloon Mitral Valvotomy ın a ... | 2007 |
84 | Brucella pancarditis with dissecting aortic root abscess, left ventricular pseudoaneurysm and ventri... | 2007 |
85 | Aortic elastic properties in patients with coronary artery ectasia... | 2007 |
86 | Left atrial mobile hydatid cyst mimicking left atrial myxoma and mitral stenosis and causing heart f... | 2007 |
87 | Inflamatuar Myokard Hastaliklari... | 2007 |
88 | Transient cortical blindness after cardiac catheterization with iobitridol... | 2007 |
89 | Ocular bleeding related to warfarin anticoagulation in patients with mechanical heart valve and atri... | 2007 |
90 | Alcohol and acute myocardial infarction... | 2007 |
91 | Sol ana iliyak arterde stent trombozu olan bir olguda basarili yavas doz trombolitik infuzyonu... | 2007 |
92 | Postoperative diagnosis of aorto-right ventricular outflow tract fistula caused by stab wound: a cas... | 2007 |
93 | postgraduate cardiology training in Turkey.Interview by Judy Ozkan... | 2007 |
94 | Echocardiographic and clinical abnormalities in patients with psoriasis... | 2006 |
95 | The Diameters of the aorta and ıts major branches in patients with ısolated coronary artery ectasi... | 2006 |
96 | Brucellosis, cardiac manifestations diagnosis and management... | 2006 |
97 | Kimlere ilac salinimli stent... | 2006 |
98 | Acute myocardial infarction associatedwith heavy alcohol intake in an adolesant with normal coronary... | 2006 |
99 | Myocardial infarction associated with pseudoephedrine use and acute streptococcal infection in a boy... | 2006 |
100 | Factors influencing emergency department arrival time and in-hospital management of patients with ac... | 2006 |
101 | Nadir bir kalp yetersizligi nedeni. Kucuk hucreli Akciger kanseri.... | 2006 |
102 | Egzersiz anginasi ve bayilma yakinmalariyla basvuran bir olguda sag valsavla sinusundan cikan sol an... | 2005 |
103 | Ectesia and severe atherosclerosis: relationships with chlamydia pneumoniae, helicobacterployri, and... | 2005 |
104 | Plasma IL-6 levels are increased in coronary ectasia... | 2004 |
105 | Tilt training for reccurent neurocardiogenic syncope: effectiveness, patient compliance, and schedul... | 2004 |
106 | Efficacy of propafenone for maintaining sinus rhythm in patients with recent onset or persistent atr... | 2004 |
107 | Isolated large rigth atrial myxoma manifested by syncope... | 2004 |
108 | Uzun kompleks lezyonlarda girisimsel tedavi... | 2004 |
109 | Ciddi koroner arter hastaligi ve sol ventrikul disfonksiyonu olan bir hastada her iki renal arter os... | 2004 |
110 | Glikoprotein 2b3a inh. Yeteri kadar kullaniliyor mu? Bir vaka nedeniyle literaturun gozden gecirilme... | 2004 |
111 | Atriyal Fibrilasyonlu Vakalarda Konversiyon Şeklinin P Dalgası Dispersiyonu üzerine etkileri... | 2004 |
112 | Predictors of exercise induced myocardial ischemia in patients with isolated coronary artery actasia... | 2004 |
113 | Evaluation of overall fibrinolytic activity in patients with coronary artery ectasia: Global fibrino... | 2003 |
114 | Gastoduodenal helicobacter pylori infection diagnosed by helicobacter pylori stool antigen is relate... | 2003 |
115 | A comparison of P-wave duration and dispersion in patients with short-term and long-term atrial fibr... | 2003 |
116 | Effect of Trimetazidine on exercise performance in patients with coronary artery ectasia... | 2003 |
117 | Does Impaired Left Ventricular Relaxation Affect P Wave Dispersion in Patients with Hypertension?... | 2003 |
118 | Use of tissue doppler echocardiography in early detection of left ventricular systolic dysfunction i... | 2003 |
119 | Aterosklerotik ve saÄŸlam kiÅŸilerde Helicobacter ve serum CRP birlikteliÄŸi... | 2003 |
120 | Diagnostic Value Of D-dimer and antithrombin ?III levels in predicting Prosthetic Heart Valve Thromb... | 2003 |
121 | Yeni atriyal fibrilasyonda kendiliginden sonlanma belirleyicileri ve propafenon ile uzun sureli sinu... | 2003 |
122 | Time interval from the initiation of the electrocardiographic P wave to start of left atrial appenda... | 2002 |
123 | Knotting of ıntracardiac flow- directed balloon catheter: a non-surgical technique for removal.... | 2001 |
124 | Sol Atriyal Tombüs Noevaskülarizasyonu: Olgu Sunumu... | 2001 |
125 | Dijitalis: Kalp yetmezliginde kullanimi; yeni gorusler... | 2001 |
126 | Transmiyokardiyal Revaskularizasyon... | 2000 |
127 | Must antidysryhtmic agents be given to all patients with new-onset atrial fibrillation?... | 1999 |
128 | Catheter induced vasospasm in the right external iliac and femoral arteries during a cardiac diagnos... | 1999 |
129 | Recovery of left atrial mechanical functions after electirical and pharmacologic cardioversion... | 1999 |
130 | Akut miyokard enfarktusunden sonra kontraktil fonksiyonlari bozulan miyokardin canliliginin degerlen... | 1999 |
131 | Use of intraventricular dispersion of the peak diastolic flow velocity as a marker of left ventricul... | 1998 |
132 | Compliant vs non-compliant balloons - A prospective randomized study... | 1998 |
133 | Treatment of Distal Right Coronary Artery Spasm During Coronary Angiography... | 1998 |
134 | Infusion versus bolus injection of Tc-99m tetrofosmin in the identification of viable myocardium... | 1998 |
135 | Stent kullaniminin uygun olmadigi durumlar... | 1998 |
136 | Predictors of success in the conversion of new onset atrial fibrillation using oral propafenone... | 1998 |
137 | Directional coronary atherectomy versus coronary angioplasty in vessels longer than 3 mm in diameter... | 1998 |
138 | Entrapment and Removal of a Broken Angioplasty Balloon from a Chronically Occluded Coronary Artery... | 1998 |
139 | Correlation between serum lipoprotein(a) and angiographic coronary artery disease in non-insulin-dep... | 1997 |
140 | Koroner Anjiyografi sırasında sağ koroner arterin distalinde tespit edilen koroner arter spazmın... | 1997 |
142 | Non-invasive diagnosis and management of coronary arteriovenous fistula - A case report... | 1997 |
143 | Aortic Dissection: Diagnostic approach and its treatment in emergency room... | 1997 |
144 | Sol ventrikul diastol sonu basincinin noninvazif bir yontem olan transtorasik ekokardiyografi ile ol... | 1997 |
145 | Tip II diabetes mellitus ve lipoprotein(a)... | 1997 |
146 | Sublingual nitrate plus Tc-99m tetrofosmin infusion in the detection of severely ischemic myocardium... | 1996 |
147 | Elektrik Çarpan Bir Hastanın Uzun Ve Başarılı Resüsitasyonu... | 1996 |
148 | Elektrik carpan bir hastanin uzun ve basarili resusitasyonu... | 1996 |
149 | Stabil anjina pektoriste diltiazem ve trimetazidinin etkilerinin efor testi ile arastirilmasi... | 1995 |
150 | Supraventrikuler tasikardilerin tedavisinde diltiazem ile verapamilin karsilastirilmasi... | 1995 |
151 | Supraventrikuler tasikardilerin tedavisinde intravenoz diltiazemin basarisi... | 1995 |
152 | Basarili koroner anjiyoplasti sonrasi ambulatuar elektrokardiyografi ile saptanan miyokard iskemisi... | 1995 |
153 | Sol ana koroner tam tikanmalari.... | 1993 |
154 | Gunde tek doz enalaprilin antihipertansif etkinliginin 24 saatlik ambulatuvar kan basinci olcum tekn... | 1993 |
155 | Anormal cikisli sol sirkumfleks artere perkutan transluminal koroner anjiyoplasti uygulamasi (2 olgu... | 1993 |
156 | Iki boyutlu ekokardiyografi ile saptanan indifferensiye mezansim hucreli sarkom olgusu... | 1993 |
157 | 505 olguda koroner anjiyoplasti komplikasyon ve ongorduruculeri... | 1993 |
158 | Perkutan transluminal koroner anjiyoplasti: 505 olgunun erken donem sonuclari... | 1993 |
159 | 65 yas uzeri olgularda perkutan transluminal anjiyoplasti sonuclari... | 1993 |
160 | Cilazapril : Klinik etkinliginin 24 saatlik ambulatuvar kan basinci olcum teknigi ile degerlendirilm... | 1993 |
161 | Determination of the degree of aortic regurgitation using pulsed doppler echocardiography with respe... | 1993 |
162 | Sol internal mammariyan arter: Koroner arter cerrahisi oncesi anjiyografik bulgular... | 1993 |
163 | Normal erişkinlerde sineanjiografik metodlarla sağ ventriküler post ekstrasistolik potensiasyonun... | 1993 |
164 | Aort darliginda yeni ekokardiyografik doppler yontemi ile hesaplanan kapak alaninin hemodinamik sonu... | 1993 |
165 | Ameliyat oncesi ve sonrasi anjiyografik olarak olculen koroner damar caplarinin karsilastirilmasi.... | 1993 |
166 | Effect of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition on mortality in patients with severe congestive h... | 1993 |
167 | Influence of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition to segmental wall motion abnormalities due to ... | 1993 |
168 | Restenosis after successful coronary angioplasty: Kosuyolu experience.... | 1993 |
169 | Coronary sinus lactate extraction and oxygen content in patients with angina pectoris and normal cor... | 1993 |
170 | Internal mammary artery anomalies... | 1993 |
171 | Effect of ACE inhibititon on exercise capacity in patients with chronic congestive heart failure due... | 1993 |
172 | Anormal cikisli sol sirkumfleks artere perkutan transluminal koroner anjiyoplasti uygulamasi... | 1992 |
173 | Koroner arter hastaligina bagli kronik konjestif kalp yetersizliginde anjiyotensin konverting enzim ... | 1992 |
174 | Mitral darliginda renkli dopler akim ile kapak alani tayini... | 1992 |
175 | Perkutan mitral balon valvuloplastide atriumlar duzeyinde soldan saga sant: siklik ve alti aylik tak... | 1992 |
176 | Unstable angina Pektorise bagli akut mitral yetersizliginin koroner anjiyoplasti ile tedavisi.... | 1991 |
177 | Sigara kullaniminin kan lipid fraksiyonlari ile iliskisi... | 1987 |
178 | Prazosinin kan lipidleri uzerine etkisi... | 1987 |
179 | Polisitemia vera ( bir olgu nedeniyle )... | 1985 |
180 | Kronik alkoliklerdeki kalp hizi, kan basinci, total lipid ve kolesterol ortalama degerlerinin normal... | 1983 |
181 | Cesitli sartlarda fetal hemoglobin degerleri... | 1983 |
182 | Neoplastik hastalıklarda anemi sorunu... | 1982 |
183 | Bagisiklik ve kanser.... | 1982 |
1 | Primer perkütan koroner girişim ile tedavi edilen ST segmenti yükselmeli miyokard infarktüsüyle... | 09/06/2023 - 11/06/2023 |
2 | Koroner arterler ile sol ventrikül arasında multipl mikrofistüller... | 28/04/2023 - 30/04/2023 |
3 | Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi intern doktorlarında standart koruma önlemlerine ilişk... | 13/12/2021 - 18/12/2021 |
4 | Evaluation of Procedural, Clinical Outcomes and 8-Year Survivals of Tavi: A Single-Center Experience... | 05/11/2021 - 07/11/2021 |
5 | Total LAD occlusion in a post-COVID-19 Patient... | 17/09/2021 - 21/09/2021 |
6 | Telemedicine-based early rule out and followup ECG algorithm for COVID-19 patients... | 23/04/2021 - 05/04/2021 |
7 | Myocardial infarction with nonobstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA) in single experiences: Clinical... | 03/12/2020 - 06/12/2020 |
9 | Giant Eustachian valve covered Large PFO Tunnel... | 24/01/2020 - 25/01/2020 |
10 | Kick Boksta Performansa Etki Eden Enerji Kaynaklarının Katılım Oranları... | 13/11/2019 - 16/11/2019 |
11 | Geç dönemde sessiz sol ventriküle embolize olan Amplatzer ASD tıkayıcı cihazın perkütan yoll... | 03/05/2018 - |
12 | TAVI sonrası açıklanamayan ateşin nadir bir nedeni : Akut aortik intramural hematom... | 05/10/2017 - 08/10/2017 |
13 | A rare complication of transfemoral TAVI: Ventricular septal defect and successful treatment by clos... | 20/10/2016 - 23/10/2016 |
14 | Malignancy Induced Massive Right Atrial Thrombus on Pacemaker Lead... | 09/09/2015 - 13/09/2015 |
15 | Does Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Mimic Acute Myocardial Infarction?... | 09/09/2015 - 13/09/2015 |
16 | Severe Coronary Artery Disease In An Adolescent with Familial Hypercholesterolemia (type 2a)... | 09/09/2015 - 13/09/2015 |
17 | Transkatater ventriküler septal defekt kapama ilk deneyimlerimiz... | 29/04/2015 - 03/05/2015 |
18 | Perimembranöz Ventriküler Septal Defektin PFO occluder cihazı ile kapatılması... | 15/04/2015 - 18/04/2015 |
19 | TAVI sonrası geliÅŸen ventriküler septal defektin perkutan yolla baÅŸarılı ÅŸekilde kapatılmasÄ... | 06/03/2014 - 09/03/2014 |
20 | Coronary Artery Disease And Physician Perceptions On Heart Rate Ä°n Turkey Pulse stundy... | 11/10/2012 - 14/10/2012 |
21 | Türkiye'de Ayaktan Tedavi Edilen Stabil Koroner Arter Hastalarında Tedaviye Uyumu Azaltan Nedenler... | 11/10/2012 - 14/10/2012 |
22 | Türkiye'de Ayaktan Tedavi Edilen Stabil Koroner Arter Hastalarında Angina Sıklığı ve Tedavi Ka... | 11/10/2012 - 14/10/2012 |
23 | Mekanik Dilatörlü Lead Ekstraksiyon Sistemi İle Yapılan Lead Ekstraksiyon İşlemlerinin Değerl... | 11/10/2012 - 14/10/2012 |
24 | Evaluation of Pacemaker Revision Procedures Performed in a Tertiary Health Care Center... | 27/10/2011 - 30/10/2011 |
25 | Çok Sayıda Mobil Vejetasyon İçeren Aktif İnfektif Mitral ve Aortik Kapak Endokarditinde Cerrahi... | 27/10/2011 - 30/10/2011 |
26 | Physical Ä°nactivity and low quality of life in Turkish women after hospitalization for coronary hea... | 27/10/2011 - 27/10/2011 |
27 | Semptomatik Ciddi Aort Darlıklı Bir Olgunun transözofajiyal Ekokardiyografi, Çok Kesitli Bilgisa... | 27/10/2011 - 30/10/2011 |
28 | Genç ST-Elevasyonlu Miyokart Enfarktüsü Vakalarının Demografik, Klinik ve Anjiyografik Özellik... | 27/10/2011 - 30/10/2011 |
29 | Perindoprilin Normal Ejeksiyon Fraksiyonlu Kalp Yetersizliği Hastalarında Klinik Sonlanımlar, Diy... | 27/10/2011 - 30/10/2011 |
30 | Cost-Effectıveness Analysis Comparing Ivabradine with Isosorbıde Mononıtrate, Amlodıpıne ,Dılt... | 21/05/2011 - 25/05/2011 |
31 | Comparing The Cost ? Effectıveness of Ivabradine with Isosorbıde Mononıtrate, Amlodıpıne ,Dılt... | 24/03/2011 - 27/03/2011 |
32 | Perkütan kapatılan atriyal septal defektlerin kısa dönem izlem sonuçları... | 21/10/2010 - 24/10/2010 |
33 | Predictors of left ventricular dysfunction: results from Heart fAilure Prevalence and Predictors in ... | 28/08/2010 - 01/09/2010 |
34 | Heart fAilure Prevalence and Predictors in TurkeY (HAPPY): N-terminal B-type natriuretic peptide sub... | 28/08/2010 - 01/09/2010 |
35 | Prevalence of heart failure in Turkish adult oopulation: results from Heart fAilure Prevalence and P... | 28/08/2010 - 01/09/2010 |
36 | Perkütan transkateter yolla sekundum atrial septal defekt kapatma işlemi uygulanan erişkin hastal... | 22/10/2009 - 25/10/2009 |
37 | Perkütan transkateter ventriküler septal defekt kapatma işlemi yapılan erişkin hastaların kıs... | 22/10/2009 - 25/10/2009 |
38 | Eko skoru yüksek mitral darlığı hastalarında balon valvüloplastinin etkinliği ve güvenilirli... | 22/10/2009 - 25/10/2009 |
39 | Diabetes Mellitus'u Olmayan Hastalarda, Anjiografi Sonuçlarına Göre Damar Tıkanıklığı Derece... | 23/04/2009 - 26/04/2009 |
40 | Renal Artery Duplication Anomaly In Our Patients... | 05/03/2009 - 08/03/2009 |
41 | Atypically Localized Giant Left Atrial Myxoma Causing Severe Pulmonary Hypertension... | 05/03/2009 - 08/03/2009 |
42 | Surgical Approach To An Unsuccessful Device Closure of Atrial Septal Defect... | 05/03/2009 - 08/03/2009 |
43 | Akut miyokard infarktüslü hastalarda antikardiyolipin antikoru düzeyleri ve klinik önemi.... | 24/11/2008 - 27/11/2008 |
44 | BaÅŸarılı koroner stent implantasyonu sonrası erken klopidogrel kesilmesinin sıklığı ve öngÃ... | 24/11/2008 - 27/11/2008 |
45 | Efficiacy and Safety of Gabapentin on the treatment of Non-Ischaemic chest-pain and paresthesia in ... | 08/11/2008 - 12/11/2008 |
46 | Amiodaronun tiroid fonksiyonlari uzerine kisa donem etkileri... | 24/10/2008 - 27/10/2008 |
47 | ST segment elevasyonlu miyokard infarktusunun modern tedavi ile erken donem mortalitesi... | 24/10/2008 - 27/10/2008 |
48 | Sternotomi tekniÄŸiyle kalp ameliyatı geçirenlerde görölen kronik iskemik olmayan göğüs aÄŸrÄ... | 24/10/2008 - 27/10/2008 |
49 | İskemik inme için yüksek riske sahip atriyal fibrilasyonlu hastalar yeterli oral antikoagülan te... | 24/10/2008 - 27/10/2008 |
50 | Transkateter ASD okluder cihazi üzerinde implantasyondan hemen sonra oluşan ve pulmoner vene embol... | 24/10/2008 - 27/10/2008 |
51 | The Prevelance And Importance Of Coronary Artery Anomalies... | 28/11/2007 - 02/12/2007 |
52 | Postoperative Diagnosis Of Aorto-Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Fistula Caused By Stab Wound: A Cas... | 28/11/2007 - 02/12/2007 |
53 | Repair Of Redo Arcus Aorta Dissections/Aneurysm With Hybrid Procedure... | 28/11/2007 - 02/12/2007 |
54 | Managing Severe Mitral Insufficiency Due To Complicated Percutaneous Balloon Mitral Valvotomy In A P... | 28/11/2007 - 02/12/2007 |
55 | NT pro BNP orta riskli akut koroner sendromlu hastalarda daha yuksek riskli hastalari gosterir mi ?... | 24/11/2006 - 28/11/2006 |
56 | Torasik aort patolojilerinde endovasküler tedavi İzmir Atatürk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi d... | 24/11/2006 - 28/11/2006 |
57 | Kalici kalp pili modunun egzersiz kapasitesine ve yasam kalitesine etkisi?... | 24/11/2006 - 24/11/2006 |
58 | Etiologic results of pericardial tamponade in 113 patients... | 20/09/2006 - 24/09/2006 |
59 | Does mode of the pacemaker effects left atrial volume in AV block ?... | 20/09/2006 - 24/09/2006 |
60 | Seasonal variability of acute myocardial infarction in a western anatolian city and its relations to... | 20/09/2006 - 24/09/2006 |
61 | Left atrial mobile hydatic cyst mimicing left atrial myxoma and mitral stenosis and causing heart fa... | 20/09/2006 - 24/09/2006 |
62 | Echocardiographic guided pericardiocentesis results of 113 patients... | 20/09/2006 - 24/09/2006 |
63 | Thrombolytic theraphy in iliac stent thrombosis... | 20/09/2006 - 24/09/2006 |
64 | A rare case of reversible hypocalcemic cardiomyopathy in a patient with Fahr?s disease... | 20/09/2006 - 24/09/2006 |
65 | Stress induced acute myocardial infarction in a patient with normal coronary arteries... | 20/09/2006 - 24/09/2006 |
66 | Yetmis üzerindeki yaşlı hastalarda koroner balon anjioplasti sonuçları... | 26/11/2005 - 29/11/2005 |
67 | Succesfully treated brucella pancarditis with dissecting aortic root abscess and causÅŸng ventricula... | 29/09/2005 - 02/10/2005 |
68 | Izole koroner arter ektazisinde kesitsel morfoloji... | 27/11/2004 - 30/11/2004 |
69 | Mitral darligi hastalarinda darlik ciddiyeti ve atriyum olcumlerinin interatriyal ileti suresine etk... | 27/11/2004 - 30/11/2004 |
70 | Is interatrial conduction time effected by atrial size parameters and severty of stenosis in petient... | 26/09/2004 - 29/09/2004 |
71 | Comprarison of the procedural charasterics of patients undergoing direct and provisional stenting... | 26/09/2004 - 29/09/2004 |
72 | Cross sectional morphology in isolated coronary artery ectasia... | 26/09/2004 - 29/09/2004 |
73 | Early and long term results of direct stenting and provisional stenting... | 26/09/2004 - 29/09/2004 |
74 | Atherosclerotic coronary artery involvement in obeze patients: A study of selected group of patients... | 26/09/2004 - 29/09/2004 |
75 | Echocardiographic and clinical abnormalities in patients with psoriasis... | 20/09/2004 - 24/09/2004 |
76 | Fibrinolysis in ST elevation acute coronary syndrome:Which patients are not treated with fibrinolyti... | 20/09/2004 - 24/09/2004 |
77 | Prolongation of interatrial conduction time predicts atrial fibrillation development in mitral steno... | 20/09/2004 - 24/09/2004 |
78 | Does NT-proBNP provide additional information for further risk stratification of patients wih acute ... | 20/09/2004 - 24/09/2004 |
79 | Does mode of the pacemaker effects exercise capacity and heath status in AV block ?... | 20/09/2004 - 24/09/2004 |
80 | Yaygin koroner arter hastaliginda revaskularizasyon: Ileri yas kararda etkili mi?... | 07/04/2004 - 11/04/2004 |
81 | Atriyal fibrilasyonda kardiyoversiyon sonrasi propafenon ile uzun sureli sinus ritminin korunmasi: r... | 11/10/2003 - 14/10/2003 |
82 | Obezite ve koroner tutulum: Secilmis bir hasta populasyonunda obezite indekslerinin koroner anatomiy... | 11/10/2003 - 14/10/2003 |
83 | Norokardiyojenik senkoplarda P dalga dispersiyonu... | 11/10/2003 - 14/10/2003 |
84 | Norokardiyojenik senkoplu hastalarda egik masa testinde senkop gelisme suresi ile senkop tipinin ili... | 11/10/2003 - 14/10/2003 |
85 | Brescia ? Cimina ve Radiosefalik tip Arteriovenoz Fistullerin kardiyak hemodinami uzerine etkileri... | 23/10/2002 - 27/10/2002 |
86 | PTCA ve CABG'nin yasam kalitesi uzerine etkilerinin karsilastirilmasi... | 23/10/2002 - 27/10/2002 |
87 | Tip 2 Diyabeti ve Dislipidemisi olan Hastalarda Paraoksonaz (Pon 1) ve Lipid Peroksidasyon MarkırÄ... | 05/10/2002 - 08/10/2002 |
88 | Koroner Arter Ektazisi Olgularinda ve Normal Koroner Arterli Olgularda Plazma IL-6 Seviyeleri... | 05/10/2002 - 08/10/2002 |
89 | Akut Koroner Sendromlu Hastalarda Ve Birinci Dereceden Akrabalarında Plazma Paı-1 Ve TPA Konsantra... | 05/10/2002 - 08/10/2002 |
90 | Tekrarlayan norokardiyojenik senkopun onlenmesinde ?Tilt training? yontemi: Uzun donem takip sonucla... | 05/10/2002 - 08/10/2002 |
91 | Elektrokardiyografik P dalgasinin basindan, sol atriyal appendiks ejeksiyon akiminin baslangicina ka... | 05/10/2002 - 08/10/2002 |
92 | Postmenapozal Kadınlarda Koroner Arter Hastalığı İle Serbest Testosteron Düzeylerinin İlişki... | 05/10/2002 - 08/10/2002 |
93 | Global fibrinolytic capacity in coronary artery ectasia... | 31/08/2002 - 04/09/2002 |
94 | Plasma interleukin-6 levels are increased in coronary artery ectasia... | 31/08/2002 - 04/09/2002 |
95 | Time interval from the initiation of the P wave to the start of left atrial appendage ejection flow ... | 31/08/2002 - 04/09/2002 |
96 | Dügümlenmis Swan-Ganz kateterinin cerrahi teknik kullanmadan cikartilmasi... | 19/10/2001 - 23/10/2001 |
97 | PISA yonteminin mekanik mitral kapak hastalarinda kapak alani olcumunde kullanimi... | 13/10/2001 - 16/10/2001 |
98 | Mitral balon valvuloplasti sirasinda yapilan interatriyal septostominin transmitral hemodinamik para... | 13/10/2001 - 16/10/2001 |
99 | Koroner ektazili hastalarda trimetazidinin egzersiz toleransina etkisi... | 13/10/2001 - 16/10/2001 |
100 | Koroner ektazili hastalarda global fibrinolitik kapasite... | 13/10/2001 - 16/10/2001 |
101 | Mekanik mitral kapak replasmani yapilmis hastalarda sol atriyal apendiks fonksiyonlarini etkileyen f... | 13/10/2001 - 16/10/2001 |
102 | Bileaflet mitral protez kapaklarin ventrikuler yuzunde mikrokabarcik olusumunu etkileyen faktorler... | 13/10/2001 - 16/10/2001 |
103 | Norokardiyojenik senkop tedavisinde ?Tilt Training? yontemi: Erken donem takip sonuclari.... | 13/10/2001 - 16/10/2001 |
104 | Mekanik kapagi olan hastalarda transozofajiyal ekokardiyografi ile asemptomatik, non-obstruktif trom... | 13/10/2001 - 16/10/2001 |
105 | Mekanik kapakta trombus saptanan hastalarda antitrombin III ve Di-dimer duzeyleri... | 13/10/2001 - 16/10/2001 |
106 | Efor testinde iskemi saptanan koroner arter ektazili olgularda beta bloker ve kalsiyum kanal blokerl... | 13/10/2001 - 16/10/2001 |
107 | Atriyal fibrilasyonlu vakalarda kardiyoversiyon tipinin P dalga dispersiyonu uzerine etkisi... | 13/10/2001 - 16/10/2001 |
108 | Aort kapak replasmani yapilmis hastalardaki Sorin bileaflet protez kapaklarin hemodinamik ozellikler... | 13/10/2001 - 16/10/2001 |
109 | Dobutamin stres ekokardiyografinin aort protez kapaklarda hasta-kapak uyumsuzlugunu belirlemede kull... | 13/10/2001 - 16/10/2001 |
110 | Application of proximal isovelocity surface area method to estimate prosthetic mitral valve area in ... | 01/09/2001 - 05/09/2001 |
111 | Predictors of exercise-induced myocardial ischemia in patients with isolated coronary ectasia... | 01/09/2001 - 05/09/2001 |
112 | Does impaired left ventricular relaxation effect P-wave dispersion in hypertensive patients ?... | 01/09/2001 - 05/09/2001 |
113 | Tissue Doppler Echocardiography can be used to demonstrate myocardial depression after extracorporea... | 19/05/2001 - 22/05/2001 |
114 | Use of Tissue Doppler Echocardiography in early detection of left ventricular systolic dysfunction i... | 05/05/2001 - 07/05/2001 |
115 | Factors influencing spontaneous microbubble formation on the ventricular side of mechanical bileafle... | 01/05/2001 - 04/05/2001 |
116 | Factors influencing left atrial appendage functions in patients with prosthetic mitral valves... | 12/04/2001 - 15/04/2001 |
117 | Screening of asymptomatic mechanical valve thrombosis by transesophageal echocardiography... | 12/04/2001 - 15/04/2001 |
118 | Factors influencing the emergency department arrival time of patients with acute myocardial infarcti... | 14/10/2000 - 15/10/2000 |
119 | Akut Miyokard Enfarktüsünde Primer Balon Anjiyoplasti ve Primer Stent Uygulaması: İşlemsel ve u... | 11/10/2000 - 14/10/2000 |
120 | Koroner arter ektazisi saptanan olgularin klinik prezentasyonu ve elektrokardiyografik ozellikleri... | 11/10/2000 - 14/10/2000 |
121 | Hipertansif sol ventrikul relaksasyon bozuklugu P dalga dispersiyonunu etkiler mi?... | 11/10/2000 - 14/10/2000 |
122 | Doku Doppler Ekokardiyografi Tekniğinin, Mitral Yetersizliği Olan Hastalarda Sol Ventrikül Sistol... | 11/10/2000 - 14/10/2000 |
123 | Koroner ektazili hastalarda efor testinde iskemi saptanma sikligi ve anjiyografik akim ozellikleri i... | 11/10/2000 - 14/10/2000 |
124 | Göller Bölgesindeki Koroner Arter Ektazisi Sıklığı... | 11/10/2000 - 14/10/2000 |
125 | Koroner By-Pass Operasyonuna Giden Hastalarda Ekstrakorporeal Dolaşım Sonrası Miyokardiyal Fonksi... | 11/10/2000 - 14/10/2000 |
126 | Stent implantasyonu ve Akut-Subakut Okluzyon: iki farkli tiklopidin rejiminin karsilastirilmasi... | 11/10/2000 - 14/10/2000 |
127 | Gecici Iskemik ataklarda sol atriyal miksoma arastirilmali mi?... | 09/10/1999 - 12/10/1999 |
128 | Akut miyokard enfarktusunde primer balon anjiyoplasti ve primer stent implantasyonu: islemsel ozelli... | 09/10/1999 - 12/10/1999 |
129 | Amlodipinin Diyastolik Disfonksiyonun Düzeltilmesine Sağladığı Yararın Diyastolik Disfonksiyon... | 10/10/1998 - 13/10/1998 |
130 | Akut Miyokard Enfarktüsü Geçiren Olguların Primer PTCA ve Primer Stent İmplantasyonunun Erken v... | 10/10/1998 - 13/10/1998 |
131 | Direksiyonel koroner aterektomi uygulanan anjina pektorisli hastalarda erken ve gec donem sonuclar... | 10/10/1998 - 13/10/1998 |
132 | Stabil anjina pektoris'li hastalarda "cutting balloon angioplasty' nin erken ve gec donem sonuclari.... | 10/10/1998 - 13/10/1998 |
133 | Akut miyokard enfarktusu olgularinda primer PTCA ve primer stent implantasyonunun erken ve gec donem... | 10/10/1998 - 13/10/1998 |
134 | Stent-ici restenozunda rotablator uygulamasinin erken ve gec donem sonuclari.... | 10/10/1998 - 13/10/1998 |
135 | Erken diastolik mitral akim hizinin intraventrikuler degisiminin idiopatik dilate kardiyomiyopatili... | 10/10/1998 - 13/10/1998 |
136 | Amlodipinin diastolik disfonksiyonun duzeltilmesinde sagladigi yararin, diastolik disfonksiyonun yen... | 10/10/1998 - 13/10/1998 |
137 | Diastolik disfonksiyonu olan hastalardaki erken mitral diastolik akim hizinın intraventrikuler degi... | 10/10/1998 - 13/10/1998 |
138 | Immediate and chronic results of cutting balloon angioplasty in patients with stable angina pectoris... | 22/08/1998 - 26/08/1998 |
139 | Early and late results of primary balloon angioplasty and primary stent implantation in acute myocar... | 22/08/1998 - 26/08/1998 |
140 | Early and long term results of rotational atherectomy in cases with in-stent restenosis... | 22/08/1998 - 26/08/1998 |
141 | Primary Balloon Angioplasty as the first line treatment of acute myocardial infarction,... | 01/06/1998 - 04/06/1998 |
142 | Predictors of success in the conversion of new onset atrial fibrillation using oral propafenone... | 01/06/1998 - 04/06/1998 |
143 | Erken diastolik mitral akim hizinin intraventrikuler degisiminin, diastolik disfonksiyonu olan atriy... | 29/09/1997 - 03/10/1997 |
144 | Kimyasal ve elektiriksel kardiyoversiyon yapilan atriyal fibrilasyonlu hastalarda kardiyoversiyon so... | 29/09/1997 - 03/10/1997 |
145 | Koroner arter hastaligi olan olgularda renal arter stenozu sikliginin anjiyografik taranmasi.... | 29/09/1997 - 03/10/1997 |
146 | Kompliyan ve nonkompliyan balonlar: randomize bir calisma... | 29/09/1997 - 03/10/1997 |
147 | Uc milimetreden kucuk koroner arterlerde Cutting balon anjiyoplasti ile konvansiyonel balon anjiyopl... | 29/09/1997 - 03/10/1997 |
148 | PTKA islemi sirasinda kantitatif koroner anjiyografi yontemi, gorsel degerlendirme ve el kalibresi i... | 29/09/1997 - 03/10/1997 |
149 | Yuksek riskli akut miyokard enfarktusu olgularinda primer PTCA ve primer stent implantasyonu sonucla... | 29/09/1997 - 03/10/1997 |
150 | Total okluzyon koroner anjiyoplastide basari gostergeleri... | 29/09/1997 - 03/10/1997 |
151 | Utilization of intraventricular dispersion of the peak diastolic flow velocity as a marker of left v... | 25/09/1997 - 29/09/1997 |
152 | Total okluzyon koroner anjiyoplastide basari gostergeleri.... | 16/10/1996 - 20/10/1996 |
153 | Target organ changes in mild to moderate systemic hypertension of short duration... | 18/06/1996 - 21/06/1996 |
154 | Hiberne miyokardin saptanmasinda sublingual nitrat + Tc 99m infuzyonunun yeri.... | 16/05/1996 - 19/05/1996 |
155 | Inferior duvarda eforlu EKG ve Talyum-201 miyokard perfuzyon SPECT yanlis pozitifligi... | 12/05/1996 - 16/05/1996 |
156 | Tip 2 diabetes mellitus ve lipoprotein (a)... | 15/04/1996 - 19/04/1996 |
157 | Serum lipoprotein(a) düzeyleriyle koroner anjiografi olgularının ilişkisi... | 15/04/1996 - 19/04/1996 |
158 | Koroner arter fistulleri... | 23/06/1994 - 24/06/1994 |
159 | Hipertansif hastalarda EKG değişikliklerinin koroner anjiografi ile karşılaştırılması... | 23/06/1994 - 24/06/1994 |
160 | ACE inhibisyonunun koroner arter hastaligina bagli sol ventrikul segmenter duvar hareket bozuklugu u... | 28/09/1993 - 01/10/1993 |
161 | Sag koroner artere koroner anjiyoplasti yapilmasi sirasinda balon ile olusturulan tikanmanin sag ven... | 28/09/1993 - 01/10/1993 |
162 | Koroner arterleri normal bulunan tipik anjinal yakinmali olgularda atrial pacing altinda koroner sin... | 28/09/1993 - 01/10/1993 |
163 | ACE inhibisyonunun koroner arter hastaligina bagli kronik konjestif kalp yetmezlikli hastalarda egze... | 28/09/1993 - 01/10/1993 |
164 | Koroner kalp hastaligina bagli agir konjestif kalp yetmezliginde ACE inhibisyonunun mortalite uzerin... | 28/09/1993 - 01/10/1993 |
165 | HLA Class 1 and Class II ( DR and DQ ) antigen associations in coronary artery disease.... | 29/08/1993 - 02/09/1993 |
166 | Koroner anjiyografisi normal gogus agrili kadinlarda risk faktorleri... | 27/09/1992 - 01/10/1992 |
167 | Koroner arter hastaliginda HLA-A,B,C ve D antijenleri tayini : Bagisiklik yanit etkenler icin Turk t... | 27/09/1992 - 01/10/1992 |
168 | Iki boyutlu ekokardiyografi ile saptanan nadir bir kalp tumoru olgusu... | 27/09/1992 - 01/10/1992 |
169 | Pulmoner darlik ile pulmoner kapakta bir kan kisti ( olgu bildirisi )... | 27/09/1992 - 01/10/1992 |
170 | Sol ana koroner tam tikanmasi... | 27/09/1992 - 01/10/1992 |
171 | Anormal cikisli sol sirkumfleks artere perkutan transluminal koroner anjiyoplasti uygulamasi... | 27/09/1992 - 01/10/1992 |
172 | Sol internal mammarya arter : Koroner cerrahi oncesi anjiyografik bulgular.... | 27/09/1992 - 01/10/1992 |
173 | Perkutan mitral balon valvuloplastide atriumlar duzeyinde soldan saga sant: siklik ve alti aylik tak... | 27/09/1992 - 01/10/1992 |
174 | 505 olguda PTCA sonuclari... | 27/09/1992 - 01/10/1992 |
175 | Miyokard infarktusu sonrasi gec potansiyel gelismesini etkileyen faktorler... | 10/09/1991 - 13/09/1991 |
176 | Miyokard enfarktusu sonrasi gec potansiyel varliginin onceden belirlenmesinde yuzey EKG QRS skorunun... | 10/09/1991 - 13/09/1991 |
1 | İleri Yaşta Atriyal Fibrilasyon ; Klinik Özellikler, Tanı ve Tedavi Temel Geriatri... | 2007 |
2 | Perkutan Transluminal Koroner Balon Anjiyoplasti GiriÅŸimsel Kardiyoloji... | 2007 |
3 | Koroner arterlerin anotomisi Koroner arter anomalileri... | 2005 |
4 | Kardiyopulmoner resusitasyon ve acil kardiyovaskuler bakim Klinik Kardiyoloji Kitabi... | 2004 |
5 | Stent kontrendikasyonlari Intrakoroner Stent... | 1997 |
6 | Editör Steven L. Berk, Çeviri Editörü: Kadir Biberoğlu. Çevirmen olarak. Pretest Dahiliye Kendi Kendine Değerlendirme ve Gözden Geçirme. Pretest Dahiliye Kendi Kendine Değerlendirme ve Gözden Geçirme.... | 1997 |
1 | Kardiyak Elektrofizyoloji Labratuvarı Altyapı Projesi... | 1/2020 - 1/2023 |
2 | AKS-ON ÇALIŞMASI... | 8/2013 - 8/2014 |
NO | Responsibility | |
1 | D.E.Ü. Kalp Ritm Bozukluklari Uygulama Ve Araştirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, August 2024-Continues | |
2 | Dokuz Eylül University , Rector Counselor, February 2024- July 2024 | |
3 | Ä°ÅŸ SaÄŸliÄŸi AraÅŸtirma Ve Uygulama Merkezi , Deputy Center Director, March 2023- March 2023 | |
4 | Ä°ÅŸ SaÄŸliÄŸi AraÅŸtirma Ve Uygulama Merkezi , Head of The Central Board, March 2023- March 2023 | |
5 | Ä°ÅŸ SaÄŸliÄŸi AraÅŸtirma Ve Uygulama Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, March 2023- March 2023 | |
6 | Dokuz Eylül University , Rector Counselor, March 2023- February 2024 | |
7 | Teaching Hospital , Vice Head Doctor, January 2023- March 2023 | |
8 | Teaching Hospital , Vice Head Doctor, October 2022- January 2023 | |
9 | Faculty of Medicine , Dean, February 2021- May 2022 | |
10 | Faculty of Medicine , Head of The Faculty Council, February 2021- May 2022 | |
11 | Faculty of Medicine , Head of The Faculty Council, February 2021- May 2022 | |
12 | DEÜ Rectorate DEÜ Danışma Kurulu Member, September 2020- May 2022 | |
13 | Faculty of Medicine Surgery Medicine Department of Ophthalmology , Deputy Director of Science Branch, August 2020- October 2020 | |
14 | Faculty of Medicine , Deputy Dean, June 2020- February 2021 | |
15 | Faculty of Medicine , Head of The Faculty Council, June 2020- February 2021 | |
16 | Faculty of Medicine , Head of The Faculty Council, June 2020- February 2021 | |
17 | DEÜ Rectorate Strateji Geliştirme Kurulu Member, January 2020- December 2021 | |
18 | Faculty of Medicine Internal Medicine Department of Cardiology , Director of Science Branch, September 2019- May 2022 |