Akademik Personel - Kişisel Sayfa

  • Eğitim / Akademik Bilgisi
    Lisans  Universiteit Leiden Leiden Üniversitesi Kimya Fakültesi Kimya  1983
    Doktora  Wageningen University Wageningen University Hayvan Bilimleri  1997
    Doçent  Tıp Fakültesi Tıbbi Biyoloji  2013
    1  Practical use of advanced mouse models for lung cancer....  2015
    2  The role of microRNAs in human diseases....  2014
    3  The role of microRNAs in biological processes....  2014
    4  Inflammation in Parkinson's disease...  2012
    5  A functional role for tumor cell heterogeneity in a mouse model of small cell lung cancer....  2011
    6  Progress and applications of mouse models for human lung cancer....  2010
    7  Toxicity of ligand-dependent Cre recombinases and generation of a conditional Cre deleter mouse allo...  2007
    8  Genotype-phenotype relationships in a mouse model for human small-cell lung cancer....  2005
    9  Mouse models for human lung cancer....  2005
    10  Mouse lung neuroendocrine carcinomas: distinct morphologies, same transcription factors....  2005
    11  Suppression of anoikis and induction of metastasis by the neurotrophic receptor TrkB....  2004
    12  The generation of a conditional reporter that enables bioluminescence imaging of Cre/loxP-dependent ...  2003
    13  Induction of small cell lung cancer by somatic inactivation of both Trp53 and Rb1 in a conditional m...  2003
    14  Synergistic tumor suppressor activity of BRCA2 and p53 in a conditional mouse model for breast cance...  2001
    15  Mouse model for lung tumorigenesis through Cre/lox controlled sporadic activation of the K-Ras oncog...  2001
    16  Mouse models for sporadic cancer....  2001
    17  Temporal and spatial control of the Sycp1 gene transcription in the mouse meiosis: regulatory elemen...  1999
    18  SCP2: a major protein component of the axial elements of synaptonemal complexes of the rat....  1998
    19  Human synaptonemal complex protein 1 (SCP1): isolation and characterization of the cDNA and chromoso...  1997
    20  Organization of SCP1 protein molecules within synaptonemal complexes of the rat....  1996
    21  A coiled-coil related protein specific for synapsed regions of meiotic prophase chromosomes...  1992
    22  Constitutive expression of pathogenesis-related proteins PR-1, GRP, and PR-S in tobacco has no effec...  1989
    1  Development of a Colon PDX Model to Analyze the Effect of a Point Mutation in Metabolism... 22/09/2019 - 24/09/2019
    2  Development of a Colon PDX Model to Analyze the Effect of a Point Mutation in Metabolism... 22/09/2019 - 24/09/2019
    1  The Role of MicroRNAs in Biological Processes miRNomics: MicroRNA Biology and Computational Analysis...  2014
    2  The role of microRNAs in human diseases miRNomics: MicroRNA Biology and Computational Analysis...  2014
    3  Molecular responses of tobacco to virus infection. Biochemistry and molecular biology of plant-pathogen interactions...  1991
    4  Induction of plant genes by compatible and incompatible virus-plant interactions. Recognition and Response in Plant-Virus Interactions...  1990
    1  Küçük Hücreli Akciğer Kanserine karşı kişiye yönelik tedavi geliştirmek için hastalardan türetilen zenograftların model olarak kullanılması...  4/2019 - /
    2  Kan Dolaşımındaki Tümör Dna Ve Rna'sının Yüksek Hassasiyetli Analizi Yöntemini Kullanarak, Akciğer Kanseri Tanı Ve Tedavi Izlemi Için Yeni Biyo Belirteçlerin Karakterizasyonu...  6/2018 - /
    3  Akciğer kanseri başlangıcı ve ilerlemesini kontrol eden Hippo yolağının ß1 integrine bağlı regülasyonunun fonksiyonel analizi...  5/2017 - /
    4  Küçük hücreli akciğer kanserine (KHAK) karşı ilaç direnci çalışmalarında, preklinik araç olarak fare modellerinin kullanılması...  10/2013 - 10/2016
    5  Küçük hücreli akciğer kanserine (KHAK) karşı ilaç direnci çalışmalarında, preklinik araç olarak fare modellerinin kullanılması...  6/2013 - 6/2016
    1  Research Award for research theme Mouse models for human lung cancer,...  2006
    2  Senior Post-Doc Fellowship,...  2002
    3  Travel Fellowship (12 months),...  2001
    4  Fulbright Fellowship (12 months),...  1992
  • NO Görev
    1 DEÜ Rektörlüğü İzmir Uluslararası Biyotıp ve Genom Enstitüsü HADYEK (İBG-HADYEK) Üyesi, Şubat 2016- Şubat 2020