Akademik Personel - Kişisel Sayfa


  • Eğitim / Akademik Bilgisi
    Lisans  Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Matematik Bölümü  2006
    Yüksek Lisans  Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Matematik Anabilim Dalı  2008
    Doktora  Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Matematik Anabilim Dalı  2012
    Doçent  Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Matematik  2013
    Profesör  Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi  2020
    1  An improved product type oscillation test for partial difference equations...  2021
    2  Oscillation and nonoscillation of difference equations with several delays...  2021
    3  New criteria for the oscillation and asymptotic behavior of second-order neutral differential equati...  2020
    4  Oscillation theorems for second-order nonlinear delay differential equations of neutral type...  2019
    5  Sharp oscillation and nonoscillation tests for delay dynamic equations...  2019
    6  Hille--Nehari theorems for dynamic equations with a time scale independent critical constant...  2019
    7  On the existence and uniqueness of solutions to dynamic equations...  2018
    8  Philos' inequality on time scales and its application in the oscillation theory...  2018
    9  Sharp oscillation and nonoscillation tests for linear difference equations...  2017
    10  On different types of stability for linear delay dynamic equations...  2017
    11  Basic theory for differential equations with unified Reimann-Liouville and Hadamard type fractional ...  2017
    12  Analyticity of the complex time scale exponential...  2017
    13  Sufficient conditions for the oscillation of odd-order neutral dynamic equations...  2017
    14  Nonoscillation and oscillation of second-order linear dynamic equations via the sequence of function...  2016
    15  New oscillation tests and some refinements for first-order delay dynamic equations...  2016
    16  Oscillation and stability of first-order delay differential equations with retarded impulses...  2015
    17  Comparison tests for the asymptotic behaviour of higher-order dynamic equations of neutral type...  2015
    18  Asymptotic stability of the complex dynamic equation $u^\Delta-z\cdot u+w\cdot z^\sigma=0$...  2015
    19  Necessary and sufficient conditions on the asymptotic behaviour of second-order neutral delay dynami...  2014
    20  Iterated oscillation criteria for delay partial difference equations...  2014
    21  Volterra theory on time scales...  2014
    22  Oscillation of solutions of linear impulsive partial difference equations with continuous variables...  2014
    23  Sufficient conditions for the oscillation and asymptotic behaviour of higher-order dynamic equations...  2013
    24  Li type oscillation theorem for delay dynamic equations...  2013
    25  The Gamma function on time scales...  2013
    26  Further properties of the Laplace transform on time scales with arbitrary graininess...  2013
    27  Oscillation of delay dynamic equations with oscillating coefficients...  2013
    28  On monotonicity of nonoscillation properties of dynamic equations in time scales...  2012
    29  Oscillation criteria for a class of first-order forced differential equations under impulse effects...  2012
    30  Oscillation of first-order differential equations with retarded arguments...  2012
    31  Uniform exponential stability of first-order dynamic equations with several delays...  2012
    32  On stability of delay difference equations with variable coefficients: successive products tests...  2012
    33  Oscillation and nonoscillation in neutral delay dynamic equations with positive and negative coeffic...  2012
    34  On global asymptotic stability of nonlinear higher-order difference equations...  2012
    35  Oscillation of neutral differential equations with distributed deviating arguments...  2012
    36  Kamenev-type oscillation criteria for higher-order neutral delay dynamic equations...  2011
    37  On uniqueness of the Laplace transform on time scales...  2011
    38  Properties of the Laplace transform on time scales with arbitrary graininess...  2011
    39  Remarks on: 'Oscillation in nonlinear neutral difference equations with positive and negative coeffi...  2011
    40  Nonoscillation of second-order dynamic equations with several delays...  2011
    41  Comparison criteria for the oscillation of mixed-type impulsive difference equations with continuous...  2011
    42  Necessary and sufficient conditions for the oscillation of differential equations involving distribu...  2011
    43  On oscillation of differential and difference equations with non-monotone delays...  2011
    44  Some generalizations for Opial's inequality involving several functions and their derivatives of arb...  2011
    45  Nonoscillation of first-order dynamic equations with several delays...  2010
    46  Some multi-dimensional Opial-type inequalities on time scales...  2010
    47  Comparison theorems on the oscillation of a class of neutral difference equations with continuous va...  2010
    48  Further oscillation criteria for partial difference equations with variable coefficients...  2010
    49  Comparison theorems on the oscillation and asymptotic behaviour of higher-order neutral differential...  2010
    50  Oscillation of first-order impulsive difference equations with continuous arguments...  2010
    51  A generalization of Opial's inequality and applications to second-order dynamic equations...  2010
    52  Corrigendum to 'Oscillation of a class of difference equations of second order' [Math. Comput. Model...  2010
    53  Some oscillation and nonoscillation criteria for neutral delay difference equations with positive an...  2009
    54  Unbounded oscillation of higher-order nonlinear delay dynamic equations of neutral type with oscilla...  2009
    55  Oscillation criteria for a class of second-order neutral delay differential equations...  2009
    56  Necessary and sufficient conditions on asymptotic behaviour of solutions of forced neutral delay dyn...  2009
    57  Oscillation and nonoscillation of first-order dynamic equations with positive and negative coefficie...  2009
    58  On oscillation and asymptotic behaviour of a higher order functional difference equation of neutral ...  2009
    59  Asymptotic behaviour of bounded solutions of a class of higher-order neutral dynamic equations...  2009
    60  A method on the general solution of inhomogeneous Euler differential equations...  2009
    61  Oscillation of nonlinear neutral delay differential equations of second order with positive and nega...  2009
    62  Oscillation of higher-order nonlinear delay differential equations with oscillatory coefficients...  2009
    63  Oscillation of a class of difference equations of second order...  2009
    64  Necessary and sufficient conditions for the oscillatory and asymptotic behaviour of solutions to neu...  2009
    65  Remarks on: 'Oscillation criteria for second-order functional difference equation with neutral terms...  2009
    66  Erratum to: 'Oscillation of forced neutral differential equations with positive and negative coeffic...  2008
    67  Generalized Ostrowski's inequality on time scales...  2008
    68  Oscillation criteria for some classes of linear delay differential equations of first-order...  2008
    69  Discrete approach on oscillation of difference equations with continuous arguments...  2008
    70  Iterated oscillation criteria for delay dynamic equations of first order...  2008
    71  Erratum to: 'Stability for first-order delay dynamic equations on time scales' [Comput. Math. Appl. ...  2008
    72  On the oscillation of nonlinear neutral differential equation with positive and negative coefficient...  2008
    73  Oscillation and asymptotic behaviour of a higher order neutral differential equation with positive a...  2008
    1  Ağırlıklı Kalıcı Homoloji... 31/08/2022 - 03/09/2022
    2  Sharp conditions for oscillation and nonoscillation of neutral difference equations... 21/05/2018 - 25/05/2018
    3  İkinci-mertebe doğrusal diferensiyel denklemlerin salınımı... 26/04/2018 - 27/04/2018
    4  Existence and uniqueness of solutions to systems of delay dynamic equations on time scales... 10/07/2010 - 14/07/2010
    5  Comparison theorems on oscillatory nature of higher order difference equations with continuous varia... 01/07/2007 - 06/07/2010
    1  HERKES İÇİN BİLİM...  2023
    1  Sharp conditions for oscillation and nonoscillation of neutral difference equationsDifference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems with Applications...  2020
    2  Linearized oscillation theory for a nonlinear nonautonomous difference equationDifference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems with Applications...  2020
    1  YÖK - Doktora Araştırma Bursu  2010
  • NO Görev
    1 Fen Fakültesi Matematik Bölümü Bölüm Başkanı, Temmuz 2024- Ağustos 2024
    2 Fen Fakültesi Fakülte Kurulu Bölüm Başkanı Üyeliği, Temmuz 2024- Ağustos 2024
    3 Fen Fakültesi Matematik Bölümü Bölüm Başkan Vekili, Haziran 2024- Temmuz 2024
    4 Fen Fakültesi Fakülte Kurulu Bölüm Başkanı Vekili Üyeliği, Haziran 2024- Temmuz 2024
    5 Fen Fakültesi Matematik Bölümü Matematiğin Temelleri ve Matematik Lojik Anabilim Dalı Başkanı, Eylül 2021- Eylül 2024
    6 Fen Fakültesi Matematik Bölümü Bölüm Başkanı, Kasım 2020- Ocak 2023
    7 Fen Fakültesi Fakülte Kurulu Bölüm Başkanı Üyeliği, Kasım 2020- Ocak 2023
    8 Fen Fakültesi Matematik Bölümü Bölüm Başkan Vekili, Kasım 2020- Kasım 2020
    9 Fen Fakültesi Fakülte Kurulu Bölüm Başkanı Vekili Üyeliği, Kasım 2020- Kasım 2020
    10 DEÜ Rektörlüğü Prof.Dr. Fuat Sezgin Yılı Etkinlikleri Yürütme Kurulu Üyesi, Şubat 2019- Aralık 2019
    11 Fen Fakültesi Dekan Yardımcısı, Kasım 2018- Aralık 2020
    12 Fen Fakültesi Dekan Yardımcısı, Eylül 2018- Kasım 2018
    13 Fen Fakültesi Dekan Yardımcısı, Mayıs 2018- Eylül 2018