Academic Staff - Personal Page


  • Education/Academic Info
    Undergraduate Degree  Hacettepe University Fizyoterapi-Rehabilitasyon Yüksekokulu  1988
    Master's Degree  Hacettepe University SaÄŸlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Anabilim Dalı  1990
    PhD (Doctorate)  Hacettepe University SaÄŸlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Anabilim Dalı  1995
    Associate Professor  Hacettepe University Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Yüksekokulu Fizyoterapi  2000
    Full Professor  Hacettepe University Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Yüksekokulu  2006
    1  Determinants of physical activity level in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthrit...  2024
    2  Determinants of Six-Minute Walk Test Performance in Women with Systemic Sclerosis...  2023
    3  Effects of high intensity interval-based inspiratory muscle training in patients with heart failure:...  2023
    4  Which field test should be used to compare the functional exercise capacities of patients with type ...  2023
    5  Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training in Patients With Pulmonary Hypertension...  2023
    6  Effect of dual tasking on postural control in individuals with schizophrenia...  2023
    7  Activities of Daily Living, Physical Activity, Physical Fitness and Quality of Life in Children with...  2023
    8  Test Retest Reliability and Validity of 1-Minute Sit-to-Stand Test in Patients With Chronic Heart Fa...  2023
    9  Effect of exercise interventions in adults with cancer receiving palliative care: a systematic revie...  2023
    10  The Comparison of Anaerobic Power using Two Tests in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis and Healthy Child...  2023
    11  Directed cough maneuvers in the early period after open abdominal surgery...  2022
    12  Comparison of physiological responses after incremental shuttle walking test and 6-minute walk test ...  2022
    13  Extrapulmonary features of post-COVID-19 patients: muscle function, physical activity, mood, and sle...  2022
    14  Comparison of Anaerobic Exercise Capacity in Children With Familial Mediterranean Fever and Healthy ...  2022
    15  Do mobility exercises in different environments have different effects in ankylosing spondylitis?...  2021
    16  Determinants of gait speed in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction...  2021
    17  Assessment of psychometric properties, cross-cultural adaptation, and translation of the Turkish ver...  2021
    18  The Comparison of Physical Fitness and Anaerobic Capacity in Asthmatic and Non-Asthmatic Children...  2021
    19  Comparison Of Emotional Status And Quality Of Life In Women With Different Physical Activity Levels ...  2021
    20  Acute effects of inspiratory muscle training at different intensities in healthy young people...  2021
    21  Diaphragmatic Ultrasound in Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis: Relationship to Clinical Parameters...  2021
    22  Effects of an Integrated Exercise Program Including "Functional" Inspiratory Muscle Training in Geri...  2021
    23  The Investigation of the Effects of the Very and Mild Preterm Birth on the Musculoskeletal System ...  2020
    24  Turkish translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and assessment of psychometric properties of the Fun...  2020
    25  Effect of Tobacco Smoke Exposure on Functional Capacity, Respiratory Muscle Strength, and Physical A...  2020
    26  Validity and Reliability of the 6-Minute Pegboard Ring Test in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension...  2020
    27  Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Multidimensional Dyspnea Profile in outpatien...  2020
    28  Effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension: a ...  2020
    29  Three-axis accelerometer system for comparison of gait parameters in children with cystic fibrosis a...  2020
    30  Balance performance in patients with heart failure...  2020
    31  Test-retest reliability and validity of the timed up and go test and 30-second sit to stand test in ...  2020
    32  The Turkish version of the MedRisk instrument for measuring patient satisfaction: measurement proper...  2020
    33  Physical activity in women with subclinical hypothyroidism...  2019
    34  The relationship between learning styles and academic performance in Turkish physiotherapy students...  2018
    35  The effects of 8-week water-running program on exercise capacity in children with juvenile idiopathi...  2018
    36  Determinants of the 6-minute pegboard and ring test as an unsupported upper-extremity exercise capac...  2018
    37  Factors influencing activities of daily living in subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseas...  2018
    38  Static and Dynamic Balance Performance and Balance Confidence in Individuals With and Without Pulmon...  2018
    39  Pulmoner arteriyel hipertansiyonlu bireylerde hastalık ÅŸiddetinin üst ekstremite kas kuvveti, egz...  2017
    40  Effect of disease severity on upper extremity muscle strength, exercise capacity, and activities of ...  2017
    41  Hipertansif ve hipertansif olmayan kronik obstrüktif akciÄŸer hastalığı olan bireylerde fonksiyo...  2017
    42  YaÅŸlı bireylerde denge, fonksiyonel egzersiz kapasitesite ve periferal kas kuvveti arasındaki ili...  2017
    43  Clinical correlation between the 6-min walk test and cardiopulmonary exercise testing in patients wi...  2016
    44  Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia for Heart Turkish Version Study: Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Exploratory...  2016
    45  Utilization of the Expanded Disability Status Scale as a distinctive instrument for walking impairme...  2016
    46  Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Turkish version of the pain catastrophizing scale am...  2016
    47  Pulmonary and extrapulmonary features in bronchopulmonary dysplasia: a comparison with healthy child...  2015
    48  Determinants of physical activity in minimally impaired people with multiple sclerosis...  2015
    49  Inspiratory muscle training in pulmonary arterial hypertension...  2015
    50  Do Yoga And Aerobic Exercise Training Have Impact on Functional Capacity, Fatigue, Peripheral Muscle...  2015
    51  Functional capacity, physical activity and quality of life in hypoxemic patients with chronic obstru...  2015
    52  Associations among Physical Activity, Comorbidity, Functional Capacity, Peripheral Muscle Strength a...  2015
    53  Impact of sleep quality on functional capacity, peripheral muscle strength and quality of life in pa...  2015
    54  A comparison of activities of daily living in geriatric and non-geriatric patients with chronic obst...  2015
    55  A comparison of muscle strength and endurance exercise capacity, fatigue perception and quality of l...  2014
    56  Akut derin ven trombozu sonrası yaÅŸam kalitesi: VEINES ?QOL/Sym ölçeÄŸinin kültürel adaptasyon...  2013
    57  Akut koroner sendromlu olgularda fiziksel aktivite, yaÅŸam kalitesi ve psikososyal fonksiyon arasın...  2013
    58  Predictors of Physical Inactivity in elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease...  2013
    59  Exercise Capacity, Peripheral Muscle Strength and Inactivity in Diabetic Heart Failure Patients....  2012
    60  Effects of inspiratory muscle training in patients with heart failure...  2011
    61  Farklı Fonksiyonel Sınıflardaki Kalp YetmezliÄŸi Hastalarında, Solunum Fonksiyonları, Periferik...  2011
    62  Short term effects of inspiratory muscle training in coronary artery bypass graft surgery: a randomi...  2011
    63  Kronik obstrüktif akciÄŸer hastalarında sigara öyküsü ve fonksiyonel kapasite arasındaki iliÅŸ...  2011
    64  Predictors of functional capacity in patients with heart failure...  2010
    65  Cardiac autonomic responses to exercise testing in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disea...  2010
    66  Fatigue and multidimensional disease severity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease...  2010
    67  International physical activity questionnarie: reliability and validity of turkish version...  2010
    68  Effets of Scoliosis on Respiratory Muscle Strength in patients with neuromuscular disorders,...  2009
    69  Relationship between Respiratory Muscle Strength, Functional Capacity and Quality of Life in Pre-ope...  2008
    70  Ãœniversite Öğrencilerinin Fiziksel Aktivite Düzeyleri...  2006
    71  Inspiratory Muscle Training in Morquio's Syndrome: A Case Study...  2006
    72  Active Cycle of Breathing Techniques and Incentive Spirometer in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surger...  2006
    73  Reduced Pulmonary Function in Wind Instrument Players...  2006
    74  Poland sendromu(olgu sunumu)...  2005
    75  Six-Minute Walk Distance as a Measure of Functional Exercise Capacity in Multiple Sclerosis...  2005
    76  Factors Determining Self-Efficacy in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease...  2005
    77  Functional Capacity in Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease...  2005
    78  Radyoterapi Uygulanan AkciÄŸer Kanserli Olgularda Solunum Fonksiyon Testleri ve Arter Kan Gazları ...  2005
    79  Kronik Obstrüktif AkciÄŸer Hastalığında Günlük YaÅŸam Aktivitelerinin DeÄŸerlendirilmesi...  2005
    80  Kistik fibrozisli hastalarda eÅŸik pozitif ekspiratuar basınç tedavisinin etkinliÄŸi...  2004
    81  Farklı Klinik Seyir Gösteren Multiple Skleroz Hastalarında Solunum Fonksiyonlarının KarşılaÅŸ...  2004
    82  Active Cycle of Breathing Techniques in Non-Invasive Ventilation for Acute Hypercapnic Respiratory F...  2004
    83  Chest Pain Perception in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction: Relation to Depression, Anxiety,...  2004
    84  Extrapulmonary features of bronchiectasis: muscle function, exercie capacity, fatigue and health sta...  2003
    85  Epidermoid AkciÄŸer Kanserinde Arteryel Oksijen İçeriÄŸinin Tümörün Radyoterapiye Olan Yanıtı...  2003
    86  Short-Term Effects of Pelvic Floor Reeducation in Patients with Bronchiectasis and Stress Urinary In...  2001
    87  Orta ve Åžiddetli Obstrüksiyonu olan Kronik Obstrüktif AkciÄŸer Hastalarında Postür BozukluklarÄ...  2001
    88  Stabil BronÅŸiektazili Hastalarda Farklı Göğüs Fizyoterapisi Uygulamalarının EtkinliÄŸi,...  2001
    89  Kronik AkciÄŸer Hastalarında SaÄŸlık Statüsü ve Fonksiyonel Sosyal Destek Arasındaki Ä°liÅŸki...  2001
    90  16-21 YaÅŸ Arası Olgularda Tepe Akım Hızı DeÄŸeri ve Sigara Kullanımı ile Ä°liÅŸkisi,...  2000
    91  Orta ve Åžiddetli Obstrüksiyonu Olan KOAH'lı Hastalarda Altı Dakikalık Yürüme Testini Belirley...  2000
    92  Kronik Obstrüktif AkciÄŸer Hastalarında YaÅŸam Kalitesinin DeÄŸerlendirilmesi,...  2000
    93  Kronik Obstrüktif AkciÄŸer Hastalarında sigara, akciÄŸer fonksiyonları ve dispne algılamaları a...  2000
    94  Stabil KOAH?lı Hastalarda Solunum Egzersizlerinin AkciÄŸer Fonksiyonları ve Dispne Algılaması Ãœ...  2000
    95  BronÅŸiektazili Hastalarda Kısa Süreli Göğüs Fizyoterapi Uygulamasının AkciÄŸer FonksiyonlarÄ...  1997
    96  Kronik Obstrüktif AkciÄŸer Hastalarında Üç Farklı Dispne Skalasının DeÄŸerlendirilmesi...  1997
    97  Arm strength training improves activities of daily living and occupational performance in patients w...  1995
    98  Differentation of Motor Planning Ability in Normal and Learning Disabled Children...  1993
    99  Six minute walk test versus incremental shuttle walk test in cystic fibrosis....  1960
    1  The relationship between activities of daily living, functional class, physical activity, and qualit... 10/11/2023 - 11/11/2023
    2  Covid-19 hastalığı geçiren bireylerde 6 dakika yürüme mesafesi ve mesafe-satürasyon ürünü ... 09/05/2023 - 13/05/2023
    3  Koroner Arter Hastalarında Aerobik Egzersiz ile Aktif Vıdeo Oyunları Uygulamasının Akut Yanıtl... 15/12/2022 - 17/12/2022
    4  Determinants of respiratory muscle strength in adult bronchiectasis... 04/09/2022 - 06/09/2022
    5  Pulmoner Arteriyel Hipertansiyonlu Bireylerde Günlük YaÅŸam Aktiviteleri ile Fonksiyonel Sınıf v... 24/05/2022 - 28/05/2022
    6  Is Diaphragm Thickness Associated With Respiratory Muscle Strength And Endurance in Patients With He... 24/05/2022 - 28/05/2022
    7  Jüvenil Ä°diopatik Artrit'li Çocuklar ve Ergenlerde Fiziksel Aktivitenin Bariyerleri ve KolaylaÅŸt... 23/03/2022 - 26/03/2022
    8  Comparison of exercise capacity, physical activity leveland quality of life in patients with differe... 05/09/2021 - 08/09/2021
    9  Comparison of muscle strength, physical activity, moodand sleep quality in patients with recovered f... 05/09/2021 - 08/09/2021
    10  Konjenital Kalp Hastalığı Olan Çocuklarda Fonksiyonel Kapasite ile YaÅŸam Kalitesi Arasındaki Ä... 05/06/2021 - 07/06/2021
    11  BronÅŸektazili Hastalarda E-SaÄŸlık Okuryazarlığı ve Dijital Okuryazarlık Arasındaki Ä°liÅŸki... 28/05/2021 - 28/05/2021
    12  Comparison of pulmonary function, respiratory muscle strength and six-minute walk work in patients w... 17/12/2020 - 19/12/2020
    13  The relationship between exercise capacity and clinical parameters in patıents with non-cystic fibr... 15/10/2020 - 18/10/2020
    14  Acute effects of inspiratory muscle training at different intensities in healthy young people... 05/09/2020 - 09/09/2020
    15  The relationship of walking speed with clinical parameters in patients with non-cystic fibrosis bron... 05/09/2020 - 09/09/2020
    16  The relationship between kinesiophobia, dyspnea level, functional exercise capacity and quality of l... 24/08/2020 - 09/09/2020
    17  Is pain a risk factor for symptom severity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?... 24/08/2020 - 09/09/2020
    18  Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Multidimensional Dyspnea Profile in outpatien... 24/08/2020 - 09/09/2020
    19  Publishing Rates of Theses Made in Cardiopulmonary Physioterapy and Rehabilitation... 20/06/2020 - 21/06/2020
    20  Farklı Dekatlardaki Pulmoner Arteriyel Hipertansiyonlu Hastalarda Yürüme Mesafesinin ve Klinik De... 04/06/2020 - 06/06/2020
    21  Investigation of the Relationship Between Vertical Jump Test and Peripheral Muscle Strength in Child... 19/02/2020 - 21/02/2020
    22  Parkinson Hastalarında Egzersiz Öz-Yeterliligi ile Disablite ve Yasam Kalitesi Arasındaki Iliskin... 14/12/2019 - 15/12/2019
    23  Kronik Obstrüktif AkciÄŸer Hastalığı olan Bireylerde Aktivite Sırasında Dispne Algısındaki D... 26/10/2019 - 29/10/2019
    24  Kronik Obstrüktif Akciger Hastalığı Olan Bireylerde AÄŸrı EÅŸiÄŸi Kinezyofobi için Bağımsız... 26/10/2019 - 29/10/2019
    25  Astımlı Hastalarda Solunum Kas Kuvvetinin Dispne, Anksiyete, Depresyon ve YaÅŸam Kalitesi ile Ä°li... 26/10/2019 - 29/10/2019
    27  SaÄŸlıklı yetiÅŸkinlerde ve sklerodermalı olgularda fonksiyonel kapasite, yürüme is yükü ve f... 18/04/2019 - 20/04/2019
    28  Pulmoner hipertansiyonlu hastalarda inspiratuar kas kuvveti ile iliÅŸkili faktörler... 18/04/2019 - 20/04/2019
    29  Kistik fibrozisli bireylerde anaerobik kapasite ile kas kuvveti kapasitesi ve solunum kas kuvvetinin... 18/04/2019 - 20/04/2019
    30  Dinapenik koroner yoÄŸun bakım hastalarında temel günlük yaÅŸam aktiviteleri... 11/04/2019 - 14/04/2019
    31  Role of respiratory muscle strength and functional exercise capacity in static and dynamic balance a... 10/04/2019 - 14/04/2019
    32  Kalp yetersizliÄŸi hastalarında inspiratuar kas kuvveti ile iliÅŸkili faktörler... 10/04/2019 - 14/04/2019
    33  Ã‡ocukluk Çağı Astımında Fiziksel Aktivite Yapmaktan Duyulan Memnuniyet, Fiziksel Aktivite Öz-... 13/12/2018 - 15/12/2018
    34  Astımlı Çocuklarda Fonksiyonel Mobilite, Egzersiz Kapasitesi ve Öz Etkililik Arasındaki Ä°liÅŸk... 13/10/2018 - 16/10/2018
    35  The relationship between smoking history, functional exercise capacity and airway obstruction severi... 04/10/2018 - 06/10/2018
    36  Predictors of functional exercise capacity in asthmatic children and adolescents... 15/09/2018 - 19/09/2018
    37  Comparison of sit-to-stand test and six-minute walk test in asthmatic and healthy children... 15/09/2018 - 19/09/2018
    38  The effects of functional inspiratory muscle training in geriatric individuals with and without chro... 15/09/2018 - 19/09/2018
    39  Investigation of the effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation in patients with pulmonary arte... 15/09/2018 - 19/09/2018
    40  Prematüre Bebeklere YenidoÄŸan YoÄŸun Bakim Ãœnitesinde Uygulanan NörogeliÅŸimsel Tedavi Yaklaşı... 02/05/2018 - 05/05/2018
    41  Pulmoner arteryel hipertansiyonlu hastalarda fiziksel aktivite seviyesi ile oturma süresi, perifera... 25/04/2018 - 28/04/2018
    42  Pulmoner hipertansiyon ve dynapeni... 25/04/2018 - 28/04/2018
    43  Kronik obstrüktif akciÄŸer hastalığı olan bireylerde yasam kalitesi ile psikososyal statü, fonk... 25/04/2018 - 29/04/2018
    44  Kavrama Kuvveti Düşük ve Yüksek Olan Astımlı Çocuk ve Adölesanlarda Quadriceps Kas Kuvveti, ... 11/04/2018 - 15/04/2018
    45  Pulmoner Hipertansiyonlu Hastalarda Yürüme Hızının Periferal Kas Kuvveti, Rektus Femoris Kası ... 11/04/2018 - 15/04/2018
    46  Subklinik Hipotriozidizmli ve SaÄŸlıklı Bireylerde Pulmoner Fonksiyonlarının KarÅŸilaÅŸtırılma... 11/04/2018 - 15/04/2018
    47  The Relationship between Health Status, Quality of Life and Physical Activity in Geriatric Individua... 11/04/2018 - 15/04/2018
    48  YenidoÄŸan YoÄŸun Bakım Ãœnitesinde Prematüre Bebeklere Uygulanan Tek Seanslık NörogeliÅŸimsel T... 30/03/2018 - 01/04/2018
    49  Comparison of three-dimensional posture between children with cystic fibrosis and healthy children... 22/03/2018 - 24/03/2018
    50  Muscle Strength Capacity in Children and Adolesents with Cystic Fibrosis... 22/03/2018 - 24/03/2018
    51  Relationship between Vertical Jump and Muscle Strength, Nutritional Status in Children with Cystic F... 22/03/2018 - 24/03/2018
    52  Prematüre Bebeklerde NörogeliÅŸimsel Tedavinin Kısa Dönem Nörolojik Hasar ve AÄŸrı Skorları Ã... 23/02/2018 - 25/02/2018
    53  Astımlı Hastaların Fiziksel Aktivite Öz-Yeterliliklerinin, Fiziksel Aktivite ve YaÅŸam Kalitesi ... 22/11/2017 - 25/11/2017
    54  Pulmoner Arteryel Hipertansiyon, Kronik Obstruktif AkciÄŸer Hastalığı ve SaÄŸlıklı Geriatrik Bi... 22/11/2017 - 25/11/2017
    55  Ã‡ocukluk Çağı Astımı ve YaÅŸam Tarzı Alışkanlıkları... 22/11/2017 - 25/11/2017
    56  Subklinik Hipotrioidizmli ve SaÄŸlıklı Bireyler Arasında Solunum Kas Kuvveti ve Fonksiyonunun Kar... 22/11/2017 - 25/11/2017
    57  Kronik obstrüktif akciÄŸer hastalığı olan geriatrik bireylerde inspiratuar kas kuvveti, postüra... 22/11/2017 - 25/11/2017
    58  Astımlı Çocuk ve Adölesanlarda Kavrama Kuvveti, Egzersiz Kapasitesi ve Solunum Fonksiyon DeÄŸerl... 22/11/2017 - 25/11/2017
    59  The Effect of Aquatic and Land Stretching Exercises on Disease Activity, Quality of LÄ°fe and Pulmon... 10/11/2017 - 12/11/2017
    60  Kistik fibrozisli çocuk ve adölesanlarda fiziksel aktivite alışkanlıkları profilinin incelenme... 20/10/2017 - 22/10/2017
    61  Kistik fibrozisli çocuk ve adölesanlarda aerobik egzersiz kapasitesi ile solunum kas kuvveti iliÅŸ... 20/10/2017 - 22/10/2017
    62  YaÅŸlı Bireylerde Ä°nspiratuar Kas Kuvvetinin Belirleyicileri... 14/10/2017 - 17/10/2017
    63  Comparison of Patients According to Walking Distance Early Period After Major Abdominal Surgery... 11/09/2017 - 13/09/2017
    64  Validity Of Physical Function ICU Test-scored (PFIT-s) Early Period After Major Abdominal Surgery... 11/09/2017 - 13/09/2017
    65  The relationship between pain and exercise capacity, peripheral muscle strength, and quality of life... 09/09/2017 - 13/09/2017
    66  The relationship between anaerobic exercise capacity and isometric lower extremity muscle strength i... 14/06/2017 - 16/06/2017
    67  The effect of an 8-week water exercise program on anaerobic exercise capacıty in children wıth juv... 14/06/2017 - 16/06/2017
    68  AÄŸrısı olan ve olmayan pulmoner arteriyel hipertansiyonlu hastaların egzersiz kapasitesi, yaÅŸam... 04/06/2017 - 06/06/2017
    69  Kronik obstrüktif akciÄŸer hastalığı olan bireylerde alevlenme öyküsü, günlük yaÅŸam aktivi... 04/06/2017 - 06/06/2017
    70  Functional Exercise Capacıty in The Elderly: Octogenarians Versus Septuagenarians... 11/05/2017 - 13/05/2017
    71  Comparison of Upper Extremity Exercise Capacity And Muscle Strength in Geriatric Patients with Pulmo... 11/05/2017 - 13/05/2017
    72  Grup B ve C Kronik Obstruktif AkciÄŸer Hastalığında Sistemik Ä°nflamasyon ve Kas Kuvveti... 10/05/2017 - 12/05/2017
    73  Pulmoner Hipertansiyonda BNP, Egzersiz Kapasitesi, Kas Kuvveti ve YaÅŸam Kalitesi Arasındaki Ä°liÅŸ... 10/05/2017 - 12/05/2017
    74  Kalp YetersizliÄŸi Hastalarında Sistemik Ä°nflamasyon ve Fiziksel Aktivite Arasındaki Ä°liÅŸki... 10/05/2017 - 12/05/2017
    75  Açık Kalp Cerrahisi Geçiren Hastalar ile SaÄŸlıklı Bireyler Arasında Kavrama Kuvvetinin KarÅŸÄ... 05/04/2017 - 09/04/2017
    76  Kronik Obstrüktif AkciÄŸer Hastalığı ve Pulmoner Arteriyel Hipertansiyonu olan bireylerde komorb... 05/04/2017 - 09/04/2017
    77  Geriatrik bireylerde kısa süreli inspiratuar kas eÄŸitiminin etkileri... 05/04/2017 - 09/04/2017
    78  Postural Control and executive functioning in patients with schizophrenia.... 01/04/2017 - 04/04/2017
    80  YoÄŸun bakım hastalarında diyafragma kas kalınlığının ultrasonografi ile deÄŸerlendirilmesi: ... 15/10/2016 - 19/10/2016
    81  Pulmoner arteryel hipertansiyonlu hastalarda üst ekstremite fonksiyonları ve denge arasındaki ili... 15/10/2016 - 19/10/2016
    82  KOAH'lı bireylerde komorbiditeler ile sistemik inflamasyon ve fonksiyonel egzersiz kapasitesi arasÄ... 15/10/2016 - 19/10/2016
    83  Diyafragma paralizisinden şüphelenilen yüksek servikal kord travmalı 3 yoÄŸun bakım olgusunun d... 15/10/2016 - 19/10/2016
    84  YoÄŸun bakım hastalarında global kas kuvveti ile kavrama kuvveti arasındaki iliÅŸki: Pilot çalı... 15/10/2016 - 19/10/2016
    86  Ankilozan spondilitli hastalarda aÄŸrıya karşı tutum ile aÄŸrı ÅŸiddeti, hastalığa özgü inde... 13/10/2016 - 15/10/2016
    87  Predictors of activities of daily living in patients with COPD... 03/09/2016 - 07/09/2016
    88  The effects of inspiratory muscles loading on core endurance... 03/09/2016 - 07/09/2016
    89  Comparison of comorbidities between two different subgroups in combined assessment of COPD... 03/09/2016 - 07/09/2016
    90  Determinants of self-efficacy in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension: A pilot study... 03/09/2016 - 07/09/2016
    91  Comparison of functional exercise capacity in COPD patients between with and without systemic hypert... 14/06/2016 - 15/06/2016
    92  Relationship between gait speed and physical activity level, functional capacity and cardiac evaluat... 14/06/2016 - 15/06/2016
    93  The determinants of functional exercise capacity in patients with congestive heart failure... 14/06/2016 - 15/06/2016
    94  The relationship between learning styles and academic performance in Turkish physiotherapy students... 11/06/2016 - 12/06/2016
    95  JIAda Semptomların Ä°daresinde Kinesiotape Alternatif Bir Yöntem Olabilir Mi Bir Olgu Sunumu... 21/04/2016 - 24/04/2016
    96  Pulmoner Arteryel Hipertansiyon, Konjestif Kalp YetmezliÄŸi ve Kronik Onstruktüf AkciÄŸer HastalıÄ... 21/04/2016 - 24/04/2016
    97  JIA lı Çocuklarda Intraartiküler Kortikosteroid Enjeksiyonları Sonrası Alt Ekstremite Fonksiyon... 21/04/2016 - 24/04/2016
    99  Altı dakika yürüme testinin pulmoner arteriyal hipertansiyonlu hastalarda kas zayıflığının b... 06/04/2016 - 10/04/2016
    100  BileÅŸik KOAH DeÄŸerlendirmesi'ne Göre Farklı Ä°ki Grubun Komorbiditelerinin KarşılaÅŸtırılmas... 06/04/2016 - 10/04/2016
    101  KOAH'lı Bireylerde Günlük YaÅŸam Aktivitelerinin Belirleyicileri... 06/04/2016 - 10/04/2016
    102  Geriatrik Bireylerde Fonksiyonel Egzersiz Kapasitesine Denge, Solunum ve Periferal Kas Kuvvetinin Et... 06/04/2016 - 10/04/2016
    103  Pulmoner Arterial Hipertansiyonlu Olgularda Yürüme Hızı ile Fiziksel Aktivite, Fonksiyonel Kapas... 06/04/2016 - 10/04/2016
    104  Pulmoner Arteryel Hipertansiyon Hastalarında Öz-Yeterlilik, Dispne, Anksiyete ve Depresyon, Fonksi... 06/04/2016 - 10/04/2016
    105  Åžizofreni hastalarında biliÅŸsel ve motor görevlerin dengeye etkisi: pilot çalışma... 25/11/2015 - 29/11/2015
    106  KOAH'lı Erkek Bireylerde KOAH DeÄŸerlendirme Testi ile Dispne Algısı Arasındaki Ä°liÅŸkinin DeÄŸ... 17/10/2015 - 21/10/2015
    107  Alt ve üst abdominal cerrahi sonrası aÄŸrının, solunum kas kuvvetinin ve fonksiyonel testlerin k... 17/10/2015 - 21/10/2015
    108  Ä°nspiratuar Kas Zayıflığı Olan ve Olmayan Geriatrik Bireylerde Mobilite, Performans ve Denge DÃ... 17/10/2015 - 21/10/2015
    109  Ã‡ok Prematüre ve Ekstrem Aşırı Prematüre Bebeklerin Preterm Erken Dönemde Motor Performanslar... 09/10/2015 - 11/09/2015
    110  Beyin Hasarı Olmayan Prematüre Bebeklerde Gestasyonel DoÄŸum Yaşı Ve DoÄŸum Ağırlığının Mo... 09/10/2015 - 11/10/2015
    111  Relationship Between Physical Function ICU Test (PFIT) and Functional Tests in Early Period After Op... 26/09/2015 - 30/09/2015
    112  Factors influence the physical activity in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension... 26/09/2015 - 30/09/2015
    113  Relationship between multidimensional disease severity and activities of daily living in patients wi... 26/09/2015 - 30/09/2015
    114  Comparison of Functional Exercise Capacity, muscle strength, anaerobic power and capacityin patients... 26/09/2015 - 30/09/2015
    115  Exercise capacity and muscle stregth influences in geriatric individuals with COPD... 26/09/2015 - 30/09/2015
    116  The determination of cut off scores in 6 mimute pegboard and ring test... 26/09/2015 - 30/09/2015
    117  Investigation of balance deficits in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension: Preliminary stud... 26/09/2015 - 20/09/2015
    118  Differences in Physical Activity Level Between The Congenital Heart Disease Associated PAH and Idiop... 26/05/2015 - 30/05/2015
    119  Comparison of Muscle Strength, Functional Capacity And Fatigue Between Patients with Ä°diopathic And... 26/05/2015 - 30/05/2015
    120  Comparison of Muscle Strength and Functional Exercise Performance Between The Patients with COPD and... 26/05/2015 - 30/05/2015
    121  The effects of aqualympathıc therapy on lymphedema severıty, socıal appearance and functıonal ca... 15/04/2015 - 18/04/2015
    122  Açık abdominal cerrahi sonrası öksürme etkinliÄŸi: abdominal destek ve maksimum inspirasyonun r... 01/04/2015 - 05/04/2015
    123  KOAH'lı Geriatrik Bireylerde Egzersiz Kapasitesi ve Kas Kuvveti Etkilenimi... 01/04/2015 - 05/04/2015
    124  KOAH'lı Hastalarda Ãœst Ekstremite Fonksiyonları ve Günlük YaÅŸam Aktiviteleri... 01/04/2015 - 05/04/2015
    125  Açık Abdominal Cerrahi Sonrası Erken Dönemde AÄŸrı, Fonksiyonel Kapasite ve Solunum Kas Kuvveti... 01/04/2015 - 05/04/2015
    126  Pulmoner Arteriyel Hipertansiyonlu Hastalarda Fiziksel Aktiviteyi Etkileyen Faktörler... 01/04/2015 - 05/04/2015
    127  Yeni BileÅŸik KAOH DeÄŸerlendirmesine Göre Farklı Ä°ki Evre Arasında Ãœst Ekstremite Fonksiyonlar... 15/10/2014 - 19/10/2014
    128  Comparison of Muscle Stength and Functional Exercise Capacity between Two Different Groups According... 06/09/2014 - 10/09/2014
    129  The relationship between peripheral muscle strength and oxygenation in intensive care unit patients... 06/09/2014 - 10/09/2014
    130  Evaluation of Balance and Investigation of Its Influences in patients with COPD... 06/09/2014 - 10/09/2014
    131  Physical activity and walking differences between working and unemployed women with multiple scleros... 31/05/2014 - 03/06/2014
    132  Pulmoner Arterial Hipertansiyonlu Hastalarda Alan ve Laboratuvar Egzersiz Testleri Arasındaki Ä°liÅ... 02/04/2014 - 06/04/2014
    133  Pulmoner Arterial Hipertansiyonlu Hastalarda Periferal Kas Testi ve Solunum Kas Testinin Fonksiyonel... 02/04/2014 - 06/04/2014
    134  Kronik Obstruktif AkciÄŸer Hastalığı (KOAH) Olan Hastalarda Dengenin DeÄŸerlendirilmesi ve Etkile... 02/04/2014 - 06/04/2014
    135  Six Spot Step Testinin Hafif Multipl Skleroz Hastalarında Kullanımı... 15/11/2013 - 21/11/2013
    136  YoÄŸun bakım hastalarında periferal kas kuvveti ile oksijenasyon arasındaki iliÅŸki... 14/11/2013 - 16/11/2013
    137  Açık abdominal cerrahi sonrası öksürme manevralarının etkinliÄŸinin incelenmesi: pilot çalı... 14/11/2013 - 16/11/2013
    138  Multipl Sklerozlu Hastalarda Fiziksel Aktivite Düzeyini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi... 30/10/2013 - 03/11/2013
    139  The relationship between low expanded disability status scale (EDSS) scores and walking tests in mul... 02/10/2013 - 05/10/2013
    140  Using the six spot step test (SSST) in mild multiple sclerosis patients... 02/10/2013 - 05/10/2013
    141  Effects of calisthenic exercises on exercise capacity, symptoms, physical fitness, daily living acti... 07/09/2013 - 11/09/2013
    142  Inspiratory muscle training in pulmonary hypertension... 07/09/2013 - 11/09/2013
    143  Functional arm exercise capacity, activities of daily living and upper extremity muscle strength in ... 07/09/2013 - 11/09/2013
    144  Relationship between balance and hypoxemia, cognitive state, exercise capacity in patients with chro... 07/09/2013 - 11/09/2013
    145  Effects of yoga and aerobic exercise training on functional capacity, respiratory muscle strength an... 07/09/2013 - 11/09/2013
    146  Determinants of fatigue in patients with bronchial asthma... 07/09/2013 - 11/09/2013
    147  Effects of sitting time on dyspnea, quality of life, and BODE score in chronic obstructive pulmonary... 07/09/2013 - 11/09/2013
    148  Comparison of the effects of inspiratory muscle training and oropharyngeal exercise training in pati... 07/09/2013 - 11/09/2013
    149  Respiratory and peripheral muscle strength, and functional capacity in pulmonary hypertension patien... 07/09/2013 - 11/09/2013
    150  Effect of upper extremity training on respiratory muscle strength, activities of daily living and fa... 06/09/2013 - 10/09/2013
    151  Fizyoterapistlerde mesleki tükenmiÅŸlik ve yorgunluk seviyeleri arasındaki iliÅŸkinin incelenmesi... 09/05/2013 - 11/05/2013
    152  Dahiliye servisinde yatan hastalarda kırılganlık fenotipleri... 09/05/2013 - 11/05/2013
    153  Multiple kronik hastalığı olan geriatrik bireylerde; düşme korkusu, fiziksel aktivite düzeyi, ... 09/05/2013 - 11/05/2013
    154  Farklı solunum rezervine sahip yoÄŸun bakım hastalarında kavrama kuvveti: pilot çalışma... 03/04/2013 - 07/04/2013
    155  A comparison of pulmonary function, functional exercise capacity, and sleep quality in patients with... 01/09/2012 - 05/09/2012
    156  Subakromiyal sıkışma sendromunda ekstrakorporeal ÅŸok dalga terapinin (ESWT) etkisi,... 26/04/2012 - 28/04/2012
    157  Preterm DoÄŸan Okul Çağı Çocuklarında DoÄŸum Haftası ve DoÄŸum Ağırlığı ile Solunum Kapas... 14/05/2011 - 16/05/2011
    158  Relationship between the chest excursion and lung function, functional capacity and peripheral muscl... 16/06/2010 - 19/06/2010
    159  A comparison of sleep quality, anxiety and depression in mothers of in and outpatients with cystic f... 16/06/2010 - 19/06/2010
    160  Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training on Functional Capacity, Dyspnea and Fatigue in Patients with ... 12/09/2009 - 16/09/2009
    161  Health Promoting Behaviors and and Health Literacy in Asthma... 12/09/2009 - 16/12/2009
    162  Comparison of Activities of Daily Living in Patients with Moderate and Severe Chronic Obstructive Pu... 12/09/2009 - 16/09/2009
    163  Activities of Daily Living in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis,... 12/09/2009 - 16/09/2009
    164  Relationship between Body Composition, Respiratory Muscle Strength, and Functional Capacity in Patie... 12/09/2009 - 16/09/2009
    165  Determinants of fatigue and activities of daily living in patients with heart failure... 12/09/2009 - 16/09/2009
    166  Multidimensional disease severity and peripheral muscle endurance and fatigue in chronic obstructive... 12/09/2009 - 16/09/2009
    167  Bone Mineral Density, Body Composition, Peripheral Muscle Endurance, and Quality of Life in Cystic F... 04/10/2008 - 08/10/2008
    168  Morning to Afternoon Change in Respiratory Muscle Strength and Functional Capacity in Multiple Scler... 04/10/2008 - 08/10/2008
    169  Lung Function, Respiratory Muscle Strength, Functional capacity, Peripheral Muscle Endurance between... 04/10/2008 - 08/10/2008
    170  Chronotropic Response to Peak Exercise in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease... 04/10/2008 - 08/10/2008
    171  Two-year Follow-up for Lung Function, Muscle Strength and Functional Capacity in CF... 11/06/2008 - 14/06/2008
    172  Chronotropic Response to exercise in cystic fibrosis... 11/06/2008 - 14/06/2008
    173  In-Hospital Anxiety and Depression in Relation to Physical and Physiological Profile in Acute Corona... 26/04/2008 - 29/04/2008
    174  A Comparison Of Quality Of Life, Psychosocial Function and Perception in Inactive and Active Patient... 26/04/2008 - 29/04/2008
    175  Pulmonary Functions in Patients with Neuromuscular Disease... 15/09/2007 - 19/09/2007
    176  Anaerobic Performance in Patients with Bronchiectasis,... 15/09/2007 - 19/09/2007
    177  Relationship between Respiratory Muscle Strength, Functional Capacity and Quality of Life in Preoper... 15/09/2007 - 19/09/2007
    178  BODE Index and Physical Activity in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease... 15/09/2007 - 19/09/2007
    179  Muscle Strength and Functional Capacity in Bronchiectasis Patients and Healthy Controls... 15/09/2007 - 19/09/2007
    180  Relationship between Nutritional Status and Muscle Strength in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis,... 13/06/2007 - 16/06/2007
    181  Determinants of Anaerobic Performance in Cystic Fibrosis Patients,?... 13/06/2007 - 16/06/2007
    182  Relationship between Upper Limb Muscle Strength and Functional Capacity in Patients with Cystic Fibr... 13/06/2007 - 16/06/2007
    183  BODE Index and Functional Health Status in Cystic Fibrosis Patients... 13/06/2007 - 16/06/2007
    184  Peripheral Muscle Endurance in Cystic Fibrosis... 02/09/2006 - 06/09/2006
    185  Respiratory Muscle Strength after Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery... 02/09/2006 - 06/09/2006
    186  Peripheral and Respiratory Muscle Strength in Cystic Fibrosis and Healthy Controls,?... 02/09/2006 - 06/09/2006
    187  Effects of Functional Capacity on Lung Function and Respiratory Muscle Strength in Multiple Sclerosi... 28/09/2005 - 01/10/2005
    188  Energy Expenditure in Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease... 17/09/2005 - 21/09/2005
    189  Relationship between Disability, Lung Function and Functional Capacity in Multiple Sclerosis,... 17/09/2005 - 21/09/2005
    190  Upper extremity flexibility and pulmonary function in cystic fibrosis?.... 22/06/2005 - 25/06/2005
    191  Rates and reasons for non-compliance to home physiotherapy in cystic fibrosis?... 22/06/2005 - 25/06/2005
    192  Relationship between six-minute walk test distance and coordination in cystic fibrosis?.... 22/06/2005 - 25/06/2005
    193  Depression, Quality of Life, and Physical Activity in Parents of Children with Cystic Fibrosis,... 15/06/2005 - 18/06/2005
    194  One-year Follow-up for Lung Function and Functional Capacity in Cystic Fibrosis... 17/09/2004 - 21/09/2004
    195  Differences Between Six Minute Walk Test Values with Obstructed and Non-Obstructed Cystic Fibrosis,... 04/09/2004 - 08/09/2004
    196  Relationship between pulmonary functions and respiratory muscle strength in children with non cystic... 04/09/2004 - 08/09/2004
    197  Respiratory Muscle Strentgh in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis,?... 12/06/2004 - 16/06/2004
    198  Comparison of Respiratory Muscle Strentgh in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis and Non-Cystic Fibrosis B... 10/06/2004 - 14/06/2004
    199  Effects of Flow-Dependent and Threshold PEP on Lung Functions in Cystic Fibrosis,... 01/10/2003 - 04/10/2003
    200  Relationship Between Six Minute Walk Test and Symptom-Limited Bicycle Ergometer in Patients with Cys... 12/09/2003 - 16/09/2003
    201  A Comparison of Pulmonary Function and Respiratory Muscle Strength in Patients with Mild and Severe ... 01/09/2003 - 05/09/2003
    202  Effects of Breathing Exercise and Incentive Spirometry on Pain Intensity after Coronary Artery By-Pa... 13/06/2003 - 16/06/2003
    203  Work of Walking in Moderate and Severe COPD,... 19/09/2002 - 21/09/2002
    204  Relation of Pulmonary Functions to Disability and Fatigue in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis... 17/09/2001 - 20/09/2001
    205  Social Support and Health Status in Chronic Lung Diseases... 16/09/2001 - 21/09/2001
    206  Relation between Body Composition, Muscular Power and Endurance, and Pulmonary Functions in Children... 16/06/2000 - 19/06/2000
    207  Functional Capacity in Children with Cystic Fibrosis... 16/06/2000 - 19/06/2000
    208  Effects of Flutter® Valve Therapy on Pulmonary Functions and Oxygen Saturation in Children with Cys... 16/06/2000 - 19/06/2000
    209  Short-Term Effects of PEP Mask on Lung Functions in Children with Suppurative Lung Diseases... 04/10/1999 - 08/10/1999
    210  Health Related Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases,... 16/09/1999 - 23/09/2009
    211  Pulmonary Function and Physical Characteristics in the Turkish Elite Female and Male Volleyball Play... 10/09/1999 - 16/10/1994
    212  Comparison of Exercise Oxygen Comsumption in Heart Valve Disease Patients, Pre and Postoperatively, ... 02/09/1999 - 07/10/1999
    213  A Comparison of the Active Cycle of Breathing with and without Manual Techniques in Patients with Br... 12/09/1998 - 16/09/1998
    214  Activities of Daily Living in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases... 12/09/1998 - 16/09/1998
    1  Kistik Fibrozis Kronik Hastalıklarda Fiziksel Aktivite ve Egzersiz Kanıta Dayalı Uygulamalar...  2023
    2  Kalp Ritm Bozuklukları Kronik Hastalıklarda Fiziksel Aktivite ve Egzersiz Kanıta Dayalı Uygulamalar...  2023
    3  Evde SaÄŸlık Hizmet Sunumunda Tedaviler/ Evde egzersiz eÄŸitimi/ Alt-üst endurans egzersiz eÄŸitimi KRONÄ°K SOLUNUM HASTALIKLARINDA EVDE SAÄžLIK HÄ°ZMET SUNUMLARI...  2023
    4  Pulmoner Sistem Hastalıklarının Rehabilitasyonu Geriatride Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyonun Prensipleri...  2022
    5  Ã‡ocuk Romotolojisisnde Fizyoterapi ve Ortopedi Çocuk Romotoloji Kitabı...  2018
    6  astmada rehabilitasyon BronÅŸ astması 2001...  2001
    7  astma ve spor BronÅŸ astması 2001...  2001
    8  astmalı hastaları tedavisinde göğüs fizyoterapisi BronÅŸ Astması El Kitabı,...  1993
    9  solunum yolu ile alınına ilaçların kullanım biçimleri BronÅŸ Astması El Kitabı,...  1993
    1  Jüvenil Ä°diopatik Artrit'li Çocuklar ve Ergenlerde Fiziksel Aktivite Düzeyinin Belirleyicileri...  4/2021 - 11/2022
    2  Kistik Fibrozisli ve SaÄŸlıklı Çocuklarda 6 Dakika Yürüme Testi DeÄŸiÅŸkenleri ve Anaerobik Kapasitelerin KarşılaÅŸtırılması...  3/2018 - 9/2019
    3  Pulmoner Hipertansiyonlu Hastalarda Ä°nspiratuar Kas EÄŸitiminin Etkilerinin Ä°ncelenmesi...  10/2018 - 1/2023
    4  koroner anjioplastiden sonra aerobik ve dirençli egzersiz eÄŸitiminin karşılaÅŸtırılması...  8/2009 - 8/2010
    5  validation of ICF Core Set for OPD from the perspective of physiotherapist...  10/2006 - 12/2006
    1  european respiratory society 2006 annual congress bronze sponsorship...  2006
    2  European Respiratory Society 2005 annual congress 1. bronze sponsorship...  2005
    3  european respiratory society 2006 annual congress gold sponsorship...  2006
    4  european respiratory society 2005 annual congress silver sponsorship...  2005
    5  european respiratory society 2007 annual congress 1.bronze sponsorship...  2007
    6  european respiratory society 2007 annual congress 2.bronze sponsorship...  2007
    7  european respiratory society 2005 annual congress 2. bronze sponsorship...  2005
    8  european respiratory society 2009 annual congress silver sponsorship...  2009
    9  european respiratory society 2009 annual congress gold sponsorship...  2009
    10  european respiratory society 2006 annual congress silver sponsorship...  2006
    11  pediatrik astım tedavisi kurs birincilik ödülü...  1994
    12  European Respiratory Society (ERS) Annual Congress Gold Sponsorship...  2010
    13  European Respiratory Society (ERS) Annual Congress 1.Silver Sponsorship...  2010
    14  European Respiratory Society (ERS) Annual Congress 2.Silver Sponsorship...  2010
    15  European Respiratory Society (ERS) Annual Congress 3.Silver Sponsorship...  2010
    16  European Respiratory Society (ERS) Annual Congress 4.Silver Sponsorship...  2010
  • NO Responsibility
    1 Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation , Member of The Faculty Council, February 2022- June 2023
    2 School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Department of Physiotheraphy and Rehabilitation Kardiyopulmoner Fizyoterapi-Rehabilitasyon Anabilim Dali , Director of Science Branch, November 2016- November 2019
    3 School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation , Member of College Board, November 2016- November 2019
    4 School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation , College Director, October 2015- October 2016
    5 School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation , Head of College Board, October 2015- October 2016
    6 School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation , Head of College Council, October 2015- October 2016
    7 Graduate School of Health Sciences Kardiyopulmoner Fizyoterapi Anabilim Dali , Director of Science Branch, October 2014- October 2017
    8 Graduate School of Health Sciences , Member of The Institute Council, October 2014- October 2017
    9 School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation , College Director, October 2012- October 2015
    10 School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation , Head of College Board, October 2012- October 2015
    11 School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation , Head of College Council, October 2012- October 2015
    12 School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation , Deputy College Director, September 2012- October 2012
    13 School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation , Head of College Board, September 2012- October 2012
    14 School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation , Head of College Council, September 2012- October 2012
    15 Graduate School of Health Sciences Kardiyopulmoner Fizyoterapi Anabilim Dali , Director of Science Branch, September 2012- October 2014
    16 Graduate School of Health Sciences , Member of The Institute Council, September 2012- October 2014