Academic Staff - Personal Page


  • Education/Academic Info
    Undergraduate Degree  Dokuz Eylül University Tıp Fakültesi  1990
    Specialization in Medicine  SSK Ege DoÄŸumevi Kadın Hastalıkları ve DoÄŸum EÄŸitim AraÅŸtırma Hastanes Kadın Hastalıkları ve DoÄŸum Anabilim Dalı  1995
    Specialization in Minor  Ege DoÄŸumevi Kadın Hastalıkları ve DoÄŸum EÄŸitim AraÅŸtırma Hastanesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve DoÄŸum Anabilim Dalı Jinekolojik Onkoloji Bilim Dalı  2011
    Assistant Professor  Dokuz Eylül University Tıp Fakültesi  2014
    Associate Professor  Dokuz Eylül University Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve DoÄŸum  2018
    1  Exercise Position to Improve Synergy Between the Diaphragm and Pelvic Floor Muscles in Women With Pe...  2024
    2  The impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on the clinical presentation of tubal ectopic pr...  2024
    3  Prediction of intraperitoneal adhesions in repeated cesarean deliveries with stria gravidarum scorin...  2024
    4  The Effects Of Dose-Dependent Chronıc Caffeıne Consumptıon In A Rat Burn Wound Model: Hıstopatho...  2024
    5  Patterns of proliferation and fibrosis in a rat model of endometriosis following administration of A...  2024
    6  Effect Of Low Uterine Segment Involvement On Prognosis Of Early Stage Endometrial Cancer...  2024
    7  The effectiveness of blood urea nitrogen to albumin ratio and c-reactive protein to albumin ratio in...  2023
    8  Bir üniversite hastanesinde üriner inkontinans ve prolapsus cerrahisi geçiren kadınların beÅŸ y...  2023
    9  Endometrial pathologies in clinical follow-up of patients with hormone receptor-positive/negative br...  2023
    10  Is there a synergistic relationship between diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles in pregnant women?...  2023
    11  Sociodemographic characteristics associated with indications for surgical menopause in women: a retr...  2023
    12  The effects of berberine on ischemia-reperfusion injuries in an experimental model of ovarian torsio...  2023
    13  Morphomolecular Correlatıon and Clınıcopathologıcal Analysıs ın Endometrıalcarcınoma...  2023
    14  Can pelvic floor muscle training positions be selected according to the functional status of pelvic ...  2023
    15  Protective and/or therapeutic effects of berberine in a model of premature ovarian failure induced b...  2023
    16  Is the function of the core muscles affected during pregnancy?...  2023
    17  Histomorphological and histopathological evaluation of the effects of ovarian hyperstimulation synd...  2023
    18  Effects of allium cepa on ovarian torsion-detorsion injury in a rat model...  2023
    19  Does multiple component intensive pelvic foor muscle training decrease muscle fatigue and symptoms i...  2023
    20  The effect of oral iron supplementation on glucose metabolism in non-anemic pregnant women who are i...  2022
    21  Educated platelets promote wound healing via anti-inflammatory effect and down-regulated VEGF and MM...  2022
    22  Trafik Kazası Nedenli Jinekolojik Organ Yaralanmaları...  2022
    23  Diagnostic use of CA 125 values measured on the 2nd and 14th days of the menstrual cycle in endometr...  2022
    24  Measures against COVID-19 pandemic ? a single tertiary center experience...  2022
    25  Are clinically recommended pelvic floor muscle relaxation positions really efficient for muscle rela...  2022
    26  Platelet to lymphocyte and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratios in endometrial pathologies...  2021
    27  Parasitic myoma developing at the port site after laparoscopic myomectomy; a case report...  2021
    28  Malignant transformation of endometriosis on vaginal cuff after hysterectomy: a case report...  2021
    29  Is it safe to perform myomectomy in first trimester of pregnancy? The report of two cases...  2021
    30  Evaluation of Epithelioid Trophoblastic Tumor in the Light of Literature...  2021
    31  Comparison of MRI, CA-125 and HE-4 in determining the depth of myometrial invasion in cases with end...  2021
    32  COVID-19 pandemic effect on female sexual function...  2021
    33  The effect of vitamin D on the regression of human papilloma virus infection and metabolic parameter...  2021
    34  The Effect of Educated Platelets on the Healing Process of Burn Wounds in Rats...  2021
    35  D vitamini eksikliÄŸi uterin fibroid geliÅŸimi için predispozan bir faktör olabilir mi?...  2020
    36  Persistent tubal epithelium in ovaries after salpingectomy...  2020
    37  Sexual Dysfunction in Women who are Human Papillomavirus Positive...  2020
    38  The Importance of Lower Gastrointestinal Tract Endoscopy Regarding the Preoperative Evaluation of Ma...  2020
    39  Fertility and Breast Cancer: Recommendations of the 2019 Izmir Consensus Conference...  2020
    40  Influence of preoperative enema application on the return of gastrointestinal function in elective C...  2019
    41  Microinvasive breast cancer with supraclavicular lymph node and ovarian metastasis as clinical findi...  2019
    42  The Relationship Between Intrapartum Fetal Heart Rate Tracings and early Neonatal Outcomes Ä°ntrapar...  2019
    43  Are there any preventable risk factors for women who had surgery for Pelvic Organ Prolapse and stres...  2018
    44  Effects of mature cystic teratoma on reproductive health and malignant transformation: A retrospecti...  2018
    45  Genital liken sklerozisin komplikasyonu olarak geliÅŸen vulvar fimozisin tıbbi tedavisi: olgu sunum...  2017
    46  Ovaryum Matür Kistik Teratomdan GeliÅŸen Strumal Karsinoid Tümör...  2017
    47  Adneksiyal Kitleler: 424 Olgunun Retrospektif DeÄŸerlendirilmesi veLiteratürün Gözden Geçirilmes...  2016
    48  A case of a gastrointestinal stromal tumor diagnosed at the postpartum period...  2016
    49  Bilateral Ovarian Metastasis Of the Klatskin Tumor: A Rare Case Report...  2016
    50  A Case of Type 2 Youssef's Syndrome following Caesarean Section for Placenta Previa Totalis...  2016
    51  Sulcus Nervi Dorsalis Penis / Clitoridis: Anatomik Bir Çalışma...  2016
    52  Maternal serbest testosteron ve dehidroepiandrosteron sülfatın preeklampsideki rolü....  2016
    53  Obstetrik ve Jinekolojide Proflaktik Antibiotik Kullanımı...  2016
    54  Hemostatic Techniques for Laparoscopic Management of Cornual Pregnancy: Double-Impact Devascularizat...  2016
    55  A novel marker for the assesment of the treatment result in pelvic inflammatory disease...  2016
    56  Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy is not associated with diabetes mellitus development in pregnant w...  2016
    57  EÅŸ Zamanlı Primer Endometrial Karsinom Ve Ovaryan Kistik Teratomda GeliÅŸen Metastatik Malign Mela...  2015
    58  Is Anal Smear Necassary in Turkish Women with Vulvar Condyloma Who Are at A Low Risk of Devoloping A...  2015
    59  The value of uterine artery Doppler and NT-proBNP levels in the second trimester to predict preeclam...  2015
    60  Comparison of ferquency of asymptomatic microhematuria in patients with stage 2-4 versusu stage 0-1 ...  2015
    61  Frequency of recurrent urinary tract infection in patients with pelvic organ prolapse....  2015
    62  Ãœriner inkontinans ve risk faktörleri...  2015
    63  Association between stage 2 or higher pelvic organ prolapse and bone mineral density in postmenapaus...  2015
    64  Adenomyozis ve Adenomyozise EÅŸlik Eden Endometrial Patolojilerin DeÄŸerlendirilmesi: 3 Yıllık Kli...  2015
    65  Treatment of uterine prolapse with bilateral hydronephrosis in a young nulliparous woman; a new mini...  2014
    66  Can striae be used as a marker for the prediction of pelvic organ prolapse?...  2014
    67  A Case of Cervical Ectopic Pregnancy: Management and Review of the Literature...  2014
    68  Prune - Belly Sendromlu bir olguda erken prenatal giriÅŸim ile baÅŸarılı tedavi...  2014
    69  Potential additional effect of surgical removel of omental fat on metabolic markers and body mass in...  2014
    70  Relation of peritoneal fluid and serum vascular endothelial growth factor levels to endometriosis st...  2014
    71  Erken membran rüptürü tanısında vajinal yıkama sıvısında beta human koryonik gonadotropin, ...  2014
    72  Twin pregnancy with complete hydatidiform mole and coexisting normal fetus complicated by molar prev...  2014
    73  Diagnosis Of Primary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Of The Vulva In A Postmenopousal Woman.. Case Rep...  2013
    74  Mean platelet volüme in diagnosis of gestational diabetes....  2013
    75  Acute Pelvic Pain: Evaluation of 503 Cases...  2013
    76  Treatment of Premenstrual Syndrome with Progesterone in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome....  2013
    77  Meme kanserli hasta overindeki matür kistik teratom kötücül dönüşümü: Skuamoz Hücreli Kars...  2013
    78  Sistemik Methotrexate Sonrası Vakum Küretajla Tedavi Edilen Sezaryen Skar GebeliÄŸi: Ä°ki Olgu Sun...  2013
    79  A New Surgical Method of Suprapubic and Extraperitoneal Approach with Uterine Preservation for Pelvi...  2013
    80  Gebelikte Tiroid Fonksiyon Bozuklukları...  2012
    81  Evaluation of the histopathological diagnosis of patients preoperatively diagnosed with atypical end...  2012
    82  HPV Tip 16'nın EÅŸlik EttiÄŸi Primer Skuamöz Hücreli Vajinal Kanser...  2012
    83  Kronik pelvik aÄŸrının nadir bir nedeni olan nonkomünike rudimenter horn'un laparoskopik tedavisi...  2012
    84  Menorajiyi Önlemede Levonorgestrelli Rahim İçi Araç EtkinliÄŸi: Üçüncü Basamak Merkez Sonuç...  2012
    85  Granulosa cell tumors of the ovary: review of 43 cases...  2012
    86  Post Menepozal Dönemde Overin Granülosa Hücreli Tümörü: Olgu Sunumu Ve Literatürün Gözden G...  2012
    87  Gebelikte Ä°mmatür Teratom: Olgu Sunumu...  2012
    88  Ektopik Gebelikte Tedavi Yaklaşımları: 171 Olgunun Retrospektif Analizi....  2012
    89  Perinatoloji KliniÄŸimize BaÅŸvuran Tarama Testi Pozitif Gebelerde Genetik Amniyosentez Sonuçlarım...  2011
    90  Servikal Ektopik Gebelik: Bir Olgu Sunumu...  2011
    91  Meme Kanseri Nedeni Ä°le Kemoterapi Gören Hastada Spontan Gebelik Ve Meme Kanseri Sonrası Fertiliz...  2011
    92  Ä°zmir Ege DoÄŸumevi Ve Kadın Hastalıkları EAH'deki 5 Yıllık DoÄŸum Verileri ve Sezaryen Endika...  2011
    93  Gebelik ve Serviks Kanseri...  2011
    94  Assessment of preoperative serum prolidase activity in epithelial ovarian cancer...  2009
    95  Serum prolidase activity and oxidative stress markers in pregnancies with intrauterine growth restri...  2009
    96  Assessment of serum paraoxonase and arylesterase activity in patients with endometrial cancer....  2009
    97  Serum Prolidase Activity and Oxidative Status in Patients With Stage I Endometrial Cancer...  2009
    98  Umbilical metastasis of serous component as a first sign of mixed type epithelial ovarian cancer...  2009
    99  Serum Paraoxonase and Arylesterase Activities in Patients with Epithelial Ovarian Cancer....  2009
    100  Conservative Management of Endometrial Cancer Permitting Subsequent Triplet Pregnancy: A Case Report...  2006
    101  Depression and anxiety levels in infertile Turkish women...  2006
    102  Epitelyal Ovaryum Kanserlerine EÅŸlik Eden Ovaryan Endometriozis...  2006
    103  Comparison of the accuracy of hysteroscopy and hysterosalpingography in evaluation of the uterine ca...  2005
    104  Tek taraflı nonkomminikan uterus didelfis...  2005
    105  A Case With Giant Vulvar Skin Tag: Fibroepithelial Polyp (Acrochordon)...  2004
    106  Mullerian Agenesis Coexisting with Serous Borderline tumor Of Ovary: ACase Report. Gynecol Obstet Re...  2003
    107  Vulva Kanserleri: 74 Olgunun Retrospektif DeÄŸerlendirilmesi. Turkish J of Gynecol Oncol 2003; 6: 41...  2003
    108  Germ Hücreli Over Tümörleri: 10 Yıllık Deneyimimiz...  2003
    109  Abortus Ä°mminensli Olgularda Ä°lk Trimester Ultrasonografi Bulguları...  2002
    110  Adolesan ÇaÄŸ Malign Ovaryum Tümörleri (27 Olgunun Klinik ve Histopatolojik DeÄŸerlendirilmesi). ...  2002
    111  Tuba Uterina Maligniteleri: SSK Ege DoÄŸumevi Ve Kadın Hastalıkları EÄŸitim Hastanesi Deneyimi....  2000
    112  Makrozomik DoÄŸumlarda Obstetrik Sorunlar...  1999
    113  Ä°kiz Gebeliklerde DoÄŸum...  1999
    114  Postmortem Sezaryen...  1999
    115  Gebe İşçi Kadınlarda Antenatal Bakım ve Obstetrik Sorunlar...  1998
    116  Ä°ÅŸÃ§i Kadınların Jinekolojik Sorunları...  1997
    117  Ektopik Gebelik Sonrası Tekrar Gebelik Oranları Ve Etkileyen Faktörler...  1996
    118  Gebelikle Birlikte Kronik Myelositer Lösemi (Olgu...  1996
    119  SSK Ege DoÄŸumevinde Maternal Mortalite Oranı...  1996
    120  Gebelikte ESWL...  1996
    121  Yapışık Ä°kizler (Olgu)...  1996
    122  Ege Bölgesinde Toxoplasma SeropozitifliÄŸi...  1996
    123  Puerperal Mastitlerin Klinik Ä°zlemi...  1996
    124  Nadir Görülen Bir Endometriozis...  1995
    125  Prolaktinomaların Tanısında MRG Yönteminin Önemi...  1994
    126  Elektif ve Acil Peptik Ãœlser Cerrahisinde Son On Yıldaki Ä°nsidans DeÄŸiÅŸimi...  1993
    127  Tekrarlayan Abortuslarda Luteal YetmezliÄŸin Rolü...  1993
    128  Ä°zmir Bölgesinde Kanser Sıklığı Ãœzerine Bir Çalışma...  1992
    129  Grand Multipar DoÄŸumlar, Yaklaşım ve Obstetrik Sorunlar...  1992
    130  1983-1991 Yılları Arasında Sezaryen Klinik Analizi...  1992
    131  Hodgkin Lenfoması Patoloji, Yeni Görüşler...  1991
    132  Aktinolit Asbeste BaÄŸlı Yeni Bir Asbestoz Bölgesi...  1988
    1  Pediatrik ve Genç EriÅŸkin Over Kitleleri... 17/04/2024 - 21/04/2024
    2  A Rare Case of Adenomyoma Located in the Round Ligament... 17/04/2024 - 21/04/2024
    3  The clinical characteristics and surgical approach of scar endometriosis: A case series of 12 women... 01/11/2023 - 05/11/2023
    5  Ãœrojinekolojik cerrahi geçiren kadınların beÅŸ yıllık deÄŸerlendirilmesi: Retrospektif bir ça... 30/09/2022 - 02/10/2022
    6  Impact of the covid 19 pandemic on clinical evaluation of tuboovarian abscesses... 28/05/2022 - 01/06/2022
    7  Impact of the covid 19 pandemic on clinical presentation of ectopic pregnancies... 28/05/2022 - 01/06/2022
    8  Uterus preserving approach in cesarean scar pregnancy in the spectrum of placenta accreta: case repo... 28/05/2022 - 01/06/2022
    9  Retroperitoneal schwannoma mimicking uterine myoma: case report... 28/05/2022 - 01/06/2022
    10  radikal radyoterapi uygulanmış serviks kanserli hastalarda prognostik faktörler ve uzun dönem sa... 26/11/2021 - 30/11/2021
    11  Giant abdominal mass-case report... 18/11/2021 - 21/11/2021
    12  Widespread ascites and genital organ involvement in a case of breast ductal carcinoma in situ: a cas... 18/11/2021 - 21/11/2021
    13  Etiological distribution of patients with benign parasentesis cytologies, tested with a prediagnose ... 18/11/2021 - 21/11/2021
    14  The effects of dose-dependent chronic caffeine consumption in a rat burn wound model... 22/09/2021 - 24/09/2021
    15  Ãœriner inkontinanslı kadınlarda abdominal ve pelvik taban kas fonksiyonları ile yaÅŸam kalitesi ... 10/07/2021 - 11/07/2021
    16  Ãœriner Ä°nkontinanslı Olgularda Pelvik Taban Kas Fonksiyonunu DeÄŸerlendirmede Digital Palpasyon Ä... 10/07/2021 - 11/07/2021
    17  Ãœriner inkontinanslu olgularda pelviktaban kas fonksiyonunu deÄŸerlendirmede digital palpasyon ile ... 10/07/2021 - 11/07/2021
    18  Comparison of MRI, CA-125 and HE-4 in Determining the Depth of Myometrial Invasion in Cases with End... 17/06/2021 - 20/06/2021
    19  Evaluatıon Of The Extremely Rare Epıthelıoıd Trophoblastıc Tumor Entıty In The Lıght Of Lıte... 17/12/2020 - 19/12/2020
    20  Educated Platelets in Rat Burn Wound Healing... 04/03/2020 - 06/03/2020
    21  To investigate the effects of multiple components intensified pelvic floor muscle training in women... 17/11/2019 - 20/11/2019
    22  Türk Toplumunda 30- 41 Gebelik Haftalarında Fetal Ä°nen Aort ve Orta Serebral Arter Normal Dopler ... 12/04/2018 - 15/04/2018
    23  Genitoüriner Fistüllerin Nadir Nedenlerinden Biri Olarak Vezikouterin Fistül: Olgu Sunumu... 01/11/2016 - 05/11/2016
    24  Adneksial Kitleler İçin Frozen Ä°ncelemesinin EtkinliÄŸinin DeÄŸerlendirilmesi 4 yıllık Deneyim... 19/11/2014 - 23/11/2014
    25  Primer Ä°nfertil Hastada Servikal Ektopik Gebelik Olgu Sunumu... 06/11/2014 - 09/11/2014
    26  Psychological Assesment of Women with a Pregnancy Loss... 30/04/2014 - 02/05/2014
    27  The Assessment of Beta Human Chorıonıc Gonadotropın Urea and Creatıne ın Vagınal Wash fluıd ... 30/04/2014 - 02/05/2014
    28  The Efect of Vıtamın D Defıcıency on Glucose Metabolısm ın Pregnant Women Havıng Low Rısk Fo... 30/04/2014 - 02/05/2014
    29  Uterine Artery Doppler and NT PROBNP levels in the Second Trimester to Predict Poor Perinatal Outco... 30/04/2014 - 04/05/2014
    30  Primer Vulva Kökenli Langerhans Hücre Histiyositozu Olgu Sunumu... 06/11/2013 - 10/11/2013
    31  Correlation Between Peritoneal Fluid And Peripheral Blood VEGF Levels And Endometriosis Stage... 23/06/2013 - 27/06/2013
    32  Over ve Endometrium un Primer Senkron Karsinomu 2 Olgu... 07/11/2012 - 11/11/2012
    33  Ãœriner Ä°nkontinanslı Kadınlarda Abdominal ve Pelvik Taban Kas Fonksiyonları Ä°le YaÅŸam Kalites... 10/07/2012 - 11/07/2021
    34  Unikornuat Uterus Renal Agenezi ve Ektopik Over BirlikteliÄŸi Nadir Bir Olgu... 19/04/2012 - 21/04/2012
    35  Kronik Progresif Pelvik AÄŸrının Nadir Bir Nedeni Olan Böbrek Agenezili Non Komünike Rudimenter ... 05/10/2011 - 09/10/2011
    36  Ektopik Gebelikte Tedavi Yaklaşımları 171 Olgunun Retrospektif Analizi... 05/10/2011 - 09/10/2011
    37  Gebelikte Mikst Germ Hücreli Tümör Olgu Sunumu... 05/10/2011 - 09/10/2011
    38  Servikal Ä°ntraepitelyal Neoplazi 1 ve Vajinal Ä°ntraepitelyal Neoplazi 3 EÅŸliÄŸinde Primer Skuamö... 17/05/2011 - 22/05/2011
    39  Preoperatif Atipili Endometrial Hiperplazi Tanısı Alan Hastaların Histerektomi Sonrası Histopat... 17/05/2011 - 22/05/2011
    40  Lokal Ä°leri serviks Kanserlerinde Ekstraperitoneal Lenfadenektomi: Teknik, Morbidite, Avantaj... 15/12/2005 - 18/12/2005
    41  Laparoskopik Kolesistektomi Sonrası Karın Duvarında Over Kanseri Metastazı Olgu Sunumu... 01/05/2002 - 05/05/2002
    42  Malignant Ovarian Tumors Of The Adolescent Period... 27/09/2001 - 30/09/2001
    43  The Place of Montly Contraceptives In Sımple Ovarian Cysts... 19/05/1999 - 23/05/1999
    44  SSK Ege DoÄŸumevinde Kadın Genital Kanserleri... 19/05/1999 - 23/05/1999
    45  SSK Aegean Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Antenatal Care... 16/05/1997 - 20/05/1997
    46  Gynecologic Disoreders In Women Workers... 16/05/1997 - 20/05/1997
    47  Makrozomik DoÄŸumlarda Obstetrik Sorunlar... 16/05/1997 - 20/05/1997
    48  Pregnancy Associated Leukemia Chronic Myolositer... 03/07/1995 - 06/07/1995
    49  Ogilivie' s Syndrome... 03/07/1995 -
    50  Thrombocytosis Ovarian Cancers... 03/07/1995 - 06/07/1995
    51  Maternal Iron Deficiency Anemia Placenta Placenta Fetus Effect of Weight On It... 03/07/1995 - 06/07/1995
    52  Toxoplasma Seropositivity in Aegean Region... 03/07/1995 - 06/07/1995
    53  Clinical Follow Up Of Puerperal Mastitis... 03/07/1995 - 06/07/1995
    54  Rudimenter Horn Uterus Tubasında Extrauterin Gebelik... 19/04/1995 - 22/04/1995
    55  Incidence Of Endometriosis And Refertilization By Extra Uterine Pregnancy... 19/05/1993 - 23/05/1993
    56  Premenstrüel Syndrome In Adolescence And Its Treatment With Bromocriptine... 25/10/1992 - 29/10/1992
    57  Gynecologic Operations Of The Girls Between The Ages Of 1-15... 25/10/1992 - 29/10/1992
    58  Topical Treatment Of Labial Adhesions In Children With Estrogen... 25/10/1992 - 29/10/1992
    59  The Importance Of Hormon Profiles In Infertilty Cases... 07/09/1992 - 11/09/1992
    60  Clinico-Pathological Findings Of Endometrial Carcinoma... 07/09/1992 - 11/09/1992
    61  Experience With Abdominal Metroplasty In Patients With Habituel Abortion... 31/05/1992 - 03/06/1992
    62  Human Chorionic Gonadotropin In The Treatment Of Recurrent Abortion... 31/05/1992 - 03/06/1992
    1  Covid -19 (SARS-CoV2) PANDEMÄ°SÄ° VE DEÃœTF DEKANLIÄžI SÃœREÇ YÖNETÄ°M ÇALIÅžMALARI Dokuz Eylül Ãœniversitesi Uygulama ve AraÅŸtırma Hastanesi Covid 19 Pandemisi Yönetimi...  2021
    2  Uterin Serviksin Premalign Hastalıkları ve Yönetimi Kadın Hastalıkları ve DoÄŸum...  2020
    1  Premature Ovaryan Yetmezlik POY modeli oluÅŸturulmuÅŸ ratlarda omentum transpozisyonu ve omental kökenli mezenkimal kök hücre nakli ile ovaryan reversibilitenin geri kazanılması...  9/2023 - 9/2024
    2  Polikistik Over Sendromlu Obez Kadınlarda "Diyet" ve "Diyet ve Egzersiz" Kombinasyonu GiriÅŸimlerinin Ä°ncelenmesine Yönelik Yeni Bir Yaklaşım...  4/2022 - /
    3  Over Kanseri Tedavisinde KiÅŸiselleÅŸtirilmiÅŸ Tıp Uygulamaları için Zebra Balığı Hasta Kökenli Ksenogreft Testi...  12/2022 - /
    4  Endometrium Karsinomlarında Morfomoleküler Korelasyon ve Klinikopatolojik Analiz...  3/2021 - /
    1  AraÅŸtırma ödülü...  2009
  • NO Responsibility
    1 Teaching Hospital , Head Doctor, February 2024-Continues
    2 DEÜ Rectorate DEÜ Döner Sermaye İşletmesi Birimi Yürütme Kurulu Member, January 2024-Continues
    3 Teaching Hospital , Deputy Head Doctor, January 2024- February 2024
    4 DEÜ Rectorate Görevlendirme İnceleme Kurulu Member, November 2023-Continues
    5 Teaching Hospital , Vice Head Doctor, November 2023- January 2024
    6 Teaching Hospital , Vice Head Doctor, October 2023- November 2023
    7 Faculty of Medicine Surgery Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Jinekolojik Onkoloji Bilim Dali , Director of Science Branch, August 2023-Continues
    8 Faculty of Medicine Surgery Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Jinekolojik Onkoloji Bilim Dali , Director of Science Branch, August 2020- August 2023
    9 DEÜ Rectorate Multidisiplin Laboratuvarı HADYEK (DEÜ-HADYEK) Member, March 2020- July 2020
    10 Faculty of Medicine , Vice Dean, February 2019- June 2020
    11 DEÜ Rectorate Multidisiplin Laboratuvarı HADYEK (DEÜ-HADYEK) Member, December 2018- March 2020
    12 Faculty of Medicine Surgery Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Jinekolojik Onkoloji Bilim Dali , Director of Science Branch, March 2015- March 2018
    13 Faculty of Medicine Surgery Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Jinekolojik Onkoloji Bilim Dali , Deputy Director of Science Branch, September 2014- March 2015