Academic Staff - Personal Page


  • Education/Academic Info
    Undergraduate Degree  Atatürk University Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi İngiliz Dili Edebiyatı  1985
    Master's Degree  İ. D. Bilkent University Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İngilizce Öğretimi Programı  1990
    PhD (Doctorate)  Atatürk University Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İngiliz Dili Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı  1995
    Associate Professor  Atatürk University Eğitim Fakültesi Alan Eğitimi (İngilizce Eğitimi)  2004
    Full Professor  Ahi Evran University Eğitim Fakültesi  2009
    1  The children's foreign language anxiety scale: Reliability and validity...  2017
    2  A Synthesis of Qualitative Findings about Feedback on EFL Writing Performance...  2017
    3  Age, Gender and Grade Effect on Foreign Language Anxiety Among Children...  2017
    4  A Descriptive Study on Foreign Language Anxiety among Children...  2017
    5  Age, gender and grade effect on foreign language anxiety among children...  2017
    6  A Descriptive Study on Foreign Language Anxiety among Children...  2017
    7  Children's Foreign Language Anxiety Scale: Preliminary Tests of Reliability and Validity...  2016
    8  Metacognition in Reading Comprehension...  2015
    9  Goal Orientation and Reading Strategy Use of Turkish Students of an English Language Teaching Depart...  2015
    10   AKARSU OKTAY, HARPUTLU LEYLA (2014). Perceptions of EFL Students toward Academic Reading. , 14(1)...  2014
    11  Reading Theories in Reading Education...  2012
    12  Reading Theories in Reading Education...  2012
    14  Pre-Service EFL Teachers? Resource Management Strategies...  2005
    15  Cognitive strategies for learning of pre-service EFL teachers....  2005
    16  Postgraduate student's use of reading strategies in L1 and ESL contexts: links to success....  2004
    17  Perceptions on school-based English teacher education: a qualitative study....  2004
    18  Achievement goal theory: a perspective on foreign language learner motivation....  2004
    19  Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies....  2004
    20  The relationship between reading strategy use, reading efficacy and academic achievement....  2003
    21  Pre-Service Teachers as Readers and Future Teachers of EFL Reading,...  2001
    22  The nature of Turkish students' motivation for reading and its relation to their reading frequency....  2001
    23  EFL Teachers Error Correction Strategies, ,...  2000
    24  The implementation of school-based mentoring in the training of student-teachers of English....  2000
    25  Use of English in the Classroom...  2000
    26  Türkçe ve İngilizce'de Dil ve Cins İlişkisi Üzerine bir Deneme....  1999
    27  Initial Foreign Language Teacher Education in Turkey....  1998
    28  Modern Languages Initial Teacher Education...  1997
    29  Pre-service Language Teacher Education in England....  1997
    30  Theory and Practice in Teacher Education. Tömer Dil Dergisi....  1996
    31  Dil Öğretimine Yeni bir Yaklaşım: Etnometodoloji ve Dil Öğretimi. Tömer Dil Dergisi,...  1996
    32  Yabancı Dil Öğretiminin Eğitim İçerisindeki Yeri. Tömer Dil Dergisi,...  1996
    33  Yabancı Dilde Konuşmanın Altı Özelliği. Tömer Dil Dergisi,...  1994
    34  Dil Öğretim Malzemesi Olarak Edebi Eserlerimiz. Atatürk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları ...  1994
    35  Kelime ve Söz Dizimi Hatalarının Kaynağı Olarak Eşanlamlılık....  1993
    1  A Qualitative Study Of Test Anxiety Among Adolescent EFL Learners... 19/10/2017 - 21/10/2017
    2  A Hybrid Quality Evaluation Model based on "Fuzzy DEMATEL" and "Fuzzy Comprehensive Evalution Method... 19/10/2017 - 21/10/2017
    3  Adapting Scale for Children: A Practical Model for Researchers... 28/09/2017 - 01/10/2017
    4  Critical Thinking Strategies in EFL Reading... 18/05/2017 - 20/05/2017
    5  A Turkish Version of Foreign Language Anxiety Scale: Reliability and Validity... 14/04/2016 - 17/04/2016
    6  The Effects of Motivation and Metacognitive Strategy Use on EFL Listening Proficiency.... 15/10/2014 - 17/10/2014
    7  Yüksek Öğrenimdeki Engelli Öğrenciler... 02/05/2011 - 02/05/2011
    8  Pre-service EFL teachers attitudes towards research. International Online Conference on Second and F... 25/09/2004 - 26/09/2004
    9  A Study on the motivational and cognitive predictors of text comprehension and reading amount in a f... 16/12/2002 - 21/12/2002
    10  Students' motivation for reading in a foreign language.... 10/11/2001 - 11/11/2001
    11  Türkiye'de öğretmen eğitiminde standartlar ve akreditasyon.... 01/06/2001 - 02/06/2001
    12  Using SPSS Analytical solutions for foreign language education,... 03/03/2001 - 04/03/2001
    13  Future teachers perceptions of themselves as readers and teachers of reading in a foreign teachers ... 01/10/2000 - 02/10/2000
    14  The development of practice in secondary school English teacher education.... 01/04/1998 - 02/04/1998
    15  Her öğrenci bir büyükelçi. Atatürk Üniversitesi, Erzurum.... 01/10/1996 - 02/10/1996
    16  Dil öğretiminde başarının arttırılması için seçmeli yöntemler geliştirmenin önemi ve bi... 05/05/1995 - 06/05/1995
    17  Meaning and its significance to language learners.... 01/05/1995 - 02/05/1995
    18  Who speaks the best English! : Focused Teaching and Focused Learning.... 01/05/1994 - 02/05/1994
    19  Enhancing creativity.... 01/05/1992 - 02/05/1992
    20  The importance of needs assessment in the EFL programmes.... 01/09/1990 - 02/09/1990
    1  Çocuklarda Yabancı Dil Kaygısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma...  2017
    2  Linguistics for TEFL Students. İstanbul: Multilingual....  2001
    1  creative reading creative reading...  2015
    2  an introduction to linguistics Öğretmenlik alan bilgisi soru bankası...  2014
    3  Learning strategy training for foreignlanguage learners APPROACHES AND PRINCIPLES IN ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE (EFL) EDUCATION...  2014
    4  vocabulary öğretmenlik alan bilgisi...  2013
    1  çocuklarda yabancı dil kaygısı...  11/2015 - 6/2017
    2  Moğolistan ve Türkiye'deki Okuma Derslerinde Eleştirel Düşünme Stratejilerinin Karşılaştırılması...  3/2014 - 3/2016
    3  Çince ve Türkçede Biçimbilimsel Farklılıklar...  3/2014 - 12/2016
    4  Güdülenme ve Üstbilişsel Strateji Kullanımının İngilizce Yabancı Dil Dinleme Yeterliliğine Etkileri...  3/2014 - /
    5  Güdülenme ve Üstbilişsel Strateji Kullanımının İngilizce Yabancı Dil Dinleme Yeterliliğine Etkileri...  4/2014 - 10/2016
    6  Patterns of Learning Styles of Foreign Language Learners and their Relationship to Academic Year, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Yönetim Birimi, 2004/13...  1/2004 - 12/2004
    7  A Study on the Motivational and Cognitive Predictors of Text Comprehension and Reading Amount in a Foreign Language,...  1/2003 - 12/2003
    8  Assessing factors that influence Turkish students' reading motivation...  1/2000 - /2000
    1  Cognitive strategies for learning of pre-service EFL teachers....  2005
    2  Pre-Service EFL Teachers? Resource Management Strategies. I -manager?s Journal on School Educational...  2005
    3  Perceptions on school-based English teacher education: a qualitative study. The Qualitative Report....  2004
    4  Postgraduate students? use of reading strategies in L1 and ESL contexts: links to success. Internat...  2004
    5  Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Researc...  2004
    6  Approaches to learning for pre-service EFL teacher. Prospect: An Australian Journal of TESOL, 18,2 5...  2004
    7  Achievement goal theory: a perspective on foreign language learner motivation. TESL Canada Journal 2...  2004
    8  The relationship between reading strategy use, reading efficacy and academic achievement....  2003
    9  Pre-Service Teachers as Readers and Future Teachers of EFL Reading,...  2001
    1  TUBA  2001
    2  Amerika da Akreditasyon Eğitim Kursu  1999
    3  İngiltere?de Akreditasyon Eğitim Kursu? Londra- İngiltere.  1999
    4  American Studies Center?  1997
    5  Council of Europe  1997
    6  YÖK-Dünya Bankası  1996
    7  USIA  1991
  • NO Responsibility
    1 School of Foreign Languages , College Director, September 2016- September 2017
    2 School of Foreign Languages , Head of College Board, September 2016- September 2017
    3 School of Foreign Languages , Head of College Council, September 2016- September 2017
    4 Graduate School of Educational Sciences Department of Teaching Turkish As A Foreign Language , Director of Science Branch, January 2016- October 2017
    5 Buca Faculty of Education Department of Foreign Languages Education English Language Education , Director of Science Branch, November 2015- August 2017
    6 Buca Faculty of Education , Member of The Faculty Council, October 2013- October 2016
    7 Buca Faculty of Education Department of Foreign Languages Education English Language Education , Director of Science Branch, November 2012- November 2015
    8 Dil Eğitimi Uygulama Ve Araştirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, November 2012- November 2014