Academic Staff - Personal Page


  • Education/Academic Info
    Undergraduate Degree  Middle East Technical University Fen ve Edebiyat Fakültesi Kimya Bölümü  1979
    PhD (Doctorate)  Dicle University Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Kimya Bilim Dalı  1987
    Associate Professor  Turkish Inter-Universities Board Fizikokimya  1992
    Full Professor  Dicle University Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi  1998
    1  The Photocatalytic Performance of Ag /TiO2/Nylon 6/PMMA System...  2024
    2  Surface Acidities of Bentonite, Sepiolite, and Synthetic Silica-Aluminas...  2021
    3  Dexamethasone-loaded chitosan-based genipin-cross-linked hydrogel for prevention of cisplatin induce...  2019
    5  Adsorption of Remazol Blue (Rb) onto The Chıtosan/SEP Biocomposite From Aqueous Solution ...  2018
    6  Preparation and characterization of chitosan/sepiolite bionanocomposites for tetracycline release...  2017
    7  Fumaric acid cross-linked carboxymethylcellulose/ poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels...  2016
    8  Chitosan-/PVA-coated magnetic nanoparticles for Cu(II) ions adsorption...  2016
    9  Chitosan/poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels for amoxicillin release...  2014
    10  Development of antimicrobial cotton fabric using bionanocomposites...  2013
    11  Bentonite and sepiolite as supporting media: Immobilization of catalase...  2012
    12  Inhibition of xanthine oxidase by caulerpenyne from Caulerpa prolifera....  2012
    13  The sesquiterpene caulerpenyne from Caulerpa spp. is a lipoxygenase inhibitor...  2011
    14  Synthesis, Characterization and Enzymatic Degradation of Chitosan/PEG Hydrogel Films...  2011
    15  Zearalenone Removal in Synthetic Media and AqueousPart of Canned Corn by MontmorilloniteK10 and Pill...  2011
    16  Preparation and characterization of Aluminum pillared K10 and KSF for adsorption of trimethoprim...  2010
    17  Preparation and characterization of poly(acrylic acid)/pillared clay superabsorbent composite...  2010
    18  Alpha amylase inhibition kinetics by caulerpenyne....  2010
    19  Preparation and Characterization of Chitosan/KSF Biocomposite Film...  2009
    20  Equilibrium, kinetics and thermodynamic aspects of Promethazine hydrochloride sorption by iron rich ...  2009
    21  A comparative study: Skin folds, estimated percentage of body fat, total body fat weight and fat fre...  2009
    22  Chromatographic isolation of bioactive agent caulerpenyne from Caulerpa prolifera...  2009
    23  A Kinetic Investigation on the Pyrolysis of Seguruk Asphaltite...  2009
    24  A Novel Application of Queueing Theory on the Caulerpenyne Secreted by Invasive Caulerpa taxifolia (...  2008
    25  Removal of nicotine and its pharmaceutical derivatives from aqueous solution by raw bentonite and do...  2008
    26  Sorption of malachite green on chitosan bead...  2008
    27  Reduction of Ochratoxin A Levels in Red Wine by Bentonite, Modified Bentonites, and Chitosan....  2008
    28  Synthesis of pH dependent chitosan-EPI hydrogel films and their application for in vitro release of ...  2008
    29  A low cost immobilization agent from an invasive marine alga: Caulerpa racemosa var.cylindracea for ...  2008
    30  Preparation and characterization of Cr- and Fe-pillared bentonites by using CrCl3, FeCl3, Cr(acac)3 ...  2008
    31  Preparation and characterization of poly(acrylic acid)-iron rich smectite superabsorbent composites...  2007
    32  Adsorption of Promethazine hydrochloride with KSF Montmorillonite...  2006
    33  Antiproliferative and newly attributed apoptotic activities from an invasive marine alga: Caulerpa r...  2006
    34  A study of equilibrium and FTIR, SEM/EDS analysis of trimethoprim adsorption onto K10...  2006
    35  Equilibrium studies for trimethoprim adsorption on montmorillonite KSF...  2006
    36  Equilibrium and kinetics for the sorption of promethazine hydrochloride onto K10 montmorillonite...  2006
    37  Benzylation of Benzene with Benzylchloride over Clay-Based Acid Catalysts...  2006
    38  The characterization of prepared organomontmorillonite (DEDMAM) and sorption of phenoxyalkanoic acid...  2006
    39  Removal of boron from aqueous solution by clays and modified clays...  2006
    40  Antiproliferative and newly-attributed apoptotic activities from a marina alga: Caulerpa racemosa va...  2006
    41  Kinetic and thermodynamic studies of boron removal by Siral 5, Siral 40, and Siral 80...  2005
    42  Removal of 2,4-diklorophenoxyacetic acid from aqueous solutions by partially characterized organophi...  2005
    43  Paraquat Adsorption onto clays and organo-clays from aqueous solutions,...  2005
    44  A Comparative Study: Assessment of The Antioxidant System In The Invasive Caulerpa racemosa and Some...  2005
    45  Antioxidant status Lobiger serradifalci and Oxynoe olivacea (Opisthobranchia, Mollusca)....  2005
    46  Possible Interactions between Antioxidant Enzymes and Free Sialic Acids in Saliva: A Preliminary Stu...  2005
    47  An investigation on the antioxidant status in the invasive alga Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (...  2005
    48  Sualtında Türler Arasındaki Biyokimyasal SavaÅŸlar...  2004
    49  YeÅŸil Floresans Proteinler...  2004
    50  Katil Yosun Caulerpa taxifolia'nın bazı biyokimyasal özellikleri...  2003
    51  Katil Yosun Caulerpa taxifolia ve Terorist Yosun Caulerpa racemosa hakkında yeni öğrendiklerimiz...  2003
    52  Phospholipid and triacylglycerol fatty acid composition of major life stages of sunn pest, Eurygaste...  2002
    53  Thermogravimetric Investigation of Dehydration Kinetics of Montmorillonite KSF, K10 and Turkish Ben...  2001
    54  Removal of Various Phenoxyalkanoic Acid Herbicides from Water by Organo-clays...  2000
    55  Acidity of Silica-Alumina Catalysts by Amine Titration Using Hammett Indicators and FT-IR Study of P...  1999
    56  FTIR Study of The Adsorption of Ammonia and Pyridine on V2O5/MgO Catalysts...  1998
    1  Genipin çapraz baÄŸlayıcılı hidrojel içerisinden kontrollü salınan deksametazon ile sisplatin... 07/11/2018 - 11/11/2018
    3  UV-duyarlı Kitosan Türevlerinin Sentez ve Karakterizasyonu... 19/05/2016 - 21/05/2016
    4  BENTONÄ°T ve SÄ°RAL 80 TABANLI HETEROJEN KATALÄ°ZÖRLERLE GLÄ°SERÄ°NÄ°N BENZÄ°LASYONU Benzylation of... 02/09/2015 - 05/09/2015
    5  Manyetik Nanoparçacıklar ve Ä°laç Salımı... 16/05/2015 - 19/05/2015
    6  Kitosan/Tripolifosfat Nanoparçacıkların Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu... 16/05/2015 - 19/05/2015
    7  Kitosan Nanoparçacıklar ile Vitamin C'nin InVitro Kontrollü Salımı... 16/05/2015 - 19/05/2015
    8  Sıcaklığa Duyarlı Enjekte Edilebilir Hidrojel Sentezi ve Deksametazon'un Kontrollü Salımı... 20/03/2015 - 22/03/2015
    9  Ä°laç Salım Sistemleri ve Kitosan Bazlı Jeller... 20/03/2015 - 22/03/2015
    10  Kitosan Tabanlı Magnetit Nanotaneciklerin Hazırlanması ve Karakterizasyonu.... 05/06/2014 - 08/06/2014
    11  Mikrokapsülasyon tekniÄŸiyle kendi kendini onaran kaplamaların hazırlanması ve karakterizasyonu... 05/06/2014 - 08/06/2014
    12  Kendi-Kendini Onaran Kaplamaların Ãœretimi.... 05/06/2014 - 08/06/2014
    13  Kitosanın Deasetilasyon Derecesinin Farklı Yöntemlerle Belirlenmesi... 05/06/2014 - 08/06/2014
    14  Magnetik Kitosan/PVA Nano-Tanecikler ile Cu(II) Adsorpsiyonu.... 05/06/2014 - 08/06/2014
    15  Control Release of Amoxicillin from pH Sensitive Chitosan Hydrogel... 21/09/2011 - 21/09/2011
    16  Release of amoxicillin from chitosan/PVA crosslinked films... 27/06/2011 - 02/07/2011
    17  Ã‡eÅŸitli Katalizörlerin yüzey asitliÄŸinin belirlenmesi... 27/06/2011 - 02/07/2011
    18  preparation and characterization of carboxymethylcellulose based hydrogels... 12/04/2011 - 16/04/2011
    20  synhesis of drug loaded chitosan peg croslinked film for release of amoxicillin... 12/04/2011 - 16/04/2011
    21  Zearalenonun Montmorillonit K10, Al ve Fe Sütunlu Montmorillonit K10 ile Sulu Ortamdan UzaklaÅŸtır... 29/06/2010 - 02/07/2010
    22  Poli(akrilikasit)/Zr-sütunlu Kil Süperabsorplayıcı Kompozitlerin ÅžiÅŸme Özelliklerinin Belirle... 29/06/2010 - 02/07/2010
    23  Zr-Sütunlu Montmorillonit KSF Hazırlaması ve Karakterizasyonu... 29/06/2010 - 02/07/2010
    24  kitosan sepiyolit biyokompozitlerden tetrasiklin salınımı... 29/06/2010 - 02/07/2010
    25  Montmorillonit K10, Al- ve Fe-Sütunlu Montmorillonit K10 ile Zearalenon Adsorpsiyonunun Kinetik DeÄ... 29/06/2010 - 02/07/2010
    26  kitosan/pva hidrojellerin sentezi ve karakterizasyonu... 29/06/2010 - 02/07/2010
    28  Yeni Nesil Çapraz BaÄŸlı Kitosan Hidrojel Filmlerin Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu... 12/05/2010 - 14/05/2010
    29  A bioactive agent from Caulerpa spp.: caulerpenyne... 28/10/2009 - 31/10/2009
    30  Chromatographic isolation of bioactive agent caulerpenyne from Caulerpa prolifera... 28/10/2009 - 31/10/2009
    31  Synthesis, Characterization and Water Sorption Studies of pH Sensitive Poly(acrylic acid)/Pillared M... 09/10/2008 - 12/10/2008
    32  Equilibrium and Kinetic Study for Adsorption of Trimethoprim onto Aluminium-Pillared Montmorillnite ... 09/10/2008 - 12/10/2008
    33  Removal of Trimethoprim by using Aluminium-pillared Montmorillonite KSF... 09/10/2008 - 12/10/2008
    34  Preparation, Characterization and Swelling Behaviors of Poly (acrylic acid)/Pillared Montmorillonite... 09/10/2008 - 12/10/2008
    35  Adsorption of Reactive Dye onto the Chitosan/KSF Biocomposite... 06/10/2008 - 10/10/2008
    36  preparation and characterization of chitosan /KSF biocomposite film... 24/09/2008 - 26/09/2008
    37  Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan-Epichlorohydrin Hydrogel Films... 01/09/2008 - 01/09/2008
    38  Caulerpa'ların endüstriyel kullanımına yönelik araÅŸtırmalar... 03/11/2007 - 04/11/2007
    39  Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies of Adsorption Malachite Green on Chitosan Bead... 08/09/2007 - 11/09/2007
    40  Equilibrium Studies of Sorption Malachite Green on Chitosan Bead... 08/09/2007 - 11/09/2007
    41  DoÄŸal ve Sentetik Adsorbentler Kullanılarak Åžaraptan Okratoksin A' nın UzaklaÅŸtırılması... 25/05/2007 - 25/05/2007
    42  Removal percent of ochrotoxin A from wines with some adsorbents... 21/05/2007 - 25/05/2007
    43  Yayılımcı Deniz Algi Caulerpa racemosa var.cylindracea `nın endüstriyel kullanımına yönelik ... 11/11/2006 - 12/11/2006
    44  Preparation and Characterization of Poly(Acrylic Acid)/Bentonite Superabsorbent Composite,... 05/09/2006 - 10/09/2006
    45  Characterization of Iron-rich Smectites From Çamlıca/TURKEY... 05/09/2006 - 10/09/2006
    47  Immobilization of catalase onto some organic and inorganic carriers.... 30/09/2005 - 04/10/2005
    48  TRÄ°METHOPRÄ°MÄ°N BAZI KÄ°LLER ÃœZERÄ°NDEN SALINIMI... 30/09/2005 - 04/10/2005
    49  Siral 5, Siral 40 ve Siral 80 Kullanılarak Sulu Çözeltiden Bor UzaklaÅŸtırılması... 30/09/2005 - 04/10/2005
    51  Akdeniz^'de Yayılımcı Özellik Taşıyan Caulerpa racemosa`da Hidrojen Peroksit Salgısının Muh... 26/11/2004 - 28/11/2004
    52  Sütunlanmış(:Pillared) kil katalizörlerin hazırlanması ve karakterizasyonu... 05/07/2004 - 09/07/2004
    53  Bor'un Sulu Çözeltiden Adsorpsiyonu... 05/07/2004 - 09/07/2004
    54  Promethazine Klorürün Sulu Çözeltiden Killer Ãœzerine Adsorpsiyonu... 05/07/2004 - 09/07/2004
    55  Effects of Underwater Rugby on the Plasma Concentrations of Urea, Uric acid, Creatinine, Albumin, Gl... 21/05/2004 - 23/05/2004
    56  A Comparative Study: Skin Folds, Estimated Percentage Body Fat, Total Body Fat Weight And Fat-Free B... 29/04/2004 - 02/05/2005
    57  Akdeniz'deki Katil ve Terorist Yosunlara Biyokimyasal Bir Yaklaşım... 10/04/2004 - 11/04/2004
    58  Effects of underwater rugby on the activities of some serum marker enzymes"... 13/07/2003 - 16/07/2003
    59  Al- Sütunlu Kil Katalizörlerin Hazırlanması ve Karakterizasyonu... 10/09/2000 - 15/09/2000
    60  Sütunlanmış Kil Katalizörlerinin Hazırlanması ve Özelliklerinin Ä°ncelenmesi... 10/09/2000 - 15/09/2000
    61  Silika-Alumina Katalizörlerin Yüzey Asitliklerinin Belirlenmesi... 07/09/1998 - 11/09/1998
    62  Piridin ve Amonyak Adsorpsiyonuyla V2O5 / MgO Katalizörlerinin Yüzey Asitliklerinin FTIR Yöntemiy... 07/09/1998 - 11/09/1998
    2  Kobaylarda sisplatin ile oluÅŸturulan sensorinöral iÅŸitme kaybı modelinde hidrojel içerisinden kontrollü salınan ve suda çözünür halde uygulanan deksametazonun fonksiyonel ve histopatolojik sonuçlarının karşılaÅŸtırılması...  4/2013 - 4/2015
    3  Synthesis, characterization and applications of self-healing coatings on several substrates by spray technique...  4/2012 - 4/2015
    4  Sütunlu Kil Katalizörlerinin Hazırlanması ve Karakterizasyonu...  2/2007 - 2/2007
    5  Biyolojik çevre kirliliÄŸinin giderilmesinde kuyruk kuramına dayalı ekolojik bir model geliÅŸtirilmesi...  5/2005 - 5/2006
    6  Killer Ãœzerine Sulu Çözeltiden Trimethoprim Adsorpsiyonu...  3/2005 - 5/2006
    7  Caulerpales Alglerinin Kanser Hücreleri Ãœzerine Olası Biyolojik Etkileri...  1/2004 - 1/2005
  • NO Responsibility
    1 Enerji Uygulama Ve AraÅŸtirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, January 2022-Continues
    2 Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences , Member of The Institute Council, April 2021- November 2023
    3 DEÜ Rectorate 2547 Sayılı Kanunun 58/k Maddesi Kapsamındaki Faaliyet ve Projeleri Değerlendirme Komisyonu (BAP) Member, July 2018- December 2018
    4 Faculty of Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, November 2016- November 2019
    5 Dokuz Eylül University , Member of University Senate, November 2016- November 2019
    6 Fauna Ve Flora AraÅŸtirma Ve Uygulama Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, June 2016- June 2019
    7 Enerji Uygulama Ve AraÅŸtirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, November 2015- November 2018
    8 Faculty of Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, November 2013- November 2016
    9 Faculty of Sciences Department of Chemistry , Director of Department, August 2012- May 2013
    10 Faculty of Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, August 2012- May 2013
    11 Faculty of Sciences Department of Chemistry Department of Physicochemistry , Director of Science Branch, August 2012- May 2015
    12 Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences , Member of The Institute Council, May 2010- May 2013
    13 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Kimya Bölümü Department of Physicochemistry , Director of Science Branch, September 2009- January 2010
    14 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Kimya Bölümü , Director of Department, September 2007- December 2009
    15 Faculty of Arts and Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, September 2007- December 2009
    16 Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences , Member of The Institute Council, May 2007- May 2010
    17 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Kimya Bölümü Department of Physicochemistry , Director of Science Branch, September 2006- September 2009
    18 Faculty of Arts and Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, March 2006- March 2009
    19 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Kimya Bölümü , Director of Department, September 2004- September 2007
    20 Faculty of Arts and Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, September 2004- September 2007
    21 Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences , Member of The Institute Council, July 2004- July 2007
    22 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Kimya Bölümü Department of Physicochemistry , Director of Science Branch, September 2003- September 2006
    23 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Kimya Bölümü , Director of Department, September 2001- September 2004
    24 Faculty of Arts and Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, April 2001- April 2004
    25 Faculty of Arts and Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, April 2001- April 2004
    26 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Kimya Bölümü , Vice Director of Department, September 2000- September 2003