Academic Staff - Personal Page


  • Education/Academic Info
    Undergraduate Degree  Dokuz Eylül University Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Elektrik-Elektronik MühendisliÄŸi Bölümü  1990
    Master's Degree  ILLINOIS INSTUTITE OF TECHNOLOGY Mühendislik Fakültesi Elektronik MühendisliÄŸi Anabilimdalı(Ä°ng)  1993
    PhD (Doctorate)  Illinois Institute of Technology Illinois Institute of Technology Elektrik MühendisliÄŸi  1999
    Assistant Professor  Dokuz Eylül University Mühendislik Fakültesi  2001
    Associate Professor  Dokuz Eylül University Mühendislik Fakültesi Elektrik- Elektronik MühendisliÄŸi  2007
    Full Professor  Dokuz Eylül University Mühendislik Fakültesi  2013
    1  Fractal Interpolation Function based Thin Wire Antennas...  2024
    2  Utilizing resonant scattering signal characteristics via deep learning for improved classification o...  2021
    3  Transferring Synthetic Elementary Learning Tasks to Classification of Complex Targets...  2019
    4  Compact metal-plate slotted WLAN-WIMAX antenna design with USB Wi-Fi adapter application...  2019
    5  Hierarchical Reconstruction and Structural Waveform Analysis for Target Classification...  2016
    6  Investigation of microwave metamaterial based on H-shaped resonator in a waveguide configuration and...  2015
    7  Parametric History Analysis for Material Properties Using Finite Elements and Adaptive Perturbations...  2015
    8  Step--by--Step Eigenvalue Perturbation Technique for Electromagnetic Resonance Problems...  2010
    9  Parametric History Analysis of Resonance Problems via Step--by--Step Eigenvalue Perturbation Techniq...  2010
    10  A discussion on the performance of impedance matched antenna system and considerations for a better ...  2008
    11  Investigation of a Compensated Rectangular Microstrip Antenna with Negative Capacitor and Negative I...  2007
    12  Design of a New Impedance Tuning Network by Using RC Mutator...  2007
    13  Elektrik ve Elektronik MühendisliÄŸinde Modüler Tabanda Aktif eÄŸitim Programlarının Yapılandı...  2005
    14  Modeling of Voltage Output Charge-Pump Phase Frequency Detector in Tuning Loops...  2005
    15  Dört Elemanlı Dairesel Kutuplanmış düzlemsel dizi antende uyartım sisteminin boyutlarını deÄ...  2005
    16  Bandwidth Enhancement of a Microstrip Antenna Using Negative Inductance as Impedance Matching Device...  2004
    17  Temperature Compensated Frequency Discriminator Based on Dielectric Resonator...  2004
    18  A Phase-Shift Frequency Discriminator Circuit Employing Dielectric Resonator...  2003
    19  Dielektrik Rezonatör ve Hibrid Ring Kullanılarak GerçekleÅŸtirilen Frekans Diskriminator Devresi...  2002
    1  An Approach to Determine the Current Distribution over Fractal Dipole Antenna... 06/09/2022 - 08/09/2022
    2  Machine Learning Based Bounding Box Regression for Improved Pedestrian Detection... 27/11/2019 - 29/11/2019
    3  Utilizing Resonant Scattering Signal Characteristics of Magnetic Spheres via Deep Learning for Impro... 27/11/2019 - 29/11/2019
    4  Analysis of Reconstructed Image Characteristics of Conducting Spherical Objects using Time Domain Sc... 15/07/2019 - 19/07/2019
    5  Design of a Computer Experiment for Analyzing the Effects of Gradient and RF Coils during K-Space Ac... 15/07/2019 - 19/07/2019
    6  Classification of Radially Homogeneous Multi-Layered Spherical Targets from Resonant Scattering Sign... 15/07/2019 - 19/07/2019
    7  Savitzky-Golay filtering for Scattered Signal De-noising... 27/08/2018 - 31/08/2018
    8  Predictive modeling for monocular vision based rail track extraction... 14/10/2017 - 16/10/2017
    9  Step-by-Step Resonant Cavity Perturbation with Spurious Mode Filtering... 17/05/2017 - 19/05/2017
    10  Comparison of scattered signal waveform recovery techniques under low SNR for target identification... 19/03/2017 - 24/03/2017
    11  The effects of geometric scattered signal waveform modeling on target identification performance... 19/03/2017 - 24/03/2017
    12  Interpolating and denoising point cloud data for computationally efficient environment modeling... 23/08/2016 - 25/08/2016
    13  Parametric History Analysis of Cylindirical Cavity by Finite element and step by step eigenvalue per... 12/10/2013 - 14/10/2013
    14  Vector Finite Elements and Step by Step Eigenvalue Perturbation Methods... 01/09/2013 - 05/09/2013
    15  Ä°ki boyutlu sonlu elemanlar ile modal çözümleme probleminin genelleÅŸtirilmiÅŸ özdeÄŸer/özvekt... 02/09/2012 - 05/09/2012
    16  Ä°letken Küresel Hedeflerin Sınıflanmasında Zaman Bölgesi Saçılım Sinyallerinin Yapısal Öz... 02/09/2012 - 05/09/2012
    17  Ä°letken ve Dielektrik Küresel Hedeflerin Sınıflandırılmasında Öznitelik Analizi... 03/07/2012 - 04/07/2012
    18  Dielectric Resonator Oscillator Perturbed with Lossless Dielectrics... 05/11/2009 - 08/11/2009
    19  Perturbation Analysis of Dielectric Post Resonator... 17/05/2007 - 18/05/2007
    20  Paralel Ä°letken Levhalar Arasına YerleÅŸtirilmiÅŸ Dielektrik Rezonatörün Pertürbasyon Çözüml... 09/09/2006 - 12/09/2006
    21  Aktif Uyumlandırılmış Yükselteç MikroÅŸerit Anten Tasarımı ve Performans Analizi... 09/09/2006 - 12/09/2006
    22  Pi Uyumlandırma Devresi Kullanılarak Tasarlanan Anten Sisteminin Performans Analizi... 17/04/2006 - 19/04/2006
    23  RC Dönüştürücü ile RF Elektronik Kontrollü Empedans Ayarlama Devresi Kullanılarak Aktif Dikd... 22/09/2005 - 25/09/2005
    24  MikroÅŸerit Düzlemsel Dizi Antenlerde Empedans Bant GeniÅŸliÄŸinin Negatif Kapasitans Kullanılarak... 08/12/2004 - 12/12/2004
    25  MikroÅŸerit Antenlerde Bandın Artırılması için 2- FETli Negatif Endüktans Kullanarak Empedans ... 08/09/2004 - 10/09/2004
    26  Bandwidth Enhancement Technique Using Negative Inductance with Three FET For the Rectangular Microst... 25/07/2004 - 28/07/2004
    27  Frequency Discriminator Based On Dielectric Resonator and Hybrid Ring... 18/09/2003 - 20/09/2003
    28  Analysis and Design of Circularly Polarized Active Planar Microstrip Antenna Array... 18/09/2003 - 20/09/2003
    29  Elektrik ve Elektronik MühendisliÄŸinde Ders ve Modüler Tabanlı EÄŸitim Programlarında Takım Ç... 30/04/2003 - 02/05/2003
    30  Elektrik ve Elektronik MühendisliÄŸinde Modüler Tabanda Aktif Programların Yapılandırılması, ... 30/04/2003 - 02/05/2003
    31  How to create scenarios for problem-based EEE curriculum?... 01/09/2002 - 05/09/2002
    32  Integration in the freshman class in the electrical engineering curriculum... 01/09/2002 - 05/09/2002
    33  Building up design modules in problem based education... 01/09/2002 - 05/09/2002
    34  Increasing Learning Performance via In-Class Team Quizzes in EEE Courses... 01/09/2002 - 05/09/2002
    35  A Phase-Shifting Frequency Discriminator Based on Dielectric Resonator... 10/09/2001 - 13/09/2001
    36  Dielektrik Resonator Mikrostrip BaÄŸlaşımlarında Sıcaklık Katsayısı Ölçümleri... 08/11/2000 - 12/11/2000
    37  Design and Implementation of A Microwave Frequency Discriminator Employing Dielectric Resonator... 09/09/2000 - 11/09/2000
    1  Visual and LIDAR Data Processing and Fusion as an Element of Real Time Big Data Analysis for Rail Vehicle Driver Support SystemsInnovative Applications of Big Data in the Railway Industry...  2018
    1  Baskı Devre Prototipleme Sistemi İçin Delik İçi Bakır Kaplama ve Bitirme Elektrokimyasal Alt Süreçlerinin GeliÅŸtirilmesi...  1/2021 - 12/2022
    2  Akıllı sayaçlar içeren elektrik panolarına düzlemsel anten entegrasyonu...  5/2019 - 3/2021
    3  4.5G Anten GeliÅŸtirilmesi Amacıyla Uygun Proses Çalışmalarının Yapılması...  10/2018 - 10/2019
    4  Sıvı Dielektrik Rezonatörler ve Mikrodalga Devre Uygulamaları...  3/2011 - 10/2013
    5  Elektromanyetik Rezonans Problemlerinde Parametrik GeçmiÅŸ Çözümlemesine Sonlu Elemanlar ve Adım Adım ÖzdeÄŸer Pertürbasyonu Yöntemleri ile Yeni Bir Yaklaşım...  10/2011 - 10/2013
    6  Dielektrik Rezonatör Perturbasyonu TekniÄŸi ile Malzemelerin Elektriksel Özelliklerinin Ölçülmesi...  6/2006 - 6/2009
    7  Saha Ölçümleri Ä°le Elektromanyetik Kirlilik Analizi...  5/2006 - 5/2007
    8  Elektrik ve Elektronik MühendisliÄŸi EÄŸitiminde Probleme Dayalı Öğrenme için Ä°nternet/Intranet Tabanlı Destek ve Ä°dari Otomasyon sistemi Tasarımı...  5/2003 - 10/2005
    9  Vericilerle Ä°lgili Olarak Ä°nsanların Maruz Kaldığı Radyo Frekans Alanlar, Elektromanyetik Kirlilik, RF Manyetik alan Seviyelerinin Ölçülmesi ve Elde Edilen Sonuçların DeÄŸerlendirilmesi...  5/2003 - 5/2006
    1  Patent TeÅŸvik DesteÄŸi...  2011
    2  Yayın teÅŸvik ödülü...  2010
    1  TC Milli EÄŸitim Bakanlığı  1991
  • NO Responsibility
    1 Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electromagnetic Surfaces and Microwave Theory , Director of Science Branch, July 2024-Continues
    2 Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Director of Department, December 2022-Continues
    3 Faculty of Engineering , Member of The Faculty Council, December 2022-Continues
    4 Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electromagnetic Surfaces and Microwave Theory , Director of Science Branch, July 2021- July 2024
    5 Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Director of Department, September 2018- July 2020
    6 Faculty of Engineering , Member of The Faculty Council, September 2018- July 2020
    7 Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electromagnetic Surfaces and Microwave Theory , Director of Science Branch, July 2018- July 2021
    8 DEÜ Rectorate Fikri Mülkiyet Hakları Komisyonu Member, June 2017- November 2018
    9 Ãœniversite-Sanayi Uygulama Ve AraÅŸtirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, March 2016- March 2019
    10 Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electromagnetic Surfaces and Microwave Theory , Director of Science Branch, July 2015- July 2018
    11 Faculty of Engineering , Member of The Faculty Council, April 2015- April 2018
    12 Biyomedikal Metroloji Ve Kalibrasyon Uygulama Ve AraÅŸtirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, July 2013- July 2016
    13 Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences , Member of The Institute Council, May 2013- May 2016
    14 Ãœniversite-Sanayi Uygulama Ve AraÅŸtirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, January 2013- January 2016
    15 Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electromagnetic Surfaces and Microwave Theory , Director of Science Branch, July 2012- July 2015
    16 Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Vice Director of Department, October 2010- October 2013
    17 Güç Elektroniği Ve İşaret İşleme Teknolojileri Araştirma-Uygulama Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, June 2009- April 2011
    18 Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electromagnetic Surfaces and Microwave Theory , Director of Science Branch, October 2008- October 2011
    19 Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Vice Director of Department, December 2001- July 2003