Academic Staff - Personal Page


  • Education/Academic Info
    Undergraduate Degree  Dokuz Eylül University Mühendislik Fakültesi Makina MühendisliÄŸi Bölümü  1998
    Master's Degree  Dokuz Eylül University Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Metalurji ve Malzeme MühendisliÄŸi Anabilim Dalı  2001
    PhD (Doctorate)  Heriot-Watt University Heriot-Watt University Makine MühendisliÄŸi  2005
    Assistant Professor  Dokuz Eylül University Mühendislik Fakültesi  2006
    Associate Professor  Dokuz Eylül University Mühendislik Fakültesi Malzeme ve Metalurji MühendisliÄŸi  2011
    Full Professor  Dokuz Eylül University Mühendislik Fakültesi  2017
    1  The Effect of Nano-biochar Produced from Various Raw Materials on Flow and Mechanical Properties of ...  2024
    2  The effects of apricot kernel shell nanobiochar on mechanical properties of cement composites...  2023
    3  SoÄŸuk Püskürtme Teknolojisi ve Uygulamaları...  2021
    4  Effect of silica particle size and filler content on the fracture properties of epoxy resin composit...  2021
    5  Savunma Sanayisinde Aşırı KoÅŸullara Maruz Kalan Hafif Yapısal Malzemelerin Yüzey Modifikasyonu...  2019
    6  Synthesis and structural and thermal properties of cyclotriphosphazene-based ionic liquids: tribolog...  2019
    7  Synthesis, and spectroscopic, thermal and dielectric properties of phosphazene based ionic liquids: ...  2019
    8  Study Of Tribological Features Of AA6082 Material Coated With Micro Arc Oxidation (MAO) Method At Di...  2018
    9  Fiziksel Buhar Biriktirme Yöntemlerinden PVD ve JVD/DVD Ä°nce Film Kaplamaların KarşılaÅŸtırıl...  2018
    10  Production of plasma electrolytic oxide coatings on Ti6Al4V alloy in aluminate-based electrolytes...  2017
    11  Inorganic White Thermal-Control Coatings for Extreme Space Environments...  2016
    12  Tribological behaviour of plasma electrolytic oxide coatings on Ti6Al4V and cp-Ti alloys...  2016
    13  Wear behaviour of plasma electrolytic oxide coatings on E21 and WE43 Mg alloys...  2015
    14  Mikro Ark Oksidasyon TekniÄŸinin Alüminyum Esaslı Malzemelere Uygulanması...  2014
    15  Electrochemical behavior of plasma electrolytic oxide coatings on rare earth element containing Mg a...  2013
    16  Tribological properties of plasma electrolytic oxide coatings on magnesium alloys...  2012
    17  Microstructural and Electrochemical analysis of inorganic and hybrid sol gel silica coatings on Al ...  2012
    18  An investigation into the mechanical and tribological properties of plasma electrolytic oxidation an...  2011
    19  Influence of post-treatment on the corrosion resistance of PEO coated AM50B and AM60B Mg alloys...  2010
    20  Tribocorrosion of Stellite 706 and Tribaloy 400 superalloys ...  2010
    21  Assessing the Tribocorrosion Performance of Three Different Nickel-Based Superalloys...  2010
    22  The effect of substrate composition on the electrochemical and mechanical properties of PEO coatings...  2010
    23  Plazma elektrolitik oksitlenme yöntemiyle hafif metallerin kaplanması...  2008
    24  Assessing the kinetics and mechanisms of corrosion of cast and HIPed Stellite 6 in aqueous saline en...  2005
    25  Mo and W as alloying elements in Co-based alloys-their effects on erosion corrosion resistance...  2005
    26  Characterisation of the passive film on HIPed Stellite 6 alloy using X-ray photoelectron spectroscop...  2005
    27  Comparing the performance of HIPed and Cast Stellite 6 alloy in liquid-solid slurries...  2003
    1  Düşük basınç SDGP tekniÄŸi ile üretilen Cu esaslı MMK kaplamaların 7075 alüminyum alaşımÄ... 20/10/2023 - 21/10/2023
    3  The Effect of Sewage Sludge Nano Biochar on Mechanical Properties of Mortar... 27/05/2021 - 29/05/2021
    4  Tane Ä°nceltme Ä°ÅŸleminin Ä°yileÅŸtirilmesi ve Alçak Basınçlı Döküm Sistemiyle AlSi5Mg0.3 Ala... 20/10/2017 - 21/10/2017
    5  Düşük Basınçlı Döküm Yöntemi ile Ãœretilen Al5Si0,3Mg Jant Alaşımında Tane Ä°nceltme Yö... 05/10/2017 - 07/10/2017
    6  Investigation of The Effect of Different Machining Parameters on Surface Properties by Magnetic Bark... 24/09/2017 - 26/09/2017
    7  Frictional and wear properties of phosphazene-based ionic liquids on AA7075 aluminum alloy... 13/09/2017 - 15/09/2017
    8  Fosfazen Esaslı Yeni Ä°yonik Sıvıların Ofet ve Tribolojik Kullanımları... 18/05/2017 - 21/05/2017
    9  Production of hard ceramic oxide coatings on Ti6Al4V alloy using plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO)... 28/06/2016 - 01/07/2016
    10  White inorganic plasma electrolytic oxidation coating for spacecrafts... 22/06/2015 - 26/06/2015
    11  Havacılık Uygulamalarında Kullanılan Hafif Alaşımların Plazma Elektrolitik Oksidasyonu... 29/11/2013 - 30/11/2013
    12  Coating of 316L stainless steel with bio compatible polymers to have bio activity... 08/09/2013 - 13/09/2013
    13  Improving Operational Performances of Wearing Parts in the Charging Mechanisms of the HK 33E Infantr... 08/09/2013 - 13/09/2013
    14  Analysis by Scratch Method of Coatings of AISI5115 and M31 Steels Coated with AlTiN and CrN Using PV... 04/09/2013 - 07/09/2013
    15  Design of an Experimental Wear Device Suitable to the Tribologic System Model: An Example of a Compo... 25/06/2013 - 27/06/2013
    16  Fiziksel Buhar Biriktirme Yöntemlerinden PVD ve DVD Ä°nce Film Kaplamaların KarşılaÅŸtırılmasÄ... 25/04/2013 - 26/04/2013
    17  Coating of Metallic Implant Surfaces with Poly(HEMA-GDMA) Hydrogel via Electropolymerization... 13/09/2012 - 15/09/2012
    18  Electrochemical behaviour of plasma electrolytic oxidized WE43 and Elektron 21 magnesium alloys... 09/09/2012 - 13/09/2012
    19  The effect of the additives on the electrochemical behaviour of Plasma Electrolytic oxide coatings o... 15/07/2011 - 18/07/2011
    21  Elektropolimerizasyon Yöntemiyle 316L Paslanmaz Çelik Altlık Ãœzerine Sentetik Hidrojel Polimeri ... 13/10/2010 - 15/10/2010
    22  Coating of 316L Stainless with Hema and Glycerol Dimethacrylate via Electropolymerization to Improve... 07/09/2010 - 09/09/2010
    23  Investigation of tribological properties of plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) coated Mg alloys... 07/10/2009 - 10/10/2009
    24  Elektrokimyasal Yöntemle CoCrMo Altlık Ãœzerine Çökeltilen HAP Filmlerine Sıcaklığın Etkisi... 20/05/2009 - 24/05/2009
    25  Ti6Al4V Alaşımı Ãœzerine Potansiyostatik Yöntemle Çöktürülmüş CaP Kaplamaların Özellikle... 20/05/2009 - 24/05/2009
    26  HAP Kaplı Co28Cr6Mo alaşımlarının korozyon performansına potansiyel ve çözelti konsantrasyon... 22/11/2008 - 25/11/2008
    27  HAP Kaplı TÄ°6AL4V alaşımının korozyon performansına akım yoÄŸunluÄŸu ve çözelti konsantras... 22/10/2008 - 25/10/2008
    28  Investigation of Electrochemical Behaviour of Ni-Based Superalloys... 22/10/2008 - 25/10/2008
    29  Elektrokimyasal puls tekniÄŸi ile 316L paslanmaz çelik altlık üzerine CaP kaplamaların üretimi ... 16/10/2008 - 18/10/2008
    30  Production and Electrochemical Characterization of Brushite Films Produced by Polarization Technique... 01/10/2007 - 04/10/2007
    31  Effect of Post-Treatment on the Corrosion Behaviour of HVOF-Stellite 6 Coatings... 05/05/2003 - 08/05/2003
    32  A Comparison Of Localised Corrosion Initiation And Propagation On Cast And HIPed Stellite 6 In Salin... 22/11/2002 - 24/11/2002
    1  Aqueous Corrosion of Cobalt and its Alloys SHREIR'S CORROSION...  2010
    1  Polimer Matrisli Kompozit Malzemelerin Ãœzerinde SoÄŸuk Püskürtme Kaplamaların Ãœretimi ...  1/2020 - /
    2  SANAL LABORATUVAR UYGULAMALARI...  11/2020 - 11/2021
    3  Galvanizli Temper Dökme Fitting Malzeme Analizi...  4/2017 - 4/2017
    4  ISO 13779-3 Kodlu Standarda Uygun XRD Çekimi,Pattern Analizi ve Referans EÄŸrilerinin olÅŸturulması Projesi...  3/2016 - 6/2016
    5  Dyo fabrikası yerlatı tankları korozyon tepiti...  2/2016 - 3/2016
    6  Dijital Ãœretim Laboratuvarı (FAB-LAB) Kurulması...  1/2014 - 1/2016
    7  Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Merkezi AraÅŸtırma Laboratuvarı...  1/2014 - /
    8  Zirkonyum Alaşımlarının Sert Seramik Kaplanama ile Yüzey modifikasyonu ve Elektrokimyasal Davranışılarının Ä°ncelenmesi...  4/2014 - 4/2016
    9  Reliability and Durability of Machines and Mechanisms used for Oil and Gas Transportation in Black Sea Region...  12/2011 - 2/2015
    10  Aşınmaya Karşı Alaşım GeliÅŸtirilmesi...  3/2011 - 9/2013
    11  Metalik Ä°mplant Malzeme Yüzeylerinin Elektropolimerizasyon Yöntemi ile Sentetik Hidrojel Polimerlerle Kaplanarak Biyo-uyumluluÄŸunun Arttırılması...  3/2010 - 9/2012
    12  Alkali Metallerin Mikro-Ark :Oksitlenme (MAO) yöntemi ile Yüzey Modifikasyonu...  2/2008 - 2/2010
    13  Magnezyum Alaşımlarının Mikro Ark Oksitlenme (MAO) Yöntemi ile Aşınma ve Korozyona Karşı Dayanımlarının Arttırılması...  2/2008 - 2/2010
    14  Implant Malzeme Yüzeylerinde Elektrolitik Olarak Çöktürülen Ä°ÅŸlevsel DerecelendirilmiÅŸ Biyoaktif Hidroksiapatit Tabakalarının Hazırlanması, Elektrokimyasal ve Mekanik Karakterizasyonu...  11/2006 - 5/2009
    1  Bilimsel yayınları teÅŸvik programı...  2011
    2  Bilimsel yayınları teÅŸvik programı...  2010
    3  Bilimsel yayınları teÅŸvik programı...  2010
    4  Bilimsel yayınları teÅŸvik programı...  2010
    1  Deloro Stellite Doktora Bursu  2001
  • NO Responsibility
    1 Elektronik Malzemeler Ãœretimi Ve Uygulama Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, July 2023-Continues
    2 Dokuz Eylül University , Vice Rector, July 2022- January 2023
    3 Dokuz Eylül University , Vice Rector, July 2022- July 2022
    4 Faculty of Law , Deputy Dean, May 2022- September 2022
    5 Faculty of Law , Head of The Faculty Council, May 2022- September 2022
    6 Faculty of Law , Head of The Faculty Council, May 2022- September 2022
    7 Presidency of Dokuz Eylul University İş Sağlığı Ve Güvenliği Koordinatörlüğü , İş Sağlığı Ve Güvenliği Koordinatörü, May 2022- January 2023
    8 Çok Boyutlu Enfeksiyonlar Ve Lyme Hastaliği Araştirma Ve Uygulama Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, April 2022- April 2024
    9 DEÜ Rectorate İdari Performans Değerlendirme Komisyonu Chairman/President, January 2022- September 2022
    10 DEÜ Rectorate Kantin-Kafeteryalar ve Beslenme Birimi Denetim Kurulu Chairman/President, January 2022- March 2023
    11 Faculty of Engineering , Deputy Dean, August 2021- November 2021
    12 Faculty of Engineering Havacilik Ve Uzay Mühendisliği Bölümü , Deputy Director of Department, August 2021- November 2021
    13 Faculty of Engineering Havacilik Ve Uzay Mühendisliği Bölümü Havacilik Ve Uzay Mühendisliği Anabilim Dali , Deputy Director of Science Branch, August 2021- November 2021
    14 Faculty of Engineering , Head of The Faculty Council, August 2021- November 2021
    15 Faculty of Engineering , Head of The Faculty Council, August 2021- November 2021
    16 Faculty of Engineering , Member of The Faculty Council, August 2021- November 2021
    17 Bergama Vocational School , Deputy College Director, August 2021- September 2021
    18 Bergama Vocational School , Head of College Board, August 2021- September 2021
    19 Bergama Vocational School , Head of College Council, August 2021- September 2021
    20 Necat Hepkon Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi , Deputy Dean, August 2021- August 2021
    21 Coaching Education , Deputy Director of Department, August 2021- August 2021
    22 Physical Education and Sports Teacher Education , Deputy Director of Department, August 2021- August 2021
    23 Coaching Education Antrenörlük Eğitimi Anabilim Dali , Deputy Director of Science Branch, August 2021- August 2021
    24 Physical Education and Sports Teacher Education Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Öğretmenliği Anabilim Dali , Deputy Director of Science Branch, August 2021- August 2021
    25 Necat Hepkon Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi , Head of The Faculty Council, August 2021- August 2021
    26 Necat Hepkon Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi , Head of The Faculty Council, August 2021- August 2021
    27 Necat Hepkon Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi , Member of The Faculty Council, August 2021- August 2021
    28 Necat Hepkon Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi , Member of The Faculty Council, July 2021- March 2022
    29 Lyme HastaliÄŸi AraÅŸtirmalari Uygulama Ve AraÅŸtirmalari Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, April 2021- April 2022
    30 Ãœniversite-Sanayi Uygulama Ve AraÅŸtirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, March 2021- March 2024
    31 DEÜ Rectorate Bologna Eşgüdüm Komisyonu (Öğrenci İşleri D.B.) Chairman/President, December 2020- September 2022
    32 DEÜ Rectorate Üniversite Eğitim Komisyonu (Öğrenci İşleri D.B.) Chairman/President, December 2020- October 2022
    33 DEÜ Rectorate Yurtdışından Öğrenci Kabulü Komisyonu Chairman/President, December 2020- December 2022
    34 Efes Vocational School , Deputy College Director, November 2020- November 2020
    35 Efes Vocational School , Head of College Board, November 2020- November 2020
    36 Efes Vocational School , Head of College Council, November 2020- November 2020
    37 DEÜ Rectorate Erasmus+ Seçim Komisyonu (Dış İlişkiler Koord.) Chairman/President, September 2020- February 2023
    38 D.E.Ü. İstatistik,Risk Ve Aktüerya Araştirma Uygulama Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, September 2020- September 2023
    39 Buca Faculty of Education , Deputy Dean, August 2020- September 2020
    40 Buca Faculty of Education , Head of The Faculty Council, August 2020- September 2020
    41 Buca Faculty of Education , Head of The Faculty Council, August 2020- September 2020
    42 DEÜ Rectorate İhtiyaç Değerlendirme Komisyonu (İMİD) Chairman/President, August 2020- March 2021
    43 Ãœniversite-Sanayi Uygulama Ve AraÅŸtirma Merkezi , Deputy Center Director, August 2020- September 2020
    44 Ãœniversite-Sanayi Uygulama Ve AraÅŸtirma Merkezi , Head of The Central Board, August 2020- September 2020
    45 Ãœniversite-Sanayi Uygulama Ve AraÅŸtirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, August 2020- September 2020
    46 D.E.Ü. Geleneksel Ve Tamamlayici Tip (Getat) Uygulama Ve Araştirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, August 2020- June 2022
    47 DEÜ Rectorate Uluslarararasılaşma Komisyonu Chairman/President, August 2020- November 2022
    48 Elektronik Malzemeler Ãœretimi Ve Uygulama Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, July 2020- July 2023
    49 Faculty of Reha Midilli Foça Tourism , Deputy Dean, June 2020- July 2020
    50 Faculty of Reha Midilli Foça Tourism , Head of The Faculty Council, June 2020- July 2020
    51 Faculty of Reha Midilli Foça Tourism , Head of The Faculty Council, June 2020- July 2020
    52 Ä°zmir Multidisciplinary Vocational School , Deputy College Director, May 2020- May 2020
    53 Ä°zmir Multidisciplinary Vocational School , Head of College Board, May 2020- May 2020
    54 Ä°zmir Multidisciplinary Vocational School , Head of College Council, May 2020- May 2020
    55 DEÜ Rectorate Kalite Komisyonu Member, December 2019- September 2021
    56 DEÜ Rectorate Mevzuat Değerlendirme Komisyonu Chairman/President, October 2019- January 2023
    57 DEÜ Rectorate Erasmus+ Seçim Komisyonu (Dış İlişkiler Koord.) Member, October 2019- January 2020
    58 Çeviri Uygulama Ve Araştirma Merkezi , Deputy Center Director, October 2019- January 2021
    59 Çeviri Uygulama Ve Araştirma Merkezi , Head of The Central Board, October 2019- January 2021
    60 Çeviri Uygulama Ve Araştirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, October 2019- January 2021
    61 Elektronik Malzemeler Ãœretimi Ve Uygulama Merkezi , Deputy Center Director, October 2019- May 2020
    62 Elektronik Malzemeler Ãœretimi Ve Uygulama Merkezi , Head of The Central Board, October 2019- May 2020
    63 Elektronik Malzemeler Ãœretimi Ve Uygulama Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, October 2019- May 2020
    64 DEÜ Rectorate Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Komisyonu Chairman/President, September 2019- January 2023
    65 Presidency of Dokuz Eylul University Detto-Depark Merkez Yerleşke Teknoparkı-Tgb-1 Koordinatörlüğü , Detto Koordinatör Vekili, August 2019- September 2019
    66 DEÜ Rectorate Öğrenci Toplulukları Komisyonu (SKS DB) Chairman/President, July 2019- June 2020
    67 DEÜ Rectorate Sosyal ve Eğitim Amaçlı İşletmeler Yönetim Kurulu Chairman/President, July 2019- December 2022
    68 DEÜ Rectorate Üniversite Yayın Komisyonu (Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı) Chairman/President, July 2019- January 2023
    69 Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology , Deputy Director of The Institute, May 2019- June 2019
    70 Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology , Head of The Institute Council, May 2019- June 2019
    71 Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology , Head of The Institute Council, May 2019- June 2019
    72 DEÜ Rectorate Fikri Mülkiyet Hakları Komisyonu Chairman/President, April 2019- December 2022
    73 DEÜ Rectorate DEÜ Döner Sermaye İşletmesi Birimi Yürütme Kurulu Chairman/President, April 2019- September 2022
    74 DEÜ Rectorate Üniversitelerarası Kurul Member, April 2019- December 2022
    75 DEÜ Rectorate Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Komisyonu Chairman/President, April 2019- November 2020
    76 DEÜ Rectorate Strateji Geliştirme Kurulu Vice president, April 2019- December 2021
    77 Faculty of Letters , Deputy Dean, March 2019- June 2019
    78 Faculty of Letters , Head of The Faculty Council, March 2019- June 2019
    79 Faculty of Letters , Head of The Faculty Council, March 2019- June 2019
    80 DEÜ Rectorate Üniversite Eğitim Komisyonu (Öğrenci İşleri D.B.) Chairman/President, March 2019- August 2020
    81 DEÜ Rectorate DEÜ Vakıf Genel Kurulu (DEVAK) Member, February 2019- January 2023
    82 DEÜ Rectorate 2019-2020 Erasmus+ Öğrenim ve Staj Hareketlilikleri Değerlendirme Komisyonu (Dış İlişkiler Koord) Member, February 2019-Continues
    83 DEÜ Rectorate Bologna Eşgüdüm Komisyonu (Öğrenci İşleri D.B.) Chairman/President, February 2019- August 2020
    84 DEÜ Rectorate DEÜ Danışma Kurulu Vice president, February 2019- February 2022
    85 Dokuz Eylül University , Vice Rector, February 2019- July 2022
    86 DEÜ Rectorate Üniversite Yayın Komisyonu (Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı) Chairman/President, February 2019- January 2023
    87 Faculty of Engineering Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering , Director of Department, July 2018- October 2019
    88 Faculty of Engineering , Member of The Faculty Council, July 2018- October 2019
    89 Elektronik Malzemeler Ãœretimi Ve Uygulama Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, November 2016- November 2019
    90 Ãœniversite-Sanayi Uygulama Ve AraÅŸtirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, July 2015- July 2018
    91 Ãœniversite-Sanayi Uygulama Ve AraÅŸtirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, October 2012- July 2015
    92 Faculty of Engineering , Member of The Faculty Council, March 2008- March 2011
    93 Yüzey Teknolojileri Ve Hasar Analizi Araştirma Ve Uygulama Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, June 2006- June 2009