Academic Staff - Personal Page


  • Education/Academic Info
    Undergraduate Degree  Dokuz Eylül University Tıp Fakültesi  1995
    Specialization in Medicine  Dokuz Eylül University Tıp Fakültesi Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi  2001
    Associate Professor  Cleveland Clinic Tıp Fakültesi Nöroşirurji  2006
    Full Professor  Dokuz Eylül University Tıp Fakültesi  2012
    1  Comparison of dural closure alternatives: an experimental study...  2019
    2  Dominant occipital sinus complicating surgery of a fourth ventricular mass...  2016
    3  Evaluation of non-watertight dural reconstruction with collagen matrix onlay graft in posterior foss...  2016
    4  Microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia...  2014
    5  The influence of age on the histological grading of meningiomas...  2014
    6  Minimally invasive endoscopic endonasal management of skull base cholesterol granulomas...  2012
    7  Endoscope assisted microsurgical removal of an epidermoid tumor within the cavernous sinus...  2012
    8  Benefits and limitations of diameter measurement in the conservative management of meningiomas...  2011
    9  Spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea as the initial presentation of growth hormone secreting p...  2011
    10  Tuberkulum sella ve planum sfenoidale meningiomları...  2011
    11  The natural history of intracranial meningiomas...  2011
    12  Sphenoorbital meningioma: surgical technique and outcome...  2011
    13  Non-watertight dural reconstruction in meningioma surgery: results in 439 consecutive patients...  2011
    14  Endoscopic management of sphenoclival neoplasms: endoscopic correlates and patient outcomes...  2010
    15  Outcome of minimally invasive resection of anterior skull base neoplasms...  2010
    16  High incidence of optic canal involvement in tuberculum sellae meningiomas...  2009
    17  Ventral petrous meningiomas: unique tumors...  2009
    18  Intraosseous cavernous angioma of the petrous bone...  2009
    19  High incidence of optic canal involvement in clinoidal meningiomas: rationale for aggressive skull b...  2008
    20  New prospects for analysis and management of inoperable and recurrent skull base meningiomas...  2008
    21  The WHO grade II and grade III meningiomas are rare in the skull base and spinal locations...  2007
    22  Significance of the tentorial alignment in approaching the trigeminal nerve and ventral petrous regi...  2007
    23  Recovery of low frequency sensorineural hearing loss following resection of a greater superficial pe...  2007
    24  Gliosarcoma with infratemporal fossa extenion...  2006
    25  Vascular complications of vestibular schwannoma surgery: comparison of suboccipital retrosigmoid and...  2006
    26  Meningothelioma as the predominant histological subtype of midline skull base and spinal meningiomas...  2006
    27  Surgical technique for removal of clinoidal meningiomas...  2006
    28  Major depression with psychosis following resection of a giant middle fossa hemangiopericytoma...  2006
    29  Neuromuscular hamartoma of the trigeminal nerve in an adult...  2006
    30  Benign fibrous histiocytoma of the pterygopalatine fossa with intracranial extension...  2006
    31  Management of intra-operative cerebrospinal fluid leak in transnasal transsphenoidal pituitary micro...  2006
    32  Willbrand's knee: does it exist?...  2006
    33  Cerebellopontine angle lipoma presenting with hemifacial spasm...  2005
    34  Management of Rathke's cleft cysts...  2005
    35  Endoscope assisted image guided approach to the pituitary gland: a preliminary cadaveric study...  2005
    36  Enhanced exposure of carotico-oculomotor triangle following extradural anterior clinoidectomy...  2005
    37  Depressed skull fracture and epidural hematoma: an unusual pin-holder headrest complication in an ad...  2005
    38  Hearing preservation in vestibular schwannoma microsurgery: degree of meatal filling...  2005
    39  Ophthalmic artery originating from basilar artery: a rare variant...  2004
    40  Distortion of the normal pituitary structures in intra and suprasellar pathologies on MRI...  2004
    41  Critical appraisal of the international subarachnoid aneurysm trial...  2004
    42  Intrasellar aneurysm and a growth hormone secreting pituitary macro-adenoma...  2004
    43  Effects of pressure-controlled and volume-controlled inverse ratio ventilation on haemodynamic param...  2003
    44  Progression of terminal syrinx in occult spina bifida after untethering...  2003
    45  Comparison of partial excision with simple section of the transverse carpal ligament in the treatmen...  2002
    46  Brown-Sequard Syndrome (case report-unusual presentation)...  2001
    47  Comparison of simple decompression with superficial transposition in patients with advanced cubital ...  2001
    48  Anjiomatöz meningiom ve immündokukimyasal özellikleri...  2000
    49  The histopathological features of cerebellar hemangioblastoma: two case reports...  2000
    50  Servikal spinal kemik basılarda operasyon genişliğinin planlanmasında MRG'nin güvenilirliği...  2000
    51  Servikal diskektomi sonrası histopatolojik incelemenin önemi...  2000
    52  Neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome due to the compressions at the interscalene triangle...  1999
    53  Foreign body cystic granuloma simulating recurrence of anaplastic astrocytoma. Case report...  1998
    54  Kordomaların histopatolojik, doku kimyasal ve immun doku kimyasal özellikleri ve bir olgu sunumu...  1998
    55  Pontoserebellar köşe tümörleri (22 olgu)...  1997
    56  Multiple aneurysms on the supraclinoid segment of the internal carotid artery...  1997
    57  İnternal karotid arter anevrizmaları,...  1996
    1  A rare case of craniofacial injury with a combat knife... 20/08/2017 - 25/08/2017
    2  Post-traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the internal carotid artery within the sphenoid sinus... 20/08/2017 - 25/08/2017
    3  Nöroşirürjide malpraktis... 07/10/2016 - 09/10/2016
    4  Occipital sinus as the main drainage in a case with a 4th ventricular mass... 14/06/2016 - 17/06/2016
    5  Juguler foramen meningiomları... 11/12/2015 - 12/12/2015
    6  Desmoplastik İnfantil Gangliom... 14/10/2015 - 17/10/2015
    7  Endoscopic and keyhole cranial surgery: keyhole craniotomy and endoscopic assisted microsurgery... 26/09/2015 - 30/09/2015
    8  Glioblastomda cerrahi yaklaşım... 19/06/2015 - 19/06/2015
    9  Şiddeti ortaya çıkaran organa yönelik şiddet... 09/05/2015 - 10/05/2015
    10  Grading and decision-making in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage... 14/04/2015 - 17/04/2015
    11  Rare skull base tumors... 08/05/2014 - 09/05/2014
    12  Düşük dereceli gliomlar: Radyoterapi mi? Bekle gör politikası mı?... 23/04/2014 - 27/04/2014
    13  İlerleyici Nörolojik Defisitle Seyreden Spontan Spinal Epidural Hematom Olgusu... 04/04/2014 - 08/04/2014
    14  Lower extremity entrapment neuropathies... 14/03/2014 - 18/03/2014
    15  Dermal sinus tract and dermoid/epidermoid tumors... 14/03/2014 - 18/03/2014
    16  Spine anatomy... 14/03/2014 - 18/03/2014
    17  Traumatic dissection of the internal carotid artery at the skull base... 14/02/2014 - 16/02/2014
    18  Use of intrathecal colistin in the treatment of postoperative ventriculitis in pediatric tumor patie... 11/11/2013 - 14/11/2013
    19  Age and comorbidity affect outcome following modern-era meningioma surgery... 08/09/2013 - 13/09/2013
    20  Prolaktinomalar... 12/04/2013 - 16/04/2013
    21  The role of adjuvant therapies in high grade gliomas... 15/03/2013 - 19/03/2013
    22  Lateral and Third Ventricle Anatomy and Radiology... 15/03/2013 - 19/03/2013
    23  Basic principles in article writing... 15/03/2013 - 19/03/2013
    24  A case of nontraumatic bilateral chronic subdural hematoma: Stereological analysis... 06/11/2012 - 08/11/2012
    25  Neurosurgical overview of traditional craniofacial and endoscopic resections for sinonasal malignanc... 02/09/2012 - 05/09/2012
    26  Operative outcome and risk factors in meningioma surgery... 16/05/2012 - 19/05/2012
    27  Analysis of operative mortality following 800 consecutive patients... 16/05/2012 - 19/05/2012
    28  Nadir görülen hipofiz metastazı vakası... 11/04/2012 - 15/04/2012
    29  Head traumas: description, pathophysiology... 14/03/2012 - 17/03/2012
    30  Chronic subdural hematomas... 14/03/2012 - 17/03/2012
    31  Fluid and electrolyte balance, hyperosmolar treatment, antiepileptics and steroids in the ICU... 14/03/2012 - 17/03/2013
    32  Surgical results of 32 foramen magnum meningiomas with a special reference to vascular complications... 17/02/2012 - 19/02/2012
    33  Measurement of maximum diameter is a simple and safe method in follow-up meningioma... 09/04/2011 - 13/04/2011
    34  Spheno-orbital meningioma: surgical technique and outcome... 16/02/2011 - 20/02/2011
    35  Phase II trial of sunitinib as maintenance therapy after stereotactic radiosurgery in patients with ... 18/11/2010 - 21/11/2010
    36  Spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea as the initial symptom of a grwoth hormone secreting pitu... 19/06/2010 - 22/06/2010
    37  Minimally invasive endoscopic endonasal management of skull base cholesterol granulomas... 28/04/2010 - 30/04/2010
    38  Late operative outcome of meningioma surgery... 16/10/2009 - 18/10/2009
    39  Dural reconstruction in meningioma surgery... 16/10/2009 - 18/10/2009
    40  The natural history of intracranial meningiomas... 30/08/2009 - 04/09/2009
    41  The influence of age at the diagnosis on the histological grading of meningiomas... 02/05/2009 - 06/05/2009
    42  Minimally invasive endoscopic resection of anterior skull base tumors: surgical correlates and patie... 11/09/2008 - 14/09/2008
    43  Operative complications of incidental meningiomas... 11/09/2008 - 14/09/2008
    44  Operative outcome of intracranial meningiomas: impact of the learning curve... 11/09/2008 - 14/09/2008
    45  Operative outcome following meningioma surgery: a single surgeon's experience with 600 cases... 26/04/2008 - 01/05/2008
    46  High incidence of optic canal involvement by tuberculum sella and clinoidal meningiomas... 14/04/2007 - 19/04/2007
    47  Meningiomas of the central neuraxis: unique tumors?... 27/10/2006 - 29/10/2006
    48  Topographic classification of anterior fossa meningiomas... 10/06/2006 - 13/06/2006
    49  The novel CLASS algorithmic scale for patient selection in meningioma surgery... 22/04/2006 - 27/04/2006
    50  Utility of the CLASS algorithmic scale for patient selection in meningioma surgery... 22/04/2006 - 27/04/2006
    51  Significance of tentorial alignment in approaching the trigeminal nerve through the suboccipital ret... 16/02/2006 - 19/02/2006
    52  Surgical technique for removal of clinoidal meningiomas... 16/02/2006 - 19/02/2006
    53  Management of Rathke's cleft cysts... 19/06/2005 - 24/06/2005
    54  Visual outcome of the surgical management of clinoidal meningiomas... 07/04/2005 - 10/04/2005
    55  Diagnosis and management of brainstem gliomas in adults... 28/05/2004 - 30/05/2004
    56  Perspectives in hearing preservation in vestibular schwannomas... 12/12/2003 - 12/12/2003
    57  Posterior pituitary bright spot and location of residual adenohypophysis in intra and suprasellar le... 17/06/2003 - 21/06/2003
    58  Simple decompression versus superficial transposition in advanced ulnar neuropathy... 16/09/2001 - 20/09/2001
    59  Partial excision versus simple section of the transverse carpal ligament... 16/09/2001 - 20/09/2001
    60  Boyunda kesici alet yaralanmasında spinal kord penetrasyonu olmaksızın gelişen geç Brown-Sequar... 22/05/2001 - 26/05/2001
    61  Servikal diskektomi sonrası histopatolojik incelemenin önemi... 22/05/2001 - 26/05/2001
    62  Kırık cam parçasına bağlı transkranyal delici yaralanma: Olgu sunumu... 22/05/2001 - 26/05/2001
    63  Benign servikal spinal basılarda MR'ın güvenilirliği... 15/05/1998 - 19/05/1998
    64  Lomber disk cerrahisinde erken postoperatif ağrının önlenmesinde kaudal-epidural morfin sulfat e... 15/05/1998 - 19/05/1998
    65  İnterskalen üçgendeki kompresyonlara bağlı nörojenik torasik outlet sendromu... 15/05/1998 - 19/05/1998
    66  Birincil ve ikincil ventrikül içi kanamaların özellikleri... 15/05/1998 - 19/05/1998
    67  Anaplastik astrositom nüksünü taklit eden yabancı cisime bağlı granuloma: Olgu sunumu... 15/05/1998 - 19/05/1998
    68  Split notokord sendromu ve dorsal enterik fistül: olgu sunumu... 16/05/1997 - 20/05/1997
    69  Bir internal karotid arter segmentine yerleşmiş multipl anevrizmalar: Olgu sunumu... 16/05/1997 - 20/05/1997
    1  Neurosurgical overview of minimally invasive resection of skull base malignancy Minimally Invasive Skull Base Surgery...  2013
    2  Skull base anatomy, pathology and approaches: an overview Principles and Practice of Neuro-oncology: A Multidisciplinary Approach...  2011
    3  Vestibular schwannoma in nneurofibromatosis type 2 Neurosurgery Case Reviews...  2010
    4  Tic doloureux Neurosurgery Case Reviews...  2010
    5  Fibrous dysplasia Neurosurgery Case Reviews...  2010
    6  Clinoidal meningioma Neurosurgery Case Reviews...  2010
    7  Hemangiopericytoma Neurosurgery Case Reviews...  2010
    8  Epidemiology Meningiomas: Diagnosis, Outcome and Treatment...  2008
    9  Management options and surgical principles: an overview Meningiomas: Diagnosis, Outcome and Treatment...  2008
    10  Cavernous sinus meningiomas Meningiomas: Diagnosis, Outcome and Treatment...  2008
    11  Brachytherapy for meningiomas Meningiomas: Diagnosis, Outcome and Treatment...  2008
    12  The novel CLASS algorithmic scale for surgical decision making in meningioma surgery: its validity and utıility Meningiomas: Diagnosis, Outcome and Treatment...  2008
    1  Nöroşirurjide Üç Boyutlu Yazıcı Kullanımıyla Kranioplasti Uygulamaları...  9/2018 - 7/2020
    1  Synthes Skull Base Award...  2007
    2  Integra Foundation Award...  2006
  • NO Responsibility
    1 Faculty of Medicine Surgery Medicine Department of Neurosurgery , Director of Science Branch, October 2023-Continues