Academic Staff - Personal Page


  • Education/Academic Info
    Undergraduate Degree  Dokuz Eylül University İşletme Fakültesi İngilizce İşletme Bölümü  1993
    Master's Degree  BOSTON UNIVERSITY Boston University İşletme (Business Administration)  1995
    PhD (Doctorate)  Dokuz Eylül University Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Anabilim Dalı  1997
    Assistant Professor  Dokuz Eylül University İşletme Fakültesi  1997
    Associate Professor  Dokuz Eylül University İşletme Fakültesi Muhasebe ve Finans  2000
    Full Professor  Dokuz Eylül University İşletme Fakültesi  2006
    1  The Interconnectedness across Risk Appetite of Distinct Investor Types in Borsa Istanbul...  2023
    2  Firm-specific Factors Affecting the Decision to Obtain a Corporate Governance Rating: Evidence from ...  2022
    3  The impact of catering incentives on the dividend policy: evidence from Turkish firms...  2020
    4  The Causal Linkages Between Investor Sentiment and Excess Returns on Borsa Istanbul...  2020
    5  An Investigation of the Factors Affecting Inflation Perceptions: A Case Study on Business and Econom...  2020
    6  Speed of Adjustment Toward Capital Structure In Cross Border and Cross Industry Mergers and Acquisit...  2019
    7  Does Sentiment Affect Capital Structure Decisions?...  2018
    8  Investor Sentiment in the Crisis Periods: Evidence From Borsa Istanbul...  2017
    9  Bologna Süreci Kapsamında Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Bilgi Paketi Tasarım Sürecine Makro Bakış...  2016
    10  CEO turnover and corporate performance relationship in pre- and post- IFRS period: evidence from Tur...  2012
    11  Denetim Kalitesi...  2007
    12  Internet'in Muhasebeciye Sunduğu Olanaklar...  2007
    13  XI. Türkiye Muhasebe Standartları Sempozyumu'nun Ardından...  2007
    14  Denetim Kalitesi, Kalite ve Hizmet Kalitesine İlişkin Modeller: Kavramsal Çerçeve...  2007
    15  Başarısız Projelere Artan Bağlılık...  2006
    16  Türk Ticaret Bankacılığı'nda Yoğunluk Düzeyi ve Karlılık İlişkisi: Yatay Kesit Verilerin...  2004
    17  Türk Ticaret Bankalarının Likidite Tercihi ve Tam Kapsamlı Mevduat Sigortası Uygulaması Üzeri...  2003
    18  Finansal Hizmet Sunumunda Alternatif Bir Dağıtım Kanalı olarak İnternet ve Türk Ticaret Bankal...  2003
    19  Finansal Bilgi Sunumunda Bir Araç Olarak Internet Kullanımı: İMKB'de İşlem Gören Şirketleri...  2003
    20  The Relationship Between Stock Returns and Fundamental Variables: Evidence from Istanbul Stock Excha...  2003
    21  An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Full Deposit Insurance and Instable Conditions on Commercial ...  2003
    22  The Relationship of IPO Returns and Factors Influencing IPO Performance: Case of Istanbul Stock Exc...  2002
    23  İnternet Ekonomisi, Elektronik İşletmeler ve Finansal Yönetim...  2001
    24  Muhasebeci Kimliği ve Muhasebe Eğitimi...  2000
    25  Bireysel Yatırımcı Davranışına Alternatif Bir Yaklaşım: Bekleyiş Kuramı...  1999
    26   Günümüz Koşullarında Devletin Ekonomideki Rolü ve Ulusal Bağımsızlık...  1999
    27  İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsasında Makroekonomik Değişkenlerin Hisse Senedi Fiyatlarına Etki...  1999
    28  Risk, Yatırımcı ve Yatırım Danışmanının Beklentileri: İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası...  1998
    29  Makroekonomik Değişkenlerin Türk Firmalarının Finansal Yapısına Etkileri: Zaman Serisi Anali...  1998
    30  Hisse Senetleri İMKB'de İşlem Gören Firmaların Sermaye Yapısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma, 1990-...  1997
    31  B Tipi Katılım Belgelerinden Elde Edilen Gelirlerin Vergilendirilmesinde Karşılaşılan Önemli ...  1997
    1  How Does Debt Heterogeneity Affect Firm Performance?... 19/10/2023 - 21/10/2023
    2  Identifying Challenges and Alternative Solutions in e-learning and e-teaching via Online Gemba Visit... 09/12/2021 - 10/12/2021
    3  Bilimsel Araştırmalarda Bütünsel Yaklaşım... 05/10/2019 - 08/10/2019
    4  Does Sentiment Affect Capital Structure Decision?... 01/11/2018 - 01/11/2018
    5  The Effect of Investor Sentiment on Borsa Istanbul in the Presence of Structural Breaks... 10/10/2018 - 13/10/2018
    6  Investor Sentiment in the Crisis Periods: Evidence from Borsa Istanbul... 02/11/2017 - 03/11/2017
    7  Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Bilgi Paketi Tasarım Sürecine Makro Bakış... 17/09/2015 - 18/09/2015
    8  Farklı Mesleklerde Temel Etik İlkelere Genel Bakış... 05/05/2014 - 05/05/2014
    9  The SME Financing Gap in Slovenia and Turkey... 26/05/2010 - 28/05/2010
    10  Effectiveness of the Turkish Corporate Governance System: CEO Changes and Performance Measures... 15/11/2007 - 17/11/2007
    11  Suggestions on the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Internal Control Systems... 25/04/2007 - 29/04/2007
    12  Kalite Nedir? Hizmet Kalitesi Nedir? Kalite Güvencesi Kavramı... 30/03/2007 - 31/03/2007
    13  Measuring The Effectiveness of The Corporate Governance System in Turkey... 20/04/2005 - 24/04/2005
    14  Approaches to Measuring Quality of Earnings and Discussion of The Applicability of These Approaches ... 20/04/2005 - 24/04/2005
    15  Capital Market Development Leading to Accounting Harmonization: Culture as a Challenge... 03/11/2004 - 05/11/2004
    16  Aşırı Tepki Hipotezi: İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası'ndan Kanıtlar... 27/10/2004 - 28/10/2004
    17  Muhasebe Mesleğinin ve Muhasebecinin Türkiye'nin Kalkınmasındaki Rolü... 02/05/2001 - 06/05/2001
    18  Hisse Senedi Getirilerini Belirleyen Temel Faktörler,: İMKB?den Kanıtlar... 13/10/2000 - 16/10/2000
    19  Explaining the Equity Premium Puzzle by Myopic Risk Aversion: Evidence from a Developing Country... 28/06/2000 - 01/07/2000
    20  Internet Taxation: An Outstanding Issue... 01/06/2000 - 03/06/2000
    21  Öğrenen Örgütler ve Muhasebe Şirketleri... 18/05/2000 - 20/05/2000
    22  Yabancı Dilde Eğitimin Yeri: Muhasebe Dersleri Açısından... 13/05/1999 - 15/05/1999
    23  Globalleşme ve Bireyin Ekonomik Özgürlüğü... 14/12/1998 - 14/12/1998
    24  Günümüz Koşullarında Muhasebe Mesleği ve Meslek Ahlakı... 30/04/1997 - 03/05/1997
    1  İstatistiksel Analiz İstatistiksel Bilgi Kullanıcıları için El Kitabı...  2012
    2  Investments...  2011
    3  Investments...  2003
    4  Finansal Yönetim...  1999
    1  How Green Is Your Latte Now: Corporate Sustainability Effort of Starbucks During COVID-19 Future Advancements for CSR and the Sustainable Development Goals in a Post-COVID-19 World...  2021
    2  15 Temmuz Darbe Girişiminin Ekonomik ve Finansal Etkileri Üzerine Yapılan Çalışmalar: Sistematik Literatür Taraması 15 Temmuz Kalkışması: Milli İrade Vurguncuları 15 Temmuz Şehitleri Anısına Armağan Kitap...  2021
    3  Debt Securities Markets Financial Markets and Instiştutions...  2021
    4  The Cost of Capital Financial Management...  2020
    5  Capital Budgeting Financial Management...  2020
    6  Financial Crisis and Herd Behavior: Evidence from Borsa Istanbul Handbook of Investors' Behavior During Financial Crises...  2017
    7  The Profitability of the Contrarian Strategy and the Overreaction Effect on the Istanbul Stock Exchange Emerging Markets: Performance, Analysis and Innovation...  2010
    8  Secondary Market Encyclopedia of Alternative Investments...  2009
    9  Fundamental Analysis Encyclopedia of Alternative Investments...  2009
    10  Exercise Price Encyclopedia of Alternative Investments...  2009
    11  Call Option Encyclopedia of Alternative Investments...  2009
    12  Technical Analysis Encyclopedia of Alternative Investments...  2009
    13  IPO Underpricing and Ownership Structure: Evidence from Istanbul Stock Exchange Initial Public Offerings An International Perspective...  2006
    14  Tax Reforms and the Ethical Value System of the Society Finance...  2002
    15  Globalleşme Sürecinde İstikrar Programlarının Gerçek Amaçları: Genel Bir Yaklaşım Küreselleşme Emek Süreçleri ve Yapısal Uyum...  2002
    1  Financial Literacy for Accessible and Inclusive Vocational Education...  12/2022 - 12/2024
    2  Development of Innovative, Gamified and Interactive Method for Advanced e-Teaching and E-learning of Skills...  3/2021 - 3/2023
    3  TÜBİTAK 1000 İşletme Alanında Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi `nin Strateji Belgesi...  7/2016 - 1/2017
    4  Risk, Yatırımcı ve Yatırım Danışmanlarının Beklentileri: İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası Hisse Senetlerinden Kanıtlar...  1/1998 - 11/1998
    1  IIF Research Professor Award 2020...  2020
    2  İSMMMO 2004 Yılı En Başarılı Bilim İnsanı Ödülü...  2005
  • NO Responsibility
    1 Faculty of Business Administration , Vice Dean, May 2024-Continues
    2 DEÜ Rectorate Uluslarararasılaşma Komisyonu Member, November 2022-Continues
    3 Faculty of Business Administration , Vice Dean, May 2021- May 2024
    4 Faculty of Business Administration , Vice Dean, August 2020- May 2021
    5 DEÜ Rectorate Uluslarararasılaşma Komisyonu Member, August 2020- November 2022
    6 Faculty of Business Administration Department of Business Administration In English Language , Director of Department, July 2020- July 2023
    7 Faculty of Business Administration , Member of The Faculty Council, July 2020- July 2023
    8 Faculty of Business Administration Department of Business Administration In English Language , Deputy Director of Department, May 2020- July 2020
    9 Faculty of Business Administration , Member of The Faculty Council, May 2020- July 2020
    10 Faculty of Business Administration Department of Business Administration In English Language Accounting and Financing ( The English Language ) , Director of Science Branch, August 2018- January 2021
    11 Faculty of Business Administration , Member of The Faculty Council, November 2017- July 2020
    12 Presidency of Dokuz Eylul University 100/2000 Yükseköğretim Kurulu Doktora Bursu Koordinatörlüğü , 100/2000 Doktora Bursu Koordinatörü, April 2017- April 2017
    13 Dil Eğitimi Uygulama Ve Araştirma Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, January 2017- January 2019
    14 Graduate School of Social Sciences , Director of The Institute, October 2016- September 2017
    15 Graduate School of Social Sciences , Head of The Institute Council, October 2016- September 2017
    16 Graduate School of Social Sciences , Head of The Institute Council, October 2016- September 2017
    17 Faculty of Business Administration , Member of The Faculty Council, October 2014- October 2017
    18 Dokuz Eylül University , Member of University Senate, November 2013- November 2016
    19 Faculty of Business Administration Department of International Business Administration and Trade In English Language , Deputy Director of Department, July 2013- November 2013
    20 Faculty of Business Administration Department of International Business Administration and Trade In English Language , Deputy Director of Department, January 2013- July 2013
    21 Presidency of Dokuz Eylul University Dış İlişkiler Koordinatörlüğü , Dış İlişkiler Koordinatörü, August 2012- November 2016
    22 Faculty of Business Administration Department of International Business Administration and Trade In English Language , Deputy Director of Department, July 2012- January 2013
    23 Faculty of Business Administration , Member of The Faculty Council, July 2012- January 2013
    24 Faculty of Business Administration Department of International Business Administration and Trade In English Language , Deputy Director of Department, January 2012- July 2012
    25 Faculty of Business Administration , Member of The Faculty Council, January 2012- July 2012
    26 Faculty of Business Administration Department of Business Administration In English Language Accounting and Financing ( The English Language ) , Director of Science Branch, September 2011- September 2012
    27 Faculty of Business Administration , Member of The Faculty Council, September 2011- September 2014
    28 Faculty of Business Administration Department of Business Administration In English Language Accounting and Financing ( The English Language ) , Director of Science Branch, February 2008- August 2008
    29 Faculty of Business Administration , Member of The Faculty Council, September 2006- August 2008
    30 Faculty of Business Administration Department of Business Administration In English Language Accounting and Financing ( The English Language ) , Director of Science Branch, February 2005- February 2008
    31 Faculty of Business Administration , Member of The Faculty Council, September 2004- September 2006
    32 Faculty of Business Administration , Vice Dean, May 2003- May 2006
    33 Faculty of Business Administration , Vice Dean, April 2002- May 2003
    34 Faculty of Business Administration Department of Business Administration In English Language , Vice Director of Department, June 2000- October 2001