Academic Staff - Personal Page


  • Education/Academic Info
    Undergraduate Degree  Ege University Fen Fakültesi İstatistik Bölümü  1999
    Master's Degree  Dokuz Eylül University Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü İstatistik Bölümü  2002
    PhD (Doctorate)  Dokuz Eylül University Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü İstatistik Anabilim Dalı  2007
    Assistant Professor  Dokuz Eylül University Fen Fakültesi  2011
    Associate Professor  Dokuz Eylül University Fen Fakültesi İstatistik  2015
    Full Professor  Dokuz Eylül University Fen Fakültesi  2022
    1  Quantifying the Impact of Risk Factors on Direct Compensation Property Damage in Canadian Automobile...  2024
    2  Comparison of the Methods to Determine Optimal Number of Cluster...  2023
    3  A novel feature extraction method using chemosensory EEG for Parkinson's disease classification...  2023
    4  Estimating the population proportion in modified ranked set sampling methods...  2019
    5  Two-Layer Median Ranked Set Sampling...  2019
    6  The Estimator for Geometric Mean of Ranked Set Sample for Normal Distribution...  2018
    7  Combining the Information of Multiple Ranker in Ranked Set Sampling with Fuzzy Set Approach...  2017
    8  Estimation of Population Variance from Multi-Ranker Ranked Set Sampling Designs...  2016
    9  A new approach of combining expert judgment and data knowledge in multi-attribute decision making...  2016
    10  Mean Estimation Based on FWA Using Ranked Set Sampling with Single and Multiple Rankers...  2016
    11  Eşleştirilmiş Durum-Kontrol Çalışmalarında Örneklem Genişliğinin Belirlenmesi İçin Prati...  2016
    12  Natural radioactivity levels of great soil groups in Seferihisar Geothermal Region, Turkey...  2015
    13  Improvement of Changeover Times via Taguchi Empowered SMED / Case Study on Injection Molding Product...  2014
    14  Interaction between capability indices and skewness of nonnormal processes using quantile based esti...  2012
    15  Omitted Variable Bias and Detection with Reset Test in Regression Analysis...  2012
    16  İzmir İli Sıcaklık Verilerinin Regresyon Eğrileri ile Modellenmesi...  2011
    17  The Effects of Web-Based Diabetes Education on Diabetes Care Results...  2011
    18  Termal Suların Radyoaktivite ve Kimyasal İçeriklerinin İncelenmesi;İzmir Seferihisar Örneği...  2010
    19  Klinik Çalışmalarda Örneklem Genişliğinin Belirlenmesine Pratik Yaklaşımlar...  2010
    20  Diyabet Eğitimi Programlarına Katılım Durumu ve A1c Düzeyi...  2009
    21  Regresyon Çözümlemesinde Kayıp Veri Sorunu...  2005
    22  Çoklu Doğrusal Bağlantı Durumunda Ridge Regresyon ve Temel Bileşenler Regresyon Yöntemlerinin ...  2005
    1  Modeling Different Types of Claims in Canadian Automobile Insurance... 21/05/2024 - 23/05/2024
    2  Determining the Optimal Number Of Clusters: Adjusted Silhouette Coefficient... 19/04/2024 - 21/04/2024
    3  Denetimli İstatistiksel Öğrenme Algoritmaları ile Toprak Radon Gazının Tahmini... 24/06/2021 - 27/06/2021
    4  Examining the response of olfactory stimulus in EEG signals... 04/10/2019 - 08/10/2019
    5  Bivariate Credibility Premiums Distinguishing Between Two Claims Types in Third Party Liability Insu... 25/09/2019 - 28/09/2019
    6  Trafik Sigortasında Prim Değerlendirmesini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi... 24/06/2019 - 25/06/2019
    7  Instructions on the Power of Test for Population Proportion Based on Modified Ranked Set Sampling Me... 24/06/2019 - 25/06/2019
    8  Examining the Efficiency of Regression Estimators in Modified Ranked Set Sampling Methods... 28/03/2019 - 28/03/2019
    9  On the Efficiency of Proportion Estimators Under Modified Ranked Set Sampling Methods... 03/10/2018 - 07/10/2018
    10  Estimation of Population Proportion for Binary Variable in Modified Ranked Set Sampling Methods... 28/04/2018 - 30/04/2018
    11  Comparing the Efficiency of The Estimators for the Population Proportion Under Different Designs of ... 09/11/2017 - 11/11/2017
    12  Regression Estimators in Median Ranked Set Sampling... 07/10/2016 - 09/10/2016
    13  Combining the Information of Multiple Ranker in Ranked Set Sampling with Fuzzy Set Approach... 12/09/2016 - 14/09/2016
    14  A new approach of combining expert judgment and data knowledge in multi-attribute decision making... 24/08/2016 - 26/08/2016
    15  Mean Estimation Based on FWA Using Ranked Set Sampling with Single and Multiple Rankers... 20/06/2016 - 24/06/2016
    16  On the mean estimation in ranked set sampling with combining the information of multiple rankers usi... 25/05/2016 - 28/05/2016
    17  The Efficiency of Two Layer Ranked Set Sampling for Regression Estimators... 06/07/2015 - 10/07/2015
    18  Estimation of harmonic and geometric mean in ranked set sampling... 02/06/2014 - 06/06/2014
    19  Fuzzy-Weighted Ranked Set Sampling: A New Perspective to ranked Set Sampling Method... 07/03/2014 - 09/03/2014
    20  Estimation of Population Variance Under Multi-Ranker Model in Ranked Set Sampling Design... 07/03/2014 - 09/03/2014
    21  İzmir İli Sıcaklık Verilerinin Spline Regresyon ile Modellenmesi... 28/06/2010 - 30/06/2010
    22  Web Tabanlı Verilen Diyabet Eğitiminin Bakım Sonuçlarına Etkisi: Randomize Kontrollü Çlaışm... 30/09/2009 - 04/11/2009
    23  Future sustainable freight transport of Turkey from road to rail in relation to European Union... 15/10/2008 - 17/10/2008
    24  Special Topics in Regression Analysis with EEG Variables... 09/05/2007 - 11/05/2007
    25  An Analysis of Traffic Accidents in Turkey between 1984-2004 Probable Affects of Fasting and Seasons... 21/08/2005 - 26/08/2005
    26  Regresyon Çözümlemesinde Kayıp Veri Sorunu... 08/05/2005 - 12/05/2005
    27  Türk Otomotiv Sektöründe Talep Tahmini... 09/12/2002 - 11/12/2002
    28  Çoklu Doğrusal Bağlantı Durumunda Ridge Regresyon ve Temel Bileşenler Regresyon Yöntemlerinin ... 23/05/2002 - 24/05/2002
    1  Fuzzy-Weighted Ranked Set Sampling Method Ranked Set Sampling Models and Methods...  2021
    2  Performance Measurement of SMED Improved Plastic Injection Molding Production by Using Process Capability Analysis for Attribute Data Advances in Manufacturing II, Volume 2 - Production Engineering and Management...  2019
    1  Sıralı Küme Örneklemesinde Belirsizliğin Bulanik Kümelerle Modellenmesi ve Parametre Kestirimi...  11/2015 - 11/2017
    2  Seferihisar Bölgesi Farklı Büyük Toprak Gruplarında Radon Difüzyon Hızının İncelenmesi...  1/2010 - 1/2012
    3  Bootstrap Örnekleme Yöntemi ile Dayanıklı Kestiricilerin Çıkarsama Amaçlı Kullanımlarının Araştırılması...  12/2010 - 12/2012
    4  Regresyon Analizinde Kayıp Veri Sorunu...  7/2004 - 2/2007
    1  TÜBİTAK Uluslararası Bilimsel Yayınları Teşvik Ödülü...  2011
    2  TÜBİTAK Uluslararası Bilimsel Yayınları Teşvik Ödülü...  2010
    3  Sözel Bildiride "Birincilik"...  2009
    1  TÜBİTAK  2012
  • NO Responsibility
    1 Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences , Member of The Institute Council, November 2023-Continues
    2 Faculty of Sciences Department of Statistics , Director of Department, November 2022- December 2023
    3 Faculty of Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, November 2022- December 2023
    4 Faculty of Sciences Department of Statistics , Deputy Director of Department, November 2022- November 2022
    5 Faculty of Sciences , Member of The Faculty Council, November 2022- November 2022
    6 DEÜ Rectorate Bağımlılıkla Mücadele Komisyonu Member, October 2022-Continues
    7 D.E.Ü. İstatistik,Risk Ve Aktüerya Araştirma Uygulama Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, September 2020- September 2023
    8 Faculty of Sciences , Vice Dean, August 2017- April 2018
    9 Faculty of Sciences , Vice Dean, September 2016- August 2017
    10 Faculty of Sciences Department of Statistics , Vice Director of Department, August 2016- March 2018
    11 D.E.Ü. İstatistik,Risk Ve Aktüerya Araştirma Uygulama Merkezi , Member of The Central Board, October 2013- October 2016
    12 Faculty of Sciences Department of Statistics Statistical Information Systems , Director of Science Branch, June 2010- February 2013
    13 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Statistics İstatistiksel Bilgi Sistemleri Anabilim Dali , Director of Science Branch, February 2010- June 2010